Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 97 Removal of sprinkler heads and installation of temp loop on the 4th floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121401027 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical & plumbing modifications taking place on the 5th floor; disconnecting existing fixtures; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121563931 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reinforcing of existing support for new hvac units Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121563931 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121605049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler modifications to install new circulation corridor on the 1st floor (franks) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121664957 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior modifications including construction of non-load bearing partitions and associated finishes as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121693284 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical & plumbing modifications to the 5th floor as per plans, no changes in use egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121693284 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121696815 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system as per plans; no change in use, egress or ccupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121696824 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including removal of non-load bearing partitions as per plans filed herewith; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121707206 | |||||
SCORE 98 Demolition and construction work on the 3rd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121712496 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sprinkler work on the 3rd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121712619 | |||||
SCORE 100 Air conditioning units installation. No change in occupancy, use, or egress. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Supports | Permit id: 121790525 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical changes on part of the 4th floor (mlb help desk) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121802610 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor (mlb expansion) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121815606 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 3rd floor (reception area-scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121815946 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sprinkler work on the 3rd floor (reception area-scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress occupancy.. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121827210 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb replay) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121832678 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb expansion) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121846164 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb expansion) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121846164 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural changes to renovate existing elevator #16 on cellar through 8th floor and roof bulkhead as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121851601 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to renovate existing elevator #16 on cellar through 8th floor and roof bulkhead. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121851601 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construct, removal of interior non-load bearing partitions on the 2nd floor; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121853869 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical & plumbing modifications on the 2nd floor; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121853869 | |||||
SCORE 97 Removal of sprinkler heads and installation of temporary sprinkler loop; no change in use, occupancy or egress Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121853878 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the cellar (elevator #16) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121855475 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb expansion) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121855965 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on the 2nd floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121858472 | |||||
SCORE 97 Removal of sprinkler heads and installation of temporary sprinkler loop on the 2nd floor; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121858542 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical and plumbing changes in basement and on 6,7,8, 8m and roof, as per plans filed herewith; no changes to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121858551 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work performed on 6,7,8, 8mez and roof, related to the support of mechanical equipment, framing for an ada lift and adjacent convenience stair as per plans filed herein; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121858551 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the cellar and top of shaft(roof) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121863055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Standpipe work on the 5th floor (mlb expansion) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121873124 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural work to change the occupancy on the 2nd floor to office occupancy (ug6) and related mer. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121889616 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm pre-acton system on the 6th floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121893978 | |||||
SCORE 97 General mechanical modifications as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121894799 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification to sprinkler system on 6 and 6m as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121895798 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior modifications including construction of non-load-bearing partitions and associated finishes as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121895823 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical & plumbing modifications to the 2nd floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121895823 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications on the 2nd floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121895823 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior modifications including construction of non-load bearing partitions and associated finishes to 6, 6m and roof, as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121900390 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical & plumbing modifications to 6, 6m, basement and roof as per plans, no changes in use egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121900390 | |||||
SCORE 100 General structural modifications to 6 & 6m & roof as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121900390 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to standpipe system on 6 and 6m as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121900407 | |||||
SCORE 97 Installation of sprinkler pre-action system on 6th floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121900416 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sprinkler work on the 2nd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121916775 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work on the 2nd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121916784 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical and plumbing work on the 2nd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121916784 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 2nd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121923197 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system as per plans (on 7, 8 & 8m); no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121924873 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to standpipe on the 2nd floor, replacing 2 fire hoses as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121924882 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to standpipe system on the 7th, 8th and 8mez floors as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121925079 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121925088 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification to sprinkler system on the 2nd floor as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121926586 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification to sprinkler system on the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th floors as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121926595 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of new plumbing fixtures in womens bathroom on the 1st floor (franks corridor) as indicated on drawings. (construction and hvac filed under separate supplication. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121936922 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and sprinkler changes on part of the 4th floor (mlb looger station) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121947322 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor (corkbuzz) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121952360 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor (corkbuzz) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121952379 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor (corkbuzz) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121952379 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the cellar and 1st floor (corkbuzz) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121957294 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to the standpipe 6, 7 & 8th floors as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121981150 | |||||
SCORE 85 General sprinkler modifications on the 3rd floor as per plan filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122006088 | |||||
SCORE 78 General mechanical plumbing modifications on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122006872 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction on the 3rd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122006881 | |||||
SCORE 91 Demolition of existing bridge over interior court on part of the 5th floor in preparation of installation of replacement bridge (to be filed separately) Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Interior demo | Permit id: 122028073 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work in conjunction with replacement of bridge at inner court on the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122028091 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 5th floor (mlb-bridge) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122031372 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on the 8th and 8mez floors as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122031808 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor sprinkler work on the 3rd, 4th and 6th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122047132 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural changes on cellar through 6th floor in conjunction with upgrades to elevator 17 as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122054757 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical changes on 3rd, 4th and 6th floors (elevator 17) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122054757 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 7th floor in conjunction with upgrades to elevator 17 Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122054757 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work for electrical room on cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122082423 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural and plumbing work to install accessible unisex toilet room in cellar as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122107834 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on the 4th floor as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122133789 | |||||
SCORE 97 General mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122134662 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications including framing of new mezzanine, dunnage and work associated with mep and architectural fit out as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occuapancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122134662 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical and plumbing changes on the 2nd, 3rd,6th floor, 6th floor mezzanine and roof (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in us egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122165691 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to standpipe system on floors 8 and 8m, as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122196934 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to install new steel and slab to infill opening of former convenience stair on the 4th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122249334 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications including framing of new mezzanine as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122257841 | |||||
SCORE 91 Minor architectural change on part of the 3rd floor to install a rated demising wall between tenants as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122274831 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122275830 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work on the 6th floor roof to support tenant (mlb) cooling tower Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122277277 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work to install tenant (mlb) cooling tower on 6th floor roof; plumbing work on the 5th and 6th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122277776 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification to standpipe system on 4th floor (2 new fire hoses) as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122283251 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to mechanical & plumbing system on 4th floor as per plans filed herein; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122283260 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications on the 4th floor related to architectural fit out, including slab infill, lintels, mech. Equipment support as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122283260 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122334241 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122334241 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122334241 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal of existing mechanical work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (ruthys kiosks); remove plumbing fixtures and cap piping as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122334401 | |||||
SCORE 100 Standpipe work on part of the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122354148 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy (established under alt. I # 104025706) Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122354157 | |||||
SCORE 91 Interior demolition and construction work on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy (established under alt i # 104025706) Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122354175 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar, 1st floor and roof as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy (established under alt. I # 104025706) Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122354175 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122368561 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler modifications on part of the 1st floor (creamline-tenant) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122388950 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system on the 3rd & 4th floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122390019 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior renovation of open work area and conference rooms, including installation of two lintels as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122396549 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to mechanical and plumbing systems on the 4th floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122396549 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system on the 4th floor, including installation of temp loop, as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122396558 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fa system on the 4th floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122404193 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the 2nd floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122436630 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor; mechanical equipment on roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122446727 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (ruthys) as indicated on drawings Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122446727 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modify the sprinkler layout in tenant space (t-salon) on parts of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122470003 | |||||
Sprinkler work on the cellar and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122513155 | |||||
SCORE 91 Demolition and construction work on part of the 3rd floor (hidta-multipurpose) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122514065 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work on the 3rd floor (hidta) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122514065 | |||||
Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar, and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122528498 | |||||
SCORE 85 General standpipe modifications on the 3rd floor, as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122549607 | |||||
SCORE 78 General modifications to the sprinkler systems on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122549616 | |||||
SCORE 85 General modifications to the fire alarm systems on the 3rd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122551899 | |||||
SCORE 78 General modifications to the sprinkler systems on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122561218 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the 1st and cellar (filaga pizzeria) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122576854 | |||||
SCORE 100 Repiping of fire suppression system only. There will be no change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Bruce Koch | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (267) 238-3668 | Client Company: Buddakan | Permit id: 122606634 | |||||
SCORE 91 Interior demolition and construction work on part of the cellar and 1st floor to install new exit stairs and related corridors. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122608197 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor to install new exit stairs and related corridors. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122608197 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work on part of the 1st floor and cellar (filaga pizzeria) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122614484 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural work on the 1st floor (cappones) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122626783 | |||||
SCORE 56 Architectural work to retail space (dizengoff) on part of cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122646654 | |||||
Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (dizengoff as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122646654 | |||||
SCORE 78 General modifications to the standpipe systems on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122525507 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new gas meter and piping to riser on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122624892 | |||||
SCORE 56 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (dizengoff as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122646654 | |||||
SCORE 78 Sprinkler work on the cellar and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122513155 | |||||
SCORE 78 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar, and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122528498 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition and plumbing work on the 6th floor (ny1) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122898864 | |||||
SCORE 86 Reframe existing vault under sidewalk along west 16th street and part of west 15th street as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122898837 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural work to establish retail space with dining and kitchen on part of the 1st floor Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122721858 | |||||
SCORE 87 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar, and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122528498 | |||||
SCORE 97 Minor mechanical and plumbing changes including removal of a/c units and plumbing fixtures as per plans filed herewith; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121707206 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes on part of the 1st floor . Erection of fence. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104190091 | |||||
SCORE 100 Related mechanical work. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103066762 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on the 6 th floor and 6th floor mezzanin e as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Irwin Cohwn | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Management | Permit id: 103597528 | |||||
SCORE 56 Architectural changes on part of the cel lar and 1st floor as indicated n drawings c. O. Was filed under bis # 1018694. No change in use egress or occ pancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Commercial Management | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104122575 | |||||
SCORE 95 Interior demolition of non load bearing partitions and related work on the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104035795 | |||||
SCORE 100 Related mechanical work. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103132762 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior partition on partial 6th floor mezzanine as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: 00000000 | Client Company: Cfg.Agscb 75 Ninth Avenue, Llc. | Permit id: 103256575 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor structural modification to floor slab on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110484529 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of fire alarm system on the cellar and roof as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupany. No chnage to ll#5 73 complianc e Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110352181 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work on the 6th floor roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Irwin Cohwn | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Management | Permit id: 103597528 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104874414 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications to create new window opening at 6th floor setback wall and to enclose part of existing opening at 5th floor wall as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120220929 | |||||
SCORE 100 Repair existing vault mid-block along west 16th street (52 ft. Wide) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120237779 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural and plumbing changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Install humidification system in existing storage space in cellar. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104477665 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications on the 4th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110292120 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications on part of the 1st floor (portico kiosks) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120041999 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes on part of the 2nd, 4th and roof as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110013592 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to remove existing marquee structure as indicated on drawings. Client: James Bry | Client Address: 2 2 Route 4 East Paramus Nj 07652 | Client Phone: (201) 587-1000 | Client Company: Vornado Realty Trust | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120140463 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110150425 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to replace existing marquee with new above ninth avenue entrance to chelsea market as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120161216 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modification to renovate storefront at corner of 9th ave west 15 th st erection of construction fence as indicated on drawings Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsa Market | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 110474308 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to create new entry to retail tenant space along west 16th street (butcher shop) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120056321 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install acoustical screens around cooling tower on 6th floor roof level(7th floor roof level) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120450065 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120421089 | |||||
SCORE 99 Fire alarm modifications on part of the cellar level (larte del gelato) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120050979 | |||||
SCORE 56 Architectural changes on part of the 6th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104694608 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal and installation of interior non bearing partitions and related finish es as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under th is application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue, #3r Suite# A New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2126 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: G. C. | Permit id: 120553052 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the basement, 6th floor mezzanine and roof to install new air conditioning units and related equipment as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit id: 104604787 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to install new egress stair at cellar and 2nd floor and create new landing enclosure at 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110152174 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120040080 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and sprinkler change s on part of the 7th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit id: 104626228 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler and standpipe modifications on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120211877 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of fire alarm system on the 1st floor (restrooms) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120214516 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new kitchen exhaust from 1st floor up to roof as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit id: 104310906 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the basement - 6th floor and roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110073429 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on part of the cellar level as indicated on d rawings no change in use egress or occupancy no change to ll#5 73 compliance Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsesa Market | Permit id: 110412893 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing modifications on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120054323 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on the 1st floor (restrooms) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120214534 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 2nd fl as indicated on drawings Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Str | Permit id: 110416247 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fuel storage work to install fuel oil tank in cellar, and piping to existing emergency generator on roof. Generator filed under bis # 104114469. Client: David Gleeson | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit id: 104548599 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications to support new framed opening between building sections on part of the 2nd floor. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110074482 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on part of the 1st floor (dicksons farmland) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120059417 | |||||
SCORE 59 Modification of sprinkler system on roof as indicated on drawings no change in use egress or occupancy ll#5 73 compliance Client: Alane Berkowit | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market | Permit id: 110351235 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes to create new entry to retail tenant space along west 16th street (butcher shop) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120056321 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction work to install fuel oill tank in cellar as indciated on drawings. Generator filed under bis # 104114469. Client: David Gleeson | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Partition | Permit id: 104548599 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work to replace existing marquee with new above ninth avenue entrance to chelsea market as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120161216 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new entry door at landings of elevator #22 and erect new 2-hour masonry shaft wall from basement to 6th floor. Minor modifications to elevator machine room on roof. All elevator work to be performed under separate application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110073429 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the cellar to roof as indicated on drawings. Client: David Gleeson | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104548599 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural mechanical and plumbing changes on the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 110291032 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of fire alarm system on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110230447 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction renovations to replace structural framing in existing vault at southeast corner of cellar as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110109409 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110230438 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work to install new convenience stair between two levels as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120113117 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural work to install rooftop cooling tower to services new air conditioning units in cellar. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104893279 | |||||
SCORE 100 Change of occupancy on part of the 4th floor to establish office occupancy (u. G. 6) as indicated on drawings. No work performed under this application. Related work filed under alt ii, bis # 104713650. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 104760901 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work on part of the 5th floor and 3rd floor roof; minor architectural and sprinkler work on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120270562 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition changes on the cellar level (to create corridor and demising wall) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 120186226 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm modifications for scripps on part of the 2nd and 3rd floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120296517 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler and standpipe modification on part of the 5th fl as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120425959 | |||||
SCORE 80 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the 6th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 104694608 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104703992 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 7th floor roof to install new cooling tower as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104679732 | |||||
SCORE 86 Modification of fire alarm on part of the 1st floor and cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in useegress or occupancy. No change to ll # 5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelesa Market L.P. | Permit id: 104171218 | |||||
SCORE 100 Filing herewith for removal and installation of interior non load bearin g partitions as per plans. No change inuse, egress or occupancy. Client: David Gleeson | Client Address: 88 88 10th Avenue New York Ny 10104 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Commercial Management | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104389662 | |||||
SCORE 85 Modifications to fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor as indic- ated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll #5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market, L.P. | Permit id: 104125787 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on the 5th floor (prebuild) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120485670 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 2nd, 4th and roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 110013592 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications to existing window openings on part of the 2nd floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104862828 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of a temporary sprinkler loop as per plans filed herewith. No cha nge in use, egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsa Market Lp | Permit id: 120560213 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the 2nd, 4th and roof as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110013592 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing sprinkler system as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2126 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120553043 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing fire alarm system as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2126 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120539961 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications on part of the 5th floor (inglot) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120368182 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural changes on part of the 1st floor (kiosk) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 120556399 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110352172 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler on part of the 1st floor (vestibule)as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110158828 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the 4th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit id: 104320548 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on part of the 5th floor (prebuild) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120485661 | |||||
SCORE 100 Filing herewith for structural modifications as per plans. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 10th Ave. New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P | Permit type: Str | Permit id: 104667512 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing hvac system and plumbing fixtures as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under this applicatioin. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue, #3r Suite# A New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2126 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120553052 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 110335281 | |||||
SCORE 99 Structural modifications on the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104035795 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work in tenant space (franks) on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120356658 | |||||
SCORE 99 Mechanical changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egresss or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 104703992 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior demolition of non load bearing partitions and related work on part of the 2nd floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 110185095 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of fire alarm system on part of the 4th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110177148 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on parts of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 110150425 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm modification on the part of the 1st floor as indicated on dra wings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alan Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market, L.P | Permit id: 104878982 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor sprinkler modifications on the cellar and 1st floor (florist)as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110158882 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to install rooftop cooling tower to service air conditioning units in cellar as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104893279 | |||||
SCORE 100 Plumbing changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit id: 104190091 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes to upgrade lobby vestibule at tenth avenue entrance; erection of construction fence as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120270553 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mchncl plumbing changes on prt of 5th flras per drawing filrdno changr to ll5 73 compliance Client: Berkowitz Alane | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave N.Y. Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 110351903 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm modifications on part of the2nd and 4th floor as indicated o n drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 complianc e Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit id: 110017703 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications on part of the 1st floor (amys bread) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. All mh changes, pl changes & energy analysis was filed & approved under application 121108568 Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121085976 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical plumbing and sprinkler modifications on part of the 1st floor (amys bread) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121108568 | |||||
SCORE 99 Mechanical and plumbing work on part 6th and 6th mezzanine as per plans filed herewith. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: 00000000 | Client Company: Cfg.Agscb 75 Ninth Avenue, Llc. | Permit id: 103256575 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to create new exit vestibule on the 1st floor on 15th street as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121040943 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications on part of the 1st floor (amys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121163123 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to bricking window openings on the south facade as indicated on drawings, no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120283503 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 104114469 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical changes on part of the 4th, 5th and 6th floor (mlb) to extend convenience stair and related work as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120610687 | |||||
SCORE 56 Partition changes on the 4th floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 121170525 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120610972 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler modifications on part of the 1st floor (posman books) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120628883 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e (class b) fire alarm system on part of the cellar and 3rd floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120592572 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on the 1st and mezzanine as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120634180 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor (retail ti) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120601884 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work on part of the 4th, 5th and 6th floor (mlb) to extend convenience stair and related work as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120610687 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications to corner retail store and adjacent loading dock on part of the 1st floor and mezzanine; installation of construction fence at new storefront as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120633314 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes to existing tenant space (lobster place) on part of the cellar, 1st and 2nd floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121395560 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkle changes on part of the cellar and 3rd floor (highline) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120592590 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 1st floor (posman books) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120604444 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to the existing fire alarm system on the 1st floor and mezzanine as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit id: 120634215 | |||||
SCORE 100 Facade repairs as shown on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Facade | Permit id: 121380317 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing modification on the 1st floor (posman books) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120625332 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th floors as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121923829 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on 6,7, 8 and 8m as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121898722 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 4th and 5th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120610678 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to standpipe system on the 7th floor, as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122192545 | |||||
SCORE 97 Removal of sprinkler heads and installation of temporary sprinkler loop on 6th, 7th and 8th floor as per plans filed herewith; no change to use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121854573 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to the sprinkler system on 6,7,8 & 8m as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121924891 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system on the 4th floor as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122150055 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on the 7th, 8th and 8mez floors as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121898713 | |||||
SCORE 97 Installation of temporary sprinkler loop on 7, 8 & 8m to facilitate construction of new system as per plans filed herein; no changes to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121858490 | |||||
SCORE 100 Builders paving plan for part of west 16th street in conjunction with vault renovation. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Bpp | Permit id: 122095277 | |||||
SCORE 99 Fire alarm changes on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P | Permit id: 104599953 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to fire alarm system on 6 and 6m as per plans; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121893987 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler system as per plans (on 8 & 8m); no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122279382 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Miki | Permit id: 122196907 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including removal of non-load bearing partitions and mezzanine; no change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121858560 | |||||
SCORE 100 6,7,8 & 8m including removal of non-load bearing partitions as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121858579 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes on part of the cellar and 1st floor (giovanna rana) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120841866 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction on 6,7,8,8m & roof as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121858551 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on parts of the 3rd floor and 3rd floor mezzanine as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 120592581 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work on the cellar level - relocate boiler room; structural work on the 1st floor and roof level as indicated on drawings Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122145963 | |||||
SCORE 97 General modifications to mechanical system on the 4th floor as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122196916 | |||||
SCORE 97 General mechanical and plumbing work including the removal of one (1) existing ac unit on the 7th and two(2) roof top units on the 8th floor, disconnection and removal of existing plumbing fixtures on 7, 8 & 8m; no change in use, occupancy or egress Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121858560 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including installation of nonload bearing partitions as per plans, no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121981123 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction on the 4th floor as per plans filed herewith; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122196916 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work to install new exit stair from cellar to 1st floor; remove existing stair along part of west 15th street Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 123051945 | |||||
SCORE 97 Removal of sprinkler heads and installation of temporary sprinkler loop; no change in use, occupancy or egress Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121563799 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modifications to sprinkler and standpipe system as per plans; no change in use , egres or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121693195 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes to existing tenant space (lobster place) on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121395560 | |||||
SCORE 98 Construction changes on the 3rd floor (reception area-scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121824874 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the cellar and 1st floor (lobster place) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121180934 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition changes on the cellar and 1st floor (giovanni rana) to relocate kitchen as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121139106 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor (jamestown ) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121113142 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical plumbing and sprinkler work on part of the 1st floor (amys bread) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 121110323 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 1st floor (amys bread) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 121113115 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 1st floor amys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121161571 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor north (mlbam) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120951416 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical changes for new tenant (ridgeback) on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121356326 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and sprinkler work on part of the 5th floor (noc & mmr expansion) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120936078 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 1st floor (amys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121357520 | |||||
SCORE 78 Installation of new 5 ton cooling tower with new duplex pump make up set as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122495736 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including removal of non-load bearing partitions on the 3rd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122561236 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on part of the 1st floor (amys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121163123 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior renovation of existing store within chelsea market as per plan. Partitions and finishes, install new lighting. No change to use egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121283770 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including removal of non-load bearing partitions on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122543603 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demolition and construction work on part of the 5th floor north (mlbam) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 120936201 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical and plumbing changes on the 4th floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121170525 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on the cellar and 1st floor (giovanni rana) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121163150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechaical and plumbing changes on the cellar and 1st floor (giovanni rana) to relocate kitchen as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121139106 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demolition and construction work on part of the 5th floor (noc & mmr expansion) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 120936078 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 5th floor ( jamestown) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121123603 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 4th floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121340815 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical sprinkler and minor construction changes on part of the 5th floor (mlb-idf) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 120742401 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor (noc & mmr expansion) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120951363 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical changes on part of the 5th floor (jamestown) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121111402 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sprinkler changes on the 4th floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121354168 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction including installation of non load bearing partitions as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122006872 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural changes on the 2nd, 3rd , 6th and roof(scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122165691 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demolition and construction work for new tenant (ridgeback) on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121356326 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes to existing tenant space (lobster place) on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121395560 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the underground, cellar, 1st, and roof (frnaks food trucks) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress, or occuapncy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Marke | Permit id: 121441038 | |||||
SCORE 100 General structural modifications taking place on the 6th floor as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Paul Darrah | Client Address: 111 111 Eight Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 656-0000 | Client Company: Google | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122931596 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 6th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 121014838 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications on the 2nd floor roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121542875 | |||||
SCORE 96 Mechanical changes to existing tenant space (bowery kitchen) on part of the cellar and 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 120885364 | |||||
SCORE 85 General modifications to the mechanical and plumbing systems on the 3rd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122006881 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal of interior non load bearing partitions no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121563931 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122145972 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122088800 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122082432 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler demolition to boiler room space on part of the cellar as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122199833 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor plumbing demolition on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122028073 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical, plumbing and boiler work on the cellar level to relocate boiler room,as indicated on drawing. Mechanical work on roof level Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122145963 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work in conjunction with replacement of bridge at inner court on the 5th floor and roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122028064 | |||||
SCORE 78 General modifications to the mechanical and plumbing systems on the 2nd floor as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122543603 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing demolition to boiler room space on part of the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122181236 | |||||
SCORE 97 Additions/modifications to the existing fire alarm system on the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 6th floor mezzanine, 6th floor roof (scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122159608 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the 1st floor (amys kiosk ph. 2) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122624302 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural changes to elevator vestibules on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122062132 | |||||
SCORE 100 General construction and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (chelsea wine vault) as indicated on drawings Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123119222 | |||||
SCORE 99 Proposed interior renovation to existing commercial space as per plans. Work to include minor partitions, kitchen equipment, plumbing fixtures and finishes. No change in bulk floor area, occupancy, use or egress under this application. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Properties Chelsea Mar | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 140436650 | |||||
SCORE 56 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (dizengoff as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122646654 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the 1st floor (amys kiosk ph. 2) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122661477 | |||||
SCORE 59 Architectural modifications on part of the 1st floor tenant space (moscot) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123296619 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on part of the cellar and 1st floor (eleni phase 1 whitebox) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 123024093 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace existing cooling tower with new on existing dunnage on roof (mlbam) as indicated on drawings Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121287507 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work on -cellar level to relocate boiler room; additional work o n the roof level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122145963 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar level (bathrooms) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123072691 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the cellar and 1st floor (cm retail phase 2) as indicated on drawings. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123112719 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural demolition to boiler room space on part of the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122181236 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the cellar (buon italia) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123068143 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system in retail space (higher standards) on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123276784 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work in retail space (higher standards) on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123275972 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work in retail space (higher standards) on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123275981 | |||||
SCORE 91 General construction work to replace existing bridge with new bridge at the inner court on the 5th floor as indicated on drawings (structural and mep work to be filed under separate application) related structural work filed under application #122007461. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122007489 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work for new bathrooms on cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123068116 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar (buon italia) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123068134 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the 1st floor (fat witch) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123180137 | |||||
SCORE 91 Interior demolition of non load bearing partitions and related work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (ruthys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Interior demo | Permit id: 122334401 | |||||
SCORE 87 Sprinkler work on the cellar and 1st floor (bar truman) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122513155 | |||||
SCORE 91 Remove and replace doors at lobby vestibules at ninth and tenth avenue entrance; erect temporary construction fence during operations Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122396031 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (ruthys kiosks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122444578 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes to tenant space on part of the 1st floor and cellar ; related ac unit on 3rd floor setback as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122388996 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122368561 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the cellar and 1st floor (exit stairs) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122610852 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on part of the cellar level (401a&b) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122637030 | |||||
SCORE 91 General construction to enclose openings in demising wall on the 2nd floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122436658 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on the 3rd floor (hidta) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122514065 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work on the 2nd floor (scripps-ups replacement) as indicated on drawings Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122741300 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work in retail space (higher standards) on the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123275981 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work on the 6th floor, 6m and roof (ny1) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123112755 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (eleni phase 1 whitebox) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit id: 123043900 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work for new restrooms on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 123068116 | |||||
SCORE 100 Plumbing work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123067947 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing fire alarm system Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123353307 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior demolition and construction work on part of the 2nd floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122436649 | |||||
SCORE 86 Facade renovation on all sides plus interior court.. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 121228698 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8742 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123169267 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work on the cellar and 1st floor (ruthys) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectual | Permit id: 122446727 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8742 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123169249 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work on part of the cellar and 1st floor to install new exit stairs and related corridors. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122608197 | |||||
SCORE 99 Installation of new fire suppression system, cooking equipment and fire suppression shut-off valve filed under app #123067947 Client: Moshe Ziv | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (917) 806-7470 | Client Company: :miznon Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123243105 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on the 3rd floor (hidta-multipurpose) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122513146 | |||||
SCORE 99 (giovanni rana)modify existing fire suppression system only as shown on plans. Previous fire suppression system filing dob#121377474. Fire supp. Shut off valve has been previously filed under dob job# 121139106. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Massimiliano Burgio | Client Address: 75 75 9 Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 370-0975 | Client Company: Rana Usa Llc | Permit id: 122866309 | |||||
SCORE 65 Architectural changes on part of the 4th floor (mlb help desk) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121802610 | |||||
SCORE 89 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on part of the 1st floor tenant space (moscot) as indicated on drawings. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123007209 | |||||
SCORE 100 Dunnage framing for new cooling tower on the roof as per plans filed herein; no change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122495736 | |||||
SCORE 99 Architectural changes to tenant space on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122388996 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of convenience doors, demountable partitions and interior non bearing partitions. No change to egress use or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New Yor Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2111 | Client Company: Jamestown Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123239726 | |||||
SCORE 91 Demolition and construction work on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121542875 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work on part of the cellar, 1st floor and roof as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122354175 | |||||
SCORE 86 Structural work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (cm retail phase 2) as indicated on drawings. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 123112684 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to create a fire rated enclosure for exhaust ducts from 1st floor to roof above 6th floor. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 122334241 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of sprinkler system on part of the 5th floor (mlb replay) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121832703 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical modifications to install new circulation corridor on the 1st floor (franks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121664939 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121512568 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural work to change the occupancy on 5th through 8th floors and existing 8th floor mezzanine to office occupancy (ug6) and related storage and mers. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121613469 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior demolition and construction on part of the 5th floor (mlb replay) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121832678 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of temporary sprinkler loop on the 5th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121873151 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on part of the 5th floor (mlb replay) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121821662 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 1st floor (franks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121869781 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural modifications to install new circulation corridor on the 1st floor (franks) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121664939 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler changes on part of the 5th floor (jamestown space) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121560060 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work on part of the 4th floor(mlb help desk) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121802601 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing changes to renovate existing elevator #16 on cellar and roof bulkhead as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121851601 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition changes on the 6th floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 121519507 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical changes on the 3rd floor (reception area-scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121824874 | |||||
SCORE 99 Replacement of fire command station, & 4 remote transponder panels as per paragraph 2 (a) of the nyc dob bulletin 2009-022 and as per plans filed herewith. There i sno change in use, egress and or occupancy filed under this application Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121640117 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical changes on the 3rd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121712496 | |||||
SCORE 97 Modification of the existing class e fire alarm system on the 3rd floor (scripps) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 121640108 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor architectural work to change use/occupancy on part of the 4th floor to establish office and accessory occupancy as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 122269151 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on part of the 1st floor as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122397058 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on the 2nd floor (mlb) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122411906 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on the 3rd floor (hidta multipurpose) as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122411951 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions/modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar and 1st floor (exit stairs)as indicated on drawings. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122578282 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work on part of the 6th floor and roof (ny1news); replace/install rooftop ac unit as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 122630073 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (eleni phase 1 white box) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123043900 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work to install new exit stair from the cellar to the 1st floor; remove existing stair and modify vestibule and storefront along part of west 15th street. No change in use or occupancy under this application. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123051945 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work for new restrooms on the cellar level as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123068116 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work on part of the cellar (buon italia) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123068134 | |||||
SCORE 89 Mechanical, plumbing and sprinkler work on part of the 1st floor tenant space (moscot) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123296619 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123067938 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123067965 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and duct work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123067956 | |||||
SCORE 100 New fire alarm system within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8735 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit id: 123067929 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on the 1st floor (cm retail phase 2) as indicated on drawings. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123335747 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical and plumbing work on the cellar and 1st floor (cm retail phase 2) as indicated on drawings. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123112684 | |||||
SCORE 91 Architectural work on part of the cellar and 1st floor (cm retail phase 2); erection of construction fence as indicated on drawings. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123112684 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additions modifications to the fire alarm system on the cellar and 1st floor (cm retail phase 2) as indicated on drawings. Client: Ryan Tunstall | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit id: 123335792 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition work on the 6th floor and 6m (ny1news) as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 123112755 | |||||
SCORE 99 Minor architectural work within demised tenant space as shown on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Theresa Coolahan | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 220-8742 | Client Company: Jamestown, L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123169230 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modifications to the existing fire alarm system, as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 30 30 47th Street L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Management, Llc | Permit id: 102927193 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new a c units at part of basment, 1st floor, and roof over 1st, in addition duct work , all as per plan. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Mgmt Llc Agent For Cfc/agscb | Permit id: 103172237 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install fire suppression system only. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Pascal Goupil | Client Address: 79 79 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 473-3320 | Client Company: Coupil & Decarlo | Permit id: 103256450 | |||||
SCORE 100 Related plumbing work inconjunction with partition work filed under alt. 101018694. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103066762 | |||||
SCORE 98 Mdification to class e fire alarm to include the addition and relocation of devices as per plans filed herewith. No change to occupancy, use or egress. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Mgmt Llc/cfg/agscg 75 Ninth | Permit id: 103503629 | |||||
SCORE 98 Sprinkler modifications to include relocation of sprinkler heads and addition of new sprinkler heads and piping as per plans filed herewith. No change to occupancy, use or egress. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Mgmt Llc/cfg/agscg 75 Ninth | Permit id: 103503610 | |||||
SCORE 97 Installation of heavy duty shed -1 long - during remedial repairs. Work shall comply with ll33 91 no change in use egress or occupancy ![]() ![]() Client: Dana Gottlieb | Client Address: 245 245 Park Avenue Ny Ny 10167 | Client Phone: (212) 867-4471 | Client Company: Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave | Permit id: 103133547 | |||||
SCORE 97 Install heavy duty scaffold:1 long by high - . No change in use egress or occupancy. ![]() ![]() Client: Dana Gottlieb | Client Address: 245 245 Park Avenue Ny Ny 10167 | Client Phone: (212) 867-4471 | Client Company: Chelsea Ninth Llc | Permit id: 103133538 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical ventilation in conjunction with new toilet rooms. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: A+c Managemt Agent For Cfg/agscb | Permit id: 102706920 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of new boilers, and new gas line and meter. New gas line from existing 6 inch riser to new boilers, one new meter. Partitions and chimney to be filed under separate application. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103056201 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of pre-action system on 6th floor mezzanine as indicated o drawings no change in use egress or occ upancy no change to ll#5 73 compliance Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 9th Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc M | Permit id: 103593746 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing hvac system, installation of plumbing fixtures, as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 30 30 47th Avenue New York Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Cfg/agscb | Permit id: 102878012 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install ton a c units (no change to e gress or occupancy). Replace 5 on a c unit. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 9th Avenue (cfg/agscb 75 9th New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6565 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103163746 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install fire suppression system no change in use ,egress 0r occupancy Client: Joe Mitoman | Client Address: 75 75 9th Aven.Y. Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 473-9772 | Client Company: N.A | Permit id: 102792257 | |||||
SCORE 98 Modifications to existing mechanical ductwork and associated fixtures including dampers, supply registers and a c units;plumbing changes and additions of fixtures such as electric hot water heater, refridgerator, coffee maker and all related piping; all work as per plans filed herewith. No change to occupancy, use or egress. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Mgmt Llc/cfg/agscg 75 Ninth | Permit id: 103503601 | |||||
SCORE 100 Construction of interior partitions and related plumbing work. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 103132762 | |||||
SCORE 100 Related mechanical work. Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 7 New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit id: 103132771 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural changes on part of the 5th floor as indicated on drawings. No change in use egress or occupancy. No change to ll#5 73 compliance. Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104114469 | |||||
SCORE 98 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110013592 | |||||
SCORE 98 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103503601 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110013592 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104122575 | |||||
SCORE 59 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110074482 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Ande Lund | Client Address: 4 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (646) 745-1561 | Client Company: Civic Entertainment Group | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120959962 | |||||
SCORE 98 ![]() ![]() Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 121163123 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120211868 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 121014838 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120625332 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103132771 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 120286779 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104703992 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120421089 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: Cfg/agscb 75 Ninth Ave, L.L.C 75 Ninth Av New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Atc Management Llc As Agent For | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103056201 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104310906 | |||||
SCORE 98 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120186226 | |||||
SCORE 59 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102327876 | |||||
SCORE 91 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 120841866 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120041999 | |||||
SCORE 96 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 Ave Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104320557 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104893279 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 121395560 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120633314 | |||||
SCORE 67 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120270562 | |||||
SCORE 98 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120113117 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104477665 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104477665 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103597528 | |||||
SCORE 96 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsa Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120560213 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120485661 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 31 47th Avenue, L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Cmc Mic Holding Co., Llp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101597274 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101805771 | |||||
SCORE 96 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 120742401 | |||||
SCORE 86 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 121040943 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 120049884 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: David Gleeson | Client Address: 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea, Market L.P. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 104548599 | |||||
SCORE 96 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Cmc Mic Holding Company,L.L.C. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101721264 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 75 9th Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Atc Mgmt Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103056194 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Mrkt | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110352163 | |||||
SCORE 59 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 31 47th Avenue Longisland City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Cmc Mic Holding Co. Llp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101795700 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110150425 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 110118097 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101853530 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 110150425 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110185095 | |||||
SCORE 93 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 31 47th Avenue L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Cmc Mic Holding Co., Llp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101853530 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 88 Tenth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 243-6005 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104626228 | |||||
SCORE 96 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110118088 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Dechiaro | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 121444151 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Joe Mitoman | Client Address: 75 9th Aven.Y. Ny Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 473-9772 | Client Company: N.A | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102792257 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120798663 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Sonia Song | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Premier Chelsea Market | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 121108568 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110118088 | |||||
SCORE 59 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101587016 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 110148787 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Irwin Cohen | Client Address: 31 47th Avenue L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 937-8700 | Client Company: Cmc Mic Ho | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102245009 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 652-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market,L.P. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120634180 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 103256575 | |||||
SCORE 59 ![]() ![]() Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101805771 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alane Berkowitz | Client Address: 75 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 625-2121 | Client Company: Jamestown Chelsea Market Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 120368182 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Cheryl Cohen | Client Address: 31 47th Ave Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 937-8700 | Client Company: Mic Leasing Lp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101113019 |