Date: October 6, 2011
| 2011/10/06 | 0 | 95 | 6201 Bellota Dr Las Vegas, Nv 89108 | |
SCORE 100 3d_039_building water and sewer installs / repairs / replacements  Date: October 6, 2011  Value: $3,500
| 2011/10/06 | 3500 | 100 | 6201 Bellota Dr Las Vegas, Nv 89108 | Plumbing Solutions Of Nevada |
SCORE 100  Date: February 27, 2014  Value: $500
| 2014/02/27 | 500 | 100 | 6205 Bellota Dr Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 | An Ideal Services |
SCORE 100  Date: April 14, 2008  Value: $750
| 2008/04/14 | 750 | 100 | 6205 Bellota Dr Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 | Las Vegas Plumbing Inc |
SCORE 100 3d_039_building water and sewer installs repairs replacements  Date: October 6, 2011  Value: $3,500
| 2011/10/06 | 3500 | 100 | 6201 Bellota Dr Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 | Plumbing Solutions Of Nevada |