Building Permits at 45 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Construct small addition for bathroom/closet addition to an existing single family residence per site plan and subject to field inspection
Date:  November 6, 2008
Value:   $80,000

Applicant: Land, Tom | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: February 12, 2009 | Expiration date: May 6, 2010 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6200133
2008/11/06800009545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle Wa
Install new natural gas furnace
Date:  May 16, 2003

Applicant: Olson Energy Service | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: May 4, 2006 | Expiration date: November 16, 2004 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6015590
2003/05/1609545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaOlson Energy Service
Construct small addition for bathroom closet addition to an existing single family residence per site plan and subject to field inspection
Date:  November 6, 2008
Value:   $80,000

Applicant: Land, Tom | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: February 12, 2009 | Expiration date: May 6, 2010 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6200133
2008/11/06800009545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle Wa
10-24-17 bz waived plan review under 2017 7. 7kva threshold based on inverter output[a one-line diagram will be required on site at the time of inspection of any renewable energy system. A cover inspection is required before installation begins, but after the equipment is on-site. ] installation of a 9 kw solar photovoltaic system on the roof of residence. Also installing feeder panel.
Date:  October 9, 2017
Contractor: Pugetsoundsolar

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: November 9, 2017 | Expiration date: October 9, 2018 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6623339
2017/10/0909945 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaPugetsoundsolar
(1) 240v 40a, (1) 115v 15a and low voltage line for stat
Date:  July 24, 2017

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: November 20, 2017 | Expiration date: July 24, 2018 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6609380
2017/07/2409545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaEvergreen Refrigeration Llc
Construct exterior alterations to existing single family residence, subject to field inspection (stfi)
Date:  August 14, 2017
Value:   $15,000

Applicant: Shaiman, James | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: November 8, 2017 | Expiration date: February 14, 2019 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6610592
2017/08/14150009545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle Wa
Replace knob and tube wiring and change panel
Date:  September 26, 2017

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: October 12, 2017 | Expiration date: September 26, 2018 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6620830
2017/09/2608945 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaThe Electricians Llc
Heat pump install
Date:  July 25, 2017

Applicant: Evergreen Refrigeration Llc | Permit type: Refrigeration | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: November 14, 2017 | Expiration date: January 25, 2019 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6609511
2017/07/2509545 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaEvergreen Refrigeration Llc
Wiring for remodeled sfr; bldg permit 6200133. 2/6/09 bew added 2 amp panel
Date:  January 21, 2009

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: February 11, 2009 | Expiration date: January 21, 2010 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6206113
2009/01/21010045 Purdue Ave Ne Seattle WaHunter Electric Company

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