Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Albert Gjonbalaj | Client Address: 1834 Hone Avenue Bronx Ny 10461 | Client Phone: (214) 748-3647 | Client Company: Agj Realty Group Llc | Expiration date: December 18, 2015 | Permit id: 220234663 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Albert Gjonbalaj | Client Address: 1834 Hone Avenue Bronx Ny 10461 | Client Phone: (214) 748-3647 | Client Company: Agj Realty Group Llc | Expiration date: August 7, 2015 | Permit id: 220234663 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Albert Gjonbalaj | Client Address: 1834 Hone Avenue Bronx Ny 10461 | Client Phone: (646) 542-4740 | Client Company: Agj Realty Group Llc | Permit status: Initial | Expiration date: December 18, 2015 | Permit id: 220234663 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Albert Gjonbalaj | Client Address: 1834 Hone Avenue Bronx Ny 10461 | Client Phone: (646) 542-4740 | Client Company: Agj Realty Group Llc | Permit status: Initial | Expiration date: August 7, 2015 | Permit id: 220234663 | |||||
Task fee omo for work omo e905447 ![]() Permit type: Aepfee | Permit id: E909677 | |||||
Apt # 3 (27) ; perform total lead analysis of 27 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw8453050-74 method utilizing flame a ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E920137 | |||||
Public area (1) steam clean, rake out joints and pointing, entire facades approx 8 s. F. (1/2 rake) (2) repair south side of front parapet wall a ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902521 | |||||
@public hall stairs demo and plaster with similar material; includes restoration @ 1st story soffit approx 18 sf and 3rd story approx 24 soffi ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb02258 | |||||
Task fee omo for work omo e902521 ![]() Permit type: Aepfee | Permit id: E909678 | |||||
Task fee omo for work omo e902227 ![]() Permit type: Aepfee | Permit id: E909573 | |||||
Replace brick to brick aluminum dhc replacement windows. Including caulking, casings, stool apron window guards and restoration. Total 32 windows. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902529 | |||||
As per mini rc # 2009000203302(eas), perform polarized light microscopy (plm) gravimetric matrix reduction analysis as per hpd specification of 6 no ![]() Permit type: Asbest | Permit id: E904227 | |||||
Task fee omo for work omo e902529 ![]() Permit type: Aepfee | Permit id: E910561 | |||||
Public area; supply and install stell doors at building entrance and vestibule total 2 doors approx 64 s. F, including frames, transom with vision pan ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E904409 | |||||
Public hall; secure all treads, hand rails newel post and floors, throughout the public hall, all stories. Also supply and install 3/8 ply wood un Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902241 | |||||
Roof; remove entire existing roof membrane, flashing, insulation and sheathing (if necessary). Existing condition of roof sheathing must be visually ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E905447 | |||||
Apt#1,2,3, and public hall; scrape plaster ,prime and 2 coats of finish paint, to all walls and ceilings throughout the apts 1, 2, and 3, approx 8283 ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902227 | |||||
Public hall: secure loose electrical wire at ceiling. Supply and install new light fixture with one bulb at ceiling to provide adequate light at 1st ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: Eb19797 | |||||
At apt entrance door remove double cylinder key operated lock at door at bathroom wash basin clear stoppage and replace slip waste. At the time of ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb26062 | |||||
(1) install six (6) new code approved window guards complete including all necessary window stops and one way screws in the entire apartment, apt#3, ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E923427 | |||||
Apt#2 supply and install new windowgards complete to throughout the apt. Total 11 windows (d) remove all work related debris. Note: contractor mu ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E830375 | |||||
Apt#2 supply and install new window guards complete to throughout the apt. Kitchen (d), 1st bedroom 2windows (d), 2nd bedroom (d),3rd bedrppm (d). L ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E820211 | |||||
Local law #1 violation : as per hpds abatement requirement contracts and attached scope of work thoroughly remove all lead violations as per new yor ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E700849 | |||||
(apt#2) reinstall w/guard and stops (1) in kitchen, (1) in b/r#1, (2) in l/r, (3) in dining room, (1) in b/r#3. Install wguard complete (1) in ba ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E207245 | |||||
SCORE 89 Equipment work ![]() ![]() Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 22023466301 | |||||
SCORE 100 Plumbing ![]() ![]() Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 22023466301 | |||||
Public hall; secure all treads, hand rails newel post and floors, throughout the public hall, all stories. Also supply and install 3/8 ply wood un Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902241 | |||||
Public hall; secure all treads, hand rails newel post and floors, throughout the public hall, all stories. Also supply and install 3/8 ply wood un Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902241 | |||||
(apt#2) reinstall w guard and stops (1) in kitchen, (1) in b r#1, (2) in l r, (3) in dining room, (1) in b r#3. Install wguard complete (1) in ba ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E207245 | |||||
Public hall; secure all treads, hand rails newel post and floors, throughout the public hall, all stories. Also supply and install 3 8 ply wood un Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902241 | |||||
Public area (1) steam clean, rake out joints and pointing, entire facades approx 8 s. F. (1 2 rake) (2) repair south side of front parapet wall a ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902521 | |||||
Public hall; secure all treads, hand rails newel post and floors, throughout the public hall, all stories. Also supply and install 3 8 ply wood un Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902241 | |||||
Apt#3 : supply and install apartment h. M. Door with frame including standard hardware, self closing hinges, code approved mortice lock, and finish wi ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E933972 | |||||
(1) make all necessary repairs to #2 oil fired boiler and restore to proper working order. Ensure that the adequate heat available in entire building. ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E916854 | |||||
Make all necessary repairs to #2 oil fired boiler and restor to proper working order. Ensure that the adequate heat & hot water available in entire bu ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E923117 | |||||
(1) supply and install code approved mortise lock at the entrance door of apt#3, 3rd sty. Make all necessary adjustments and level the door and door f ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E923309 | |||||
As per hpds lead abatement requirement contracts and attached scope of work thoroughly remove all lead violations as per new york city administrative ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: Eb05958 | |||||
Perform total lead analysis of 04 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw8453050-74 method utilizing flame atomic absorptio ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: Eb10098 | |||||
In apt #1 1st story note; carefully disconnect all affected fixtures, electric outlets as needed for re-installation @ work completion . ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea38956 | |||||
Apt#2 replace with new the brokrn glass in lower sash window at 1st bed room. Remove all work related debreis. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E902216 | |||||
Apt#2 emergency trace and repair water leaks at bathroom ceiling above; provide and install water proof g. W. B to ceiling and walls approx s. F, scr ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E900488 | |||||
Apt#2 (1) trace , locate and repair the water leak at the ceiling in the bedroom (ne-5 room) from above apartment. Demolish and repair the damaged ce ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E923306 | |||||
Apt# 1fl: make necessary repairs to the no 2 oil boiler to proper working order to provide hot water to all hot water fixtures in the entire apart ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb23265 | |||||
At apt# 1f ------- kitchen and room north/east (2) -------- replace with new the missing ceiling light fixture in the kitchen and replace the de ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: Ec11094 | |||||
At apt# 1f ------- room north (1) -------- repair approx. 4 sq. Ft. The defective wood floor with similar materials the plywood and replace with ne ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ec11093 | |||||
In the basement of bldg. 662 sagamore str make all necessary repairs to #2 oil boiler to restore proper working condition. Ensure adequate heat ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb14520 | |||||
At apt# 1f ------- kitchen and room north east (2) -------- replace with new the missing ceiling light fixture in the kitchen and replace the de ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: Ec11094 | |||||
Apt#1: kitchen: 1] trace, locate the source and repair all water leaks coming from apartment above causing damage to kitchen walls & ceiling. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb33832 | |||||
As per rc # 2006001274402 (enviro-probe inc), perform total lead analysis of 04 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw845-3 ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E628556 | |||||
As per rc # 2006001274402 (enviro-probe inc), perform total lead analysis of 02 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw845-3 ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E637616 | |||||
Apt#1 : remove the illegal fastening key operated double cylinder lock installed on door leading to rear yard from the kitchen and install new cod ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ec16752 | |||||
As per mini rc # 2012000244902 (eas) and hpd specification, perform polarized light microscopy (plm) analysis of 5 samples for asbestos content util ![]() Permit type: Asbest | Permit id: Ec08028 | |||||
@ boiler room : 1) obtain necessary filling, permits and sign off for the following job. 2) dismantle and remove existing heating plant. 3) instal Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ec07680 | |||||
Supply and install a mobile steam unit of adequate capacity to provide heat and hot water to a total of six apartment units . Mobile steam unit is to Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15788 | |||||
Apt #1 trace and repair water leaks at bathroom ceiling above ; provide and install water proof g. W. B to bathroom ceiling approx sq,ft; also tape ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E827201 | |||||
In apt # 1 : bathroom : remove all obstructions and repair the defective waste line and trap from wash basin in bathroom . Remove all wo Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb25521 | |||||
Kitchen and room nw-2 : properly repair/level the defective sloping floor with plywood base, and replace vct tiles with new and similar color ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25524 | |||||
As per hpds lead abatement requirement contracts and attached scope of work thoroughly remove all lead violations as per new york city administrative ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E826632 | |||||
Local law #1 violation : as per hpds abatement requirement contracts and attached scope of work thoroughly remove all lead violations as per new yor ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E810125 | |||||
Local law #1 violation : as per hpds abatement requirement contracts and attached scope of work thoroughly remove all lead violations as per new yor ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E626977 | |||||
Remove extra key-operated locking device to entrance door of the apartment # 1. Remove all work related debris. Note: contractor must c Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25523 | |||||
Bsmt - make all necessary repairs to # 2 oil boiler. Restore hot water to apt # 1. Please note that the boiler is up and running and only provides heat Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb24728 | |||||
As per rc #2006001274402 (enviro-probe, inc.), perform total lead analysis of 04 dust wipe sample(s) via environmental protection agency (epa) sw845- ![]() Permit type: Delead | Permit id: E626843 | |||||
Supply and install a mobile steam unit of adequate capacity to provide heat and hot water to a total of six apartment units . Mobile steam unit is to Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15788 | |||||
@ boiler room : 1) obtain necessary filling, permits and sign off for the following job. 2) dismantle and remove existing heating plant. 3) instal Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ec07680 | |||||
In apt # 1 : bathroom : remove all obstructions and repair the defective waste line and trap from wash basin in bathroom . Remove all wo Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb25521 | |||||
Remove extra key-operated locking device to entrance door of the apartment # 1. Remove all work related debris. Note: contractor must c Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25523 | |||||
Bsmt - make all necessary repairs to # 2 oil boiler. Restore hot water to apt # 1. Please note that the boiler is up and running and only provides heat Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb24728 | |||||
Bsmt - make all necessary repairs to # 2 oil boiler. Restore hot water to apt # 1. Please note that the boiler is up and running and only provides heat Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb24728 | |||||
Remove extra key-operated locking device to entrance door of the apartment # 1. Remove all work related debris. Note: contractor must c Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25523 | |||||
In apt # 1 : bathroom : remove all obstructions and repair the defective waste line and trap from wash basin in bathroom . Remove all wo Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb25521 | |||||
Supply and install a mobile steam unit of adequate capacity to provide heat and hot water to a total of six apartment units . Mobile steam unit is to Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15788 | |||||
@ boiler room : 1) obtain necessary filling, permits and sign off for the following job. 2) dismantle and remove existing heating plant. 3) instal Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ec07680 | |||||
Bsmt - make all necessary repairs to # 2 oil boiler. Restore hot water to apt # 1. Please note that the boiler is up and running and only provides heat Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb24728 | |||||
Remove extra key-operated locking device to entrance door of the apartment # 1. Remove all work related debris. Note: contractor must c Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25523 | |||||
Kitchen and room nw-2 : properly repair level the defective sloping floor with plywood base, and replace vct tiles with new and similar color ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25524 | |||||
In apt # 1 : bathroom : remove all obstructions and repair the defective waste line and trap from wash basin in bathroom . Remove all wo Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb25521 | |||||
@ boiler room : 1) obtain necessary filling, permits and sign off for the following job. 2) dismantle and remove existing heating plant. 3) instal Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ec07680 | |||||
Supply and install a mobile steam unit of adequate capacity to provide heat and hot water to a total of six apartment units . Mobile steam unit is to Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15788 | |||||
Bsmt - make all necessary repairs to # 2 oil boiler. Restore hot water to apt # 1. Please note that the boiler is up and running and only provides heat Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb24728 | |||||
Remove extra key-operated locking device to entrance door of the apartment # 1. Remove all work related debris. Note: contractor must c Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Eb25523 | |||||
In apt # 1 : bathroom : remove all obstructions and repair the defective waste line and trap from wash basin in bathroom . Remove all wo Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: Eb25521 | |||||
Supply and install a mobile steam unit of adequate capacity to provide heat and hot water to a total of six apartment units . Mobile steam unit is to Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Eb15788 | |||||
@ boiler room : 1) obtain necessary filling, permits and sign off for the following job. 2) dismantle and remove existing heating plant. 3) instal Permit type: Heat | Permit id: Ec07680 |