Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Front porch Date: August 22, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Other | Permit id: 30358 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, & finish basement Date: September 20, 2004 Value: $90,000 Permit type: Addition | Permit id: 40589 | |||||
Reroof house Date: August 22, 2003 Value: $85,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 30359 | |||||
Family room and covered porch addition Date: August 1, 2005 Value: $85,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Family room & covered porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
Interior alt laundry/mud room & 2nd floor Date: August 1, 2005 Value: $40,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 99 Finish attic with bedroom & bath Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Bedroom & bath in attic | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
Front porch addition Date: August 22, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Front porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
Frame new roof Date: August 22, 2003 Value: $85,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Reroof house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
17 x 22 2 story addition Date: September 20, 2004 Value: $90,000 Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7717 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel, & finish basement | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Interior alt laundry/mud room & 2nd floor Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Family room and covered porch addition Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Family room & covered porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Front porch addition Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Front porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Frame new roof Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Reroof house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 59 17 x 22 2 story addition Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7717 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel, & finish basement | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Remodel Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 49036 | |||||
SCORE 98 Family room & covered porch Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 49037 | |||||
SCORE 99 Bedroom & bath in attic Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 76007 | |||||
SCORE 98 Front porch Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 30358 | |||||
SCORE 98 Reroof house Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 30359 | |||||
SCORE 59 Kitchen remodel, & finish basement Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7717 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 40589 | |||||
SCORE 98 Interior alt laundry mud room & 2nd floor Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Family room and covered porch addition Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Family room & covered porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Front porch addition Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Front porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Frame new roof Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Reroof house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 59 17 x 22 2 story addition Client: Hornaday, N Page Jr & Lynne S | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7717 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel, & finish basement | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Remodel Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 49036 | |||||
SCORE 98 Family room & covered porch Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 49037 | |||||
SCORE 98 Front porch Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 30358 | |||||
SCORE 98 Reroof house Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 30359 | |||||
SCORE 59 Kitchen remodel, & finish basement Client: Hornaday, N Page Jr & Lynne S | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7717 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 40589 | |||||
SCORE 98 Interior alt laundry mud room & 2nd floor Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Family room and covered porch addition Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Family room & covered porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Front porch addition Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Front porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 98 Frame new roof Client: Welch, James C Jr & Louise T | Client Address: 3 W Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc 27609-7747 | Permit type: Reroof house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family |