Phone: (916) 773-3888

Beazer Homes Holdings Llc specializes in:

Beazer Homes Holdings Llc offers services:

Beazer Homes Holdings Llc operates out of 27 N Gateway Oaks Drive Sacramento Ca 95833 and holds a Cslb Contractor license.
You can reach Beazer Homes Holdings Llc by phone: (916) 773-3888.

Beazer Homes Holdings Llc completed most projects in 2017 and had largest sales volume ($879,724) in 2017. The average valuation of Beazer Homes Holdings Llc's project is $219,931.

Based on the information received from San Diego County CA building department, there are 4 building permits associated with Beazer Homes Holdings Llc over the past year . These building permits valued at $879,724.

If you are considering hiring Beazer Homes Holdings Llc for your home renovation project, we recommend using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


Beazer Homes Holdings Llc has CheckPermit score of 64 which places them above 32% of local contractors.
We usually recommend hiring a contractor with a rank of 75 or above.


4 projects completed since 2017.



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No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built (1-3) on lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665 sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space opt #2 - 189 optional bedroom suite 4 ilo 3rd car garage opt #3 - 105 sf extended patio opt #4 - 104 sf deck master bedroom opt #5 - 209 sf extended deck (master bedroom) opt #6- 104 sf nook(h) ilo of 104 sf covered patio
Date:  July 16, 2017
Value:   $499,580

Permit type: Tract model | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmodpc-
No Address, Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built (1-3) on lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665 sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space opt #2 - 189 optional bedroom suite 4 ilo 3rd car garage opt #3 - 105 sf extended patio opt #4 - 104 sf deck master bedroom opt #5 - 209 sf extended deck (master bedroom) opt #6- 104 sf nook(h) ilo of 104 sf covered patio
Date:  July 16, 2017
Value:   $380,144

Permit type: Tract models/master plan | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmodpc- | Parcel: 1250530100
No Address Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 1 lot 2386 sf sfd 433 sf garage 34 sf porch elev s & f 31 sf porch elev a opt #1 2 sq ft patio cover3 sf sfd elev a plan 2 lot 2429 sf sfd 589 sf 3 car garage sf elev s & f 58 sf elev a porch opt #1 - bedroom 4 ilo of 3 car garage opt #2 - 216 sf covered patio plan 3 lot 2841 sf 2 story sfd 713sf 3 car garage 55 elev s, 43 sf elev a , 45 sf 95 sq ft covered patio all elevations opt #1 - 58 sf bedroom #5 with bathroom ilo of 58 sq ft of loft opt #2 - 271 sf bedroom #6 bath ilo 3rd car garage and patio opt #4 - 135 sf extended patio opt #5 - 95 sf nook(h) ilo of covered patio plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space
Date:  July 13, 2017

Permit type: Tract master parent | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmaspc-
No Address, Ca San Diego Ca
Master plan for map 16124 (tm 5187rpl 11) 4 plan types 3 models built lots 2-4 for beazer homes "pala mesa highlands" see pds2017-tmaspc-0000 for conditions of approval. Plan 1 lot 2386 sf sfd 433 sf garage 34 sf porch elev s & f 31 sf porch elev a opt #1 2 sq ft patio cover3 sf sfd elev a plan 2 lot 2429 sf sfd 589 sf 3 car garage sf elev s & f 58 sf elev a porch opt #1 - bedroom 4 ilo of 3 car garage opt #2 - 216 sf covered patio plan 3 lot 2841 sf 2 story sfd 713sf 3 car garage 55 elev s, 43 sf elev a , 45 sf 95 sq ft covered patio all elevations opt #1 - 58 sf bedroom #5 with bathroom ilo of 58 sq ft of loft opt #2 - 271 sf bedroom #6 bath ilo 3rd car garage and patio opt #4 - 135 sf extended patio opt #5 - 95 sf nook(h) ilo of covered patio plan 4 lot 3199 sf sfd elev s & f 3213 sf sfd elev a 665sf 3 car garage 115 sf elev s & a 1 sf elev 5 104 sq ft covered patio opt #1 - 189 sf bedroom #4&5 with bathroom ilo of 189 sq ft 3 car space
Date:  July 13, 2017

Permit type: Tract models/master plan | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2017-Tmaspc- | Parcel: 1250530100
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