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SCORE 99 Wire kitchen and bath in unit 6 Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: July 14, 2013 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E213675 |
SCORE 97 Remodel two bathrooms and kitchen Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: July 9, 2013 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl212920 |
SCORE 100 Plumbing on 5 fl Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: May 29, 2013 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl203586 |
SCORE 91 Unit#6 updating current bathroom and kitchen adding a small bathroom and install washer &; dryer remove some of nsc wall. The contractor has signed off on 12/10/2012. Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 18, 2013 | Current use: Other | Permit id: Sf193183 |
SCORE 91 Unit#6 updating current bathroom and kitchen adding a small bathroom and install washer &; dryer remove some of nsc wall. The contractor has signed off on 12 10 2012. Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 18, 2013 | Current use: Other | Permit id: Sf193183 |
SCORE 100 Replace 5 widows with approved windows replace trim in rear of biulding Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 11, 2013 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf190801 |
SCORE 100 Up dating bathroom Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: August 22, 2012 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Pl120560 |
SCORE 87 Install 12 recessed lights & 4 plugs. Unit #7 Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: August 6, 2012 | Current use: 7more | Permit id: E118097 |
SCORE 96 Build partition wall between closets and bedrooms change bath tub to shower. Retile bath install hardwood floor in bedrooms. Unit 5 Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: July 26, 2012 | Current use: 1-7fam | Permit id: Sf116423 |