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SCORE 91 Tuckpoint 1200. Replace bricks max. Replace commercial store front window. All work same as existing. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100694100 |
SCORE 61 Interior alteration to restaurant on 1st floor with storage in basement and existing residential use on the 2nd floor. Two story mix-use masonry building with mercantile use on the 1st floor. Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100585621 |
SCORE 95 Violation correction for installation of rear tent with permanent metal framing. Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100392457 |
SCORE 95 Violation correction for installation of rear tent with permanent metal framing. Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100392457 |
SCORE 56 Repair drywall: patch and plaster, no electrical, replace ""b"" label doors with closers, replace 2 plumbing fixtures and plumbing repairs as needed. Work to be done to restaurant. All work same as exisiting. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100139578 |