Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Als truck rental - storage trailer ![]() Permit type: Accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-00105 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-02799 | |||||
Storage trailer Client: Als Truck Rental - Trail | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 07-00105 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
SCORE 100 Storage trailer ![]() ![]() Client: Als Truck Rental - Trail | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 07-00105 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
Moss sign addition Client: Sea Bp#01-2799 | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 01-10000067pz | |||||
Moss sign addition p&z#01-1067; recd amendment to revise exit door;cah; recd amendment for foundation/shell; recd grading application. Pmd; recd sealed plans for metal bldg;cah?; amendment submitted to include electrical. 2/1; informed applicant that grading permit is required per maria. Pmd; 07/24/2001 11:28 am nberry holding for documents on floodproofing. I talked with robert todd of camille aberice and he will submit sometime today. Njb 7/24/2001 07/25/2001 03:39 pm nberry approved as submitted. Wet floodproofing to be used on the new foundation walls. Engineer letter submitted from rod hudgins engineering. No elevation required above bfe with this letter. Njb 7/25/01; recd grading application. Pmd; planning comments level one aproved with the following conditions. 1. A new fire hydrant is to be installed be meetin hydrant spacing requirements. 2. Alternative landscaping compliance has been approved with the condition that the evergreen shrubs planted be 4 to 6 at mature height. Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-02799 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
January 8, 2007 11:21:01 am pdolen als truck rental - storage trailer to be used to store items from truck rental company. Pmd; this structure must be used as a storage trailer, to store items for the truck rental company only. This unit cannot be used to operate an office from. The storage trailer must meet the flood requirements and zoning development standards. 15front setback requirement. Right& left side setback requirement none. Rear setback requirements none. If the applicable requirements cannot be met this permit shall become null and void. Gmcd.; setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; hold pending review by flood plain manager (engineering-marie britt) and zoning. Note: to qualify as electrical permit only with no construction for setup and acce Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-00105 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
Storage trailer ![]() Client: Als Truck Rental - Trail | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 07-00105 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
Moss sign addition ![]() Client: Sea Bp#01-2799 | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 01-10000067pz | |||||
Commercial ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-02799 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: tue jul 00:00: edt 2001 - moss sign addition p&z#01-1067; comment date: mon sep 24 00:00: edt 2001 - recd amendment to revise exit door;cah; comment date: tue oct 00:00: est 2001 - recd Client: Moss Sign Addition | Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-02799 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
Moss sign addition p&z#01-1067; recd amendment to revise exit door;cah; recd amendment for foundation shell; recd grading application. Pmd; recd sealed plans for metal bldg;cah?; amendment submitted to include electrical. 2 1; informed applicant that grading permit is required per maria. Pmd; 07 24 2001 11:28 am nberry holding for documents on floodproofing. I talked with robert todd of camille aberice and he will submit sometime today. Njb 7 24 2001 07 25 2001 03:39 pm nberry approved as submitted. Wet floodproofing to be used on the new foundation walls. Engineer letter submitted from rod hudgins engineering. No elevation required above bfe with this letter. Njb 7 25 01; recd grading application. Pmd; planning comments level one aproved with the following conditions. 1. A new fire hydrant is to be installed be meetin hydrant spacing requirements. 2. Alternative landscaping compliance has been approved with the condition that the evergreen shrubs planted be 4 to 6 at mature height. ![]() Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-02799 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: tue jul 00:00: edt 2001 - moss sign addition p&z#01-1067; comment date: mon sep 24 00:00: edt 2001 - recd amendment to revise exit door;cah; comment date: tue oct 00:00: est 2001 - recd Client: Moss Sign Addition | Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-02799 | Parcel: 13702 | |||||
January 8, 2007 11:21:01 am pdolen als truck rental - storage trailer to be used to store items from truck rental company. Pmd; this structure must be used as a storage trailer, to store items for the truck rental company only. This unit cannot be used to operate an office from. The storage trailer must meet the flood requirements and zoning development standards. 15front setback requirement. Right& left side setback requirement none. Rear setback requirements none. If the applicable requirements cannot be met this permit shall become null and void. Gmcd.; setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; hold pending review by flood plain manager (engineering-marie britt) and zoning. Note: to qualify as electrical permit only with no construction for setup and acce ![]() Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-00105 | Parcel: 13702 |