Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 92 Install panel and transformer to power car charging stations. Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E103926 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 64 Install 2 patterson/kelly water heaters - penthouse Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl115165 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 97 Fiber optic cable to be run between 7 albany street and 6 albany street through existing conduit. Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv82705 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace existing speaker strobs damaged by water Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Efa19919 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reskin only existing awning no structure change; put a new face in exsting wall sign no structure change; put new face in existing projecting sign no structure change new plastic face only; reface panel on existing parking sign no structure change - no increase in sq. Footage. Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf73027 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 79 Relocate a sink Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl25675 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 100 3 test borings Permit type: Excavation borings t | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf2159 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 97 Interior demolition and renovation to include new partitions interior finishes meps of existing lab area into new research lab also sprinkler. Per plan Permit type: Fast track applicati | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt263219 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 88 Interior selective demolition of finishes and non-load bearing partitions. Permit type: Demolition - interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Sf279900 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 96 Relocate one outlet. Add 3 outlets. Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E280452 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 88 Change occupancy- interior and exterior renovations of existing office space to new combination convenience store and subway restaurant. Work includes selective demolition new interior partitions plumbing hvac electrical sprinkler interior finishes and new entrances as per plans Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt278626 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 86 Install floor drains and lab sinks for zebra fish facility Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Other | Permit id: Pl294103 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 96 Renovation of existing space. Convenience store. Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Efa299669 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Relocate speaker strob to cieling Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Efa302913 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior renovation Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E302905 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove 2 existing atm machines and reinstall new one in existing space and relocate pass through courier box into second old existing atm space. Use existing electrical plugs Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf305896 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Internal renovation new lighting Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E309803 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install card access system Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv309101 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 97 Install 25 voice and data outlets Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv311067 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 97 Install 6 voice data outlets Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv312667 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 100 Commercial kitchen Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl299418 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 93 Installation of bra approved signage (subway) to replace (city convenience). Existing alt number for build out alt 278626; to be installed by the responsible professional j. Correira of boston wraps sign co. Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt320532 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 88 Legal occupancy:; research retail wireless commununications ;subway restaurant and a city convenience store alt263219/2013 coo for the convenience store &; subway alt278626 issued: 10/24/13 - alt320532 issued: 1/21/14 &; sf2799 issued: 8/29/13 Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo322497 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reconfigure and add doors in corridor Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: A318233 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 99 Remove sheetrock walls remove ceiling and remove tile flooring Permit type: Demolition - interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf342447 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installing (2) 20a gft receptacles & (8) lights in the parking garage at 7 albany st Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E347802 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 97 Legal occupancy:; reaserch retail and wireless communication doc#4409/2005 coo for 6th floor fish lab alt263219 issued: 7/22/13 &; a318233 issued: 2/12/14 Permit type: Fast track applicati | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo356015 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 93 New bike storage cage attached;behind parking garage at 7 albany st. For boston medical center. Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt323254 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Bumc dental building - misc. Low voltage hvac control wiring. Pag 152269 Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv469824 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Alteration to portions of the fire alarm system. Alteration will involve (1) strobe booster panel (1) pull station (2) audio visual and (1) smoke detector relocation. Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Efa519304 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 96 Interior build-out of an existing tenant space. Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt464271 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 98 Install secerity system. Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv529045 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Misc drain work Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl529124 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 88 Door vinyls interior hanging sign exterior fedex chanel letter sign projecting blade sign Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt515359 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodle Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E530541 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installing cat5e cables to 12 data drops at fedex office Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv524603 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 86 Sediment carbon filtration Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl533790 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 96 Installation of one projection sign and one window sign for bank of america: 1-5" h x 2-4" w non-illuminated projection sign with steel bracket mounted to brick 1-4 316" h x 2-0" w illuminated ceiling mounted window sign installed inside store. Installed by the licensed professional martin aronovitz cs 081891. Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt535515 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 100 Research retail &; wireless communications co-for retail store alt 464271 issued 91715 Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo541453 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Sprinkler impairment limited to 6000sf of the 6th floor coordinate impairment with building management ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Sprk298093 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Relocate (42) existing sprinkler heads to conform to new floor plan. Work to be done per nfpa stands. 7 cmr. Work to be done one floor zone at a time. ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Sprk285176 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Bagging of smoke detectors ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bsd287408 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 96 Remove existing walls. Build new wall & soffits. In-fill door opening. Create new door opening. Install new doors ceilings flooring lighting & cabinets. Rework & add to existing electrical. Add voicedata outlets. Install new diffusers. Paint rooms. Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf445832 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Welding cutting soldering of copper piping for plumbing work (dpl) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw26223 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Cutting burning &; welding of high pressure steam system (dpl) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw99199 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Welding of cage washers bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw41102 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 New wiring in conferance rm observation rm bu w-7 location Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E446820 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 86 "city convenience" &; "subway" additional signs :install 2 signs for subway and city convenience to match the existing massmedic sign; works to be done by the responsible professional a. Clark of expose sign co. Per plans bra approved; projection over public property needs pwd approval. Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt386546 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Leak repair 5x4 roadway; ; guaranteed st; 10302010 ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Emer-438989 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Renovation of an existing space for a new convenience store; ~; doc# 20131291 ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bfdf300204 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Relocate 4 speaker strobes; ~; doc# 20140383 ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bfdf347192 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Re-feed (2) chillers and (4) pumps via new vfds. Re-feed (2) cooling towers on roof. Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E429347 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Installation of upho ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Chm505102 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
SCORE 100 7 voicedata locations Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv445887 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 96 New fixtures Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E437775 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
Modify existing wet sprinkler system for new ceiling and partitions layout. Work to be done per nfpa stands 7 cmr. One floor zone at a time. ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Sprk491825 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
SCORE 96 Take down salt shed metal structure only. Remove lighting Permit type: Demolition - exterio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf455336 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
Installation of inte ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Chm283386 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Interior demo to include new partitions flooring &; ceilings ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Fdc267389 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replacement of mechanical cooling equipment due to age. Alteration of structural supports for cooling tower. Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt422046 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Demolition work for removal of tiles ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Fdc343840 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Welding only of steam condensate that is leaking (dpl) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw524748 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Installation of upho ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Chm280068 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Welding;for emergency repair of condensate pipes in mechanical rm / w-bldg (dpl) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw102523 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Installation of upho ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Chm471244 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Cutting soldering &; welding for renovation &; installation of steel supports bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw283391 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
SCORE 93 Bank office retail garage &; bike storage coo for bike storage cage alt323254 issued 5/8/2014 Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Na | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo409763 | Parcel: 0801066055 | |||||
Selective demo &; renovations to include floors ceilings drywall &; finishes ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Fdc281887 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Bagging of smoke detectors ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bsd424670 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Support steel and water piping for mechanical equipment being replaced due to its age bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw420569 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Asb432664 | Parcel: 0801066152 | |||||
Welding of condensate piping for repair (dpl 3/17/13) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw183894 | Parcel: 0801066151 | |||||
Modify evacuation sequence to allow selective evacuation doc#20100696 ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bfdf38700 | Parcel: 0801067010 | |||||
Cutting &; welding for installation of trash chute bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw32777 | Parcel: 0801067010 | |||||
Cutting / burning;for repairs to lasc high vacuum sterilizer; to include structure repairs and upgrades to doors door tract and support of vacuum sterilizer (dpl) bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw244967 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Cutting / welding for removal of existing piping and replace with new condensate piping for repair work bfd paid detail required ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw64426 | Parcel: 0801066150 | |||||
Temporary bagging of smoke detectors for dust control during construction / renovation work ![]() Permit status: Na | Permit id: Bsd281063 | Parcel: 0801066151 |