Building Permits at No Address Ca San Diego Ca

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Water heater replacement, no modifications or alternations to existing system
Date:  December 21, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/12/210100No Address Ca San Diego CaA R S American Residential Services Of California Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  December 16, 2016
Contractor: 1 Solar Power Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/12/16089No Address Ca San Diego Ca1 Solar Power Inc
Sfd demolition permit note _ it may not be possible to rebuild. _ the fact that there was an existing structure on your lot does not guarantee that you will be able to replace it if it is demolished. Existence of a structure does not "grandfather" its use if it is removed. Please see the zoning counter at the kearny mesa pds offices (55 overland ave., suite 110) for more information.
Date:  November 3, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/11/03095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  October 13, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/10/13095No Address Ca San Diego CaSolarcity Corporation
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd with existing residential main electrical service upgrade - 125a - the scope of work is limited to upgrade of the existing main service panel. No new sub-panels or relocation permitted. Per section 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  September 30, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/09/30089No Address Ca San Diego CaComplete Solar Solution Of California Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  September 9, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/09/09095No Address Ca San Diego CaSunrun Installation Services Inc
Existing residential main electrical service upgrade - - the scope of work is limited to upgrade of the existing main service panel. No new sub-panels or relocation permitted.
Date:  July 6, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 19, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/07/06092No Address Ca San Diego CaT G X Construction Inc
Windows and or sliding glass door replacements with the same net openable area. (replacement windows must meet state of california energy code requirements for u-factor and shgc for package d of the applicable climate zone (see pds #409). Also, per county building code 704a. 3. 2. 2; windows shall be dual-glazed with a minimum of one tempered pane, and glazing frames made of vinyl shall have welded corners and metal reinforcing in the interlock area.)
Date:  June 27, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/06/27095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for 16018 (tm5423) {phase 8, 6 built, lots 153-164 for kb homes - boulder point at settlers point (these are duplexes) see pds2016-tphspc-000008 for all clearances bldg type b duplex lot 3213 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 888 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 1 - 1465 sq ft w 4 sq ft gar, 35 sq ft patio) (plan 3 - 1748 sq ft w 458 sq ft gar, 29 sq ft patio) bldg type c duplex lot 33 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 907 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 2 - 1592 sq ft w 449 sq ft gar, 19 sq ft patio) (plan 3 - 1748 sq ft w 458 sq ft gar, 29 sq ft patio)
Date:  April 18, 2016

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 13, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Tphspc-
2016/04/180100No Address Ca San Diego CaKb Home Coastal Inc
Existing residential main electrical service upgrade - 225a - the scope of work is limited to upgrade of the existing main service panel. No new sub-panels or relocation permitted.
Date:  April 7, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 2, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/04/07095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Add 2nd w h and new mop sink for existing restaurant "happy tamal"
Date:  March 28, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Comalt-
2016/03/28095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Replace water heater
Date:  March 17, 2016

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/03/17095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
81sf window replacements
Date:  July 7, 2017
Value:   $2,592

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/07/07259295No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Electric heat pump and or air conditioner replacement, no modifications or alterations to existing system
Date:  March 8, 2016
Contractor: A S I Hastings Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resalt-
2016/03/080100No Address Ca San Diego CaA S I Hastings Inc
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r phase 6(buildout) 3 production units lots 1,8-9 for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2016-tphspc-00002 for all clearances 9-12-2016 plan change lot 8 vam see c of a vam 2-9-2016 plan change in process on master plans cannot issue this permit until this is approved vam plan 1 2962 sf 2 story sfd w ac, fs 629 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev , b -175 sf, c-78 sf opt # 1- 146 sf covered patio opt # 2 285 sq ft patio cover plan 2 3018 sf sfd w ac, fs 648 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a -25 sf, b -214 sf, c- 36 sf 198 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters plan 4 3846 sf sfd w ac, fs 646 sf attached gar fin fs 158 sq ft portico porch 73 sf 289 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt # 1 - 297 sf 1 car garage opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  February 9, 2016
Contractor: Pardee Homes

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Tphspc-
2016/02/09099No Address Ca San Diego CaPardee Homes
Existing residential main electrical service upgrade - 200a - the scope of work is limited to upgrade of the existing main service panel. No new sub-panels or relocation permitted.
Date:  July 20, 2017

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 4, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/07/20099No Address Ca San Diego CaHome And Business Electrical Service
Master plan for map #149 (tm 5093-1), 6 models, 3 built, lots 59 - 61 for "ravello" cwv cielo 41. See pds2013-tmaspc-000009 for all clearances. 8-31-2015 plan change added plan type see pds 2013-tmaspc-000009 for c of a plan 6 3473 sq ft sfd 668 sq ft garage 631 outdoor living patio 91 sf elev b, 93 sf elev e opt #1 133 sf wine room @ bedroom 2 -133 sq ft garage opt #2 - 56 sf bathroom @den opt bedroom 4 -56 sf outdoor living
Date:  August 31, 2015
Value:   $529,332

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 21, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/08/3152933295No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 10644 (tm5347) phase 41 plan type, 3 unit condo building lots 10-12 for nickel creek townhomes (15 buildings total) see pds2015-tphspc-000046 for all clearances (build out) plan type 1 lots 10-12 3 unit 2 story condo building - 4143 sq ft, 919 sq ft att fin garage and 1 sq ft balcony unit 1- 15 sq ft 2 story 267 sf garage unit 2- 1559 sq ft 2 story 4 sf garage unit 3- 1044 sq ft 2 story 261 sf garage and 1 balcony of 132 sq ft notice to permittee temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 10-8-2015 plan change minor interior changes see c of a vam. See pds2014-tphspc-00034 for fees. Vam
Date:  December 14, 2015
Value:   $535,397
Contractor: Kire Builders Inc

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 16, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2015-Tphspc-
2015/12/1453539796No Address Ca San Diego CaKire Builders Inc
Date:  August 5, 2015

Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/08/05095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Windows and or sliding glass door replacements with the same net openable area. (replacement windows must meet state of california energy code requirements for u-factor and shgc for package d of the applicable climate zone (see pds #409). Also, per county building code 704a. 3. 2. 2; windows shall be dual-glazed with a minimum of one tempered pane, and glazing frames made of vinyl shall have welded corners and metal reinforcing in the interlock area.)
Date:  July 28, 2015

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 30, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/07/28095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built (1-3) on lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 1 lot 2386 sf sfd 433 sf garage 34 sf porch elev s & f 31 sf porch elev a opt #1 2 sq ft patio cover
Date:  July 16, 2017
Value:   $345,168

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmodpc-
2017/07/1634516895No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built (1-3) on lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665 sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space opt #2 - 189 optional bedroom suite 4 ilo 3rd car garage opt #3 - 105 sf extended patio opt #4 - 104 sf deck master bedroom opt #5 - 209 sf extended deck (master bedroom) opt #6- 104 sf nook(h) ilo of 104 sf covered patio
Date:  July 16, 2017
Value:   $499,580

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmodpc-
2017/07/1649958064No Address Ca San Diego CaBeazer Homes Holdings Llc
Windows and or sliding glass door replacements with the same net openable area. (replacement windows must meet state of california energy code requirements for u-factor and shgc for package d of the applicable climate zone (see pds #409). Also, per county building code 704a. 3. 2. 2; windows shall be dual-glazed with a minimum of one tempered pane, and glazing frames made of vinyl shall have welded corners and metal reinforcing in the interlock area.)
Date:  July 21, 2015

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 13, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/07/21095No Address Ca San Diego CaThd At Home Services Inc
Master plan for map 16019 (tm 4976-rpl-4r) phase 2 -7 units lots 10-15, 35-37 for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2015-tphspc-000038 for all clearances plan 1 2962 sf 2 story sfd w ac, fs 629 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev , b -175 sf, c-78 sf opt # 1- 146 sf covered patio plan 2 3018 sf sfd w ac, fs 648 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a -25 sf, b -214 sf, c- 36 sf 198 sq ft outdoor room(kpatio) opt # 1 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters plan 3 34 sf sfd w ac, fs 662 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a - c - 108 sf 177 sq ft outdoor room(kpatio) plan 4 3846 sf sfd w ac, fs 646 sf attached gar fin fs porch 73 sf 158 sq ft portico 289 sq ft outdoor room(kpatio) opt # 1 - 297 sf 1 car garage opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  September 29, 2015
Contractor: Pardee Homes

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 30, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Tphspc-
2015/09/29099No Address Ca San Diego CaPardee Homes
Master plan for map (tm 5498) 4 plan types, 4 built, lot #69-72 for davisdson communities "rio estrella. See pds2015-tmaspc-00 for all clearances plan 2a,b,c lot# 2863 sq ft 2 story sfd w ac,fs 677 sq ft garages fin fs 1 sq ft balcony (elev a only) 98 sq ft front porch opt#1 392 sq ft deck above 392 sq ft california room 4-21-2016 plan check 1 day renewal at 25% of current fees . Vam.
Date:  April 21, 2015
Value:   $439,572

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/04/2143957295No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5498) 4 plan types, 4 built, lot #69-72 for davisdson communities "rio estrella. See pds2015-tmaspc-00 for all clearances plan 1a,b,c lot# 2564 sq ft 2 story sfd w ac,fs 7 sq ft garages fin fs 79 sq ft balcony (elev c only) opt#1 272 sq ft deck above 272 sq ft california room 4-21-2016 plan check 1 day renewal at 25% of current fees . Vam.
Date:  April 21, 2015
Value:   $391,934

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/04/2139193495No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5498) 4 plan types, 4 built, lot #69-72 for davisdson communities "rio estrella. See pds2015-tmaspc-00 for all clearances plan 3a,b,c lot# 3165 sq ft 2 story sfd w ac,fs 6 sq ft garages fin fs front porch elev a&b - 131 sf elev c 302 sf opt#1 2 sf deck above 2 sq ft california room 4-21-2016 plan check 1 day renewal at 25% of current fees . Vam.
Date:  April 21, 2015
Value:   $533,550

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/04/2153355095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5498) 4 plan types, 4 built, lot #69-72 for davisdson communities "rio estrella. See pds2015-tmaspc-00 for all clearances plan 4a,b,c lot# 3353 sq ft 2 story sfd w ac,fs 772 sq ft garages fin fs 2 sq ft balcony (elev a only) porch - elev a- 144 sf, elev b - 83 sf, elev c - 143 opt#1 466 sq ft deck above 466 sq ft california room 4-21-2016 plan check 1 day renewal at 25% of current fees . Vam.
Date:  April 21, 2015
Value:   $517,123

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/04/2151712395No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for 16018 (tm5423) phase 2, lots 58-60, 67-68 5 production units for kb homes - boulder point at settlers point (these are duplexes) see pds2015-tphspc-000012 for all clearances bldg type a duplex lot 3057 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 879 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 1 - 1465 sq ft w 4 sq ft gar, 35 sq ft patio) (plan 2 - 1592 sq ft w 449 sq ft gar, 19 sq ft patio) bldg type b duplex lot 3213 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 888 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 1 - 1465 sq ft w 4 sq ft gar, 35 sq ft patio) (plan 2 - 1748 sq ft w 458 sq ft gar, 29 sq ft patio) bldg type c duplex lot 33 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 907 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 2 - 1592 sq ft w 449 sq ft gar, 19 sq ft patio) (plan 2 - 1748 sq ft w 458 sq ft gar, 29 sq ft patio)
Date:  July 2, 2015
Value:   $464,040

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 10, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Tphspc-
2015/07/02464040100No Address Ca San Diego CaKb Home Coastal Inc
Commercial multi-use site to include 1-37 sf office building (3 suites), 1-7583sf office retail deli building (6 suites) with 4 sf second floor walk and 996 sf patio-deck , 1-4272sf retail fast food (2 suites), and 800sf gas station canopy 08-06-15 one time only 1 days plan check extension @25%.... Valid until 02-09-16.... Tlh building a 37 sf 1 story office bldg (suite a 1252 sf, b 1264, c 1234) building b 7583 sf 2 story office (3615sf) retail (2692 sf) (suite a 1188 sf, b 1098sf , c 1629sf, d 1242sf, e 1098sf, f (deli) 1276sf , and walkway deck 1406sf. Building c 3022 sf retail 12 sf fast food gas station 8 sqft canopy w 6 gas pumps
Date:  August 13, 2014
Value:   $1,443,825
Contractor: Byron Mathieu

Permit type: Bldg parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2014-Cmaspc-
2014/08/13144382596No Address Ca San Diego CaByron Mathieu
674 sqft pool building -- includes 189 sqft mens restroom, 189 sqft womens restroom, 167 sqft pool equipment room, 129 sqft patio furniture storage room, outdoor showers, outdoor vestibule, & misc epm for brindle @ horse creek ridge. 12 06 17 packet purged. Tnh 11-03-2016 one time plan check extension given 4-4-2017 vam
Date:  October 7, 2015
Value:   $29,060

Permit type: New primary comm structure | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Compri-
2015/10/072906095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
2496 sqft rec center and 459 sqft pool building for horsecreek ridge. 2496 sqft rec center includes -- 1793 sqft clubhouse w storage rm, office, trash room, gathering room, warming kitchen, 427 sqft covered patio w outdoor fireplace, 444 sqft breezeway entry that attaches the 703 sqft bathrooms with electrical meter room, utility closet, janitor room, & outdoor showers; 4 amps electrical service. 459 sqft pool building includes -- 2 family restrooms, pool equipment room, & outdoor showers; 2 amps electrical service. 12 06 17 packet purged. Tnh 11-3-2016 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees one time only 6 month extension vam. Good till 4-5-2017.
Date:  October 7, 2015
Value:   $511,547

Permit type: Bldg parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Cmaspc-
2015/10/0751154795No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Compliance survey for sfd to be moved to parcel located on helix street in spring valley (address will be assigned when application for building permit is submitted) from storage yard located at 124 vigilante rd, lakeside ca 92040
Date:  July 8, 2014

Permit type: New residential acc structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 22, 2014 | Permit id: Pds2014-Resacc-
2014/07/08095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5338-6), phase 7, 15 production units, lots 41-46 & 62-70, for promontory @ horsecreek ranch see pds2014-tphspc-000067 for all clearances plan 1 lot # 3205 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 625 sf fin, fs garage 206 sf front porch option 1- 162 sf deck option 2- 162 sf california room (non habitable) plan 2 lot # 3427 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 658 sf fin, fs garage 77 sf front porch option 1- 176 sf deck option 2- 162 sf california room (non habitable) option 3- 306 sf california room (non habitable) plan 3 lot # 3844 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 636 sf fin, fs garage 39 sf front porch (elev. B) sf front porch (elev. C) 21 sf front porch (elev. D) 73 sf deck (elev. B & d only) 95 sf deck (elev. C) option 1- 1 sf deck option 2- 1 sf california room (non habitable) plan 4 lot # 3719 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 637 sf fin, fs garage sf front porch option 1- 1 sf deck option 2- 1 sf california room (non habitabl
Date:  June 23, 2014

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2014-Tphspc-
2014/06/23096No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r 4 plan types 3 built for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 10 29 15 plan change to plan type 1 - add optional 285 sqft patio cover (see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 for clearances)... Vmt for vam plan 1 2962 sf 2 story sfd w ac, fs 629 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev , b -175 sf, c-78 sf opt # 1- 146 sf covered patio opt # 2 - 285 sqft covered patio
Date:  January 9, 2014
Value:   $432,186

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/01/0943218695No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r 4 plan types 3 built for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 plan 2 3018 sf sfd w ac, fs 648 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a - 25, b -175 sf, c- 36 198 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  January 9, 2014
Value:   $520,377

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/01/0952037795No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r 4 plan types 3 built lots 2-4 for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 for all clearances 2-9-2016 plan change adding optional deck and misc interior changes vam plan 1 2962 sf 2 story sfd w ac, fs 629 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev , b -175 sf, c-78 sf opt # 1- 146 sf covered patio opt # 2 285 sq ft patio cover plan 2 3018 sf sfd w ac, fs 648 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a -25 sf, b -214 sf, c- 36 sf 198 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters plan 3 34 sf sfd w ac, fs 662 sf attached gar fin fs porches - elev a - c - 108 sf 177 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt #1 - 4th car garage 302 sf opt #2 - 592 sq ft guest living quarters plan 4 3846 sf sfd w ac, fs 646 sf attached gar fin fs 158 sq ft portico porch 73 sf 289 sq ft outdoor room(patio) opt # 1 - 297 sf 1 car garage opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  January 9, 2014
Contractor: Pardee Homes

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmaspc-
2014/01/09099No Address Ca San Diego CaPardee Homes
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r 4 plan types 2 built for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 plan 3 34 sf sfd w ac, fs 662 sf attached gar fin fs 177 sq ft outdoor room(patio) porches - elev a - c - 108 sf opt # 1 - 302 sf 1 car garage opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  January 9, 2014
Value:   $586,622

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 2, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/01/0958662295No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16019 tm 4976-rpl-4r 4 plan types 3 built for pardee homes "olive hill estates" see pds2014-tmaspc-000001 plan 4 3846 sf sfd w ac, fs 646 sf attached gar fin fs 289 sq ft outdoor room(kpatio) 73 sf porch 158 sq ft portico opt # 1 - 297 sf 4th car garage opt # 2 - detached 592 sq ft guest living quarters
Date:  January 9, 2014
Value:   $648,392

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/01/0964839295No Address Ca San Diego Ca
2496 sqft rec center and 459 sqft pool building for horsecreek ridge. 2496 sqft rec center includes -- 1793 sqft clubhouse w storage rm, office, trash room, gathering room, warming kitchen, 427 sqft covered patio w outdoor fireplace, 444 sqft breezeway entry that attaches the 703 sqft bathrooms with electrical meter room, utility closet, janitor room, & outdoor showers; 4 amps electrical service. 459 sqft pool building includes -- 2 family restrooms, pool equipment room, & outdoor showers; 2 amps electrical service.
Date:  December 31, 2013
Value:   $256,731

Permit type: Bldg parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2013-Cmaspc-
2013/12/3125673196No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
674 sqft pool building -- includes 189 sqft mens restroom, 189 sqft womens restroom, 167 sqft pool equipment room, 129 sqft patio furniture storage room, outdoor showers, outdoor vestibule, & misc epm for brindle @ horse creek ridge.
Date:  December 30, 2013
Value:   $34,394

Permit type: New primary comm structure | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2013-Compri-
2013/12/303439496No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Hvac change out - split system - this project must comply with the current building energy efficiency standards. Registered title 24 forms must be provided to the inspector in the field.
Date:  July 26, 2017
Contractor: Airmaxx Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/07/260100No Address Ca San Diego CaAirmaxx Inc
Master plan for map #149 (tm 5093-1), 5 models, 3 built, lots 59 - 61 for "ravello" cwv cielo 41. See pds2013-tmaspc-000009 for all clearances. Plan 3b, lot # 59 3996 sqft sfd 619 sqft attached finished garage 398 sqft outdoor living (patio) plan 4d, lot # 4596 sqft 2-story sfd el-d 642 sqft attached finished garage porches , el-d 93 sqft, 277 sqft outdoor living (patio) plan 5a1, lot # 61 4858 sqft 2-story sfd el-a & e 704 sqft attached finished garage 325 sqft outdoor living (patio) porches el-a & e 65 sqft, el-b 66 sqft opt #1 +66 sqft wine room -66 sqft garage
Date:  December 2, 2013

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 2, 2013 | Permit id: Pds2013-Tphspc-
2013/12/02095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5338-6) 4 model types, 3 models built, lots 13-15 for promontory @ horsecreek ranch see pds2013-tmaspc-000018 for all clearances plan 3 lot # 3844 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 636 sf fin, fs garage 39 sf front porch (elev. B) sf front porch (elev. C) 21 sf front porch (elev. D) 73 sf deck (elev. B & d only) 95 sf deck (elev. C) option 1- 1 sf deck option 2- 1 sf california room (non habitable)
Date:  December 29, 2013
Value:   $538,650

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2013-Tmodpc-
2013/12/2953865096No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Master plan for map (tm 5338-6) 4 model types, 3 models built, lots 13-15 for promontory @ horsecreek ranch see pds2013-tmaspc-000018 for all clearances plan 1 lot # 3205 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 625 sf fin, fs garage 206 sf front porch option 1- 162 sf deck option 2- 162 sf california room (non habitable) plan 2 lot # 3427 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 658 sf fin, fs garage 77 sf front porch option 1- 176 sf deck option 2- 162 sf california room (non habitable) option 3- 306 sf california room (non habitable) plan 3 lot # 3844 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 636 sf fin, fs garage 39 sf front porch (elev. B) sf front porch (elev. C) 21 sf front porch (elev. D) 73 sf deck (elev. B & d only) 95 sf deck (elev. C) option 1- 1 sf deck option 2- 1 sf california room (non habitable) plan 4 lot # 3719 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 637 sf fin, fs garage sf front porch option 1- 1 sf deck option 2- 1 sf california room (non habitable)
Date:  December 29, 2013

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2013-Tmaspc-
2013/12/29096No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Master plan for map #149 (tm 5093-1), 5 models, 3 built, lots 59 - 61 for "ravello" cwv cielo 41. See pds2013-tmaspc-000009 for all clearances. 6-24-2016 plan change truss manufacture only see c of a vam 9-3-15 plan change - adding tcbmp for phase 1 only; see c of a... Vmt 8-31-2015 plan change added plan type 6. See c of a vam 6-17-2014 plan change adding clerestory addn option to plan type one only vam see c of a plan 1, lot # 3496 sqft sfd el-a 3498 sqft sfd el-b & d 708 sqft attached finished garage 325 sqft outdoor living (patio) opt #1 +57 sqft wine room -57 sqft garage opt #2 +169 sqft craft room -169 sqft garage opt #3 +169 sqft media room -169 sqft garage opt #4 + sqft butler pantry - sqft garage opt #5 clerestory option plan 2, lot # 3679 sqft 2-story sfd el-a 3653 sqft 2-story sfd el-b 3448 sqft 2-story sfd el-c 691 sqft attached finished garage 52 sqft deck el-c only 225 sqft outdoor living (patio) porches el-a 11 sf, el
Date:  July 22, 2013

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 3, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2013-Tmaspc-
2013/07/22095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map #149 (tm 5093-1), 5 models, 3 built, lots 59 - 61 for "ravello" cwv cielo 41. See pds2013-tmaspc-000009 for all clearances. Plan 2, lot # 3679 sqft 2-story sfd el-a 3653 sqft 2-story sfd el-b 3448 sqft 2-story sfd el-c 691 sqft attached finished garage 52 sqft deck el-c only 225 sqft outdoor living (patio) porches el-a 11 sf, el-b 143 sf, el-c 5 sf opt #2 +262 sqft craft room -262 sqft garage opt #5 + sqft prep kitchen outdoor kitchen opt #6 244 sqft observation deck (above outdoor living space)
Date:  July 22, 2013
Value:   $553,694

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 17, 2014 | Permit id: Pds2013-Tmodpc-
2013/07/22553694100No Address Ca San Diego CaCalifornia West Construction Inc
1 amp meter for pond pump in common area (for community association of santa fe sur inc) at base of dock.
Date:  May 24, 2013

Permit type: New residential acc structure | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2013-Resacc-
2013/05/24095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 15711 4 plan types, 2 models and 5 production units built for willow ridge estates see pds2016-tmaspc-000004 for all clearances plan type 4 2678 sq ft 2 story sfd 798 sq ft att fin garage 48 sq ft front porch 162 sq ft veranda opt #1 loft in lieu of bedroom 5(no change in sf)
Date:  December 5, 2016
Value:   $380,375
Contractor: Kire Builders Inc

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc expired | Completion date: September 21, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2016-Tmodpc-
2016/12/0538037596No Address Ca San Diego CaKire Builders Inc
Electric heat pump and or air conditioner replacement, no modifications or alterations to existing system
Date:  June 26, 2015
Contractor: Approved Air Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/06/26093No Address Ca San Diego CaApproved Air Inc
Hvac change out - split system - this project must comply with the current building energy efficiency standards. Registered title 24 forms must be provided to the inspector in the field.
Date:  March 16, 2015

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/03/16089No Address Ca San Diego CaA Aall Services Incorporated
Master plan for map (tm 5338-3) 3 models, 3 built, lots 61-63 for westbury @ horse creek ridge. See pds2015-tmaspc-000005 for all clearances 9-27-2016 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees. One time only 1 day extension from date of expiration good till 3-15-2017 vam plan 3 lot 2656 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 523 sf fin, fs garage 67 sq ft front porch elev b 63 sq ft front porch elev c 47 sq ft front porch elev d option 1 -1 sq ft california room (non habitable)
Date:  September 21, 2015
Value:   $384,658

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/09/2138465895No Address Ca San Diego Ca
New 506 sq ft poultry building and 3 feed tanks (on single slab) and 100 gallon water tank (no permit required) for ramona egg ranch. 10 amp service building 1 - 506 sf poultry bldg. With conveyers and catwalk building 2 - 3 feed tanks 465 sq ea
Date:  May 24, 2016
Value:   $2,077,643

Permit type: Bldg parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2016-Cmaspc-
2016/05/24207764395No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map (tm 5338-7) 3 model types,2 built, lots 17 & 18 for chaparral @ horse creek ridge see pds2015-tmaspc-000006 for all clearances (detached condos) 9-27-2016 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees. One time only 1 day extension from date of expiration good till 3-19-2017 vam plan 2 lot 1756 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 438 sq ft fin, fs garage option 1 56 sq ft front porch (all elev) option 2 65 sq ft front porch (elev b only) option 3 1 sq ft front porch (elev c only)
Date:  September 27, 2015
Value:   $276,744

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmodpc-
2015/09/2727674496No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Master plan for map (tm 5338-2) 4 models, 2 built, lots 117-118 for oakmont @ horsecreek ranch see pds2015-tmaspc-000007 for all clearances 3-14-2017 planchange submitted for code update. Vam. 3-27-2017 plan check restarted as current plan check is invalid past 18 months. Restart vam 9-27-2016 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees. One time only 1 day extension from date of expiration good till 3-22-2017 vam plan 1 lot 1799 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 491 sf fin, fs garage 96 sf front porch option 1 -108 sq ft california room (non habitable) plan 2 lot 2022 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 421 sf fin, fs garage 99 sf front porch option 1 -137 sq ft california room (non habitable) plan 3 lot 2213 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 422 sf fin, fs garage 56 sf front porch option 1 -137 sq ft california room (non habitable) plan 4 lot 2432 sq ft sfd w ac, fs (2 story) 4 sf fin, fs garage 45 sf front porch option 1 -136 sq ft california room (non habi
Date:  September 15, 2015

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Tmaspc-
2015/09/15096No Address Ca San Diego CaD R Horton Los Angeles Holding Company Inc
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 1 lot 2386 sf sfd 433 sf garage 34 sf porch elev s & f 31 sf porch elev a opt #1 2 sq ft patio cover3 sf sfd elev a plan 2 lot 2429 sf sfd 589 sf 3 car garage sf elev s & f 58 sf elev a porch opt #1 - bedroom 4 ilo of 3 car garage opt #2 - 216 sf covered patio plan 3 lot 2841 sf 2 story sfd 713sf 3 car garage 55 elev s, 43 sf elev a , 45 sf 95 sq ft covered patio all elevations opt #1 - 58 sf bedroom #5 with bathroom ilo of 58 sq ft of loft opt #2 - 271 sf bedroom #6 bath ilo 3rd car garage and patio opt #4 - 135 sf extended patio opt #5 - 95 sf nook(h) ilo of covered patio plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space
Date:  July 13, 2017

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmaspc-
2017/07/13064No Address Ca San Diego CaBeazer Homes Holdings Llc
Master plan for map 10644 (tm5347) phase 5 1 plan type, 3 unit condo building lots 13-15 for nickel creek townhomes (15 buildings total) see pds2015-tphspc-000047 for all clearances plan type 1 lots 13-15 3 unit 2 story condo building - 4143 sq ft, 919 sq ft att fin garage and 1 sq ft balcony unit 1- 15 sq ft 2 story 267 sf garage unit 2- 1559 sq ft 2 story 4 sf garage unit 3- 1044 sq ft 2 story 261 sf garage and 1 balcony of 132 sq ft notice to permittee temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 10-8-2015 plan change minor interior changes see c of a vam. See pds2014-tphspc-00034 for fees. Vam
Date:  December 14, 2015

Permit type: Tract phase parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 3, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2015-Tphspc-
2015/12/14095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 10644 (tm5347) 1 plan type, 3 unit condo building for nickel creek townhomes (15 buildings total) plan type 1 3 unit 2 story condo building - 4143 sq ft, 919 sq ft att fin garage and 1 sq ft balcony unit 1- 15 sq ft 2 story 267 sf garage unit 2- 1559 sq ft 2 story 4 sf garage unit 3- 1044 sq ft 2 story 261 sf garage and 1 balcony of 132 sq ft notice to permittee temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  October 21, 2014
Value:   $539,709
Contractor: Kire Builders Inc

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 16, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/10/2153970996No Address Ca San Diego CaKire Builders Inc
Master plan for map 16044 (tm5347) 1 plan type, 3 unit condo building for nickel creek townhomes (15 buildings total) plan type 1 3 unit 2 story condo building - 4143 sq ft, 919 sq ft att fin garage and 1 sq ft balcony unit 1- 15 sq ft 2 story 267 sf garage unit 2- 1559 sq ft 2 story 4 sf garage unit 3- 1044 sq ft 2 story 261 sf garage and 1 balcony of 132 sq ft notice to permittee temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 8 30 2016 plan change. Truss change. See all clearances under pds2014-tmaspc-000012.... Ss 2-10-16 plan change - change type of construction on title sheet from va to vb. Cdc 10-8-2015 plan change minor interior changes see c of a vam. See pds2014-tphspc-00034 for fees. Vam
Date:  October 21, 2014
Contractor: Kire Builders Inc

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 16, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmaspc-
2014/10/21096No Address Ca San Diego CaKire Builders Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  April 4, 2017
Contractor: Palomar Solar Ltd

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 13, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/04/040100No Address Ca San Diego CaPalomar Solar Ltd
Master plan for 16018 (tm5423) 3 bldg types, 2 built, lots 116-117 for kb homes - boulder point at settlers point (these are duplexes) see pds2014-tmaspc-000011 for all clearances bldg type a duplex lot 3057 sq ft 2 story building w ac, fs 879 sq ft garage 54 sq ft patios (plan 1 side - 1465 sq ft w 4 sq ft gar, 35 sq ft patio) (plan 2 side - 1592 sq ft w 449 sq ft gar, 19 sq ft patio)
Date:  October 16, 2014
Value:   $449,202

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 13, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmodpc-
2014/10/16449202100No Address Ca San Diego CaKb Home Coastal Inc
Master plan for map #16018 (tm 5423), 3 plan types, 3 built, lots 1-3, for kb homes "ridgeline at settlers point". See pds2014-tmaspc-0000 for all clearances. 5-14-2015 - plan change phase 1 misc interior remodels see c of a vam. 10-27-2015 - plan change truss drawings revised; no layout changes. Mco plan type 1 (lot #3) 1837 sqft 2-story sfd 445 sqft attached finished garage sqft covered porch optional #1 175 sqft patio cover plan type 2 (lot #2) 1836 sqft 2-story sfd 442 sqft attached finished garage 43 sqft covered porch plan type 3 (lot #1) 2076 sqft 2-story sfd 413 sqft attached finished garage
Date:  October 14, 2014

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: January 25, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2014-Tmaspc-
2014/10/140100No Address Ca San Diego CaKb Home Coastal Inc
Ground mount commercial solar pv no. Of modules no. Of inverters total system size in kilowatts per section 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  April 12, 2017

Permit type: New commercial acc structure | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Comacc-
2017/04/12092No Address Ca San Diego CaShorebreak Energy Developers Llc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  April 12, 2017
Contractor: T And M Solar Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 25, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/04/12093No Address Ca San Diego CaT And M Solar Inc
Hvac change out - split system - this project must comply with the current building energy efficiency standards. Registered title 24 forms must be provided to the inspector in the field.
Date:  August 9, 2017

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/08/09082No Address Ca San Diego CaA Heating And Cooling Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd with existing residential main electrical service upgrade - 125a - the scope of work is limited to upgrade of the existing main service panel. No new sub-panels or relocation permitted. Per section 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  September 30, 2014

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2014-Resalt-
2014/09/300100No Address Ca San Diego CaSullivan Solar Power Of California Inc
Water heater replacement, no modifications or alternations to existing system

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/06/280100No Address Ca San Diego CaA R S American Residential Services Of California Inc
Replace heat pump and air handler for (eo) sfd. Using address 4711 sr-78
Date:  December 22, 2017

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/12/220100No Address Ca San Diego CaA R S American Residential Services Of California Inc
Hvac change out - split system - this project must comply with the current building energy efficiency standards. Registered title 24 forms must be provided to the inspector in the field.
Date:  August 19, 2015

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/08/19099No Address Ca San Diego CaOak Island Heating And Air Conditioning Inc
Hvac change out - split system - this project must comply with the current building energy efficiency standards. Registered title 24 forms must be provided to the inspector in the field.
Date:  October 7, 2015

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/10/070100No Address Ca San Diego CaAccurate Comfort Systems Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). This permit does not exempt any existing structures from compliance with applicable building code and zoning ordinance requirements. Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  October 9, 2017

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: January 4, 2018 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/10/090100No Address Ca San Diego CaN B Baker Electric Inc
Windows and or sliding glass door replacements with the same net openable area. (replacement windows must meet state of california energy code requirements for u-factor and shgc for package d of the applicable climate zone (see pds #409). Also, per county building code 704a. 3. 2. 2; windows shall be dual-glazed with a minimum of one tempered pane, and glazing frames made of vinyl shall have welded corners and metal reinforcing in the interlock area.)
Date:  September 3, 2014

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2014-Resalt-
2014/09/03095No Address Ca San Diego CaThd At Home Services Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). This permit does not exempt any existing structures from compliance with applicable building code and zoning ordinance requirements. Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  October 27, 2017

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 15, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resalt-
2017/10/27099No Address Ca San Diego CaMohr Power Solar Inc
Roof mount residential solar pv for existing sfd (no meter upgrade). Persection 46 (i) of the zoning ordinance, roof mounted photovoltaic systems shall not extend more than 5 ft. Above the highest point of the existing roof.
Date:  November 3, 2015
Contractor: Sass Electric Inc

Permit type: Addn | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Resalt-
2015/11/03096No Address Ca San Diego CaSass Electric Inc
Construction row permit
Date:  November 13, 2013

Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 13, 2014 | Permit id: Dpw2013-Rwconp-
2013/11/13095No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Construction row permit
Date:  May 27, 2014

Permit status: Open | Permit id: Dpw2014-Rwconp-
2014/05/27095No Address Ca San Diego Ca

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