Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 95 Client: Christian First | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: August 28, 2006 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Christian First | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Sitework | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 9 28th St Boulder Co New 55 unit multi family residential building, with parking garage below. 116,1 sf. Three stories above grade. 135 parking spaces with surface parking. Client: Christian First | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Construction of a detached parking structure. See pmt 2001-01175 for permit for senior housing to be built at this same site. This case added to accomodate the parking structure. All fees on other case. Date: February 15, 2002 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Heart Sacred | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 2, 2003 | Current use: Parking garage, | |||||
SCORE 95 2645 Tabriz Pl 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 26 Iris Av 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 2625 Tabriz Pl 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 2121 Mesa Dr Boulder Co Structural alterations to the mechanical room per the structural engineers specifications. Client: Heights Terrace | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: May 25, 2005 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of Archdiocese | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: July 19, 2005 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of Archdiocese | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 15 Euclid Av Boulder Co Construction fence surrounding property, 6 high chain link. Poles are to be driven or braced with kickers and attached or braced at the bases to resist movement and wind over-turn. Fence to be place entirely on property and at least 18" off any public sidewalk. See cpl 2004-02681. Date: March 28, 2005 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of Archdiocese | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Religious assem | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Of Archdiocese | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 21, 2005 | Current use: Religious assem | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Wimbledon Assoc., Inc. | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2005 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4257 Redwood Ct Boulder Co Remodel (2,142 s. F.) to repair fire damage per an enigneers specifications. Client: Zachary Harvanek,Samuel Harvanek | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 3268 Sentinel Dr Boulder Co Fire damage repair and replace. This is a 4 unit complex, 2 of the 4 units were involved in a fire resulting in the distruction of the 2 center units. The foundation is remaining the 1st and 2nd floor of the 2 center units are being replaced, the two units on the ends are being repaired as needed. The building is being replaced as it orginally was constructed to the size and hieght to match the orginal, no additional plumbing fixtures are being added. This is for units 3268, 3270, 3274, 3272 sentinel dr. Client: Jessica Weber,Mark Weber | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 19, 2004 | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 95 3268 Sentinel Dr Boulder Co Permit for necessary demolition and shoring for life safety, dry-in, and for investgatory removal of building components to allow for clear scope of build-back plans to be permitted separatly. Electrical, mechanical, and plumbing by separate permit. Client: Jessica Weber,Mark Weber | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Joseph Adams | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 537 Canyon Bl Boulder Co Fire restoration work, some drywall repair & replacement. Electrical repair. Client: Family Moschetti | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 14, 2003 | Current use: Office - admini | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Fourteen one bedroom one bath units intended for senior housing. Common meeting area also provided. Existing building on site to be retained and attached to proposed structure. Client: Sacred Heart Of Jesus Housing Found | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 29 19th St Boulder Co Add shower, modify water heater closet and add wall for washer and dryer to be located in the existing garage. This work is associated with the fire repair permit. Client: Anne Brees,Mary Shelle | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 9, 2003 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 11 College Av Boulder Co Strengthen existing joists and beams and replace columns in fraternity house. Client: Chapter Psi | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 28, 2003 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Frank Shelledy | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 9, 2003 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Install new stone sign for a senior housing facility "thomas h. & ruth c. Dunn memorial senior housing 4805" Date: August 29, 2002 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Heart Sacred | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 19, 2001 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 2938 Kalmia Av Boulder Co Repairs to parking garage exit header support columns per enclosed engineers report. Client: Dorothy Havnes | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 24, 2007 | Current use: Garage - attach | |||||
SCORE 95 9 28th St Boulder Co New 55 unit multi family residential building, with parking garage below. 116,1 sf. Three stories above grade. 135 parking spaces with surface parking. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 34 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Replaement of common stairs and decks of existing four-plex. Same size and location. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 8, 2009 | Current use: Deck, new | |||||
SCORE 95 34 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Replacement of exterior decks and stairways in existing four-plex. Same size and location. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 8, 2009 | Current use: Deck, new | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: June 10, 2009 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Housing Boulder | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 11, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 36 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Replacement of both front entry stairways and conversion of existing storage closet to fire riser room underneath stairs. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, flood acce | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 11, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, flood acce | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 11, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 11 35th St Boulder Co Replacement of existing fence per floodplain approval lur2009-00041. Fence to be 6foot in height and 182foot in length. Date: July 23, 2009 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 24, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 23, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 662 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 23, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 664 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 17, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3405 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Construction of a 12. 25 sf fire riser closet on the north elevation of an existing structure, includes associated electrical, no plumbing, no mechanical. (fire systems work by separate permit) Client: Boulder Housing Partners | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 26, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 34 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Creation of a 18 sf fire riser room under an existing staircase, includes associatd electrical. ( no plumbing or mechanical.) fire systems work by separate permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 26, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 23, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 24, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 627 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 23, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 635 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 18, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 29, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 602 Walden Cr Boulder Co Removal of existing privacy fencing and replace with steel and redwood fence around ground level patios at bridgewalk complex. Fences to be 3foot-6inch in height, total length of all fencing to be 2,271 linear feet. Fences to be installed on walden cr. Units addressed 608, 606, 604, 602, 625, 635, 661, 663, 665, 667, 673, 675, 677, 679, 605, 615, 627, 629, 683, 685, 687, 691, 693, 695, 697, 698, 694, 692, 690, 676, 670, 664, 662, 660, 654, 652, 650, 648, 646, 644, 642, 636, 634, 632, 630, 628, 626, 624, 622, 616, 614, 612, 610. Date: June 11, 2010 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 36 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Replacement of existing wood stairs and landings with metal treads and landings. Rebuild riser room and storage room under stairs. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 5, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Fence permit - for installation of new 6-foot tall wood privacy fence 77 feet long at southeast corner of mulit-family property. Date: May 13, 2011 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 605 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 9 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 615 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 8 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 2, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 627 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 6 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 17, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 698 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 1 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 18, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 629 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 5 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 6, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 625 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 7 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 17, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 676 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 18 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 18, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 17 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 6, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 635 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 21 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 17, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 683 Walden Dr Boulder Co Construction of approximately 756 sf in roof structures to be built over existing trash enclosures at the bridgewalk complex -- three inchtype iinch roofing canopies and one inchtype iiinch canopy. See adr2012-00064 for minor modification approval ande supplemental information. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 31 34th St Boulder Co Installation of 18 pole mounted light fixtures, 20-feet in height, in parking lots along the eastern portion of the san juan del centro apartment complex. Client: San Chc | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 837 20th St Boulder Co Installation of steel post and composite material fence in portions of side and rear yards of multi-family residence, including replacement of trash enclosure. Additional fence below the theshold of requiring a permit also proposed on property. Maximum fence height to be 60-inches, total lengh of permitted fence to be 183-feet. Date: February 7, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 2, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 17 22nd St Boulder Co Extension of western entry stair tower roof and east entry parapet on multi-family building. No other work proposed through this permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 13, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 17 22nd St Boulder Co Electrical permit only to install wiring for 7 new, thru wall air conditioners in garden level apartment units (no mechanical or building permit required for thru-wall air conditioners), and replace electrical panels in all 22 units. Date: March 11, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 13, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 17 22nd St Boulder Co Installation of wood fence with metal posts along southern property line, including wing fence, trash enclosure, and mechanical screen area on northern side of building. Fence on south side to be a maximum of 4-feet in height, 140-feet in length. Trash enclosure and mechanical screen to be 6-feet in height. Date: February 28, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Replacement of 2 exterior stairs on eastern elevation of apartment building. Scope of work as highlighted on plans. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Replace four decks 12. 5foot x 5. 5foot, units c, d, e, f; and replace 2 decks 7foot x 6foot, units i and j. Decks to be direct replacement of existing. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 2, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Stucco replacement on exisitng multi-family dwelling, and new 42inch tall, 122lf steel post, plastic composite rail fence. Date: April 11, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 20, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Sign. Installation of new freestanding address sign inch1946 walnutinch. 16 square feet, foot setback from property line. No permit is needed for concrete landscape wall beyond sign. Date: May 1, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 15, 2013 | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Installation of 6foot-0inch high cedar fence for new trash enclosure. Fence to be located outside of front yard setback. Linear feet. Date: May 6, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 20, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4912 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4953 10th St Boulder Co Construction of new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this permit, contrary to note on sheet a0. 1. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4929 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Water heater not included in the scope of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4925 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. New water heater will not be included in this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4936 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4978 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4927 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in project permit contrary to statement on plans. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4957 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundations, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not considered part of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4955 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shigles. Water heater in not considered part of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4962 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation footing, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4956 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4964 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingles. New water heater not included in this project permit submission. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 49 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in this project permit. Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4912 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas-fired water heater -- gallon capacity, btu input unspecified. Thermal expansion control device and carbon monoxide detector(s) required. Date: June 13, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 19, 2013 | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 95 4925 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas-fired water heater -- gallon capacity, btu input unspecified. Thermal expansion control device and carbon monoxide detector(s) required. Date: June 13, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 95 4957 10th St Boulder Co Inatallation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Intall thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 8, 2013 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 4927 10th St Boulder Co Inatallation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Intall thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4962 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4964 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 8, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4936 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 10, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4929 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 26, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4953 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4955 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 26, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, exis | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Repair of flood damage in existing senior living facility. Repairs to include insulation, drywall, and structural repair of shear walls per engineers letter. Electrical to include replacement of flood damaged outlets. Mechanical for reset of furnace and hot water heaters in each unit. Plumbing for reinstallation of existing fixtures. Client: Heart Sacred | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 12, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 45 8th St Boulder Co Reconfiguration of an existing leasing office and storage building to create a community room with office space for leasing and police. Scope of work includes minor revisions to the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. Scope of work includes associated meps. Trash enclosures by separate permits. Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 21, 2014 | Current use: Amusement/recre | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #1. Date: May 2, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #3. Date: May 2, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #4. Date: May 2, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 4501 8th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #2. Date: May 2, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 703 Silver Lake Av Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #5. Date: May 7, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 701 Cherry Ave Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #6 Date: May 7, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 7 Silver Lake Av Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #7. Date: May 7, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: July 3, 2014 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Community Foothills | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 Date: May 22, 2015 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Sage Silver | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 1655 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1685 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1675 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Hawthorn Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1695 Hawthorne St Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1645 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1665 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 1635 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Convert the 2 eastern townhome units (1 & 2) of building 668 into a community center. Scope of work includes 2 sq. Ft. Of addition(s) and associated meps. Nfpa conversion under separate permit with fire department. See floodplain development permit application pmt2015-03551. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Amusement/recre | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Convert the 2 eastern townhome units (1 & 2) of building 668 into a community center. Scope of work includes 2 sq. Ft. Of addition(s) and associated meps. Nfpa conversion under separate permit with fire department. See pmt2015-03548. See adr2015-00049 approval. Date: August 20, 2015 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Flood nonsubstantial | Permit status: Act | Current use: Amusement/recre | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 6 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition ( sq. Ft.), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 662 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 662 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit) and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 664 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 664 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit) and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 666 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 666 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 668 (4 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 6 (14 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 19 Walnut St Boulder Co Remodel of 95 units (14,2 sq. Ft. Total) and common spaces (5,2 sq. Ft. Total). Scope of work includes windows doors siding. Scope of work also includes associated meps to include ventilation make-up air exhaust. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 1133 Portland Pl Boulder Co Remodel of units (2,0 sq. Ft. Total), common spaces (2,415 sq. Ft. Total), attached trellises patio covers (229 sq. Ft. Total). Scope of work includes windows doors siding. Scope of work also includes associated meps to include ventilation make-up air exhaust. Any sitework, signage, walls stairs, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3265 30th St Boulder Co Building 3265 30th st. (bldg. A, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3267 30th St Boulder Co Building 3267 30th st. (bldg. B, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3269 30th St Boulder Co Building 3269 30th st. (bldg. C, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3271 30th St Boulder Co Building 3271 30th st. (bldg. D, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3273 30th St Boulder Co Building 3273 30th st. (bldg. E, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Def | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3522 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3522 nottingham (4 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3517 Nottingham Ct 1 Boulder Co Building 3517 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3512 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3512 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3507 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3507 (5 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3502 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3502 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 35 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 35 (4 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3515 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3515 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 3505 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3505 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Applicant: Palace Construction Co Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 95 2945 S Center Green Ct Boulder Co Repair of pedistrian bridge spanning between 2945 center green ct. And 2995 center green ct. Client: Properties Center | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 22, 2016 | Current use: Office - professional, repair | Permit id: Pmt2016-02754 | |||||
SCORE 95 3525 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building permit for bus shelter. Located in common area between building 3512 and 3515. Shelter to be 5footx15foot. See lur2015-00023 and tec2015-00041. Client: Communitie Boulder | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 12, 2016 | Current use: Shed, new | Permit id: Pmt2016-03865 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Of City | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, sitework | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2009-01964 | |||||
SCORE 95 11 35th St Boulder Co Replacement of existing fence per floodplain approval lur2009-00041. Fence to be 6foot in height and 182foot in length. Client: Of City | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 24, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2009-02848 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 23, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2009-04253 | |||||
SCORE 95 662 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 23, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2009-04254 | |||||
SCORE 95 664 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Replacement of existing three (3) story stair tower for apartment building. Includes associated electrical work. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 17, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2009-04255 | |||||
SCORE 95 3405 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Construction of a 12. 25 sf fire riser closet on the north elevation of an existing structure, includes associated electrical, no plumbing, no mechanical. (fire systems work by separate permit) Client: Boulder Housing Partners | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 26, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition | Permit id: Pmt2009-05224 | |||||
SCORE 95 34 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Creation of a 18 sf fire riser room under an existing staircase, includes associatd electrical. ( no plumbing or mechanical.) fire systems work by separate permit. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 26, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition | Permit id: Pmt2009-05226 | |||||
SCORE 95 34 Hayden Pl Boulder Co Creation of a sf fire riser room through modifiction to an existing storage area under an existing staircase, om the exterior of the structure, includes associatd electrical. ( no plumbing or mechanical.) fire systems work by separate permit. Client: City Of Boulder Hsg Authority | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 21, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition | Permit id: Pmt2009-05227 | |||||
SCORE 95 837 20th St Boulder Co Installation of steel post and composite material fence in portions of side and rear yards of multi-family residence, including replacement of trash enclosure. Additional fence below the theshold of requiring a permit also proposed on property. Maximum fence height to be 60-inches, total lengh of permitted fence to be 183-feet. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 2, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-00530 | |||||
SCORE 95 17 22nd St Boulder Co Electrical permit only to install wiring for 7 new, thru wall air conditioners in garden level apartment units (no mechanical or building permit required for thru-wall air conditioners), and replace electrical panels in all 22 units. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 13, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-00534 | |||||
SCORE 95 17 22nd St Boulder Co Installation of wood fence with metal posts along southern property line, including wing fence, trash enclosure, and mechanical screen area on northern side of building. Fence on south side to be a maximum of 4-feet in height, 140-feet in length. Trash enclosure and mechanical screen to be 6-feet in height. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-00867 | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Stucco replacement on exisitng multi-family dwelling, and new 42inch tall, 122lf steel post, plastic composite rail fence. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Fence, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 20, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-01540 | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Sign. Installation of new freestanding address sign inch1946 walnutinch. 16 square feet, foot setback from property line. No permit is needed for concrete landscape wall beyond sign. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 15, 2013 | Permit id: Pmt2013-01654 | |||||
SCORE 95 1946 Walnut St Boulder Co Installation of 6foot-0inch high cedar fence for new trash enclosure. Fence to be located outside of front yard setback. Linear feet. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 20, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-01933 | |||||
SCORE 95 4912 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas-fired water heater -- gallon capacity, btu input unspecified. Thermal expansion control device and carbon monoxide detector(s) required. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 19, 2013 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2013-02736 | |||||
SCORE 95 4925 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas-fired water heater -- gallon capacity, btu input unspecified. Thermal expansion control device and carbon monoxide detector(s) required. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2013-02737 | |||||
SCORE 95 4957 10th St Boulder Co Inatallation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Intall thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02770 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 8, 2013 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2013-02785 | |||||
SCORE 95 4927 10th St Boulder Co Inatallation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Intall thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02788 | |||||
SCORE 95 4962 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02791 | |||||
SCORE 95 4964 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 8, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02793 | |||||
SCORE 95 4936 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 10, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02794 | |||||
SCORE 95 4929 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 26, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02795 | |||||
SCORE 95 4953 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 28, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02798 | |||||
SCORE 95 4955 10th St Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 26, 2013 | Current use: Townhomes, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02800 | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Repair of flood damage in existing senior living facility. Repairs to include insulation, drywall, and structural repair of shear walls per engineers letter. Electrical to include replacement of flood damaged outlets. Mechanical for reset of furnace and hot water heaters in each unit. Plumbing for reinstallation of existing fixtures. Client: Heart Sacred | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 12, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2013-06590 | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Fourteen one bedroom one bath units intended for senior housing. Common meeting area also provided. Existing building on site to be retained and attached to proposed structure. Client: Sacred Heart Of Jesus Housing Found | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, new | Permit id: Pmt2001-01175 | |||||
SCORE 95 Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 19, 2001 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2001-02371 | |||||
SCORE 95 45 8th St Boulder Co Reconfiguration of an existing leasing office and storage building to create a community room with office space for leasing and police. Scope of work includes minor revisions to the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. Scope of work includes associated meps. Trash enclosures by separate permits. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 21, 2014 | Current use: Amusement/recreational - indoor, tenant | Permit id: Pmt2014-01561 | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #1. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-01983 | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #3. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-01984 | |||||
SCORE 95 45 7th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #4. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-01985 | |||||
SCORE 95 4501 8th St Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #2. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-01988 | |||||
SCORE 95 703 Silver Lake Av Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #5. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-02047 | |||||
SCORE 95 701 Cherry Ave Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #6 Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-02048 | |||||
SCORE 95 7 Silver Lake Av Boulder Co Reconstruction of existing trash enclosure. To include new concrete slab to match existing. Fence to be 4foot-6inch high, linear feet. Trash enclosure #7. Client: Community Foothills | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-02049 | |||||
SCORE 95 31 34th St Boulder Co Installation of 18 pole mounted light fixtures, 20-feet in height, in parking lots along the eastern portion of the san juan del centro apartment complex. Client: San Chc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2012-05582 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02259 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02260 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 24, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02280 | |||||
SCORE 95 627 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02281 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 23, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02282 | |||||
SCORE 95 635 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 18, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, r | Permit id: Pmt2010-02283 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Walden Cr Boulder Co Replacement of six, second story decks, two types as, two type bs and two type cs. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02284 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02285 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 29, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, deck, n | Permit id: Pmt2010-02286 | |||||
SCORE 95 602 Walden Cr Boulder Co Removal of existing privacy fencing and replace with steel and redwood fence around ground level patios at bridgewalk complex. Fences to be 3foot-6inch in height, total length of all fencing to be 2,271 linear feet. Fences to be installed on walden cr. Units addressed 608, 606, 604, 602, 625, 635, 661, 663, 665, 667, 673, 675, 677, 679, 605, 615, 627, 629, 683, 685, 687, 691, 693, 695, 697, 698, 694, 692, 690, 676, 670, 664, 662, 660, 654, 652, 650, 648, 646, 644, 642, 636, 634, 632, 630, 628, 626, 624, 622, 616, 614, 612, 610. Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02333 | |||||
SCORE 95 3268 Sentinel Dr Boulder Co Permit for necessary demolition and shoring for life safety, dry-in, and for investgatory removal of building components to allow for clear scope of build-back plans to be permitted separatly. Electrical, mechanical, and plumbing by separate permit. Client: Jessica Weber | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family attached dwelling | Permit id: Pmt2003-03126 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Frank Shelledy | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 9, 2003 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, alterat | Permit id: Pmt2002-03027 | |||||
SCORE 95 11 College Av Boulder Co Strengthen existing joists and beams and replace columns in fraternity house. Client: Chapter Psi | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 28, 2003 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2002-03488 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Fence permit - for installation of new 6-foot tall wood privacy fence 77 feet long at southeast corner of mulit-family property. Client: Of City | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-01925 | |||||
SCORE 95 698 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 1 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 18, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2011-04671 | |||||
SCORE 95 676 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 18 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 18, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2011-04674 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Walden Cr Boulder Co Building 17 -- on an existing multi-family dwelling unit, removal of existing exterior stairway components (railing, treads and risers) -- stringers to remain. Install replacement perforated metal treads, compliant guardrails and compliant handrails. Dimensions of stairway (riser hight, tread run,and width) to remain unchanged. Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 6, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2011-04681 | |||||
SCORE 95 1655 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 13, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03455 | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 28, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03456 | |||||
SCORE 95 1685 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03457 | |||||
SCORE 95 1675 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03458 | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 6, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03460 | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Iris Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 28, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03462 | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Hawthorn Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03463 | |||||
SCORE 95 1695 Hawthorne St Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 10, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03466 | |||||
SCORE 95 1645 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (108 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (108 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 28, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03467 | |||||
SCORE 95 16 Hawthorne Av Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (177 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (177 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 28, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03469 | |||||
SCORE 95 1665 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 22, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03470 | |||||
SCORE 95 1635 Hawthorne Pl Boulder Co Interior, non-structural remodel (106 sq. Ft.) and porch addition (106 sq. Ft.). Scope of work to include associated meps to include ac & bathroom fan vent, electrical re-wiring & light fixtures, and plumbing fixture replacement (only). See adr2014-00146 approval for lot info, and floor area bldg. Coverage limits. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 6, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03471 | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Convert the 2 eastern townhome units (1 & 2) of building 668 into a community center. Scope of work includes 2 sq. Ft. Of addition(s) and associated meps, (addition eliminated). Nfpa conversion under separate permit with fire department. See floodplain development permit application pmt2015-03551. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Amusement/recreational - indoor, additio | Permit id: Pmt2015-03548 | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Floodplain development permit: convert the 2 eastern townhome units (1 & 2) of building 668 into a community center. Scope of work includes 2 sq. Ft. Of addition(s) and associated meps. Nfpa conversion under separate permit with fire department. See pmt2015-03548. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Date: September 30, 2015 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Of City | Permit type: Flood nonsubstantial mod/add | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Amusement/recreational - indoor, additio | Permit id: Pmt2015-03551 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 6 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition ( sq. Ft.), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 20, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, deck, ne | Permit id: Pmt2015-03555 | |||||
SCORE 95 662 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 662 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit) and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 20, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03564 | |||||
SCORE 95 664 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 664 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit) and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 20, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03566 | |||||
SCORE 95 666 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 666 (6 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 20, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, porch, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03568 | |||||
SCORE 95 668 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 668 (4 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 2, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, porch, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03571 | |||||
SCORE 95 6 Manhattan Dr Boulder Co Building 6 (14 units). Interior remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit), deck addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), porch addition (117 sq. Ft. Per unit), shed ( sq. Ft. Per unit), and reroof. Scope of work includes associated meps to include water meters (upsize and new irrigation) and upgraded electrical service. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See adr2015-00049 approval for specific approval information and details. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 2, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, porch, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03572 | |||||
SCORE 95 19 Walnut St Boulder Co Remodel of 95 units (14,2 sq. Ft. Total) and common spaces (5,2 sq. Ft. Total). Scope of work includes windows doors siding. Scope of work also includes associated meps to include ventilation make-up air exhaust. Any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. -change of scope-11 19 15-electrical design change, change in number of distribution panels. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, flood accessory/remodel, siding | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03574 | |||||
SCORE 95 1133 Portland Pl Boulder Co Remodel of units (2,0 sq. Ft. Total), common spaces (2,415 sq. Ft. Total), attached trellises patio covers (229 sq. Ft. Total). Proposed trellisfoots at north and south ends of building removed from scope of work with resumbittal. Scope of work includes windows doors siding. Scope of work also includes associated meps to include ventilation make-up air exhaust. Any signage, walls stairs, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, siding | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, patio co | Permit id: Pmt2015-03578 | |||||
SCORE 95 3267 30th St Boulder Co Building 3267 30th st. (bldg. B, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit. See lur2015-00031 approval. Site work and landscape is included per the approved tec doc (tec2015-00042). Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, wastewater, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2015-03593 | |||||
SCORE 95 3269 30th St Boulder Co Building 3269 30th st. (bldg. C, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. See lur2015-00031 approval. Site work and landscape is included per the approved tec doc (tec2015-00042). Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2015-03594 | |||||
SCORE 95 3271 30th St Boulder Co Building 3271 30th st. (bldg. D, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. See lur2015-00031 approval. Site work and landscape is included per the approved tec doc (tec2015-00042). Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2015-03595 | |||||
SCORE 95 3273 30th St Boulder Co Building 3273 30th st. (bldg. E, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. See lur2015-00031 approval. Site work and landscape is included per the approved tec doc (tec2015-00042). Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2015-03596 | |||||
SCORE 95 3522 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3522 nottingham (4 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03597 | |||||
SCORE 95 3517 Nottingham Ct 1 Boulder Co Building 3517 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03598 | |||||
SCORE 95 3512 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3512 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03599 | |||||
SCORE 95 3507 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3507 (5 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03601 | |||||
SCORE 95 3502 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3502 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03602 | |||||
SCORE 95 35 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 35 (4 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03603 | |||||
SCORE 95 3515 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3515 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03604 | |||||
SCORE 95 35 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 35 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03605 | |||||
SCORE 95 3505 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3505 (6 units). Remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit). Scope of work includes associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center (building 3525) under separate permit and any sitework, signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00023 approval. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-03606 | |||||
SCORE 95 3525 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Convert six one-bedroom units into a new community center within building 3525 at the kalmia apartments, which would include the addition of 5 square feet on two levels. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, sitework | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Amusement/recreational - indoor, additio | Permit id: Pmt2015-03773 | |||||
SCORE 95 3502 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3502. Installation of new front and rear porches on all 6 units in multi-family building, new siding and new windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03774 | |||||
SCORE 95 3505 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3505. Installation of new front and rear porches on all 6 units in multi-family building, new siding and new windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03775 | |||||
SCORE 95 3507 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3507. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for 4 units in a 5-unit multi-family building and installation of 8 additional storage sheds on western elevation of building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, a | Permit id: Pmt2015-03776 | |||||
SCORE 95 35 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3510. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for all 6 units in a multi-family building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03777 | |||||
SCORE 95 3512 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3512. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for all 6 units in a multi-family building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03778 | |||||
SCORE 95 3515 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3515. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for all 6 units in a multi-family building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03779 | |||||
SCORE 95 3517 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3517. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for all 6 units in a multi-family building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03780 | |||||
SCORE 95 35 Arthur Ct Boulder Co Building 3500. Installation of front and rear porches and individual storage sheds for 4 all units in a multi-family building and installation of 8 additional storage sheds on eastern elevation of building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03781 | |||||
SCORE 95 3522 Nottingham Ct Boulder Co Building 3522. Installation of front and rear porches for 4 all units in a multi-family building, new siding and windows throughout. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2015-03782 | |||||
SCORE 95 3265 30th St Boulder Co Building 3265 30th st. (bldg. A, 6 units). Addition of approximately 4,453 sq ft for a new community center. Addition to existing portion of building (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel. Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Scope will include all associated mepfoots for the center addition as well as additons of front porches with trellises and rear porches with tellises and storage areas, to the existing (6) dwelling units. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Office - administrative, addition | Permit id: Pmt2015-03863 | |||||
SCORE 95 3267 30th St Boulder Co Building 3267 30th st. (bldg. B, 6 units). New front and rear porches and storage sheds for six unit multifamily building. Scope also includes new roofing, siding and exterior lighting for the entire building. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03884 | |||||
SCORE 95 3269 30th St Boulder Co Building 3269 30th st. (bldg. C, 6 units). New front and rear porches and storage sheds for six unit multifamily building. Scope also includes new roofing, siding and exterior lighting for the entire building. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03885 | |||||
SCORE 95 3271 30th St Boulder Co Building 3271 30th st. (bldg. D, 6 units). New front and rear porches and storage sheds for six unit multifamily building. Scope also includes new roofing, siding and exterior lighting for the entire building. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03887 | |||||
SCORE 95 3273 30th St Boulder Co Building 3273 30th st. (bldg. E, 6 units). New front and rear porches and storage sheds for six unit multifamily building. Scope also includes new roofing, siding and exterior lighting for the entire building. Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 18, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, porch, | Permit id: Pmt2015-03888 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Joseph Adams | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2006-01340 | |||||
SCORE 95 26 Iris Av 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2006-01342 | |||||
SCORE 95 2645 Tabriz Pl 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2006-01343 | |||||
SCORE 95 2625 Tabriz Pl 11 Boulder Co Exterior repairs to siding and balconies. See pmt2006-01340, 26 iris for drawings. Client: Joseph Adams | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2006-01344 | |||||
SCORE 95 4805 Baseline Rd Boulder Co Install new stone sign for a senior housing facility inchthomas h. & ruth c. Dunn memorial senior housing 4805inch Client: Heart Sacred | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-02348 | |||||
SCORE 95 29 19th St Boulder Co Add shower, modify water heater closet and add wall for washer and dryer to be located in the existing garage. This work is associated with the fire repair permit. Client: Anne Brees | Permit type: Building, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 9, 2003 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2002-03928 | |||||
SCORE 95 537 Canyon Bl Boulder Co Fire restoration work, some drywall repair & replacement. Electrical repair. Client: Family Moschetti | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 14, 2003 | Current use: Office - administrative, repair | Permit id: Pmt2002-05498 | |||||
SCORE 95 3268 Sentinel Dr Boulder Co Fire damage repair and replace. This is a 4 unit complex, 2 of the 4 units were involved in a fire resulting in the distruction of the 2 center units. The foundation is remaining the 1st and 2nd floor of the 2 center units are being replaced, the two units on the ends are being repaired as needed. The building is being replaced as it orginally was constructed to the size and hieght to match the orginal, no additional plumbing fixtures are being added. This is for units 3268, 3270, 3274, 3272 sentinel dr. Client: Jessica Weber | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood not required | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 19, 2004 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2003-04021 | |||||
SCORE 95 4257 Redwood Ct Boulder Co Remodel (2,142 s. F.) to repair fire damage per an enigneerfoots specifications. Client: Zachary Harvanek | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2004-00227 | |||||
SCORE 95 2121 Mesa Dr Boulder Co Structural alterations to the mechanical room per the structural engineerfoots specifications. Client: Heights Terrace | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2004-01638 | |||||
SCORE 95 3272 Sentinel Dr Boulder Co Interior basement finish (less than 5 s. F.). No net increase in plumbing fixtures. Client: Karen Dupius | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 3, 2005 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2004-02304 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Wimbledon Assoc., Inc. | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2005 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-02329 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Of Archdiocese | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 21, 2005 | Current use: Religious assembly, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2005-00522 | |||||
SCORE 95 15 Euclid Av Boulder Co Construction fence surrounding property, 6foot high chain link. Poles are to be driven or braced with kickers and attached or braced at the bases to resist movement and wind over-turn. Fence to be place entirely on property and at least 18inch off any public sidewalk. See cpl 2004-02681. Client: Of Archdiocese | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Religious assembly, existing | Permit id: Pmt2005-01074 | |||||
SCORE 95 9 28th St Boulder Co New 55 unit multi family residential building, with parking garage below. 116,1 sf. Three stories above grade. 135 parking spaces with surface parking. Client: Christian First | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, new, garage - att | Permit id: Pmt2006-03008 | |||||
SCORE 95 Client: Christian First | Permit type: Sitework | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2006-03595 | |||||
SCORE 95 Value: $1,831,500 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Christian First | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, new | Permit id: Pmt2006-03597 | |||||
SCORE 95 2938 Kalmia Av Boulder Co Repairs to parking garage exit header support columns per enclosed engineerfoots report. Client: Dorothy Havnes | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 24, 2007 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel, garage - | Permit id: Pmt2007-00259 | |||||
SCORE 95 9 28th St Boulder Co New 55 unit multi family residential building, with parking garage below. 116,1 sf. Three stories above grade. 135 parking spaces with surface parking. Value: $3,993,067 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, new, garage - att | Permit id: Pmt2007-02707 | |||||
SCORE 95 4912 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02319 | |||||
SCORE 95 4953 10th St Boulder Co Construction of new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this permit, contrary to note on sheet a0. 1. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, shed, new | Permit id: Pmt2013-02324 | |||||
SCORE 95 4929 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. Water heater not included in the scope of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02330 | |||||
SCORE 95 4925 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and shingle roof. New water heater will not be included in this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02334 | |||||
SCORE 95 4936 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02336 | |||||
SCORE 95 4978 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02337 | |||||
SCORE 95 4927 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in project permit contrary to statement on plans. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02338 | |||||
SCORE 95 4957 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundations, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not considered part of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02340 | |||||
SCORE 95 4955 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shigles. Water heater in not considered part of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02344 | |||||
SCORE 95 4962 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation footing, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, shed, new | Permit id: Pmt2013-02346 | |||||
SCORE 95 4956 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included as part of this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02348 | |||||
SCORE 95 4964 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingles. New water heater not included in this project permit submission. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02349 | |||||
SCORE 95 49 10th St Boulder Co Construction of a new storage shed. Concrete foundation, wood framing and composite shingle roof. Water heater not included in this project permit. Value: $4,143 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: Authority Housing | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, shed, n | Permit id: Pmt2013-02353 | |||||
SCORE 95 3265 30th St Boulder Co Building 3265 30th st. (bldg. A, 6 units). Addition (16 sq. Ft. Per unit) and remodel (4 sq. Ft. Per unit to include the conversion of laundry room in bldg. C to administrative offices). Scope of work includes new skylights and associated meps to include ventilating equipment. Proposed community center under separate permit; signage, walls, and fire sprinkling work under separate permit if necessary. See lur2015-00031 approval. Site work and landscape is included per the approved tec doc (tec2015-00042). Value: $445,968 Contractor: Palace Construction Co Inc Client: City Of Boulder Hsg Authority | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, siding | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2015-03591 |