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22 P Street Nw Washington Dc
Up to three temporary well points (mw-f, mw-g, mw-h) will be installed to delineate the extent of light non-aqueous phase liquid (lnapl). One well point will be installed within district public property, in the area east of exiting wells mw-b and mw-c. At the request of ddoe, two points will be installed on the adjacent rock creek park property, to the west (since work associated with the construction of these wells will not impede sidewalk access and will not be located on the adjacent sidewalk, these wells will not be located withing district public space). However, for your reference, all three proposed wells are shown on the uploaded site plan and tcp, but this request is for the construction of one well. After each location is cleared for the presence of underground utilities, a boring will be advanced. A track-mountd geoprobe direct push rig, equipped with air rotary capabilities will be used. Temporary monitoring wells will be installed at each location to a depth of approx. 35
Date:  May 27, 2014
Contractor: Gene Burke

Client: Glen Rosenberg, Vp And General Counsel | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (single) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: August 25, 2014 | Permit id: Pa92713-R1
2014/05/2707022 P Street Nw Washington DcGene Burke
4861 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Washington Dc
As part of a ddoe corrective action plan, five injection wells, feet part, in a single transect and two monitoring wells will be constructed in public space. The injection wells will be installed to a depth of approximately 12 feet and will be screened from 7 to 12 feet bgs. The monitoring wells will be installed to a depth of approximately 24 feet and will be screened from to 24 feet bgs. Well installation is required for groundwater treatment at the site. Tcps have been prepared and temporary cones and sineage will be appropriate placed around the work area during work activities. Tcp components will be in place during work active work hours only.
Date:  September 30, 2013
Contractor: Gene Burke

Client: Rob Speer | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (each addl), excavation; monitoring well (single) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: January 2, 2014 | Permit id: Pa87351
2013/09/300704861 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Washington DcGene Burke
Newton Street Ne And Clinton Street Ne Washington Dc
One groundwater monitoring well will be installed, as required by ddoe directive dated 5/1/13. The monitoring well will be installed to a depth of approximately 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) and will be constructed with 2-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (pvc) riser pipe and 20-foot pvc screen. Actual well depth will be determined in the field. Sand filter pack will be placed within the space between the screen and borehole annulus to a height two feet above the top of the screen. A two-foot thick bentonite seal will be placed above the filter pack and hydrated. A bentonite amended grout will be placed from the top of the bentonite seal to within 2-3 feet of the ground surface. The well will be completed with a flush mount steel well box. The monitoring well will be installed in public space located near the southwest corner of the intersection of newtown st. Ne and clinton st. Ne, in the grassy area between the sidewalk and the roadway.
Date:  December 5, 2013
Contractor: Gene Burke

Client: Jewel Cox | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (single) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: May 8, 2014 | Permit id: Pa89538
2013/12/05070Newton Street Ne And Clinton Street Ne Washington DcGene Burke
4861 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Washington Dc
Two groundwater extraction wells (mw-11 and mw-12) will be installed to address contaminants of concern in response to discussions with ddoe on december 4, 2013. New extraction well mw-11 will be located in the current location of well iw-1 (see site plan). Existing well iw-1 will be abandoned by over-drilling and new extraction well mw-11 will be installed in the same location. New extraction well mw-12 will be installed in a new location, per the site plan. The wells will have a screen length extending to 25 ft. The wells will be installed to approximately 25 ft and completed to ground surface with a 4" diameter polyvinyl chloride (pvc) wire wrapped 0. 0 slotted screen that will extend from approximately 10-25 ft bgs. The 4" diameter pvc casing will extend from the surface to ft bgs. A no. 1 sand filter pack will be placed around the well screen to approximately 2 ft above the top of the screened interval. At least 2 ft of bentonite slurry or fully hydrated medium-sized bentonite chip
Date:  March 5, 2014
Contractor: Gene Burke

Client: Monty Berhane | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (each addl), excavation; monitoring well (single) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: July 17, 2014 | Permit id: Pa92684
2014/03/050704861 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Washington DcGene Burke
22 P Street Nw Washington Dc
Up to three temporary well points (mw-f, mw-g, mw-h) will be installed to delineate the extent of light non-aqueous phase liquid (lnapl). One well point will be installed within district public property, in the area east of exiting wells mw-b and mw-c. At the request of ddoe, two points will be installed on the adjacent rock creek park property, to the west (since work associated with the construction of these wells will not impede sidewalk access and will not be located on the adjacent sidewalk, these wells will not be located withing district public space). However, for your reference, all three proposed wells are shown on the uploaded site plan and tcp, but this request is for the construction of one well. After each location is cleared for the presence of underground utilities, a boring will be advanced. A track-mountd geoprobe direct push rig, equipped with air rotary capabilities will be used. Temporary monitoring wells will be installed at each location to a depth of approx. 35
Date:  March 6, 2014
Contractor: Gene Burke

Client: Glen Rosenberg, Vp And General Counsel | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (single) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: June 26, 2014 | Permit id: Pa92713
2014/03/0607022 P Street Nw Washington DcGene Burke

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