Building Permits at 42 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA San Diego Ca

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Date:  February 12, 2003

Permit id: 03-02-052 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/02/1209542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  August 7, 2003
Contractor: O B

Permit id: 03-08-035 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/08/0709442 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego CaO B
Date:  January 18, 2005

Permit id: 05-01-150 | Parcel: 008020022000
2005/01/1809542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  June 26, 2006

Permit id: 06-06-251 | Parcel: 008020022000
2006/06/2609542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  March 22, 2007

Permit id: 07-03-117 | Parcel: 008020022000
2007/03/2209542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  January 9, 2008

Permit id: 08-01-030 | Parcel: 008020022000
2008/01/0909542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  October 12, 2010

Permit id: 10-10-036 | Parcel: 008020022000
2010/10/1209542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  June 26, 1998

Permit id: 98-06-055 | Parcel: 008020022000
1998/06/2609542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Date:  November 1, 2002

Permit id: 80-3464
2002/11/0109542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Grading permit for addition to existing terminal 26,287sf whse dock area 4,104sf office breakroom
Date:  May 15, 2003

Permit id: 03-0504 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/05/1509542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Office breakroom addition (roadway express)
Date:  May 22, 2003

Permit id: 03-0516 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/05/2209542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Fire sprinklers to new addition (317 heads) (roadway express). No permits needed.
Date:  June 23, 2003

Permit id: 03-0623 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/06/2309542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Onsite: sewer and water lines. Encroachment permit: driveway, walk, curb & gutter and sewer connectionon. All work shall conform to city standards.
Date:  August 8, 2003

Permit id: 03-0737 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/08/0809542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Added ep 10 9 03: fire access driveway. Onsite: inspect drainage, sewer, fire water connection to service. Grading permit #03-0504 ... Connection permit #03-0516... 26,287sf warehouse expansion. All work shall conform to city standards and details.
Date:  February 13, 2003

Permit id: 03-0202 | Parcel: 008020022000
2003/02/1309542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Emergency standby generator
Date:  January 19, 2005

Permit id: 05-0057 | Parcel: 008020022000
2005/01/1909542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Expansion of existing truck parking; verify swppp is in place during construction. Verify drainage inlet lid and reconstruction. A preconstruction meeting is required call (916) 617-4692. All work shall comply with city standards and details. Final engineering encroachment inspection is required. Any damage to the curb, gutter, sidewalk or landscape will be repaired.
Date:  September 6, 2007

Permit id: 07-0802 | Parcel: 008020022000
2007/09/0606242 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego CaNolte Associates, Inc
Addition of 576 sf office, remodel 1125 existing
Date:  December 28, 2007

Permit id: 07-0929 | Parcel: 008020022000
2007/12/2809542 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego Ca
Install 2 12,0 fuel tanks and 4 dispensers (roadway express). No permit unless dewatering is needed.
Date:  November 20, 2007
Contractor: Inland Petroleum

Permit id: 07-0890 | Parcel: 008020022000
2007/11/2005642 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego CaInland Petroleum
Install 2 parking lot lights at fuel islands - (roadway express)
Date:  July 23, 2008

Permit id: 08-0205 | Parcel: 008020022000
2008/07/2307642 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, Ca San Diego CaD P H Electrical Contracting Inc

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