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South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington Dc
This work is being performed under a contract issused by d. C. Water and is part of the d. C. Clean rivers project . The work covered by this permit will be the removal and installation of temporary street light as part of the set up of a construction yard for the purpose of constructing the blue plains tunnel access shaft located in the area between anacostia drive and south capitol street. The yard will include a temporary office trailer and laydown area for materials, and equipment necessary to perform the work, provide access to the construction site for the deep shaft. Work zone and streetlight deposit fees waived due to bond#78 on file
Date:  February 14, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: May 14, 2012 | Permit id: Pa66887
2012/02/14086South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
125 O Street Se Washington Dc
All work as approved and directed by d. C. Clean rivers project: to install new temporary construction fence along southside tingey street, east of n street. Revise pedestrian walkway at n street. Install maintainence of traffic barrels along n street . Modify existing curb line at tingey and n street. Close sidewalk along tingey street as per approved site plans and tcp. 1. All work must be done as per d. C. Standards and specifications.
Date:  June 27, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: December 23, 2012 | Permit id: Pa72393
2012/06/27086125 O Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
We are required to install 6 monitoring wells to measure movement of the soil around the constrcution of a foot diameter shaft being constructed as part of the d. C. Clean rivers project. The well sizes and depths are detailed on the drawings included in this application
Date:  June 19, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: August 8, 2012 | Permit id: Pa71550
2012/06/1908623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington Dc
1st - extension of permit number pa66887: (pa66887r1= pa71997); this work is being performed under a contract issused by d. C. Water and is part of the d. C. Clean rivers project . The work covered by this permit will be the removal and installation of temporary street light as part of the set up of a construction yard for the purpose of constructing the blue plains tunnel access shaft located in the area between anacostia drive and south capitol street. The yard will include a temporary office trailer and laydown area for materials, and equipment necessary to perform the work, provide access to the construction site for the deep shaft. Work zone and streetlight deposit fees waived due to bond#78 on file
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: July 30, 2012 | Permit id: Pa66887-R1
2012/05/18086South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
Support of excavation for a building foundation - this is an ipma approved project - reviewed by nick, city engineer

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Expiration date: June 7, 2013 | Permit id: 0
08623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
To construct a foot diameter 125 foot deep shaft that will serve as a junction chamber and provide access shaft to the new d. C. Clean rivers storm water tunnel that will run underneath the city of washington. This shaft will be the connector between the new blue plains tunnel and the new anacostia river tunnel.
Date:  September 27, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: June 29, 2013 | Permit id: Pa71891
2012/09/2708623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
The construction of a slurry wall (soe) to dig a shaft 65 feet in diameter 125 foot deep which will provide access to the 23 foot diameter tunnel which is to be built as part of the d. C. Clean rivers project..
Date:  September 11, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: September 10, 2013 | Permit id: Pa72690
2012/09/1108623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington Dc
1st - extension of permit number pa66887: (pa66887r1= pa71997); this work is being performed under a contract issused by d. C. Water and is part of the d. C. Clean rivers project . The work covered by this permit will be the removal and installation of temporary street light as part of the set up of a construction yard for the purpose of constructing the blue plains tunnel access shaft located in the area between anacostia drive and south capitol street. The yard will include a temporary office trailer and laydown area for materials, and equipment necessary to perform the work, provide access to the construction site for the deep shaft. Work zone and streetlight deposit fees waived due to bond#78 on file

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Permit id: 0
086South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
To construct a foot diameter 125 foot deep shaft that will serve as a junction chamber and provide access shaft to the new d. C. Clean rivers storm water tunnel that will run underneath the city of washington. This shaft will be the connector between the new blue plains tunnel and the new anacostia river tunnel.
Date:  June 27, 2013

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: June 27, 2014 | Permit id: Pa71891-R1
2013/06/2708623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
125 O Street Se Washington Dc
All work as approved and directed by d. C. Clean rivers project: to install new temporary construction fence along southside tingey street, east of n street. Revise pedestrian walkway at n street. Install maintainence of traffic barrels along n street . Modify existing curb line at tingey and n street. Close sidewalk along tingey street as per approved site plans and tcp. 1. All work must be done as per d. C. Standards and specifications.
Date:  December 17, 2013

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: July 31, 2014 | Permit id: Pa72393-R2
2013/12/17086125 O Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
To construct a foot diameter 125 foot deep shaft that will serve as a junction chamber and provide access shaft to the new d. C. Clean rivers storm water tunnel that will run underneath the city of washington. This shaft will be the connector between the new blue plains tunnel and the new anacostia river tunnel.
Date:  July 7, 2014

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: June 27, 2015 | Permit id: Pa71891-R2
2014/07/0708623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
23 South Capitol Street Se Washington Dc
Support of excavation for a building foundation - this is an ipma approved project - reviewed by nick, city engineer

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Expiration date: June 7, 2013 | Permit id: 0
08623 South Capitol Street Se Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture
South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington Dc
1st - extension of permit number pa66887: (pa66887r1= pa71997); this work is being performed under a contract issused by d. C. Water and is part of the d. C. Clean rivers project . The work covered by this permit will be the removal and installation of temporary street light as part of the set up of a construction yard for the purpose of constructing the blue plains tunnel access shaft located in the area between anacostia drive and south capitol street. The yard will include a temporary office trailer and laydown area for materials, and equipment necessary to perform the work, provide access to the construction site for the deep shaft. Work zone and streetlight deposit fees waived due to bond#78 on file

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Permit id: 0
086South Capitol Street And Anacostia Drive Sw Washington DcTraylor Slanska Jay Dee Joint Venture

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