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SCORE 95 Residential installation of a low voltage security alarm system job 326-57477 michael coleman Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100413850 |
SCORE 95 Residential installation of a low voltage security alarm system job 326-57477 michael coleman Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100413850 |
SCORE 89 Same scope of work, changing electrical contractor. Ref. Bldg. Permit# 100071786 Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100220266 |
SCORE 89 Same scope of work, changing electrical contractor. Ref. Bldg. Permit# 100071786 Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100220266 |
SCORE 95 Interior & exterior alterations to existing 24 du residential building new steel decks & stairs per plans Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100071786 |
SCORE 95 Interior & exterior alterations to existing 24 du residential building new steel decks & stairs per plans Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100071786 |