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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977
Commercial demo of village center phase 1b note _ it may not be possible to rebuild. _ the fact that there was an existing structure on your lot does not guarantee that you will be able to replace it if it is demolished. Existence of a structure does not "grandfather" its use if it is removed. Please see the zoning counter at the kearny mesa pds offices (55 overland ave., suite 110) for more information. C&d permit = dpw2016-reccd-00195
Date:  September 1, 2016

Permit type: Commercial alteration-addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 16, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Comalt-
2016/09/01089325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
10728 Us Elevator Rd Spring Valley Ca 91978
Interior comm ti remodel existing warehouse add demising wall 79 lf to create 6459 sf warehouse and 739 sf office which includes 128 lf interior partitions to create womens bathroom office breakroom w sink for cox enterprises, misc epm using address 25 sweetwater springs blvd 10 4 13 adding testing power to permit; good for days from todays date... Vmt
Date:  May 2, 2013
Value:   $88,000

Permit type: Commercial alteration-addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 18, 2013 | Permit id: Pds2013-Comalt-
2013/05/02880008910728 Us Elevator Rd Spring Valley Ca 91978Bycor General Contractors Inc
10603 Rancho Bernardo Rd San Diego Ca 92127
Two monument signs - one for the new parking lot sq ft and one with the business 44 sq ft - external illuminated active care at 4s ranch.
Date:  December 30, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: New commercial acc structure | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Comacc-
2015/12/3080008910603 Rancho Bernardo Rd San Diego Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
16969 Dove Canyon Rd San Diego Ca 92127
528 sqft sales trailer (spa 112-f) for pds2014-compri-000027
Date:  November 13, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: New commercial acc structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 23, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2015-Comacc-
2015/11/1380008916969 Dove Canyon Rd San Diego Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
16969 Dove Canyon Rd San Diego Ca 92127
Remove demolish 12 x 44 (528sf) sales trailer, ramp & temp power for activcare living facility note _ it may not be possible to rebuild. _ the fact that there was an existing structure on your lot does not guarantee that you will be able to replace it if it is demolished. Existence of a structure does not "grandfather" its use if it is removed. Please see the zoning counter at the kearny mesa pds offices (55 overland ave., suite 110) for more information.
Date:  May 26, 2016

Permit type: Commercial alteration-addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 27, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Comalt-
2016/05/2608916969 Dove Canyon Rd San Diego Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977
Plumbing for underground (non vesting) for pds2013-comacc-000191 12-15-2014- adding existing gasline relocation vam
Date:  October 31, 2014

Permit type: Commercial alteration-addn | Permit status: Issued about to expire | Permit id: Pds2014-Comalt-
2014/10/31089325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
10603 Rancho Bernardo Rd San Diego Ca 92127
24,932 sf group care facility, 3 offices. Reception area, converence fam rm, 3 public restrooms, 36 units, beds, 29 w full baths, and 7 w half bath, 3 hallway showers, 2 storage rooms, commercial kitchen, dining room activity room, employee lounge, maintenance office, elec. Mech closet, laundry room, beauty shop, medical storage room. 3 sf patio covers, open court yard, 16 amp, 258 sf walls for trash enclosure 10-08-15 - plan change submitting deferred trusses vam. 6 24 2015 plan change. Structural details only. See c of a... Ss
Date:  May 30, 2014
Value:   $3,514,569

Permit type: New primary comm structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 13, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2014-Compri-
2014/05/3035145698910603 Rancho Bernardo Rd San Diego Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977
Phase 1 for mt. Miguel covenant villagetown center 38,519 sf to include 26,746 sf main level kitchen dining theatre gallery restrooms offices reception area beaty shop barber shop, 2207 sf wellness center, 5466 lower level to include 3324 lower level locker sauna area aerobic area and 2142 sf lower level pool mech rm storage woodshop, 1951 sf covered dining, w 4102 sf att bailey center multi purpose room (demo existing and rebuilding) 9 2 2016 plan change. Electrical only. See c of a... Ss 6-6-16 plan change - structural only. See plan change on coa. Cdc 2 9 2016 plan change. Structural only. See c of a.. Ss 10-16-2015 submittal of deferred firestopping calcs. Vam. 5-08-2015- plan change deferred trusses see c of a vam. 3-12-2015 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees. Vam (ok per matt o for no code updates) 03. 17. 2014 plan change to add phase 1a (demo of portion of existing village town center --see record id #pds2
Date:  November 4, 2013
Value:   $3,984,441

Permit type: New commercial acc structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 19, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2013-Comacc-
2013/11/04398444189325 Kempton St Spring Valley Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Plumbing for underground (non vesting) for pds2013-comacc-000191 12-15-2014- adding existing gasline relocation vam
Date:  October 31, 2014

Permit type: Commercial alteratio | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2014-Comalt- | Parcel: 584-190-30-00
2014/10/31089325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
10603 Rancho Bernardo Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127
Two monument signs - one for the new parking lot sq ft and one with the business 44 sq ft - external illuminated active care at 4s ranch.
Date:  December 30, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Signs (all) | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Comacc- | Parcel: 6786500600
2015/12/3080008910603 Rancho Bernardo Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
16969 Dove Canyon Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127
528 sqft sales trailer (spa 112-f) for pds2014-compri-000027
Date:  November 13, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Misc. Trailer uses | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Comacc- | Parcel: 6786500700
2015/11/1380008916969 Dove Canyon Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Commercial demo of village center phase 1b note _ it may not be possible to rebuild. _ the fact that there was an existing structure on your lot does not guarantee that you will be able to replace it if it is demolished. Existence of a structure does not "grandfather" its use if it is removed. Please see the zoning counter at the kearny mesa pds offices (55 overland ave., suite 110) for more information. C&d permit = dpw2016-reccd-00195
Date:  September 1, 2016

Permit type: Demolition all other buildings | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Comalt- | Parcel: 5841903000
2016/09/01089325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
10603 Rancho Bernardo Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127
24,932 sf group care facility, 3 offices. Reception area, converence/fam rm, 3 public restrooms, 36 units, beds, 29 w/full baths, and 7 w/half bath, 3 hallway showers, 2 storage rooms, commercial kitchen, dining room/activity room, employee lounge, maintenance office, elec. Mech closet, laundry room, beauty shop, medical storage room. 3 sf patio covers, open court yard, 16 amp, 258 sf walls for trash enclosure 10-08-15 - plan change submitting deferred trusses vam. 6/24/2015 plan change. Structural details only. See c of a... Ss
Date:  May 30, 2014
Value:   $3,514,569

Permit type: Hospitals, resthome, convalescent | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2014-Compri- | Parcel: 678-650-04-00
2014/05/3035145698910603 Rancho Bernardo Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc
325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Phase 1 for mt. Miguel covenant villagetown center 38,519 sf to include 26,746 sf main level kitchen dining theatre gallery restrooms offices reception area beaty shop barber shop, 2207 sf wellness center, 5466 lower level to include 3324 lower level locker sauna area aerobic area and 2142 sf lower level pool mech rm storage woodshop, 1951 sf covered dining, w 4102 sf att bailey center multi purpose room (demo existing and rebuilding) 9 2 2016 plan change. Electrical only. See c of a... Ss 6-6-16 plan change - structural only. See plan change on coa. Cdc 2 9 2016 plan change. Structural only. See c of a.. Ss 10-16-2015 submittal of deferred firestopping calcs. Vam. 5-08-2015- plan change deferred trusses see c of a vam. 3-12-2015 plan check renewed at 25% of current fees. Vam (ok per matt o for no code updates) 03. 17. 2014 plan change to add phase 1a (demo of portion of existing village town center --see record id #pds2
Date:  November 4, 2013
Value:   $3,984,441

Permit type: Hospitals, resthome, convalescent | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2013-Comacc- | Parcel: 584-190-30-00
2013/11/04398444189325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Bycor General Contractors Inc
10728 Us Elevator Rd, Spring Valley, Ca 91978
Interior comm ti remodel existing warehouse add demising wall 79 lf to create 6459 sf warehouse and 739 sf office which includes 128 lf interior partitions to create womens bathroom office breakroom w sink for cox enterprises, misc epm using address 25 sweetwater springs blvd 10 4 13: adding testing power to permit; good for days from todays date... Vmt
Date:  May 2, 2013
Value:   $88,000

Permit type: Commercial alteratio | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2013-Comalt- | Parcel: 505-231-35-00
2013/05/02880008910728 Us Elevator Rd, Spring Valley, Ca 91978Bycor General Contractors Inc
16969 Dove Canyon Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127
Remove/demolish 12 x 44 (528sf) sales trailer, ramp & temp power for activcare living facility note _ it may not be possible to rebuild. _ the fact that there was an existing structure on your lot does not guarantee that you will be able to replace it if it is demolished. Existence of a structure does not "grandfather" its use if it is removed. Please see the zoning counter at the kearny mesa pds offices (55 overland ave., suite 110) for more information.
Date:  May 26, 2016

Permit type: Demolition all other buildings | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Comalt- | Parcel: 6786500700
2016/05/2608916969 Dove Canyon Rd, San Diego, Ca 92127Bycor General Contractors Inc

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