Building Permits at 866 East 2 Street Bronx NY 10467

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Date:  June 27, 2014
Contractor: Eric Lundenberg

Client: Matthew Ahdoot | Client Address: 147-18 Hillside Avenue Queens Ny 11436 | Client Phone: (214) 748-3647 | Expiration date: June 27, 2015 | Permit id: 220387267
2014/06/270100866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Eric Lundenberg
Date:  June 27, 2014
Contractor: Yogeshwarie Parma

Client: Matthew Ahdoot | Client Address: 147-18 Hillside Avenue Queens Ny 11436 | Client Phone: (214) 748-3647 | Expiration date: December 19, 2014 | Permit id: 220387267
2014/06/27099866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Yogeshwarie Parma
Date:  June 27, 2014
Contractor: Eric Lundenberg

Client: Matthew Ahdoot | Client Address: 147-18 Hillside Avenue Queens Ny 11436 | Client Phone: (516) 779-4335 | Permit status: Initial | Expiration date: June 27, 2015 | Permit id: 220387267
2014/06/270100866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Eric Lundenberg
Date:  June 27, 2014
Contractor: Yogeshwarie Parma

Client: Matthew Ahdoot | Client Address: 147-18 Hillside Avenue Queens Ny 11436 | Client Phone: (516) 779-4335 | Permit status: Initial | Expiration date: December 19, 2014 | Permit id: 220387267
2014/06/27099866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Yogeshwarie Parma
Seal all accessible openings leading to illegal attic apt. Remove all work related debris.
Date:  April 26, 2010
Value:   $314

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea33775
2010/04/2631495866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Apt # 2, kitchen and bathroom: repair defective connection at waste line at kitchen sink remove obstruction at waste line at bathtub and wash ba
Date:  February 1, 2010
Value:   $344

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea24516
2010/02/0134495866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
At public hall: at staircase; repair and secure handrail. Repair existing ballusters #5, 10, 16, 17, 20, 21 from bottom. Install (14) new balluste
Date:  January 14, 2010
Value:   $413

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea22711
2010/01/1441395866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Equipment work
Date:  June 27, 2014

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 22038726701
2014/06/27095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Jrs Construction And Expedi
Date:  June 27, 2014

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 22038726701
2014/06/270100866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467Attack Plumbing Inc
Provide single fuel drop with prime and start #2 fuel fill tank. Please report any problems immediately to esb fuel unit. (212) 863-8781
Date:  November 8, 2010

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Eb14491
2010/11/08095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant/hot water
Date:  July 1, 2013

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ee02321
2013/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant/hot water
Date:  July 1, 2012

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ed01207
2012/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant/hot water
Date:  July 1, 2014

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ef03222
2014/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oil boiler - make all necessary work to restore electric service to boiler room and boiler in basement including any service to and from electri

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29631
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Provide single fuel drop with prime and start #2 fuel fill tank. Please report any problems immediately to esb fuel unit. (212) 863-8781
Date:  March 12, 2010

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ea28276
2010/03/12095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant/hot water
Date:  July 1, 2011

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ec01587
2011/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant/hot water
Date:  July 1, 2010

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Eb02436
2010/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oil boiler - make all necessary work to restore electric service to boiler room and boiler in basement including any service to and from electri

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29631
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oil boiler - make all necessary work to restore electric service to boiler room and boiler in basement including any service to and from electri

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29631
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water
Date:  March 17, 2010

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ea29414
2010/03/17095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water
Date:  July 1, 2011

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ec01587
2011/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oil boiler - make all necessary work to restore electric service to boiler room and boiler in basement including any service to and from electri

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29631
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water
Date:  March 6, 2012

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ec22715
2012/03/06095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water
Date:  July 1, 2014

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ef03222
2014/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Con ed provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water
Date:  July 1, 2013

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Ee02321
2013/07/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oil boiler - make all necessary work to restore electric service to boiler room and boiler in basement including any service to and from electri

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29631
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Apt.# 1- at bedroom: replace approx. 18 lf of baseboard radiators with new covers and restore heat to room. Remove all work related debris. Non -
Date:  January 28, 2010

Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Ea23606
2010/01/28095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necessarry repairs to # 2 oil buner and boiler. To provide heat and hot water to 1st fl apt. Install new oil filter tune up boiler. Clean b
Date:  November 19, 2010

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15343
2010/11/19095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Apt # 1, kitchen: trace, locate and repair the concealed water leak from above. Demolish and repair the ceiling approx. Sq. Ft and replace wi
Date:  February 19, 2010

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea24525
2010/02/19095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necesrrry repairs to # 2 oil boiler and burner to provide hot water and heat to entire building. Prime and start. Remove all work rel

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb28615
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Provide single fuel drop with prime and start #2 fuel fill tank. Please report any problems immediately to esb fuel unit. (212) 863-8781
Date:  April 20, 2011

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Eb29028
2011/04/20095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
At bsmt restore electrical power to # 2 oil burner and boiler to provide hot water and heat to apt 2. Remove all work related debris. Non- s. W. P
Date:  May 5, 2011

Permit type: Elec | Permit id: Eb30117
2011/05/05095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necesrrry repairs to # 2 oil boiler and burner to provide hot water and heat to entire building. Prime and start. Remove all work rel

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb28615
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necesrrry repairs to # 2 oil boiler and burner to provide hot water and heat to entire building. Prime and start. Remove all work rel

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb28615
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necesrrry repairs to # 2 oil boiler and burner to provide hot water and heat to entire building. Prime and start. Remove all work rel

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb28615
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Make all necesrrry repairs to # 2 oil boiler and burner to provide hot water and heat to entire building. Prime and start. Remove all work rel

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb28615
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Provide single fuel drop with prime and start #2 fuel fill tank. Please report any problems immediately to esb fuel unit. (212) 863-8781.
Date:  January 31, 2011

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Eb21189
2011/01/31095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Perform total lead analysis of 04 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw8453050-74 method utilizing flame atomic absorptio
Date:  June 15, 2011

Permit type: Delead | Permit id: Eb34169
2011/06/15095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Perform total lead analysis of 03 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw8453050-74 method utilizing flame atomic absorptio
Date:  March 19, 2010

Permit type: Delead | Permit id: Ea29518
2010/03/19095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
As per mini rc # 2011000423501 (eas) and hpd specification, perform polarized light microscopy (plm) analysis of 2 samples for asbestos content util
Date:  May 25, 2011

Permit type: Asbest | Permit id: Eb32198
2011/05/25095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Bsmt - defrost all frozen water pipes approx l. Ft. And restore hot and cold water to building. Pump out all sewage and stagnant water. Vaccum dry
Date:  February 1, 2011

Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb21220
2011/02/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
At apt #2: at bathroom; provide and install a new solid core wood door complete with hinges and lockset. At bathroom; using a 50/ solution remove
Date:  January 27, 2010

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea22704
2010/01/27095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement, supply and install one (1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant is to provide heat and hot water to both aparments. New installation is
Date:  July 21, 2011

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb32383
2011/07/21095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Apt # 2, room # north (3): trace and repair the source and remove mold approx. 6 sq. Ft. From ceiling and approx. 1 sq. Ft. From all walls. Us
Date:  February 8, 2010

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea24519
2010/02/08095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Perform total lead analysis of 05 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw8453050-74 method utilizing flame atomic absorptio
Date:  February 18, 2010

Permit type: Delead | Permit id: Ea26224
2010/02/18095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement-- supply and install(1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant to provide heat and hot water to both apartments . Installation to include al

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb31332
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Perform asbestos abatement pursuant to hpd specification and title 15, chapter 1, rules of the city of new york, new york state industrial code rule
Date:  June 9, 2011

Permit type: Asbest | Permit id: Eb32679
2011/06/09095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
2nd sty apt 2. At bathroom remove all mold and mildew from bathroom walls and ceiling apx sqft. Apply stain killer to all bathroom walls and cei
Date:  May 13, 2011

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb30120
2011/05/13095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Bsmtement, make all necessary repairs to #2 boiler - restore # 2 boiler to proper working order. Remove all work related debris. Non- s. W. P. N
Date:  February 1, 2011

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb21221
2011/02/01095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Provide single fuel drop with prime and start #2 fuel fill tank. Please report any problems immediately to esb fuel unit. (212) 863-8781
Date:  March 16, 2011

Permit type: Util | Permit id: Eb25485
2011/03/16095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
As per mini rc # 2011140510201 (ny enviornmental & mtrl lab) perform ambient air sampling and analysis in accordance with hpd mini requirement contra
Date:  July 12, 2011

Permit type: Asbest | Permit id: Eb32681
2011/07/12095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement-- supply and install(1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant to provide heat and hot water to both apartments . Installation to include al

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb31332
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement-- supply and install(1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant to provide heat and hot water to both apartments . Installation to include al

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb31332
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement-- supply and install(1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant to provide heat and hot water to both apartments . Installation to include al

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb31332
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
At apt #2: at bathroom; provide and install a new solid core wood door complete with hinges and lockset. At bathroom; using a 50 solution remove
Date:  January 27, 2010

Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea22704
2010/01/27095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Basement-- supply and install(1) new #2 oil heating plant. Heating plant to provide heat and hot water to both apartments . Installation to include al

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb31332
095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
Public areas - all stories - make all necessray repairs and work to restore electric supply at two family public areas . Remove all work related d
Date:  March 24, 2010

Permit type: Elec | Permit id: Ea29852
2010/03/24095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467
# 2 oilboiler - make all necessary repairs to #2 oil boiler to restore to proper working condition and restore heat & hot water to entire building.
Date:  March 31, 2010

Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ea29853
2010/03/31095866 East 2 Street Bronx Ny 10467

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