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SCORE 98 Application is filed for interior alteration to second floor of a two story, one family residence. Also filed in order to close out dob #alt 142/74 which was approved and permitted but never finalized. Contents of alt 142/74 are herewith attached. No enlargement / increase to floor area is proposed. New certificate of occupancy to be obtained. Client: Vincent Coscia | Client Address: Dole Street Staten Island Ny 10312 | Client Phone: (718) 948-1861 | Client Company: . | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 520186646 |
SCORE 100 Original alteration 142 74 was approvedbut application was not finalize d; copies submitted herewith. Contents of folder to be tranferred. This new appl ication includes paa work for as built second floor with three bedrooms and one four-fixture bathroom; no added volume to the structure Client: Agatha Lorenzo | Client Address: Dole Street Staten Island Ny 10312 | Client Phone: (718) 356-7862 | Client Company: Na | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 500865307 |