Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 99 New two-story 3565 sf sfd with 2 car garage, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and unfinished basement of 1296 sf. Sub valuations tbd. Lot 11, block 11, dakota ridge village, "large lot." Client: Developmen Sopris | Applicant: Sopris Development, Llc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Set 1" meter pit. ![]() ![]() Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Eba Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 New 2 story single family detached dwelling with three bedrooms, three and one half baths, 9 square feet of unfinished basement, and a 527 square foot attached garage. Lot 12, block 11 dakota ridge village, phase ii. Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Remodel second floor. Add 1 2 bath. 50sf finished Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes, Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 18, 2006 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Set meter pit ![]() ![]() Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Eba Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family detached home, four bedroom, 3-1 2 baths, two car garage, three stories. Unfinished basement of 1354 sq. Ft., 3494 finished square feet on three floors above. Block 11, lot 14, dakota ridge village. Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of a new single-family detached residence with 3. 5 baths and an attached two-car garage. Lot 13, block 11, dakota ridge village. Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 96 Set meter pit ![]() ![]() Client: Developmen Sopris | Applicant: Heartland Excavating, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 New 3 story sfd. 3-1 2 baths attached 2 car garage. Subs tbd. Lot 15, block 11, dakota ridge village, "medium lot." Client: E G | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 88 Sitework to include repair replace detached sidewalk and curb & gutter ![]() ![]() Client: Developmen Sopris | Applicant: B & M Concrete, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 99 Basement finish to new sfd (approx. 996 sf). Work to include new furnace for basement only (existing basement mechanical is direct vent). Client: Developmen Sopris | Applicant: Sopris Development, Llc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 24, 2009 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement finish of 1,146 sf to create a recreation room, bedroom, workout area & a 3 4 bath on existing rough-ins. Unfinished storage mechanical room of 208 sf. Client: Rebecca Currey,R Currey | Applicant: E. Goodman Construction | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement finish of approximately 11 square feet. To include rec room, exercise studio and bedroom. Radiant floor heating. Client: Jeffrey Tench | Applicant: Ellis Construction Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 29, 2010 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Construction of a three story single family dwelling with basement. To include 3144 square feet of finished space, 1718 square foot unfinished basement and 583 square foot attached garage. Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Renove Construction, Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Install new 1inch domestic water service, set meter pit, and remove replace damaged sidewalk and c&g. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Bioterra Constructors Inc | Permit type: Water, right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 In property sanitary sewer service repair ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Bioterra Constructors Inc | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of a flush mount grid-tie 4 kw photovoltaic system array to remain below ridge, inside below hips and rake edges, and above eave. See engineerfoots letter and drawing for specific information. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Namaste Solar Electric Inc | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 2, 2012 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement finish in single-family residence constructed through pmt2010-02520, including family room, full bath, 2 bedrooms and unfinished mechanical room. Proposal includes setting fixtures for rough-infoots installed with new residence. Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Renove Construction, Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 17, 2012 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of fence along front property line and southern side property line per dakota ridge village sign guidelines. Front fence to be 55foot in length, 4 feet in height with 30% visual permiability, the 65foot length side yard privacy fence will be 6-feet in height with a minimum 20foot setback from the front property line and a minimum 15foot setback from the rear property line. Approved by hoa. ![]() ![]() Client: Diane Soucheray | Applicant: Renove Construction, Inc. | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 7, 2012 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement finish of 1,146 sf to create a recreation room, bedroom, workout area & a 3 4 bath on existing rough-ins. Unfinished storage mechanical room of 208 sf. Client: Rebecca Currey | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2009-03709 | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement finish of approximately 11 square feet. To include rec room, exercise studio and bedroom. Radiant floor heating. Client: Jeffrey Tench | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 29, 2010 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2009-04412 | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of a three story single family dwelling with basement. To include 3144 square feet of finished space, 1718 square foot unfinished basement and 583 square foot attached garage. Client: Diane Soucheray | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2010-02520 | |||||
SCORE 89 Sitework to include repair replace detached sidewalk and curb & gutter ![]() ![]() Client: Developmen Sopris | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2008-01502 | |||||
SCORE 91 Set meter pit ![]() ![]() Client: Developmen Sopris | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2007-01377 | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of a flush mount grid-tie 4 kw photovoltaic system array to remain below ridge, inside below hips and rake edges, and above eave. See engineerfoots letter and drawing for specific information. Client: Diane Soucheray | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 2, 2012 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-03029 | |||||
SCORE 95 Basement finish in single-family residence constructed through pmt2010-02520, including family room, full bath, 2 bedrooms and unfinished mechanical room. Proposal includes setting fixtures for rough-infoots installed with new residence. Client: Diane Soucheray | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 17, 2012 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2011-04167 | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of fence along front property line and southern side property line per dakota ridge village sign guidelines. Front fence to be 55foot in length, 4 feet in height with 30% visual permiability, the 65foot length side yard privacy fence will be 6-feet in height with a minimum 20foot setback from the front property line and a minimum 15foot setback from the rear property line. Approved by hoa. Client: Diane Soucheray | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 7, 2012 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-05362 | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of a new single-family detached residence with 3. 5 baths and an attached two-car garage. Lot 13, block 11, dakota ridge village. Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2004-00254 | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family detached home, four bedroom, 3-1 2 baths, two car garage, three stories. Unfinished basement of 1354 sq. Ft., 3494 finished square feet on three floors above. Block 11, lot 14, dakota ridge village. Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2005-00273 | |||||
SCORE 98 Remodel second floor. Add 1 2 bath. 50sf finished Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 18, 2006 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2005-01612 | |||||
SCORE 95 New 2 story single family detached dwelling with three bedrooms, three and one half baths, 9 square feet of unfinished basement, and a 527 square foot attached garage. Lot 12, block 11 dakota ridge village, phase ii. Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2005-02387 | |||||
SCORE 95 Set 1inch meter pit. ![]() ![]() Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2005-03467 | |||||
SCORE 99 New two-story 3565 sf sfd with 2 car garage, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and unfinished basement of 1296 sf. Sub valuations tbd. Lot 11, block 11, dakota ridge village, inchlarge lot. Inch Client: Developmen Sopris | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2006-03499 | |||||
SCORE 95 New 3 story sfd. 3-1 2 baths attached 2 car garage. Subs tbd. Lot 15, block 11, dakota ridge village, inchmedium lot. Inch ![]() ![]() Client: E G | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2008-00404 | |||||
SCORE 99 Basement finish to new sfd (approx. 996 sf). Work to include new furnace for basement only (existing basement mechanical is direct vent). Client: Developmen Sopris | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 24, 2009 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2008-05463 | |||||
SCORE 95 In property sanitary sewer service repair ![]() Client: Diane Soucheray | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, repair | Permit id: Pmt2011-02257 | |||||
SCORE 100 New 2 story house with finished basement, attached garage, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms. Sub valuations tbd. Lot 7, block 15, dakota ridge village. "large" lot. Client: Goodman E | Applicant: E. Goodman Construction | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Set meter pit ![]() ![]() Client: Goodman E | Applicant: Eba Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 100 Install pv array flush mount ![]() ![]() Client: Goodman E | Applicant: Lighthouse Solar | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 26, 2008 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of 6foot high fence along northern property line, 50foot in length. To include two gates. ![]() ![]() Client: Goodman E | Applicant: E Goodman Construction | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 7, 2012 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of 6foot high fence along northern property line, 50foot in length. To include two gates. Client: Goodman E | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 7, 2012 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2010-03210 | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of replacement a c system, like for like in same location. Client: Cathleen Chambliss | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2017-01815 | |||||
SCORE 100 New 2 story house with finished basement, attached garage, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms. Sub valuations tbd. Lot 7, block 15, dakota ridge village. Inchlargeinch lot. Client: Goodman E | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2007-04024 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install pv array flush mount Client: Goodman E | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 26, 2008 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2008-02384 | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of a new single family dwelling. To include 4324 square feet of finished living area, a 592 square foot attached garage and 678 square feet of deck area. Client: Barry Mintzer, Mintzer | Applicant: Cottonwood Custom Builders Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 56 Set new 3 4inch meter pit, service line connection to structure. Existing stub-ins ![]() ![]() Client: Barry Mintzer, Mintzer | Applicant: Blue Mountain Excavating Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family residence, lot 8, block 16, dakota ridge village. Two-story, attached two car garage, unfinished basement, 3. 5 bath (including basement rough-in), three bedrooms. Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family residence with unfinished basement, 3. 5 bath (including one rough-in), loft, main level study bedroom, three bedroom, attached three car garage. Client: Ridge Dakota | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Set 3 4inch meter pit and install service to house, tie-in sewer service from stub in property to house associated with pmt2012-04932 ![]() ![]() Client: Homes Markel | Applicant: Eba Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 Install new 3 4inch meter pit associated with pmt2012-04934 ![]() ![]() Client: Homes Markel | Applicant: Eba Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | |||||
SCORE 95 Basement finish of 722 square feet to add one bedrooms, one bath using roughins, and rec room. Storage room to remain unfinished. Mudroom permitted with house. Includes associated mep. Client: Homes Markel | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 28, 2014 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Basement finish of 691 square feet to add one bedroom, one bath using roughins, and rec room. Storage room to remain unfinished. Mudroom permitted with house. Includes associated mep. Client: Homes Markel | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 27, 2014 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Rooftop deck addition. Second floor deck to add 483 s. F. To open space. Scope of work to include gas fireplace and associated electrical. Client: Homes Markel | Applicant: Markel Homes Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Deck, new | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of a flush mount 7. 85 kw photovoltaic system. Array to be parallel to roof plane, grid tied and remain below ridge, inside below hips and rake edges and above eave. See engineerfoots letter and or drawing(s) for specific information. No structural modifications approved under this permit. Contractor to maintain 12inch of space between the ridge and panels parallel to ridge along the length of the ridge and on either side of the ridge. A 30inch pathway must be provided at the edge of the roof, perpendicular to the ridge on one side only. ![]() ![]() Client: Barry Mintzer, Mintzer | Applicant: Namaste Solar Electric Inc | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 11, 2014 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 95 Basement finish of 722 square feet to add one bedrooms, one bath using roughins, and rec room. Storage room to remain unfinished. Mudroom permitted with house. Includes associated mep. Client: Homes Markel | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 28, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2013-03922 | |||||
SCORE 95 Basement finish of 691 square feet to add one bedroom, one bath using roughins, and rec room. Storage room to remain unfinished. Mudroom permitted with house. Includes associated mep. Client: Homes Markel | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 27, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2013-03925 | |||||
SCORE 95 Rooftop deck addition. Second floor deck to add 483 s. F. To open space. Scope of work to include gas fireplace and associated electrical. Client: Homes Markel | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Deck, new | Permit id: Pmt2013-07085 | |||||
SCORE 95 Installation of a flush mount 7. 85 kw photovoltaic system. Array to be parallel to roof plane, grid tied and remain below ridge, inside below hips and rake edges and above eave. See engineerfoots letter and or drawing(s) for specific information. No structural modifications approved under this permit. Contractor to maintain 12inch of space between the ridge and panels parallel to ridge along the length of the ridge and on either side of the ridge. A 30inch pathway must be provided at the edge of the roof, perpendicular to the ridge on one side only. Client: Barry Mintzer | Permit type: Photovoltaic | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 11, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2014-03707 | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family residence, lot 8, block 16, dakota ridge village. Two-story, attached two car garage, unfinished basement, 3. 5 bath (including basement rough-in), three bedrooms. Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new | Permit id: Pmt2012-04932 | |||||
SCORE 95 New single family residence with unfinished basement, 3. 5 bath (including one rough-in), loft, main level study bedroom, three bedroom, attached three car garage. Client: Ridge Dakota | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new | Permit id: Pmt2012-04934 | |||||
SCORE 95 Construction of a new single family dwelling. To include 4324 square feet of finished living area, a 592 square foot attached garage and 678 square feet of deck area. Client: Barry Mintzer | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, new, ga | Permit id: Pmt2011-04286 |