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SCORE 100 10 lights outlets on existing. Change of electrical contractor. Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100586391 |
SCORE 100 Lights outlets on existing. Change of electrical contractor. Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100586391 |
SCORE 95 Erect 2-story sfr with basement, rear 2nd floor balcony and attached 2-car garage. Permit type: Permit - new constru | Permit id: 100552808 |
SCORE 95 Erect 2-story sfr with basement, rear 2nd floor balcony and attached 2-car garage. Permit type: Permit - new construction | Permit id: 100552808 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a two story frame residence. Permit type: Permit - wrecking/de | Permit id: 100508051 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a two story frame residence. Permit type: Permit - wrecking/demolition | Permit id: 100508051 |