SCORE 100  Date: October 16, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12216117801 | 2014/10/16 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Genco Lee Renovations Inc |
 Date: September 4, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12251631201 | 2015/09/04 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | |
SCORE 100  Date: April 17, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12224628402 | 2015/04/17 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
SCORE 96  Date: December 1, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12210170501 | 2014/12/01 | 0 | 96 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Super Power Construction |
SCORE 100  Date: June 11, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12203475201 | 2014/06/11 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
 Date: August 3, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12040615901 | 2010/08/03 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | |
SCORE 100  Date: July 11, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12170919701 | 2013/07/11 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
SCORE 89  Date: December 23, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12262976202 | 2015/12/23 | 0 | 89 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Global Group Industries C |
SCORE 100  Date: April 7, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12224973501 | 2015/04/07 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Cdc Housing Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: October 8, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12251631201 | 2015/10/08 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Primo Plbg And Hvac Corp |
SCORE 100  Date: March 7, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12154955601 | 2013/03/07 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Genco Lee Renovations Inc |
SCORE 56  Date: September 8, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12066599402 | 2011/09/08 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | L.A.R.C. Contractor Corp |
SCORE 91  Date: April 14, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12061565501 | 2011/04/14 | 0 | 91 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | A And N Flooring Co Inc |
SCORE 65  Date: March 7, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12058588401 | 2011/03/07 | 0 | 65 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | W And T Construction Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: December 1, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12052778701 | 2010/12/01 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
 Date: February 10, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12045230302 | 2011/02/10 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | |
 Date: February 29, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12097252701 | 2012/02/29 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | |
SCORE 100  Date: February 8, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12024710701 | 2010/02/08 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Dipierro Action Constr Co |
SCORE 99  Date: June 1, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12066599401 | 2011/06/01 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Solomon Contracting Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: May 31, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12107946601 | 2012/05/31 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Solomon Contracting Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: December 12, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12091884601 | 2011/12/12 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Sat Construction Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: August 26, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12078729201 | 2011/08/26 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
SCORE 62  Date: January 16, 2008
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 11003509701 | 2008/01/16 | 0 | 62 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R. Construction Inc |
SCORE 56  Date: July 17, 2007
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10476371101 | 2007/07/17 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lempora |
SCORE 56  Date: February 4, 2008
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 11006298501 | 2008/02/04 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Century 22 Builders |
SCORE 99  Date: March 12, 2008
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 11006298501 | 2008/03/12 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Hadera Plumbing And Heating Corp |
SCORE 56  Date: July 1, 2008
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10493001401 | 2008/07/01 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Deus Ex Machina Llc |
SCORE 56  Date: March 27, 2007
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10465849801 | 2007/03/27 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower Wast Side Construction |
SCORE 100  Date: July 27, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12113637801 | 2012/07/27 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
SCORE 95  Date: March 31, 2010
Permit type: Equipment | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12027902802 | 2010/03/31 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | S And E Bridge And Scaffold Llc |
SCORE 100  Date: March 17, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12058588401 | 2011/03/17 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | All About P And H Of Ny Inc |
SCORE 70  Date: July 12, 2005
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10409179601 | 2005/07/12 | 0 | 70 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | East River Housing Corp |
SCORE 100  Date: December 2, 2009
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12021393701 | 2009/12/02 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | H Interior Design Constru |
SCORE 71  Date: September 16, 2008
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10476371101 | 2008/09/16 | 0 | 71 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Bass Mechnical Corp |
SCORE 100  Date: May 10, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12160893801 | 2013/05/10 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Sunshine Quality Construc |
SCORE 65  Date: September 16, 2005
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10422739201 | 2005/09/16 | 0 | 65 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Simonis Burke Inc |
SCORE 56  Date: January 3, 2005
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10392701102 | 2005/01/03 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Contracting |
SCORE 95  Date: April 20, 2012
Permit type: Equipment | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12100716901 | 2012/04/20 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | S And E Bridge And Scaffold Llc |
SCORE 56  Date: October 8, 2004
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10392701101 | 2004/10/08 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | George Cho Cntr. Inc |
SCORE 56  Date: June 19, 2001
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10258146701 | 2001/06/19 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Star Sign And Construction |
SCORE 100  Date: June 27, 2001
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10258146701 | 2001/06/27 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Nova Plbg And Htg Inc |
SCORE 96  Date: July 6, 1999
Permit status: Permit reissued | Permit id: 10216253401 | 1999/07/06 | 0 | 96 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Md Robiul Hoque Co |
SCORE 80  Date: August 20, 2002
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10216253402 | 2002/08/20 | 0 | 80 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | D And S Construction Co |
SCORE 56  Date: March 17, 1999
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10210325101 | 1999/03/17 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Tabak Construction And And S Const |
SCORE 100  Date: August 14, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12113637801 | 2012/08/14 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | A And M Warshaw Plbg And Htg |
SCORE 99  Date: December 30, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12052778701 | 2010/12/30 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | R.J.C. Mech Corp |
SCORE 100  Date: June 30, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12024710701 | 2010/06/30 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Aranda Plbg And Htg Corp |
SCORE 98  Date: August 26, 1998
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10193762901 | 1998/08/26 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Signature Constr Group Inc |
SCORE 65  Date: October 22, 1996
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10131266001 | 1996/10/22 | 0 | 65 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Robert E Wall Inc |
SCORE 56  Date: July 15, 1996
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10131266001 | 1996/07/15 | 0 | 56 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | My Trade Cabinet Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: February 16, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12268428301 | 2016/02/16 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Solomon Contracting Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: February 17, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12268428301 | 2016/02/17 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Primo Plbg And Hvac Corp |
SCORE 89  Date: May 14, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12235934901 | 2015/05/14 | 0 | 89 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Mulberry Development Llc |
SCORE 100  Date: December 19, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12146340601 | 2012/12/19 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Genco Lee Renovations Inc |
 Date: January 16, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12146340601 | 2013/01/16 | 0 | 95 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | |
SCORE 100  Date: July 19, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12066657301 | 2011/07/19 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Orbit Plbg And Htg Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: April 28, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12066657301 | 2011/04/28 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Modern Construction Of Ny |
SCORE 100  Date: January 18, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12066657302 | 2013/01/18 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Orbit Plbg And Htg Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: March 31, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12241445901 | 2016/03/31 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Retcon Mechanical Corp |
SCORE 96  Date: February 27, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12210170502 | 2015/02/27 | 0 | 96 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Super Power Construction |
SCORE 100  Date: June 7, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12089760901 | 2012/06/07 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Am And G Waterproofing Llc |
SCORE 100  Date: August 7, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12160893801 | 2013/08/07 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | New York Plumbing Works I |
SCORE 99  Date: October 15, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12180311001 | 2013/10/15 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Solomon Contracting Inc |
SCORE 80  Date: April 15, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12189476201 | 2014/04/15 | 0 | 80 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | G.M. Construction Grp Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: May 13, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12190951401 | 2014/05/13 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Retcon Mechanical Corp |
SCORE 100  Date: May 2, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12189476201 | 2014/05/02 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Absolute Plbg Htg And Mech |
SCORE 89  Date: August 15, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12210364101 | 2014/08/15 | 0 | 89 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Yg Kitchen And Bath Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: August 27, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12210364101 | 2014/08/27 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Nice Plumbing Corp |
SCORE 96  Date: May 29, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12235934901 | 2015/05/29 | 0 | 96 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | J. Caiazzo Plbg And Htg Cor |
SCORE 100  Date: December 11, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12262976201 | 2015/12/11 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Dyckman Plbg And Htg Inc |
SCORE 93  Date: December 1, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12210170501 | 2014/12/01 | 0 | 93 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Tri State Plbg And Htg Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: August 27, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12204089801 | 2014/08/27 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Flytiger P And H Ltd |
SCORE 82  Date: August 25, 2014
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12204089801 | 2014/08/25 | 0 | 82 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Roi Construciton Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: June 30, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 14036314901 | 2015/06/30 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Dewalt Construction Co In |
SCORE 100  Date: September 27, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12286062601 | 2016/09/27 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Lower East Side Const Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: September 4, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12251631201 | 2015/09/04 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: February 10, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12045230302 | 2011/02/10 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: February 29, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12097252701 | 2012/02/29 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: September 16, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12045230301 | 2010/09/16 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: December 20, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10216253401 | 2010/12/20 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: January 6, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10210325101 | 2011/01/06 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: June 4, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12107946601 | 2012/06/04 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: November 13, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 14036314901 | 2015/11/13 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Wynne Plbg And Heating Corp |
SCORE 89  Date: May 5, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12224973501 | 2015/05/05 | 0 | 89 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Amc Plbg Htg And Clng Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: January 16, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12146340601 | 2013/01/16 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Aaa Total Plumbing Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: June 5, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12240274701 | 2015/06/05 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic Inc |
SCORE 98  Date: May 11, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12254111501 | 2016/05/11 | 0 | 98 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction Inc |
SCORE 62  Date: August 11, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12282239301 | 2016/08/11 | 0 | 62 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Gild Renovation Llc |
SCORE 100  Date: May 11, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12254111501 | 2016/05/11 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: September 4, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12251631201 | 2015/09/04 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: August 3, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12040615901 | 2010/08/03 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction, Inc |
SCORE 93  Date: May 5, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12224973501 | 2015/05/05 | 0 | 93 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Amc Plbg, Htg And Clng, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: February 10, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12045230302 | 2011/02/10 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: February 29, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12097252701 | 2012/02/29 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Jj And R Construction, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: December 20, 2010
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10216253401 | 2010/12/20 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: January 6, 2011
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 10210325101 | 2011/01/06 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: June 4, 2012
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12107946601 | 2012/06/04 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic, Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: January 16, 2013
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12146340601 | 2013/01/16 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Aaa Total Plumbing, Inc |
SCORE 100  Date: June 5, 2015
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12240274701 | 2015/06/05 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Atc Plbg And Mechanic, Inc |
Permit status: Permit in process | Permit id: 12282239302 | | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | V.A.L. Plumbing And Htg Cor |
SCORE 100  Date: February 28, 2017
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12303120901 | 2017/02/28 | 0 | 100 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Primo Plbg And Hvac Corp |
SCORE 88  Date: October 2, 2017
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12329077701 | 2017/10/02 | 0 | 88 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Aaron Bollman And Co Inc |
SCORE 99  Date: June 21, 2017
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12127502001 | 2017/06/21 | 0 | 99 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Solomon Contracting Inc |
SCORE 89  Date: September 12, 2016
Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: 12282239301 | 2016/09/12 | 0 | 89 | 473 Fdr Drive Service Road West Manhattan Ny 10002 | Marco Polo Plbg And Htg Inc |