Building Permits at 3809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Plumbing for bathroom remodel
Date:  February 14, 2007
Contractor: Lion Construction

Applicant: Grinbaum Raz | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: August 13, 2007 | Permit id: 702140023
2007/02/140983809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaLion Construction
Repipe repair from watermain to needed fixtures in house
Date:  November 2, 2005

Applicant: Ags Plumbing Mark Fels | Permit status: Finaled | Completion date: November 5, 2005 | Expiration date: May 1, 2006 | Permit id: 511020016
2005/11/020563809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaMark Fels Ags Plumbing
Replace (e) heating system/ducts/9 inlets&outlets
Date:  August 31, 2006

Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: February 27, 2007 | Permit id: 608310008
2006/08/310953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
New insulation in ceiling through attic/replace 2 sheets gyp
Date:  August 31, 2006
Value:   $500

Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: August 26, 2007 | Permit id: 608310016
2006/08/31500953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
Interior remodel @ kitchen, add 176 sf roof deck
Date:  September 4, 2007
Value:   $37,000

Engineer: Helou Structural Design | Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: March 2, 2008 | Permit id: 706210054
2007/09/0437000953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
Re-roof with landmark asphalt shingles astm#: d3462
Date:  October 23, 2007
Value:   $8,000

Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Finaled | Completion date: November 9, 2007 | Expiration date: April 20, 2008 | Permit id: 710230038
2007/10/238000953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
Upgrade panel to 2 amp
Date:  October 31, 2005

Applicant: Gils Electrical Service | Permit status: Finaled | Completion date: November 5, 2005 | Expiration date: April 29, 2006 | Permit id: 510310022
2005/10/310983809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaGils Electrical Service
Rewiring of existing single family resident. No new wiring change out only
Date:  November 29, 2005

Applicant: Felix George A | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: May 28, 2006 | Permit id: 511280003
2005/11/290563809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaPower Stroke Electric
Interior remodel @ kitchen, add 176 sf roof deck
Date:  September 4, 2007

Engineer: Helou Structural Design | Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: March 2, 2008 | Permit id: 709040021
2007/09/040953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
New insulation in ceiling through attic replace 2 sheets gyp
Date:  August 31, 2006
Value:   $500

Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: August 26, 2007 | Permit id: 608310016
2006/08/31500953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
Replace (e) heating system ducts 9 inlets&outlets
Date:  August 31, 2006

Applicant: Same As Owner | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: February 27, 2007 | Permit id: 608310008
2006/08/310953809 Surfwood Dr Malibu Ca
Remodel bathroom:drywall repair/ tiling etc.
Date:  February 14, 2007
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Lion Construction

Applicant: Grinbaum Raz | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: February 9, 2008 | Permit id: 702140058
2007/02/141000983809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaLion Construction
Remodel bathroom:drywall repair/ tiling etc.
Date:  February 14, 2007
Contractor: Lion Construction

Applicant: Grinbaum Raz | Permit status: Permisud | Expiration date: August 13, 2007 | Permit id: 702140041
2007/02/140983809 Surfwood Dr Malibu CaLion Construction

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