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SCORE 100 Will install a 3-gang meter socket complete with new 1-1 4"" riser. Install one 12circuit panel for public. Seperate basement and front and rear lights, install into public panel. Replace all romex cable with 1 2"" conduit and #12 wire. Install rear porch lights on rear of building. Install one ground rod Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100173128 |
SCORE 95 Will install a 3-gang meter socket complete with new 1-1 4" riser. Install one 12circuit panel for public. Seperate basement and front and rear lights, install into public panel. Replace all romex cable with 1 2" conduit and #12 wire. Install rear porch lights on rear of building. Install one ground rod Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100173128 |
SCORE 86 Repair exist rear porch Permit type: Permit - porch const | Permit id: 100157904 |
SCORE 86 Repair exist rear porch Permit type: Permit - porch construction | Permit id: 100157904 |