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1 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191034900
Interior alteration as per plan.
Date:  March 17, 2014

Client: Philadelphia Rittenhouse Developer Lp | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 31, 2014 | Permit id: 523041
2014/03/1701001 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191034900Orion General Contractors
23747 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191036143
Ez interior demolition- for the interior demolition of non load-bearing partition walls and ceilings as per attached standard. Deviations from this standard will result in permit revocation and require submission of construction plans. Int demo - kitchen and bathrooms
Date:  May 12, 2015

Client: Laibson Peter R Laibson Ruth | Permit type: Demolition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 3, 2016 | Permit id: 609451
2015/05/12010023747 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191036143Orion General Contractors
23747 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191036143
Interior renovations and modifications as per plans (including window replacement) and certificate of occupancy to document existing use. No change in occupancy classification.
Date:  May 28, 2015

Client: Laibson Peter R Laibson Ruth | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 11, 2016 | Permit id: 608305
2015/05/28010023747 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191036143Orion General Contractors
304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302
Amend bldg. Prmt.# 620692, issued for full renovation of home, to include structural repairs in accordance with construction documents signed & sealed by commonwealth of pa professional engineer (pe). No work to chimney or incrase in height of exist. Deck railing permitted herein.
Date:  April 20, 2016

Client: Heller Joshua E | Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 11, 2017 | Permit id: 654434
2016/04/200100304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302Orion General Contractors
304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302
Rear addition to existing single-family dwelling
Date:  June 26, 2015

Client: Heller Joshua E | Permit type: Zoning permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 26, 2015 | Permit id: 615042
2015/06/260100304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302Orion General Contractors
304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302
Full renovations of all stories of house. Addition in rear yard complying with zoning code, maintaning 30% open space lot. Site to be excavated at areas adjacent to existing structure(s) not within the scope of this permit. Permit holder to notify owner(s) of adjoining property(ies) no less than ten (10) days prior to commencement of permitted work. Separate permit required for mechanical, electrical & plumbing work.
Date:  September 21, 2015

Client: Heller Joshua E | Permit type: Addition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 11, 2017 | Permit id: 620692
2015/09/210100304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302Orion General Contractors
304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302
Partial demolition of rear abandoned chimney... Ez interior demolition- for the interior demolition of non load-bearing partition walls and ceilings as per attached standard. Deviations from this standard will result in permit revocation and require submission of construction plans. Work to be performed as per philadelphia historical commissions guidelines approved plan
Date:  August 6, 2015

Client: Heller Joshua E | Permit type: Demolition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 28, 2015 | Permit id: 630259
2015/08/060100304 S 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 191064302Orion General Contractors
202 Sunrise Ln Philadelphia Pa 191183934
Construct one 3-story and one 2-story addition to a single family dwelling.
Date:  April 14, 2008

Client: Lewis J Rudy Chevrier Elie-Anne | Permit type: Addition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 14, 2009 | Permit id: 143068
2008/04/140100202 Sunrise Ln Philadelphia Pa 191183934Orion General Contractors
2404 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 191036423
Replace the metal on front facade to match existing design, per attached drawing & photo. Painted dark color. (as approved by historical commission)
Date:  August 8, 2016

Client: Baird Deborah | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 11, 2017 | Permit id: 713238
2016/08/0801002404 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 191036423Orion General Contractors
228 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063522
Install new epdm roof over new 1 2" recovery board on the 3rd floor roof deck.
Date:  November 18, 2015

Client: Brien Anna Marie | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 25, 2016 | Permit id: 653056
2015/11/180100228 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063522Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
For interior alterations (level 2) within an existing dwelling unit (unit #701). Alterations to include the demolition nd erection of non-bearing partitions, millwork and finishes. No work to the exterior of the structure. No change of use. Separate permit required for and plumbing, mechanical or electrical work.
Date:  July 19, 2017

Client: Elsner Jay Elsner Bonnie | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 27, 2017 | Permit id: 794151
2017/07/19010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
Ez interior demolition- for the interior demolition of non load-bearing partition walls and ceilings as per attached standard. Deviations from this standard will result in permit revocation and require submission of construction plans.
Date:  June 22, 2017

Client: Elsner Jay Elsner Bonnie | Permit type: Demolition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 21, 2017 | Permit id: 794140
2017/06/22010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
For the installation of a clothes dryer exhaust vent in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions and referenced plans reviewed by the historical commission. (no penetrations through fire-rated assemblies on this permit.)
Date:  October 30, 2017

Client: Elsner Jay Elsner Bonnie | Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 27, 2017 | Permit id: 814290
2017/10/30010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
For interior alterations to an existing unit to include wall floor ceiling finishing. Separate permits may be required for any plumbing alterations. (no work or alterations to building exterior, to include windows and doors.)
Date:  July 15, 2016

Client: Naidoff Michael A Naidoff Stephanie W | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 21, 2016 | Permit id: 700537
2016/07/15010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
Amend permit # 611661 to include changes to replacement of windows and or wall opening. No changes to rough opeing. Permit holder to comply with historical commission requirements. No frame infills sash replacement only
Date:  September 8, 2015

Client: Taylor Howard Bell Marlene | Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 23, 2015 | Permit id: 622789
2015/09/08010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
For level ii interior alterations to apartment 5b in an existing high-rise residential structure. Building is fuly sprinklered. Work to include selective interior demolition and the installation of interior non-bearing walls, appliances, and finishes. Separate permit required for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression systems. All asbestos to be treated & removed prior to commencement of work.
Date:  June 5, 2015

Client: Taylor Howard Bell Marlene | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 3, 2016 | Permit id: 611661
2015/06/05010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
1809 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 191036606
Erection of a deck in the rear of a sfd
Date:  October 5, 2011

Client: Eberlein Barbara | Permit type: Zoning permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 5, 2011 | Permit id: 348110
2011/10/0501001809 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 191036606Orion General Contractors
1809 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 191036606
Second story rear deck at the rear of sfd as per plans.
Date:  October 5, 2011

Client: Eberlein Barbara | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: February 22, 2012 | Permit id: 345622
2011/10/0501001809 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 191036606Orion General Contractors
18 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802
For interior alterations with an existing highrise building. Alterations will be performed in a single redidential dwelling unit. No work to the core structure of the building. All work shal comply with the approved plans. This work activity shall be performed by contractor(s) licensed by the city of philadelphia.
Date:  June 7, 2012

Client: Selbst Steven M Selbst Andrea K | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 13, 2014 | Permit id: 406334
2012/06/07010018 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191035802Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Install kitchen cabinets in location of an old kitchen add a closet in the master bedroom, refinish floors, add a coat closet as per plan. (suite #4ne)
Date:  June 27, 2014

Client: Stein Allan R | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 13, 2014 | Permit id: 545780
2014/06/2701002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Interior improvements to existing condominuim unit. Includes upgrades to bathroom, closet, den, pantry and ceiling work no changes to exterion per historical commission
Date:  July 21, 2011

Client: Young Sherley | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 17, 2012 | Permit id: 347746
2011/07/2101002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Remove existing finishes from the master bathroom and install new in existing locations. Remove the floor finish from the entry hall and install matching engineered floor. Rework the trim detail on existing doors. No structural modifications. Separate permit is required for electrical and plumbing work
Date:  July 30, 2015

Client: Ewers Robert E Jr Tr Pleasance Penny Tr | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 24, 2016 | Permit id: 622795
2015/07/3001002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Philadelphia historical registered property. For interior alteration within a single family dwelling to create new walls and cased openings in selctive areas as shown on the aproved plans. Al building materials shall be of non-combustible materials. No penertations of removals of any fire rated wall or fllor ceiling assemblies. Post this permit post the project information sign
Date:  October 6, 2015

Client: Enenberg Alfred Denenberg Susan | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: February 24, 2016 | Permit id: 643260
2015/10/0601002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2033 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191030000
Remove and replace the windows on the front of the building. 1 double hung pair on the first floor. 2 single double hung windows on the 2nd and 3rd floor each. No modification to existing opening sizes. Bottom sashes will be tempered
Date:  April 26, 2013

Client: Cohn Keri | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 29, 2013 | Permit id: 465302
2013/04/2601002033 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 191030000Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Interior alterations to an existing residential unit as per plans. Separate permit required for mechanical (including ventless fireplace) electrical, and plumbing
Date:  October 29, 2009

Client: Elverta Washington Square | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 1, 2010 | Permit id: 243822
2009/10/2901002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
For interior alterations limited to floor wall ceiling finishing at master bathroom and interior non-structural partition demolition per referenced plans. (iebc 2009, compliance path: work-area method, lvl ii alterations) no exterior alterations or structureal modifications. Separate permits may be required for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical alterations.
Date:  March 2, 2017

Client: Padon Thomas C Melancon James P | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 30, 2017 | Permit id: 754683
2017/03/0201002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
446 W Chestnut Hill Ave Philadelphia Pa 191183712
For the erection of an addition onto an existing detached structure (main house) used as single-family household livng. Seperate permit required for plumbing, mechanical and electrical work.
Date:  December 15, 2016

Client: Stephan Dean Stephan Vivian | Permit type: Addition permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: August 3, 2017 | Permit id: 729798
2016/12/150100446 W Chestnut Hill Ave Philadelphia Pa 191183712Orion General Contractors
108 W Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 191184030
Remove and replace roof covering on single family dwelling.
Date:  May 26, 2011

Client: Brady William J Iii | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: January 27, 2012 | Permit id: 343412
2011/05/260100108 W Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 191184030Orion General Contractors
108 W Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 191184030
Interior alterations single family dwelling, including structural repairs; all work as per plans.
Date:  September 29, 2011

Client: Brady William J Iii | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 8, 2013 | Permit id: 364829
2011/09/290100108 W Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 191184030Orion General Contractors
233 W Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 191194103
Remove bearing wall between kitchen and butlers party support ceiling per drawings
Date:  November 16, 2012

Client: Malley Andrew W Omalley Sharon F | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 11, 2014 | Permit id: 437843
2012/11/160100233 W Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 191194103Orion General Contractors
226 S Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 191035508
Interior alteration to an existing attached single family dwelling per submitted plan. Separate permits required for electric plumbing and mechanical.
Date:  December 11, 2014

Client: Eeraraghavan Senthil Subramanian Deepa | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 29, 2015 | Permit id: 577676
2014/12/110100226 S Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 191035508Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
For interior alterations to include the erection of interior partition walls and wall floor ceiling finishes. (iebc 2009, compliance path: work-area method, lvl ii alterations) no alterations at exterior or structural modifications. Separate permits to be required for any plumbing, electrical, or mechanical alterations.
Date:  March 2, 2017

Client: Neer Jason Harrington Sheila | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: June 7, 2017 | Permit id: 754682
2017/03/0201002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
No change in use and occupancy classificaiton. Level ii inteiror alterations as per approved plans. Separate permit required for any mep and fire suppression work.
Date:  January 23, 2017

Client: Steier Alan Steier Golda | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 1, 2017 | Permit id: 743719
2017/01/2301002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Ez interior demolition- for the interior demolition of non load-bearing partition walls and ceilings as per attached standard. Deviations from this standard will result in permit revocation and require submission of construction plans.
Date:  July 1, 2016

Client: Stahlecker Gerald F | Permit type: Demolition permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 29, 2016 | Permit id: 704368
2016/07/0101002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
Level ii interior alterations (no change of occupancy) for renovations to existing unit 11nw to include new finishes as per approved plans. Existing building fully sprinklered. Separate permits required for any mep or fire suppression work
Date:  July 13, 2016

Client: Stahlecker Gerald F | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: July 31, 2017 | Permit id: 704365
2016/07/1301002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518
No change in use and occupancy classification. Interior demolition of a non load bearing partition and level ii interior alterations to construct a non load bearing partition as per approved plans. New partitions shall be constructed of non combustible material. Separate permit required for any mechanical electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression work.
Date:  July 13, 2016

Client: Ayer Acquisition Llc | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 27, 2017 | Permit id: 704364
2016/07/1301002 W Washington Sq Philadelphia Pa 191063518Orion General Contractors
2 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 191063908
For the interior demolition on non-bearing partition wall and ceilings as per attached standard. Deviations from these standards require submission of construction and site plans.(remove all existing finishes to expose existing framing.)
Date:  December 7, 2017

Client: Livieri Frank Olivieri Ritamarie | Permit type: Demolition permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: December 12, 2017 | Permit id: 837585
2017/12/0701002 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 191063908Orion General Contractors

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