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SCORE 79 Installation of vrf supplemental cooling system to existing school to include installation of 6 roof top air conditioning units. Separate electrical permit 100697719. Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100695040 |
SCORE 95 Replace, add battery em lighting and exit signs per nov#516l0502799 as per plans. Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100697532 |
SCORE 95 Install 6 amp feeder plus power to (12) condensing units plus (73) vrfs in existing school Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100697719 |
SCORE 95 Revision to permit # 100638176 to change plumbing contractor to paramount plumbing and sewer co. & vent contractor to axxess heat & air conditioning Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100658392 |
SCORE 95 Revision to permit #100638176 to change the electrical contractor to vip tech electric Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100657948 |
SCORE 79 Install 207-11 5 6" linear feet of (1) new 8 feet tall fence. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100656317 |
SCORE 79 Interior alterations to 4th floor classrooms. Minor alterations to 3rd floor to include new wall to separate existing classrooms. Conditional permit subject to field inspection. Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100638176 |
SCORE 59 Alteration to existing structure for 4th floor enclosure for new classrooms at existing school per plan Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100574177 |
SCORE 59 Alteration to existing structure for 4th floor enclosure for new classrooms at existing school per plan Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100574177 |
SCORE 96 1 traditional style stationary awning manufactured complete and installed over the n f door. Permit type: Permit - signs | Permit id: 100525698 |