Building Permits at 21712 Ligon Rd Baton Rouge LA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Demolish single family residence
Date:  July 20, 2015

Client: Shirley Kelly Hammond, Etal. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 50719
2015/07/20095751 Bittern Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  August 3, 2015

Client: Shirley Kelly Hammond, Etal. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 50719
2015/08/03095751 Bittern Street Baton Rouge La
Retail store
Date:  July 28, 2015

Applicant: April Olsen | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 50962
2015/07/280956616 Jones Creek Baton Rouge La
Retail store
Date:  July 29, 2015

Applicant: April Olsen | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 50962
2015/07/290956616 Jones Creek Baton Rouge La
State representative district 66
Date:  July 28, 2015

Client: Rick Bond | Applicant: Rick Bond | Permit type: Sign: political | Permit id: 50960
2015/07/28095119 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La
State representative district 66
Date:  July 28, 2015

Client: Rick Bond | Applicant: Rick Bond | Permit type: Sign: political | Permit id: 50960
2015/07/28095119 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  July 20, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 50687
2015/07/20095158 Sunset Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  July 20, 2015
Contractor: Peak Enterprises

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 50687
2015/07/20096158 Sunset Blvd. Baton Rouge LaPeak Enterprises
Generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2". Ats with load management system.
Date:  June 17, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Client: Grady Phillips | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 49723
2015/06/17800095596 East Irene Baton Rouge La
Generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2". Ats with load management system.
Date:  July 8, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Client: Grady Phillips | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 49723
2015/07/08800095596 East Irene Baton Rouge La
Generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2". Ats with load management system.
Date:  June 17, 2015
Value:   $8,000
Contractor: Genpro Llc

Client: Grady Phillips | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 49723
2015/06/17800089596 East Irene Baton Rouge LaGenpro Llc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  June 24, 2015

Client: John Lofaso | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49936
2015/06/240991929 Seneca Street Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Demolish single family residence
Date:  June 24, 2015

Client: John Lofaso | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49930
2015/06/240992718 Cedar Avenue Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Service repair
Date:  June 25, 2015

Client: Peggy Fisher | Applicant: Peggy Fisher | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 49947
2015/06/250954353 Gurney Baton Rouge La
Service repair
Date:  June 25, 2015

Client: Peggy Fisher | Applicant: Peggy Fisher | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 49947
2015/06/250954353 Gurney Baton Rouge La
Demolish garage apartment
Date:  June 19, 2015

Applicant: Benolia Thomas | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49804
2015/06/190953026?? Monroe Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish garage apartment
Date:  June 24, 2015

Applicant: Benolia Thomas | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49804
2015/06/240953026?? Monroe Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  June 22, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49835
2015/06/220952565 Monte Sano Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  June 23, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49835
2015/06/230952565 Monte Sano Avenue Baton Rouge La
Storage building
Date:  February 9, 2015
Value:   $39,000
Contractor: Owner

Client: Ray Shook | Applicant: Ray Shook | Permit type: Residential: accessory | Permit id: 45492
2015/02/09390009518367 Pride Baywood Rd Baton Rouge LaOwner
Demolish commercial building
Date:  May 28, 2015

Client: William Dickerson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49035
2015/05/280954407 Peerless Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building
Date:  June 4, 2015

Client: James Lackett | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 49298
2015/06/04056404 Oklahoma Street Baton Rouge LaLionel Boudreaux Trucking
Relocate utility services
Date:  June 3, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 49281
2015/06/030954575 Essen Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Relocate utility services
Date:  June 3, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 49281
2015/06/030954575 Essen Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Installation of 26 solar panels. Sunny boy sw 285 watts. 7. 56 kw. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 18, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Joel Little | Applicant: Jeff Shaw | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 48728
2015/05/1825000958653 Carriage Court Dr. Baton Rouge La
Installation of 26 solar panels. Sunny boy sw 285 watts. 7. 56 kw. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 26, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Joel Little | Applicant: Jeff Shaw | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 48728
2015/05/2625000898653 Carriage Court Dr. Baton Rouge LaGulf South Solar Llc
Replaced rusted conduit
Date:  May 26, 2015

Client: Andrew Hawkins | Applicant: Andrew Hawkins | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 48942
2015/05/260951847 Michael Delving Baton Rouge La
Replaced rusted conduit
Date:  May 26, 2015

Client: Andrew Hawkins | Applicant: Andrew Hawkins | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 48942
2015/05/260951847 Michael Delving Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 24 modules, 6kw. 250w. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  April 28, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 48062
2015/04/28250009510642 Timberlane Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 24 modules, 6kw. 250w. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 14, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 48062
2015/05/14250008910642 Timberlane Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Demolish single family residence after this permit was issued, the contractor called and said it should be 9828 avenue m instead of 9928 avenue m so i changed the address - 5-19-15.
Date:  May 12, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 48603
2015/05/120959828 Avenue M Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence after this permit was issued, the contractor called and said it should be 9828 avenue m instead of 9928 avenue m so i changed the address - 5-19-15.
Date:  May 13, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 48603
2015/05/130799828 Avenue M Baton Rouge LaConcrete Busters Of Louisiana Inc
Residential solar panels 24 modules, one inverter, 2 w. Photovoltaic 6 kw system. See spec sheet. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  April 22, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: John Day | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 47826
2015/04/2225000952967 Fairfields Ave. Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 24 modules, one inverter, 2 w. Photovoltaic 6 kw system. See spec sheet. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 11, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: John Day | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 47826
2015/05/1125000892967 Fairfields Ave. Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Residential 18kw. Natural gas 308,000btus. Must have a min clearance of 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  April 23, 2015
Value:   $9,325

Client: Thomas Peak | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 47848
2015/04/2393259611132 S. Baton Rouge Lakeside Oaks Ave Baton Rouge LaDelta Electric Co. Of Baton Rouge Inc
Gas test
Date:  May 5, 2015

Client: Cindy Keller | Permit id: 48297
2015/05/050953222 Nicholson Drive Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  May 5, 2015

Client: Cindy Keller | Permit id: 48297
2015/05/050953222 Nicholson Drive Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 15 modules, one inverter, 2 w. Photovoltaic 5. 559 kw system. This project has battery back up. See spec sheet. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  April 22, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert Benton | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 47825
2015/04/2225000955926 Menlo Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 15 modules, one inverter, 2 w. Photovoltaic 5. 559 kw system. This project has battery back up. See spec sheet. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 4, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert Benton | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 47825
2015/05/0425000895926 Menlo Dr Baton Rouge LaGulf South Solar Llc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  April 14, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 47470
2015/04/1405610447 River Road Baton Rouge LaPete Hymels Lagniappe Services
Demolish single family residence
Date:  April 6, 2015

Applicant: Ronnie Gulino | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 47167
2015/04/06095709 Aster Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  April 10, 2015

Applicant: Ronnie Gulino | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 47167
2015/04/10069709 Aster Street Baton Rouge LaCwl Contractors Llc
1,3 sf. Remodel to existing church to expand restrooms, create a foyer, and construct a sound equipment room. Scope of work also includes adding toilet rooms to education building. 1-story, non-sprk.
Date:  October 13, 2014
Value:   $48,000

Applicant: Daniel Hollins | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 42027
2014/10/1348000956066 Evangeline Baton Rouge La
1,3 sf. Remodel to existing church to expand restrooms, create a foyer, and construct a sound equipment room. Scope of work also includes adding toilet rooms to education building. 1-story, non-sprk.
Date:  April 7, 2015
Value:   $48,000

Applicant: Daniel Hollins | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 42027
2015/04/0748000956066 Evangeline Baton Rouge La
1,3 sf. Remodel to existing church to expand restrooms, create a foyer, and construct a sound equipment room. Scope of work also includes adding toilet rooms to education building. 1-story, non-sprk.
Date:  April 7, 2015
Value:   $48,000

Applicant: Daniel Hollins | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 42027
2015/04/0748000956066 Evangeline Baton Rouge La
1,3 sf. Remodel to existing church to expand restrooms, create a foyer, and construct a sound equipment room. Scope of work also includes adding toilet rooms to education building. 1-story, non-sprk.
Date:  April 7, 2015
Value:   $48,000

Applicant: Daniel Hollins | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 42027
2015/04/0748000956066 Evangeline Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence.
Date:  March 31, 2015

Client: Carroll A. Banks | Applicant: Mark Banks | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46970
2015/03/3109519 1 2 Maryland St Baton Rouge La
Demolish mobile home.
Date:  March 30, 2015

Client: Jeffrey Damon Anderson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46958
2015/03/30095North Of 20387 Reames Road Baton Rouge La
Demolish mobile home.
Date:  March 31, 2015

Client: Jeffrey Damon Anderson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46958
2015/03/31095North Of 20387 Reames Road Baton Rouge La
1,5 s. F. Building form storage to convert to an auto dealership to sell used cars.
Date:  February 5, 2015
Value:   $1,000

Client: Barry Maggio | Applicant: Jesse Mitchell | Permit type: Commercial: change in occupancy | Permit id: 45404
2015/02/0510009511049 North Dual Baton Rouge La
1,5 s. F. Building form storage to convert to an auto dealership to sell used cars.
Date:  March 27, 2015
Value:   $1,000

Client: Barry Maggio | Applicant: Jesse Mitchell | Permit type: Commercial: change in occupancy | Permit id: 45404
2015/03/2710009511049 North Dual Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  March 24, 2015

Client: Wayne James | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 46736
2015/03/240958 N. 8th Street 8 N. 8th Street #b Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  March 24, 2015

Client: Wayne James | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 46736
2015/03/240958 N. 8th Street 8 N. 8th Street #b Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  March 3, 2015
Contractor: Frank Jarvis

Client: Aubrey C. Williams | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46122
2015/03/030961472 North 43rd Street Baton Rouge LaFrank Jarvis
Demolish commercial building
Date:  March 16, 2015

Applicant: John Thompson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46525
2015/03/160985015 5085 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge LaVenture Construction
Demolish commercial building
Date:  March 16, 2015

Applicant: John Thompson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46524
2015/03/160985005 Florida Baton Rouge LaVenture Construction
Demolish commercial buidling
Date:  March 9, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46280
2015/03/090957361 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial buidling
Date:  March 10, 2015

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 46280
2015/03/100997361 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Renovation of an existing 1,2 s. F. Business,
Date:  February 2, 2015
Value:   $600

Client: Scott Bankstone | Applicant: Mhamed Bennovna | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 45256
2015/02/02600952138 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge La
Renovation of an existing 1,2 s. F. Business,
Date:  March 3, 2015
Value:   $600

Client: Scott Bankstone | Applicant: Mhamed Bennovna | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 45256
2015/03/03600952138 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge La
Installation of 24 solar panels. Posigen sw 250watts. 6kw. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  February 9, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Isreal Green | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 45477
2015/02/0925000953154 Jefferson Ave Baton Rouge La
Installation of 24 solar panels. Posigen sw 250watts. 6kw. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  February 27, 2015
Value:   $25,000

Client: Isreal Green | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 45477
2015/02/2725000893154 Jefferson Ave Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Repair damaged service
Date:  February 26, 2015

Client: Eduardo Jenkins | Applicant: Eduardo Jenkins | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 46004
2015/02/26095114 N 11th Baton Rouge La
Repair damaged service
Date:  February 26, 2015

Client: Eduardo Jenkins | Applicant: Eduardo Jenkins | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 46004
2015/02/26095114 N 11th Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,0 btus. Ats with a load management system. Clearance min 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  February 6, 2015
Value:   $8,100

Client: John Overmeyer | Applicant: Scott Blount | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 45451
2015/02/0681009513169 Legacy Ct. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,0 btus. Ats with a load management system. Clearance min 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  February 19, 2015
Value:   $8,100
Contractor: Genpro Llc

Client: John Overmeyer | Applicant: Scott Blount | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 45451
2015/02/1981008913169 Legacy Ct. Baton Rouge LaGenpro Llc
Relocate service
Date:  February 19, 2015

Client: Doug Farlow | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 45768
2015/02/1909518424 Stoney Point Burch Baton Rouge La
Relocate service
Date:  February 19, 2015

Client: Doug Farlow | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 45768
2015/02/1909518424 Stoney Point Burch Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 28 modules, 280w. 7. 5 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  February 5, 2015
Value:   $25,600

Client: Scott Soleau | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 45403
2015/02/05256009512063 Foxshire Ct. Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 28 modules, 280w. 7. 5 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  February 16, 2015
Value:   $25,600

Client: Scott Soleau | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 45403
2015/02/16256008912063 Foxshire Ct. Baton Rouge LaGulf South Solar Llc
Installation of a single washer dryer in each apt. In existing apartment building #3 with 8 units. Moving of electrical panel, p, and h/vac. No new construction, washer/dryer will be installed in existing closet less than 1 s. F.; no wall rating required per ibc.
Date:  January 29, 2015
Value:   $36,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 45126
2015/01/2936000861747 N. Harco Baton Rouge LaObrien Brothers Construction Llc
Renovation/installation of a single washer dryer in each apt. In existing apartment building #18 with 8 units. Moving of electrical panel, p, and h/vac. No new construction, washer/dryer will be installed in existing closet less than 1 s. F.; no wall rating required per ibc.
Date:  January 29, 2015
Value:   $36,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 45125
2015/01/29360008612622 Baton Rouge Lamargie Ave Baton Rouge LaObrien Brothers Construction Llc
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 3 on the other three sides, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  January 29, 2015
Value:   $8,300

Client: Jeff Payton | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 45168
2015/01/29830095423 Shadow Oak Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 3 on the other three sides, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  February 11, 2015
Value:   $8,300
Contractor: Genpro Llc

Client: Jeff Payton | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 45168
2015/02/11830089423 Shadow Oak Dr Baton Rouge LaGenpro Llc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 28, 2015

Client: Tom Darmond | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 45041
2015/01/280951618 Steele Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 28, 2015

Client: Tom Darmond | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 45041
2015/01/280951618 Steele Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Renovation of 1,8 s. F. Building that was once a single family residence and now converting to a office space to provide counseling. Adding a ada restroom and drinking water fountain, and possibly a ramp for code compliance.
Date:  November 21, 2014
Value:   $5,000

Client: Blanca Rush | Applicant: Lexlee Overton | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43354
2014/11/21500095609 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge La
Renovation of 1,8 s. F. Building that was once a single family residence and now converting to a office space to provide counseling. Adding a ada restroom and drinking water fountain, and possibly a ramp for code compliance.
Date:  January 26, 2015
Value:   $5,000

Client: Blanca Rush | Applicant: Lexlee Overton | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43354
2015/01/26500095609 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge La
Renovation of 1,8 s. F. Building that was once a single family residence and now converting to a office space to provide counseling. Adding a ada restroom and drinking water fountain, and possibly a ramp for code compliance.
Date:  January 26, 2015
Value:   $5,000

Client: Blanca Rush | Applicant: Lexlee Overton | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43354
2015/01/26500095609 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 48kw. Natural gas 699,000btus. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $18,300

Client: Matt Skok | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 44720
2015/01/1518300951224 Steele Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 48kw. Natural gas 699,000btus. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 22, 2015
Value:   $18,300
Contractor: Genpro Llc

Client: Matt Skok | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 44720
2015/01/2218300891224 Steele Blvd. Baton Rouge LaGenpro Llc
Residential occupancy
Date:  January 20, 2015

Client: Christina Espinoza | Applicant: Christina Espinoza | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 44827
2015/01/200951789 Lombard Baton Rouge La
Residential occupancy
Date:  January 20, 2015

Client: Christina Espinoza | Applicant: Christina Espinoza | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 44827
2015/01/200951789 Lombard Baton Rouge La
Install electrical in an existing accessory structure
Date:  January 16, 2015
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Jesse Zaringue | Applicant: Steve Patin | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 44757
2015/01/1640001008726 Antioch Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
Emergency generator kw. Fuel tank diesel 5,3 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  November 19, 2014
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43254
2014/11/1920000958101 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge La
Emergency generator kw. Fuel tank diesel 5,3 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43254
2015/01/1520000958101 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge La
Emergency generator kw. Fuel tank diesel 5,3 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43254
2015/01/1520000698101 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge LaPerformance Solutions Of Louisiana Llc
New single family home
Date:  November 21, 2014
Value:   $161,850

Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 43322
2014/11/21161850958605 Forest Glen Baton Rouge La
New single family home
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $161,850

Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 43322
2015/01/15161850958605 Forest Glen Baton Rouge La
New single family home
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $161,850

Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 43322
2015/01/15161850898605 Forest Glen Baton Rouge LaNational Development Builders Inc
Emergency generator 25 kw. Fuel tank diesel 2,998 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  November 19, 2014
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43253
2014/11/1920000955382 Jones Creek Baton Rouge La
Emergency generator 25 kw. Fuel tank diesel 2,998 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43253
2015/01/1520000955382 Jones Creek Baton Rouge La
Emergency generator 25 kw. Fuel tank diesel 2,998 lbs. New chain link fence. Clearance 5 min from any structure. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  January 15, 2015
Value:   $20,000

Applicant: William Schweitzer | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 43253
2015/01/1520000695382 Jones Creek Baton Rouge LaPerformance Solutions Of Louisiana Llc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 7, 2015

Client: John Lofaso | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 44446
2015/01/07099976 Chippewa Street Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Addition of 2 bedrooms and a playroom
Date:  December 8, 2014
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Jonathan Marino | Applicant: Jonathan Marino | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 43734
2014/12/0818000100143 Meadow Ridge Way Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
Tax service
Date:  December 29, 2014

Client: Wendy Calloway | Applicant: Brandi Wilson | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 44255
2014/12/290958541 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Hooka lounge no alcohol
Date:  January 25, 2016

Client: Wendy Calloway | Applicant: Doresa Barton | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 56171
2016/01/250958541 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Tax service
Date:  December 30, 2014

Client: Wendy Calloway | Applicant: Brandi Wilson | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 44255
2014/12/300958541 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Hooka lounge no alcohol
Date:  January 25, 2016

Client: Wendy Calloway | Applicant: Doresa Barton | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 56171
2016/01/250958541 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  January 17, 2017

Client: Wendy Calloway | Applicant: June Mcdowell | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 72875
2017/01/170958541 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 22 kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Clearance min. Allow by manufacture 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Generator elevation same as a/c unit. See final elevation under permit 37803.
Date:  November 21, 2014
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 43352
2014/11/219000958751 Carriage Court Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 22 kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Clearance min. Allow by manufacture 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Generator elevation same as a/c unit. See final elevation under permit 37803.
Date:  December 19, 2014
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 43352
2014/12/199000968751 Carriage Court Baton Rouge LaRescom Electric Llc
Gas test
Date:  December 19, 2014

Client: Elaine Ellis | Applicant: Elaine Ellis | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 44118
2014/12/190952595 Oneal Ln Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  December 19, 2014

Client: Elaine Ellis | Applicant: Elaine Ellis | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 44118
2014/12/190952595 Oneal Ln Baton Rouge La
Interior remodel of existing building of 30 s. F. To change occupancy from storage, s-2 to auto body repair shop, business with future paint booth.
Date:  November 18, 2014
Value:   $4,000

Client: Bill Humphrey | Applicant: Felice White | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43148
2014/11/1840009511844 Darryl Baton Rouge La
Interior remodel of existing building of 30 s. F. To change occupancy from storage, s-2 to auto body repair shop, business with future paint booth.
Date:  December 17, 2014
Value:   $4,000

Client: Bill Humphrey | Applicant: Felice White | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43148
2014/12/1740009511844 Darryl Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  December 15, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43932
2014/12/150952239 Glendale Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  December 15, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43932
2014/12/150772239 Glendale Baton Rouge LaMaranatha Construction Inc
Residential generator 25kw. Natural gas 368,000btus. Ats with load management system in it. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  December 2, 2014
Value:   $10,075

Client: Brian Thibodeaux | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 43604
2014/12/0210075967716 Baton Rouge Lanes End Baton Rouge LaDelta Electric Co. Of Baton Rouge Inc
Addition of 2nd floor bedrooms and bath
Date:  November 17, 2014
Value:   $80,000

Client: Ed Jimenez | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 43069
2014/11/1780000956855 Baton Rouge Lasalle Baton Rouge La
Addition of 2nd floor bedrooms and bath
Date:  December 9, 2014
Value:   $80,000

Client: Ed Jimenez | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 43069
2014/12/0980000836855 Baton Rouge Lasalle Baton Rouge LaDistinguished Impressions Llc
Demolish single family residence and storage building
Date:  December 5, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43673
2014/12/050955044 Garig Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence and storage building
Date:  December 8, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43673
2014/12/080985044 Garig Avenue Baton Rouge LaVenture Construction
Demolish single family residence and garage
Date:  December 5, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43674
2014/12/050955034 Garig Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence and garage
Date:  December 8, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 43674
2014/12/080985034 Garig Avenue Baton Rouge LaVenture Construction
Adding a new window to an existing house and replacing 12 windows
Date:  December 3, 2014
Value:   $6,800

Client: Kathern Talley | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 43644
2014/12/036800565661 Kennesaw Baton Rouge LaCampbell Christopher
Date:  December 1, 2014

Permit id: 43551
2014/12/010955657 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  December 2, 2014

Permit id: 43551
2014/12/020955657 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
1 amp service for security lighting
Date:  November 10, 2014

Client: Gary Chapman | Applicant: Gary Chapman | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42906
2014/11/1009510141 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
1 amp service for security lighting
Date:  November 12, 2014

Client: Gary Chapman | Applicant: Gary Chapman | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42906
2014/11/1209510141 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Changed out multi meter system because of (1) bad meter
Date:  October 28, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42554
2014/10/28095141 E Boyd Bldg 2 Apts 201 212 Baton Rouge La
Changed out multi meter system because of (1) bad meter
Date:  October 29, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42554
2014/10/29095141 E Boyd Bldg 2 Apts 201 212 Baton Rouge La
House meter
Date:  October 29, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42575
2014/10/2909579 Jefferson Baton Rouge La
House meter
Date:  October 29, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 42575
2014/10/2909579 Jefferson Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  October 10, 2014

Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 42022
2014/10/10095122 Plank Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  June 6, 2016

Client: Tyrone Legette | Applicant: Winter Applewhite | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 59978
2016/06/06095122 Plank Rd Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  October 13, 2014

Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 42022
2014/10/13095122 Plank Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  June 6, 2016

Client: Tyrone Legette | Applicant: Winter Applewhite | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 59978
2016/06/06095122 Plank Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  October 10, 2014

Permit id: 42017
2014/10/10095328 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Date:  October 10, 2014

Permit id: 42017
2014/10/10095328 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Office building with residences
Date:  October 6, 2014

Client: Gordon Leblanc | Applicant: Gordon Leblanc | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 41858
2014/10/06095626 Main St Ste A Baton Rouge La
Office building with residences
Date:  October 7, 2014

Client: Gordon Leblanc | Applicant: Gordon Leblanc | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 41858
2014/10/07095626 Main St Ste A Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  August 25, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 40628
2014/08/250952903 Broussard Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  August 25, 2014
Contractor: Dennis Stewart

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 40628
2014/08/250592903 Broussard Street Baton Rouge LaDennis Stewart
Date:  August 20, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 40524
2014/08/200958333 A Veterans Memorial Baton Rouge La
Date:  August 20, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 40524
2014/08/200958333 A Veterans Memorial Baton Rouge La
Date:  August 20, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 40523
2014/08/2009587 Veterans Memorial Baton Rouge La
Date:  August 20, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 40523
2014/08/2009587 Veterans Memorial Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  August 19, 2014

Client: Greg Hammonds | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 40466
2014/08/190959451 Macedonia Dr Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  August 19, 2014

Client: Greg Hammonds | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 40466
2014/08/190959451 Macedonia Dr Baton Rouge La
New construction of 6,0 s. F. Bldg. For repair shop and car wash associated with existing auction services company. Includes 2. 5 acres of limestone/crushed concrete with subsurface drainage lines for additional inventory parking.
Date:  July 7, 2014
Value:   $576,000

Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 39219
2014/07/075760009539 Blount Baton Rouge La
New construction of 6,0 s. F. Bldg. For repair shop and car wash associated with existing auction services company. Includes 2. 5 acres of limestone/crushed concrete with subsurface drainage lines for additional inventory parking.
Date:  August 15, 2014
Value:   $576,000

Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 39219
2014/08/155760009639 Blount Baton Rouge LaKent Design Build Inc
Demolish commercial building
Date:  August 5, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 40085
2014/08/0509597 Florida Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building
Date:  August 5, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 40085
2014/08/0509997 Florida Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Demolish old bank one space at esplanade mall.
Date:  July 25, 2014

Applicant: David Vey | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 39818
2014/07/250955424 Corporate Baton Rouge La
Demolish old bank one space at esplanade mall.
Date:  July 30, 2014

Applicant: David Vey | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 39818
2014/07/300625424 Corporate Baton Rouge LaPicou Brothers Construction Co. Llc
Change out inside panel (125 amp)
Date:  July 23, 2014

Client: Mark Thoms | Applicant: Mark Thoms | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 39727
2014/07/2309516066 Pride Port Hudson Rd Baton Rouge La
Change out inside panel (125 amp)
Date:  July 23, 2014

Client: Mark Thoms | Applicant: Mark Thoms | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 39727
2014/07/2309516066 Pride Port Hudson Rd Baton Rouge La
Demolish carwash
Date:  July 18, 2014

Client: Gilbert Poydras | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 39584
2014/07/180955346 Winbourne Baton Rouge La
Demolish carwash
Date:  July 21, 2014

Client: Gilbert Poydras | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 39584
2014/07/210955346 Winbourne Baton Rouge La
Monument sign with changeable letter panels for charter school.
Date:  July 7, 2014
Value:   $5,800

Applicant: Kelly Finical | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 39210
2014/07/075800959211 Parkway Baton Rouge La
Monument sign with changeable letter panels for charter school.
Date:  July 9, 2014
Value:   $5,800
Contractor: Fastsigns

Applicant: Kelly Finical | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 39210
2014/07/095800959211 Parkway Baton Rouge LaFastsigns
Residential solar panels 23 modules, 265w . 6 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 24, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Client: Bryant Young | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 38862
2014/06/2425000959741 Everglades Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 23 modules, 265w . 6 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 26, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Client: Bryant Young | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 38862
2014/06/2625000899741 Everglades Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Residential solar panels 23 modules, 265w . 6 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 24, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Client: Joel Douse | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 38861
2014/06/2425000954463 Sycamore Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 23 modules, 265w . 6 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 26, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Client: Joel Douse | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 38861
2014/06/2625000894463 Sycamore Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Temporary job trailer 500sf for sso project #09gsms0043 per joseph young w/ ch2m hill
Date:  June 26, 2014

Client: Andrew Laundry | Applicant: Andrew Laundry | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 38938
2014/06/26095555 Bienville Baton Rouge La
Temporary job trailer 500sf for sso project #09gsms0043 per joseph young w/ ch2m hill
Date:  June 26, 2014

Client: Andrew Laundry | Applicant: Andrew Laundry | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 38938
2014/06/26095555 Bienville Baton Rouge La
Temporary job trailer 500sf for sso project #09gsms0043 per joseph young w ch2m hill
Date:  June 26, 2014

Client: Andrew Laundry | Applicant: Andrew Laundry | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 38938
2014/06/26095555 Bienville Baton Rouge La
Change out meter lug
Date:  June 25, 2014

Client: Kim Lee | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38891
2014/06/2509513838 Goodwood Blvd Baton Rouge La
Change out meter lug
Date:  June 25, 2014

Client: Kim Lee | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38891
2014/06/2509513838 Goodwood Blvd Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels 4 modules, 250w . 1 kw system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 17, 2014
Value:   $8,000

Client: Johnell Mccrea | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 38649
2014/06/1780008219833 Womack Baton Rouge LaGlobal Efficient Energy Llc
Installing solar arrays for billboard sign account #63456875
Date:  June 18, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38675
2014/06/180957111 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge La
Installing solar arrays for billboard sign account #63456875
Date:  June 18, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38675
2014/06/180957111 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge La
Installing solar arrays for billboard sign account #63456735
Date:  June 18, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38676
2014/06/180952634 S Sherwood Forest Blvd Baton Rouge La
Installing solar arrays for billboard sign account #63456735
Date:  June 18, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 38676
2014/06/180952634 S Sherwood Forest Blvd Baton Rouge La
Commercial pylon sign 50sf. 18height and wall store front sign 97 sf.
Date:  May 14, 2014
Value:   $8,900

Applicant: Monica | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 37568
2014/05/148900846112 Plank Rd. Baton Rouge LaPro Signs And Graphics Llc
Existing fourplex
Date:  June 6, 2014

Applicant: Thomas Williams | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 38348
2014/06/060958052 Bayou Fountain Apt. 8052 Bayou Fountain Apt. #4 Baton Rouge La
Existing fourplex
Date:  June 6, 2014

Applicant: Thomas Williams | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 38348
2014/06/060958052 Bayou Fountain Apt. 8052 Bayou Fountain Apt. #4 Baton Rouge La
Date:  May 22, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 37919
2014/05/2209511124 Coursey Blvd Baton Rouge La
Date:  May 22, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 37919
2014/05/2209511124 Coursey Blvd Baton Rouge La
This was condemned on 11-13-13 demolish single family residence
Date:  November 14, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 32360
2013/11/1409518 Tennessee Baton Rouge La
This was condemned on 11-13-13 demolish single family residence
Date:  May 16, 2014

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 32360
2014/05/1609518 Tennessee Baton Rouge La
This was condemned on 11-13-13 demolish single family residence
Date:  November 14, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 32360
2013/11/1406718 Tennessee Baton Rouge LaOtis Spurlock Demolition
Demolish single family residence
Date:  March 17, 2014
Contractor: Frank Jarvis

Client: Charlie White | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 35549
2014/03/170961211 North 49th Street Baton Rouge LaFrank Jarvis
Residential generator 48kw. Natural gas 756,0 btus. Ats w/ load management system. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  April 28, 2014
Value:   $10,412

Client: Bobby Cunard | Applicant: Lance Valentine | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 37072
2014/04/2810412957012 Moniteau Ct. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 48kw. Natural gas 756,0 btus. Ats w/ load management system. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2"
Date:  May 7, 2014
Value:   $10,412

Client: Bobby Cunard | Applicant: Lance Valentine | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 37072
2014/05/0710412937012 Moniteau Ct. Baton Rouge LaValentine Mechanical Services Llc
Reconstruction of carport on existing foundation, replace roof and rear porch, and interior remodeling of kitchen area
Date:  May 5, 2014
Value:   $35,000

Applicant: Ron Babb | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 37253
2014/05/05350009516 Blouin Dr Baton Rouge La
Reconstruction of carport on existing foundation, replace roof and rear porch, and interior remodeling of kitchen area
Date:  May 5, 2014
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Babb Construction

Applicant: Ron Babb | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 37253
2014/05/05350006316 Blouin Dr Baton Rouge LaBabb Construction
Remove existing pylon and install new pylon. 282sf.
Date:  March 18, 2014
Value:   $23,000

Applicant: Chris Nguyen | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 35615
2014/03/1823000841718 N. Foster Baton Rouge LaPro Signs And Graphics Llc
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Ats w/ load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  April 15, 2014
Value:   $8,700

Client: Greg Cotter | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 36653
2014/04/15870095441 W. Woodruff Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Ats w/ load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  April 23, 2014
Value:   $8,700
Contractor: Genpro Llc

Client: Greg Cotter | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 36653
2014/04/23870089441 W. Woodruff Dr Baton Rouge LaGenpro Llc
Replaced meter
Date:  April 10, 2014

Client: James Rylee | Applicant: James Rylee | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 36528
2014/04/10095117 Peairs Rd Baton Rouge La
Replaced meter
Date:  April 11, 2014

Client: James Rylee | Applicant: James Rylee | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 36528
2014/04/11095117 Peairs Rd Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  April 2, 2014

Client: Martin Hernandez | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 36190
2014/04/02095101 Kinglet Drive Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  April 3, 2014

Client: Martin Hernandez | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 36193
2014/04/03099101 Kinglet Drive Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Mboa, trailer relocation window units
Date:  October 11, 2013
Contractor: Darryl Wilcox

Client: Darryl Wilcox | Applicant: Darryl Wilcox | Permit type: Trailer: relocation | Permit id: 31368
2013/10/1105621712 Ligon Rd Baton Rouge LaDarryl Wilcox
Gas test
Date:  March 26, 2014

Client: Gloria E. Chapman | Permit id: 35957
2014/03/2609510025 Beta Drive Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  March 26, 2014

Client: Gloria E. Chapman | Permit id: 35957
2014/03/2609510025 Beta Drive Baton Rouge La
Installing solar panels on billboard signs account #34996819
Date:  March 21, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 35764
2014/03/210953189 College Drive Baton Rouge La
Installing solar panels on billboard signs account #34996819
Date:  March 26, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 35764
2014/03/260953189 College Drive Baton Rouge La
Replaced old trailer pole with new 20ft 200amp pole
Date:  March 21, 2014

Client: Carl Petty | Applicant: Carl Petty | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 35754
2014/03/2109523121 Zeb Chaney Rd Baton Rouge La
Replaced old trailer pole with new 20ft 200amp pole
Date:  March 21, 2014

Client: Carl Petty | Applicant: Carl Petty | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 35754
2014/03/2109523121 Zeb Chaney Rd Baton Rouge La
Kitchen fire estimated damage 16 percent.
Date:  January 8, 2014
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Damage assessment | Permit id: 33708
2014/01/08100009516 Oneal Ln Bldg Q 16 Oneal Ln Bldg Q #4 Baton Rouge La
Kitchen fire estimated damage 16 percent.
Date:  March 5, 2014
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Damage assessment | Permit id: 33708
2014/03/05100009316 Oneal Ln Bldg Q 16 Oneal Ln Bldg Q #4 Baton Rouge LaAcadiana Construction Group Llc
4 brick and metal fence
Date:  February 21, 2014
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Scott Barrow | Applicant: Scott Barrow | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 34904
2014/02/21400010016855 Alphonse Forbes Rd Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
Gas test
Date:  February 20, 2014

Client: Earline Dukes | Applicant: Earline Dukes | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 34866
2014/02/200951101 Louisiana Ave Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  February 20, 2014

Client: Earline Dukes | Applicant: Earline Dukes | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 34866
2014/02/200951101 Louisiana Ave Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 27, 2014

Client: Quran Akbar Rankins Bilal | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 34206
2014/01/270951162 North 47th Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 12, 2014

Client: Quran Akbar Rankins Bilal | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 34206
2014/02/120951162 North 47th Street Baton Rouge La
New tenant for existing office space; serving packaged food and food prepared offsite
Date:  January 17, 2014

Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 34011
2014/01/170958585 Archives Ave 8585 Archives Ave # 101 Baton Rouge La
New tenant for existing office space; serving packaged food and food prepared offsite
Date:  January 17, 2014

Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 34011
2014/01/170958585 Archives Ave 8585 Archives Ave # 101 Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 14, 2014

Client: Ardia Perkins | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 33900
2014/01/140951836 Oak Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 16, 2014

Client: Ardia Perkins | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 33900
2014/01/160961836 Oak Street Baton Rouge LaRonnie Howard Construction Inc
Remodel 3607 sf suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  October 16, 2013
Value:   $124,500

Applicant: Thom Toben | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 31491
2013/10/16124500956401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 2076 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 3607 sf suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  January 13, 2014
Value:   $124,500

Applicant: Thom Toben | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 31491
2014/01/13124500956401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 2076 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 3607 sf suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  January 13, 2014
Value:   $124,500

Applicant: Thom Toben | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 31491
2014/01/13124500996401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 2076 Baton Rouge LaHorizon Retail Construction Inc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 10, 2014

Client: Everlena Valdry Gosserand, Etal. | Applicant: Sidney Ellois | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 33794
2014/01/10095137 Alice Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  January 10, 2014

Client: Everlena Valdry Gosserand, Etal. | Applicant: Sidney Ellois | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 33794
2014/01/10095137 Alice Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  December 4, 2013

Client: Willie Rowe | Applicant: Mamie Robinson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 32843
2013/12/0409516506 Charlton Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  December 18, 2013

Client: Willie Rowe | Applicant: Mamie Robinson | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 32843
2013/12/1809516506 Charlton Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels. 24 modules. 2 watts system. 6 kw be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  December 6, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert Lee Mitchell | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 32947
2013/12/06250009522633 Plainsland Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panels. 24 modules. 2 watts system. 6 kw be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  December 17, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert Lee Mitchell | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 32947
2013/12/17250008922633 Plainsland Dr Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Demolish commercial building
Date:  November 1, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 31976
2013/11/01095161 N 3rd Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building
Date:  November 1, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 31976
2013/11/01099161 N 3rd Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Rebuild service. Tree damage.
Date:  October 30, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31883
2013/10/3009516735 Stoney Point Burch Rd Baton Rouge La
Rebuild service. Tree damage.
Date:  October 30, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31883
2013/10/3009516735 Stoney Point Burch Rd Baton Rouge La
Add new service to storage building. Personal use only. Not to be used for commercial use.
Date:  October 23, 2013

Client: Edward Hanes | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31678
2013/10/230951238 E Flanacher Rd Baton Rouge La
Add new service to storage building. Personal use only. Not to be used for commercial use.
Date:  October 23, 2013

Client: Edward Hanes | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31678
2013/10/230951238 E Flanacher Rd Baton Rouge La
Service repair - 3rd house on the right
Date:  October 18, 2013

Client: Matthew Moore | Applicant: Matthew Moore | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31584
2013/10/180959178 Pride Port Hudson Rd Baton Rouge La
Service repair - 3rd house on the right
Date:  October 18, 2013

Client: Matthew Moore | Applicant: Matthew Moore | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 31584
2013/10/180959178 Pride Port Hudson Rd Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  September 26, 2013

Client: Ledell Scott | Permit id: 30946
2013/09/26095766 Avocet Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  September 26, 2013

Client: Ledell Scott | Permit id: 30946
2013/09/26089766 Avocet Baton Rouge LaAll Star Heating And Air Llc
Wood frame accessory building 30x60
Date:  September 23, 2013
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Velma Mccrea | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 30845
2013/09/23900010019833 Womack Rd Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
Replace riser wires.
Date:  September 18, 2013

Client: Cedric Cunningham | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 30707
2013/09/180952747 Lupine Baton Rouge La
Replace riser wires.
Date:  September 18, 2013

Client: Cedric Cunningham | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 30707
2013/09/180952747 Lupine Baton Rouge La
1 amp service damaged by tree - service is located on the barn at the back of property
Date:  September 16, 2013

Client: Joseph Ramero | Applicant: Joseph Ramero | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 30645
2013/09/16095205 Liberty Rd Baton Rouge La
1 amp service damaged by tree - service is located on the barn at the back of property
Date:  September 17, 2013

Client: Joseph Ramero | Applicant: Joseph Ramero | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 30645
2013/09/17095205 Liberty Rd Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. 22 modules. 2 watts system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  August 7, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert W. Payne | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 29509
2013/08/0725000951787 N. Redondo Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. 22 modules. 2 watts system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  August 15, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Robert W. Payne | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 29509
2013/08/1525000891787 N. Redondo Dr Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Gas test
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Mark Cheralla | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 29408
2013/08/050955157 Etta St Apt 4e Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Mark Cheralla | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 29408
2013/08/050955157 Etta St Apt 4e Baton Rouge La
Apt over 1 year old
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Stephen C Myers | Applicant: Stephen C Myers | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 29407
2013/08/050951146 W Chimes Apt 2 Baton Rouge La
Apt over 1 year old
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Stephen C Myers | Applicant: Stephen C Myers | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 29407
2013/08/050951146 W Chimes Apt 2 Baton Rouge La
Change out meter pan.
Date:  August 2, 2013

Client: Eddie Whaley | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 29364
2013/08/020953164 Duke St Baton Rouge La
Change out meter pan.
Date:  August 2, 2013

Client: Eddie Whaley | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 29364
2013/08/020953164 Duke St Baton Rouge La
Remodel of existing living area: stucco installed on exterior walls without permit
Date:  July 24, 2013
Value:   $7,600

Client: Javid Janan | Applicant: Javid Janan | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 29089
2013/07/24760095Javid Baton Rouge La
Remodel of existing living area: stucco installed on exterior walls without permit
Date:  August 1, 2013
Value:   $7,600

Client: Javid Janan | Applicant: Javid Janan | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 29089
2013/08/01760095Javid Baton Rouge La
Replace cabinet on existing pylon. Also, replace wall signage.
Date:  July 30, 2013
Value:   $7,200

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 29239
2013/07/3072009510311 Plaza Americana Baton Rouge La
Replace cabinet on existing pylon. Also, replace wall signage.
Date:  July 31, 2013
Value:   $7,200

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 29239
2013/07/3172009610311 Plaza Americana Baton Rouge LaThompson Electric Sign Co
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 20, 2013
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28115
2013/06/209000951506 Campden Dr. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 30, 2013
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Kwatt Electric Llc

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28115
2013/07/309000961506 Campden Dr. Baton Rouge LaKwatt Electric Llc
Trailer relocation
Date:  May 28, 2013
Contractor: Eddie Brown

Client: Eddie Brown | Applicant: Eddie Brown | Permit type: Trailer: relocation | Permit id: 27366
2013/05/2806219196 Pride Baywood Rd Baton Rouge LaEddie Brown
Correct wiring in storage building.
Date:  July 29, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 29210
2013/07/290958352 W El Cajon Storage Building Baton Rouge La
Correct wiring in storage building.
Date:  July 29, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 29210
2013/07/290958352 W El Cajon Storage Building Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house. 5 from any windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 10, 2013
Value:   $8,800

Client: James Holliday | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28700
2013/07/108800951011 Ingleside Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house. 5 from any windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 25, 2013
Value:   $8,800

Client: James Holliday | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28700
2013/07/258800881011 Ingleside Dr Baton Rouge LaBlount Electrical Service
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 20, 2013
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28116
2013/06/20900095125 W. Baton Rouge Lake Estates Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 23, 2013
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Kwatt Electric Llc

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28116
2013/07/23900096125 W. Baton Rouge Lake Estates Baton Rouge LaKwatt Electric Llc
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 20, 2013
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28114
2013/06/2010000956242 Chippendale Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 23, 2013
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Kwatt Electric Llc

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28114
2013/07/2310000966242 Chippendale Baton Rouge LaKwatt Electric Llc
Residential generator 17kw. Ge. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 20, 2013
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28117
2013/06/2090009515043 Garden Park Ave. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 17kw. Ge. Natural gas 294000btus. Ats with load management system. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 23, 2013
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Kwatt Electric Llc

Applicant: Frankie Moore | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28117
2013/07/2390009615043 Garden Park Ave. Baton Rouge LaKwatt Electric Llc
1,026 sf. Addition to expand retail area w/ conference rm. & 22 sf. Remodel to existing 5,964 sf. Jewelry store; new total building area to be 69 sf.
Date:  May 30, 2013
Value:   $200,000

Applicant: Bryce Risher | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 27421
2013/05/302000005975 Corporate Blvd. Baton Rouge LaCalltharp Christopher
1,026 sf. Addition to expand retail area w/ conference rm. & 22 sf. Remodel to existing 5,964 sf. Jewelry store; new total building area to be 69 sf.
Date:  July 19, 2013
Value:   $200,000

Applicant: Bryce Risher | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 27421
2013/07/192000005975 Corporate Blvd. Baton Rouge LaCalltharp Christopher
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any windows, min slab 3 1/2". Ats with load management system in it.
Date:  July 17, 2013
Value:   $8,900

Applicant: Scott Blouwnt | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28895
2013/07/17890095753 Woodview Ct Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Manufacture allows 18" from the house, 5 from any windows, min slab 3 1/2". Ats with load management system in it.
Date:  July 18, 2013
Value:   $8,900

Applicant: Scott Blouwnt | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28895
2013/07/18890088753 Woodview Ct Baton Rouge LaBlount Electrical Service
Commercial generator 80kw. Natural gas 1185000btus. Must have 3 min from any structure. 5 from windows. Min. Slab 3 1/2". Install some bollard to prevent vehicles to hit the generator.
Date:  July 2, 2013
Value:   $16,050

Client: Lisa Hope | Applicant: Clayton Basso | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 28492
2013/07/0216050959664 Brookline Ave Baton Rouge La
Commercial generator 80kw. Natural gas 1185000btus. Must have 3 min from any structure. 5 from windows. Min. Slab 3 1/2". Install some bollard to prevent vehicles to hit the generator.
Date:  July 18, 2013
Value:   $16,050

Client: Lisa Hope | Applicant: Clayton Basso | Permit type: Commercial: generator | Permit id: 28492
2013/07/1816050599664 Brookline Ave Baton Rouge LaSun Electrical And Instrumentation Inc
Residential generator 20kw ge. Natural gas. Manuf. Allows 18" from the house, 3 in the other three sides,5 from windows, min. Slab 3 1/2"
Date:  July 3, 2013
Value:   $11,000

Applicant: Thomas Watson | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28537
2013/07/0311000673341 Rue Dorleans Baton Rouge LaTek Electric Group Llc
Residential generator 20kw ge. Natural gas. Manuf. Allows 18" from the house, 3 in the other three sides,5 from windows, min. Slab 3 1/2"
Date:  July 17, 2013
Value:   $11,000

Applicant: Thomas Watson | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28537
2013/07/1711000673341 Rue Dorleans Baton Rouge LaTek Electric Group Llc
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 19, 2013
Value:   $9,200

Client: Leo Stanley | Applicant: Damon Reno | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28108
2013/06/19920095916 Bourbon Ave. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  July 12, 2013
Value:   $9,200

Client: Leo Stanley | Applicant: Damon Reno | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 28108
2013/07/12920088916 Bourbon Ave. Baton Rouge LaGenerators Unlimited Llc
Apt over 1 year old
Date:  July 9, 2013

Client: Janie Wells | Applicant: Janie And Eric Wells | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 28673
2013/07/090959 W Grant St Apt 4 Baton Rouge La
Apt over 1 year old
Date:  July 9, 2013

Client: Janie Wells | Applicant: Janie And Eric Wells | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 28673
2013/07/090959 W Grant St Apt 4 Baton Rouge La
Change out four pack meter center
Date:  July 5, 2013

Client: John Fetzer | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28574
2013/07/050957894 Jefferson Place Blvd. Apts Abcd Baton Rouge La
Change out four pack meter center
Date:  July 5, 2013

Client: John Fetzer | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28574
2013/07/050957894 Jefferson Place Blvd. Apts Abcd Baton Rouge La
Date:  July 5, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28569
2013/07/050958845 Trinity Ave. Baton Rouge La
Date:  July 5, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28569
2013/07/050958845 Trinity Ave. Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  June 26, 2013

Client: Sharon Mack, Etal | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 28297
2013/06/260951838 Birch Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  July 2, 2013

Client: Sharon Mack, Etal | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 28297
2013/07/020951838 Birch Street Baton Rouge La
Service repair
Date:  July 2, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28493
2013/07/02095901 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
Service repair
Date:  July 2, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28493
2013/07/02095901 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
Remodel suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  May 31, 2013
Value:   $20,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 27474
2013/05/3120000956401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Space 1042 Baton Rouge La
Remodel suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  July 1, 2013
Value:   $20,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 27474
2013/07/0120000956401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Space 1042 Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 18kw. Natural gas. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 10, 2013
Value:   $9,080

Client: Marshell Grodner | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 27736
2013/06/109080845966 S. Pollard Pkwy Baton Rouge LaDarrells Electric Inc
Residential generator 18kw. Natural gas. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Min slab 3 1/2".
Date:  June 28, 2013
Value:   $9,080

Client: Marshell Grodner | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 27736
2013/06/289080845966 S. Pollard Pkwy Baton Rouge LaDarrells Electric Inc
Changed out 8 bank meter center apts 14,15,16,17,18,22,23,24
Date:  June 26, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28312
2013/06/260956764 Rembrandt Ave Apts 14,15,16,17,18,22,23,24 Baton Rouge La
Changed out 8 bank meter center apts 14,15,16,17,18,22,23,24
Date:  June 27, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 28312
2013/06/270956764 Rembrandt Ave Apts 14,15,16,17,18,22,23,24 Baton Rouge La
Residential solar. 24 modules. 215 w system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 24, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Jackie Bordelon | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27316
2013/05/2425000953233 Timber Grove Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential solar. 24 modules. 215 w system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 27, 2013
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Thermo

Client: Jackie Bordelon | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27316
2013/06/2725000993233 Timber Grove Dr Baton Rouge LaThermo
Storage room and exercise room addition
Date:  May 30, 2013
Value:   $30,000

Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 27437
2013/05/30300009517636 Heritage Estates Baton Rouge La
Storage room and exercise room addition
Date:  June 20, 2013
Value:   $30,000

Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 27437
2013/06/20300006117636 Heritage Estates Baton Rouge LaAudubon General Contr. Inc
6 ft wood fence
Date:  June 17, 2013
Value:   $3,100
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Stephen Harrison | Applicant: Stephen Harrison | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 27993
2013/06/17310010033 Ben Williams Dr Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
Replace 8-pack meter center. Apartments 122, 123, 222, 223, 125, 224, 225
Date:  June 13, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 27880
2013/06/130951755 College Dr Apt. 122, 123, 222, 223, 125, 224, 225 Baton Rouge La
Replace 8-pack meter center. Apartments 122, 123, 222, 223, 125, 224, 225
Date:  June 13, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 27880
2013/06/130951755 College Dr Apt. 122, 123, 222, 223, 125, 224, 225 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 6136 sf of 5th floor suite 501 in medical plaza i for doctors offices
Date:  April 11, 2013
Value:   $400,000
Contractor: Milton J. Womack

Applicant: W. Carroll Blewster | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 26063
2013/04/11400000837777 Hennessy Blvd., Ste. 501 Baton Rouge LaMilton J. Womack
Date:  June 11, 2013

Client: John Stubbs | Applicant: John Stubbs | Permit id: 27799
2013/06/1109516565 Stubbs Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Date:  June 11, 2013

Client: John Stubbs | Applicant: John Stubbs | Permit id: 27799
2013/06/1109516565 Stubbs Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 28, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Margaret Nettles | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27373
2013/05/2825000952844 79th Ave. Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 10, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Margaret Nettles | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27373
2013/06/1025000892844 79th Ave. Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Residential solar panel. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 28, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Shondra R Case | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27372
2013/05/2825000954462 St. Katherine Ave Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 10, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Shondra R Case | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27372
2013/06/1025000894462 St. Katherine Ave Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Residential solar panel.. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 28, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Tracie Jackson | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27371
2013/05/28250009513501 Broad Court Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel.. Modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  June 10, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Tracie Jackson | Applicant: James Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 27371
2013/06/10250008913501 Broad Court Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Demolish commercial building
Date:  June 3, 2013

Applicant: Andrew Thibodeaux | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 27507
2013/06/03056140 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge LaJ. Reed Constructors
House over 1 year.
Date:  May 31, 2013

Client: Megan Grace | Applicant: Tiffany Anthony | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27492
2013/05/310959112 Metairie Dr Baton Rouge La
House over 1 year.
Date:  May 31, 2013

Client: Megan Grace | Applicant: Tiffany Anthony | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27492
2013/05/310959112 Metairie Dr Baton Rouge La
Gunite pool
Date:  May 30, 2013
Value:   $15,000

Client: Quoc Tran | Applicant: Ronald Henderson | Permit type: Pool | Permit id: 27427
2013/05/30150009518229 Ferry Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Gunite pool
Date:  May 30, 2013
Value:   $15,000

Client: Quoc Tran | Applicant: Ronald Henderson | Permit type: Pool | Permit id: 27427
2013/05/30150008318229 Ferry Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge LaHenderson Pools Llc
New- boat port and screen porch(approx 598sqft)
Date:  May 3, 2013
Value:   $20,000

Client: Mike And Pattie French | Applicant: Tim Smith | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 26672
2013/05/03200009514635 Cottage Oak Ave Baton Rouge La
New- boat port and screen porch(approx 598sqft)
Date:  May 29, 2013
Value:   $20,000

Client: Mike And Pattie French | Applicant: Tim Smith | Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 26672
2013/05/29200009614635 Cottage Oak Ave Baton Rouge LaHarvey Smith Construction Inc
Fire damage of head start program renovation to existing head start bldg. To repair relatively minor damage due to fire. No plans required, duct alteration and electrical wiring required, no plumbing changes/approved as is.
Date:  October 22, 2012
Value:   $100,000

Applicant: Chip Weimar | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 21154
2012/10/22100000954643 Winbourne Ave Baton Rouge La
Fire damage of head start program renovation to existing head start bldg. To repair relatively minor damage due to fire. No plans required, duct alteration and electrical wiring required, no plumbing changes/approved as is.
Date:  May 28, 2013
Value:   $100,000

Applicant: Chip Weimar | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 21154
2013/05/28100000954643 Winbourne Ave Baton Rouge La
Fire damage of head start program renovation to existing head start bldg. To repair relatively minor damage due to fire. No plans required, duct alteration and electrical wiring required, no plumbing changes/approved as is.
Date:  October 22, 2012
Value:   $100,000

Applicant: Chip Weimar | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 21154
2012/10/22100000634643 Winbourne Ave Baton Rouge LaHighroad Solutions Inc
Addition to existing garage and rebuilding existing guestroom, continuation of b-2011533.
Date:  May 22, 2013
Contractor: Key Randy

Permit type: Residential: addition | Permit id: 27217
2013/05/22073856 Moore St Baton Rouge LaKey Randy
Demolish commercial building.
Date:  May 13, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 26888
2013/05/130954027 Plank Road Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building.
Date:  May 22, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 26888
2013/05/220614027 Plank Road Baton Rouge LaRanger Environmental
Condo over 1 year old
Date:  May 22, 2013

Applicant: Jariell Julien | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27227
2013/05/220959007 Highland Rd Apt 38 Baton Rouge La
Condo over 1 year old
Date:  May 22, 2013

Applicant: Jariell Julien | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27227
2013/05/220959007 Highland Rd Apt 38 Baton Rouge La
Interior renovation to existing bldg. Of 11,964 s. F. For mercantile use.
Date:  April 15, 2013
Value:   $265,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 26126
2013/04/15265000954848 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge La
Interior renovation to existing bldg. Of 11,964 s. F. For mercantile use.
Date:  May 21, 2013
Value:   $265,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 26126
2013/05/21265000844848 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge LaDarland Enterprises Inc
Gas test
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 27184
2013/05/210959 Stanford Ave T 4 Unit 503 Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 27184
2013/05/210959 Stanford Ave T 4 Unit 503 Baton Rouge La
Rebuild service.
Date:  May 20, 2013

Client: Brad Longmire | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 27110
2013/05/20095653 Acadia Baton Rouge La
Rebuild service.
Date:  May 20, 2013

Client: Brad Longmire | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 27110
2013/05/20095653 Acadia Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. 16 modules. 2 watts system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 10, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Greg Gleason | Applicant: James Andrew Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 26864
2013/05/1025000955921 Byron St Baton Rouge La
Residential solar panel. 16 modules. 2 watts system. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 17, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Greg Gleason | Applicant: James Andrew Walsh | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 26864
2013/05/1725000895921 Byron St Baton Rouge LaVeteran Contractors Llc
Residential solar. 26 modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 8, 2013
Value:   $25,000

Client: Mark Hafner | Applicant: Stokley Gray | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 26786
2013/05/082500095854 Forge Ave Baton Rouge La
Residential solar. 26 modules. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  May 15, 2013
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Joule Llc

Client: Mark Hafner | Applicant: Stokley Gray | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 26786
2013/05/152500096854 Forge Ave Baton Rouge LaJoule Llc
House over 1 year old
Date:  May 15, 2013

Applicant: David Thibodeaux | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27008
2013/05/150957649 Governor Derbigny Ln Baton Rouge La
House over 1 year old
Date:  May 15, 2013

Applicant: David Thibodeaux | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 27008
2013/05/150957649 Governor Derbigny Ln Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. Natural gas 294000btus. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Min. Slab 3 1/2"
Date:  May 2, 2013
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Richard Jackson

Client: Ann And Wendell Holmes | Applicant: Richard Jackson | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 26615
2013/05/0215000934324 Oxford Ave Baton Rouge LaRichard Jackson
200sf addition for expanding office space to existing 740sf car inspection building to total 940sf.
Date:  April 5, 2013
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Gordon Vice

Client: Mohamed Moussa | Applicant: Mohamed Moussa | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 25898
2013/04/05350005675 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge LaGordon Vice
Remodel1557 sf suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  April 10, 2013
Value:   $2,500

Applicant: Jason Shen | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 26029
2013/04/102500958342 Perkins Rd., Ste.E Baton Rouge La
Remodel1557 sf suite for mercantile occupancy
Date:  May 10, 2013
Value:   $2,500

Applicant: Jason Shen | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 26029
2013/05/102500958342 Perkins Rd., Ste.E Baton Rouge La
6 ft wood fence
Date:  May 9, 2013
Value:   $8,600
Contractor: Homeowner

Client: Stephen Harrison | Applicant: Stephen Harrison | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 26836
2013/05/098600100Manchester And Ben Williams Dr. Baton Rouge LaHomeowner
6 ft wood fence
Date:  April 26, 2013
Value:   $1,400

Applicant: Johny Godsby | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 26463
2013/04/2614009520304 Montbard Ave Baton Rouge La
6 ft wood fence
Date:  April 26, 2013
Value:   $1,400
Contractor: Mega Fences Inc

Applicant: Johny Godsby | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 26463
2013/04/2614008920304 Montbard Ave Baton Rouge LaMega Fences Inc
37 sf. Addition to an existing 7560sf commercial building for warehouse use.
Date:  March 11, 2013
Value:   $65,000

Applicant: Todd Dudley | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 25077
2013/03/116500095527 N Acadian Thruway Baton Rouge La
37 sf. Addition to an existing 7560sf commercial building for warehouse use.
Date:  April 18, 2013
Value:   $65,000

Applicant: Todd Dudley | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 25077
2013/04/186500078527 N Acadian Thruway Baton Rouge LaDudley And Sons Inc
Water heater installed
Date:  April 10, 2013

Client: Kathy Holt | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit id: 26021
2013/04/100954435 Orchid Baton Rouge La
Water heater installed
Date:  April 10, 2013

Client: Kathy Holt | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit id: 26021
2013/04/100954435 Orchid Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial buildings.
Date:  March 28, 2013

Applicant: Joseph Brown | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 25654
2013/03/280952531 2579 Plank Road Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial buildings.
Date:  March 28, 2013
Contractor: Bruin Llc

Applicant: Joseph Brown | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 25654
2013/03/280622531 2579 Plank Road Baton Rouge LaBruin Llc
Remodel 15 sf area of bldg for business offices
Date:  February 20, 2013
Value:   $52,000

Applicant: Jeff Borgmeyer | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 24431
2013/02/20520009540 S Sherwood Forest, Suite 3 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 15 sf area of bldg for business offices
Date:  March 21, 2013
Value:   $52,000

Applicant: Jeff Borgmeyer | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 24431
2013/03/21520009640 S Sherwood Forest, Suite 3 Baton Rouge LaCharles Carter Construction Company Inc
20 sf. Remodel to a retail store in existing mall for new mercantile tenant.
Date:  November 20, 2014
Value:   $90,000

Applicant: David Glover | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43301
2014/11/2090000956401 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge La
Wall signage
Date:  March 20, 2013
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 25384
2013/03/202500956401 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge La
20 sf. Remodel to a retail store in existing mall for new mercantile tenant.
Date:  January 13, 2015
Value:   $90,000

Applicant: David Glover | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43301
2015/01/1390000956401 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge La
Wall signage
Date:  March 20, 2013
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 25384
2013/03/202500846401 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge LaBaton Rouge Sign And Graphics
20 sf. Remodel to a retail store in existing mall for new mercantile tenant.
Date:  January 13, 2015
Value:   $90,000

Applicant: David Glover | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 43301
2015/01/1390000626401 Bluebonnet Baton Rouge LaJ. And K. Project Management Consultants Llc
Residential solar panels. 26 modules. Panel 200amps. 240w optimized solar. Be advise to install collar tie every other rafter to support the new load.
Date:  March 6, 2013
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Optimize Solar

Client: Malinda Chartier | Applicant: Craig Page | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 24961
2013/03/0625000845465 N. Afton Pkwy Baton Rouge LaOptimize Solar
2000sf tenant build-out for daiquiri bar; sprk.
Date:  December 11, 2012
Value:   $80,000

Client: Kevin Nguyen | Applicant: Diane Hickman | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22497
2012/12/1180000956555 Siegen Ln. Ste. 5 Baton Rouge La
2000sf tenant build-out for daiquiri bar; sprk.
Date:  March 1, 2013
Value:   $80,000

Client: Kevin Nguyen | Applicant: Diane Hickman | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22497
2013/03/0180000956555 Siegen Ln. Ste. 5 Baton Rouge La
2000sf tenant build-out for daiquiri bar; sprk.
Date:  December 11, 2012
Value:   $80,000

Client: Kevin Nguyen | Applicant: Diane Hickman | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22497
2012/12/1180000936555 Siegen Ln. Ste. 5 Baton Rouge LaLanco Construction Inc
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 28, 2013

Client: Mary Firmin | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24762
2013/02/2809513344 Pride Port Hudson Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 28, 2013

Client: Mary Firmin | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24762
2013/02/2809513344 Pride Port Hudson Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 26, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24659
2013/02/260951161 Teal Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 27, 2013
Contractor: Peak Enterprises

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24659
2013/02/270961161 Teal Street Baton Rouge LaPeak Enterprises
Sign installed guts in existing panel on meter pan a - were using meter pan b for both signs - need meter installed on a side
Date:  February 25, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 24626
2013/02/250951309 E Polk St Baton Rouge La
Sign installed guts in existing panel on meter pan a - were using meter pan b for both signs - need meter installed on a side
Date:  February 26, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 24626
2013/02/260951309 E Polk St Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 21, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24462
2013/02/2109510088 Kinglet Drive Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  February 21, 2013

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 24462
2013/02/2109910088 Kinglet Drive Baton Rouge LaAmerican Construction
Remodel to change 27 windows
Date:  February 18, 2013
Value:   $10,000

Client: Mary And Hoang Tran | Applicant: Mary And Hoang Tran | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 24319
2013/02/1810000561317 Pompey Dr Baton Rouge LaMary And Hoang Tran
Replaced pole on lot 12
Date:  February 14, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 24248
2013/02/140953352 Wingfield Ave Lot 12 Baton Rouge La
Replaced pole on lot 12
Date:  February 14, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 24248
2013/02/140953352 Wingfield Ave Lot 12 Baton Rouge La
New construction of shell bldg. Of 62,541 intended for commercial retail and a-2 (projected spaces: e-1 though e-3, a-1 through a-12 & b-1 through b-3)
Date:  November 8, 2012
Value:   $3,750,000

Applicant: Joseph Antunovich | Permit type: Commercial: shell | Permit id: 21684
2012/11/083750000953535 Perkins Rd. Shell Bldg 3 Baton Rouge La
New construction of shell bldg. Of 62,541 intended for commercial retail and a-2 (projected spaces: e-1 though e-3, a-1 through a-12 & b-1 through b-3)
Date:  February 8, 2013
Value:   $3,750,000

Applicant: Joseph Antunovich | Permit type: Commercial: shell | Permit id: 21684
2013/02/083750000953535 Perkins Rd. Shell Bldg 3 Baton Rouge La
New construction of shell bldg. Of 62,541 intended for commercial retail and a-2 (projected spaces: e-1 though e-3, a-1 through a-12 & b-1 through b-3)
Date:  November 8, 2012
Value:   $3,750,000

Applicant: Joseph Antunovich | Permit type: Commercial: shell | Permit id: 21684
2012/11/083750000933535 Perkins Rd. Shell Bldg 3 Baton Rouge LaBuquet And Leblanc Inc
Fire damage of apt 221, 220, 219, 218, and 217. 217 removing sheet rock in ceiling only. 600sf. Each apt.
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $370,000

Applicant: James Dodds | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22458
2012/12/10370000958508 Greenwell Springs Rd. Apt. 221,220, 219, 218 And 217. Baton Greenwell Baton Rouge La
Fire damage of apt 221, 220, 219, 218, and 217. 217 removing sheet rock in ceiling only. 600sf. Each apt.
Date:  February 7, 2013
Value:   $370,000

Applicant: James Dodds | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22458
2013/02/07370000958508 Greenwell Springs Rd. Apt. 221,220, 219, 218 And 217. Baton Greenwell Baton Rouge La
Fire damage of apt 221, 220, 219, 218, and 217. 217 removing sheet rock in ceiling only. 600sf. Each apt.
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $370,000

Applicant: James Dodds | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22458
2012/12/10370000628508 Greenwell Springs Rd. Apt. 221,220, 219, 218 And 217. Baton Greenwell Baton Rouge LaJdk Construction And Drywall Llc
Remodel 7 sf of pharmacy
Date:  December 6, 2012
Value:   $125,000

Applicant: Amy Nonhof | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22380
2012/12/06125000957777 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 1 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 7 sf of pharmacy
Date:  February 6, 2013
Value:   $125,000

Applicant: Amy Nonhof | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22380
2013/02/06125000957777 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 1 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 7 sf of pharmacy
Date:  December 6, 2012
Value:   $125,000

Applicant: Amy Nonhof | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 22380
2012/12/06125000997777 Bluebonnet Blvd., Ste. 1 Baton Rouge LaProject Builders Inc
Commercial generator. 500kw. Diesel tank 17 gal.
Date:  January 22, 2013
Value:   $180,000

Applicant: Dennis Mcgehee | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 23545
2013/01/22180000958755 Goodwood Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Commercial generator. 500kw. Diesel tank 17 gal.
Date:  February 4, 2013
Value:   $180,000

Applicant: Dennis Mcgehee | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 23545
2013/02/04180000958755 Goodwood Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  February 4, 2013

Client: Leann Williams | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 23914
2013/02/040953433 Old Quarter Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  February 4, 2013

Client: Leann Williams | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 23914
2013/02/040953433 Old Quarter Baton Rouge Lane Baton Rouge La
Vehicular damage to storage area of drive thru restaurant.
Date:  January 22, 2013
Value:   $20,000

Client: Clodeaner Jack | Applicant: Clodeaner Jack | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 23554
2013/01/2220000969402 Burbank Baton Rouge LaDon Charles Davis Sr
Service for land use only
Date:  January 8, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 23176
2013/01/080951 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
Service for land use only
Date:  January 8, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 23176
2013/01/080951 Thomas Rd Baton Rouge La
Tree limb fell on service
Date:  December 20, 2012

Client: Ruby Drummond | Applicant: Ruby Drummond | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 22815
2012/12/2009518554 Pride Baywood Rd Baton Rouge La
Tree limb fell on service
Date:  December 20, 2012

Client: Ruby Drummond | Applicant: Ruby Drummond | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 22815
2012/12/2009518554 Pride Baywood Rd Baton Rouge La
Replaced burnt/damaged underground feed from transformer to building #39 apts 39-1 through 39-6
Date:  November 19, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21937
2012/11/1909511585 N Harrells Ferry Building 39 Baton Rouge La
Replaced burnt/damaged underground feed from transformer to building #39 apts 39-1 through 39-6
Date:  November 19, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21937
2012/11/1909511585 N Harrells Ferry Building 39 Baton Rouge La
Replaced burnt damaged underground feed from transformer to building #39 apts 39-1 through 39-6
Date:  November 19, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21937
2012/11/1909511585 N Harrells Ferry Building 39 Baton Rouge La
Install new lugs on meter pan
Date:  November 15, 2012

Client: Edward Henderson | Applicant: Edward Henderson | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21884
2012/11/1509532 Woodglynn Ave Baton Rouge La
Install new lugs on meter pan
Date:  November 15, 2012

Client: Edward Henderson | Applicant: Edward Henderson | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21884
2012/11/1509532 Woodglynn Ave Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. 294000btus. Natural gas. Ats w/ load management system. Gas meter will be upgrade by entergy. Ge is allow to be 18" from any structure by manufacture.
Date:  November 5, 2012
Value:   $8,700

Client: Mr. Henry Bradshaw | Applicant: Ben Allen | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 21588
2012/11/05870095682 Stanford Ave. Baton Rouge La
Residential generator 20kw. 294000btus. Natural gas. Ats w/ load management system. Gas meter will be upgrade by entergy. Ge is allow to be 18" from any structure by manufacture.
Date:  November 15, 2012
Value:   $8,700
Contractor: Delta Electric

Client: Mr. Henry Bradshaw | Applicant: Ben Allen | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 21588
2012/11/15870095682 Stanford Ave. Baton Rouge LaDelta Electric
Demolish single family residence
Date:  November 14, 2012

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 21830
2012/11/140952429 Iroquois Street Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence
Date:  November 14, 2012

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 21830
2012/11/140952429 Iroquois Street Baton Rouge La
Repair of 59 % firee damage to sfr
Date:  July 18, 2012
Value:   $90,000

Client: John Cheng | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 18338
2012/07/189000095120 S Baton Rouge Lake Sherwood Ave Baton Rouge La
Repair of 59 % firee damage to sfr
Date:  November 6, 2012
Value:   $90,000

Client: John Cheng | Permit type: Residential: remodel | Permit id: 18338
2012/11/069000093120 S Baton Rouge Lake Sherwood Ave Baton Rouge LaGuarantee Service Team Of Professionals Inc
Renovation to existing hotel of 37,644 s. F.; most renovations are to 1st floor.
Date:  June 28, 2012
Value:   $710,000

Applicant: Robert Juskevich | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 17743
2012/06/28710000957959 Essen Park Ave. Baton Rouge La
Renovation to existing hotel of 37,644 s. F.; most renovations are to 1st floor.
Date:  November 6, 2012
Value:   $710,000

Applicant: Robert Juskevich | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 17743
2012/11/06710000647959 Essen Park Ave. Baton Rouge LaHospitality Renovations Llc
New telephone equipment cabinet.
Date:  November 5, 2012

Applicant: Adam Waggoner | Permit type: Cell tower | Permit id: 21569
2012/11/05095599 Napoleon Baton Rouge La
New telephone equipment cabinet.
Date:  November 5, 2012
Contractor: Storm Electric Llc

Applicant: Adam Waggoner | Permit type: Cell tower | Permit id: 21569
2012/11/05066599 Napoleon Baton Rouge LaStorm Electric Llc
Lift station electrical inspection only - ready for final
Date:  October 23, 2012

Client: Ebr Wastwater | Applicant: Ebr Wastwater | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21171
2012/10/23095119 S. Harrells Ferry Dr. Baton Rouge La
Lift station electrical inspection only - ready for final
Date:  October 23, 2012

Client: Ebr Wastwater | Applicant: Ebr Wastwater | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21171
2012/10/23095119 S. Harrells Ferry Dr. Baton Rouge La
Landscape service only ready for final
Date:  October 23, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21170
2012/10/23095156 Green Trails Blvd Baton Rouge La
Landscape service only ready for final
Date:  October 23, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21170
2012/10/23095156 Green Trails Blvd Baton Rouge La
Lift station. Electrical only.
Date:  October 23, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21169
2012/10/2309513535 Nicholson Drive Baton Rouge La
Lift station. Electrical only.
Date:  October 23, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 21169
2012/10/2309513535 Nicholson Drive Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence.
Date:  October 16, 2012

Client: Stephen Sterling Iii, Etal. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 20976
2012/10/16095869 Lobdell Avenue Baton Rouge La
Demolish single family residence.
Date:  October 17, 2012
Contractor: Depen Company Inc

Client: Stephen Sterling Iii, Etal. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 20976
2012/10/17056869 Lobdell Avenue Baton Rouge LaDepen Company Inc
Service change out
Date:  October 16, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20965
2012/10/1609511701 Sun Belt Court Baton Rouge La
Service change out
Date:  October 16, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20965
2012/10/1609511701 Sun Belt Court Baton Rouge La
Replace damaged meter socket.
Date:  October 16, 2012

Client: Allan Walsh | Applicant: Lucinda Brown | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20969
2012/10/160951233 Dare St Baton Rouge La
Replace damaged meter socket.
Date:  October 16, 2012

Client: Allan Walsh | Applicant: Lucinda Brown | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20969
2012/10/160951233 Dare St Baton Rouge La
Office use for engineering and design
Date:  October 16, 2012

Client: Charles Beal | Applicant: Charles Beal | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 20978
2012/10/160956415 Quinn Dr. Ste C Baton Rouge La
Office use for engineering and design
Date:  October 16, 2012

Client: Charles Beal | Applicant: Charles Beal | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 20978
2012/10/160956415 Quinn Dr. Ste C Baton Rouge La
Replace face on pylon also wall signage and reader board.
Date:  October 12, 2012
Value:   $20,800

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 20865
2012/10/1220800959837 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La
Replace face on pylon also wall signage and reader board.
Date:  October 12, 2012
Value:   $20,800

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 20865
2012/10/1220800569837 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge LaSuntech Illumination
Gas test
Date:  October 10, 2012

Client: Mr. Prestry | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 20810
2012/10/1009518 Nebraska Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  October 10, 2012

Client: Mr. Prestry | Permit type: Gas test | Permit id: 20810
2012/10/1009518 Nebraska Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will be ready for inspection tomorrow.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20726
2012/10/0909515202 South Choctaw Dr Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will be ready for inspection tomorrow.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20726
2012/10/0909515202 South Choctaw Dr Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready for inspection.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20728
2012/10/09095124 Pebble Beach Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready for inspection.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20728
2012/10/09095124 Pebble Beach Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20733
2012/10/09095140 Harrells Ferry Dr Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20733
2012/10/09095140 Harrells Ferry Dr Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20730
2012/10/0909598 Siegen Ln Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready.
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20730
2012/10/0909598 Siegen Ln Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20732
2012/10/090952101 Oneal Ln Baton Rouge La
Service disconnect and reconnect. Will call when ready
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Ebr Waste Water | Applicant: Ebr Waste Water | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20732
2012/10/090952101 Oneal Ln Baton Rouge La
Storm damage meter and riser
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Edwin Pinkston | Applicant: Edwin Pinkston | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20725
2012/10/09095812 Van Buren Baton Rouge La
Storm damage meter and riser
Date:  October 9, 2012

Client: Edwin Pinkston | Applicant: Edwin Pinkston | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20725
2012/10/09095812 Van Buren Baton Rouge La
Political sign
Date:  October 4, 2012

Permit type: Sign: political | Permit id: 20598
2012/10/040958702 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La
Political sign
Date:  October 4, 2012

Permit type: Sign: political | Permit id: 20598
2012/10/040958702 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La
Pylon sign
Date:  October 1, 2012
Value:   $3,500

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 20495
2012/10/01350095967 Magnolia St. Baton Rouge La
Pylon sign
Date:  October 1, 2012
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: Jones Signs

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 20495
2012/10/01350092967 Magnolia St. Baton Rouge LaJones Signs
Remodel 1769 sf area of 1st floor
Date:  August 22, 2012
Value:   $175,000

Applicant: Dottie Rosales | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 19356
2012/08/22175000958585 Picardy Ave. Baton Rouge La
Remodel 1769 sf area of 1st floor
Date:  September 28, 2012
Value:   $175,000

Applicant: Dottie Rosales | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 19356
2012/09/28175000618585 Picardy Ave. Baton Rouge LaTtm Construction Company Llc
Changed out 125 amp meter service - demco is disconnecting power on monday the 1st - will need emergency reconnect
Date:  September 27, 2012

Client: Lionel Dixons | Applicant: Lionel Dixons | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20441
2012/09/27095137 E Plains Port Hudson Baton Rouge La
Changed out 125 amp meter service - demco is disconnecting power on monday the 1st - will need emergency reconnect
Date:  September 28, 2012

Client: Lionel Dixons | Applicant: Lionel Dixons | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 20441
2012/09/28095137 E Plains Port Hudson Baton Rouge La
Remodel 38 sf bldg for day care
Date:  August 24, 2012
Value:   $10,000

Client: Mike Kingham | Applicant: Michelle Lawson | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 19419
2012/08/2410000959 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge La
Remodel 38 sf bldg for day care
Date:  September 18, 2012
Value:   $10,000

Client: Mike Kingham | Applicant: Michelle Lawson | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 19419
2012/09/1810000959 Oneal Ln. Baton Rouge La
Demolition of single family residence
Date:  September 12, 2012

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 19899
2012/09/120958025 Oakview Drive Baton Rouge La
Demolition of single family residence
Date:  September 14, 2012
Contractor: T.R.I. Demolition

Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 19899
2012/09/140718025 Oakview Drive Baton Rouge LaT.R.I. Demolition
Demolition of mobile home
Date:  September 10, 2012

Client: Ted And Janet Rush | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 19745
2012/09/10095South Of 9153 Redman Baton Rouge Lake Drive Baton Rouge La
Demolition of mobile home
Date:  September 10, 2012

Client: Ted And Janet Rush | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 19745
2012/09/10095South Of 9153 Redman Baton Rouge Lake Drive Baton Rouge La
Residential 20kw generator. 294,0 btusmust have 3 from any structure, 5 from windows. 3 1/2" min. Slab.
Date:  August 20, 2012
Value:   $9,750

Client: Joseph Smith | Applicant: Damon Reno | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 19257
2012/08/2097509510555 Danbury Baton Rouge La
Residential 20kw generator. 294,0 btusmust have 3 from any structure, 5 from windows. 3 1/2" min. Slab.
Date:  September 7, 2012
Value:   $9,750

Client: Joseph Smith | Applicant: Damon Reno | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 19257
2012/09/0797508810555 Danbury Baton Rouge LaGenerators Unlimited Llc
Rebuild service
Date:  September 6, 2012

Client: Greg Watts | Applicant: Greg Watts | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 19708
2012/09/0609527075 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  September 4, 2012

Client: Greg Watts | Applicant: Greg Watts | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit id: 19597
2012/09/0409527075 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Rebuild service
Date:  September 6, 2012

Client: Greg Watts | Applicant: Greg Watts | Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 19708
2012/09/0609527075 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
Gas test
Date:  September 4, 2012

Client: Greg Watts | Applicant: Greg Watts | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit id: 19597
2012/09/0409527075 Greenwell Springs Rd Baton Rouge La
New owners of existing church buildings
Date:  August 31, 2012

Client: Elvin Augustus | Applicant: Elvin Augustus | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19548
2012/08/31095951 Eddie Robinson Sr. Dr. Baton Rouge La
New owners of existing church buildings
Date:  August 31, 2012

Client: Elvin Augustus | Applicant: Elvin Augustus | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19548
2012/08/31095951 Eddie Robinson Sr. Dr. Baton Rouge La
Office use for engineering and design
Date:  August 31, 2012

Client: Charles Beal | Applicant: Charles Beal | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19552
2012/08/310956415 Quinn Dr. Ste A,B Baton Rouge La
Office use for engineering and design
Date:  August 31, 2012

Client: Charles Beal | Applicant: Charles Beal | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19552
2012/08/310956415 Quinn Dr. Ste A,B Baton Rouge La
Will signage
Date:  August 21, 2012
Value:   $1,200

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 19319
2012/08/211200956401 Bluebonnet Blvd. Ste. 204 Baton Rouge La
Will signage
Date:  August 21, 2012
Value:   $1,200

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 19319
2012/08/211200966401 Bluebonnet Blvd. Ste. 204 Baton Rouge LaThompson Electric Sign Co
Office and warehouse
Date:  August 16, 2012

Applicant: John Gahagan | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19161
2012/08/160953185 Balis Dr, Unit 113 Baton Rouge La
Office and warehouse
Date:  August 16, 2012

Applicant: John Gahagan | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 19161
2012/08/160953185 Balis Dr, Unit 113 Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building.
Date:  August 9, 2012

Client: Joseph C. Pate | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 18965
2012/08/090951525 North Acadian Thwy. West Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building.
Date:  August 9, 2012

Client: Joseph C. Pate | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 18965
2012/08/090951525 North Acadian Thwy. West Baton Rouge La
Changed out 12 amp main breaker
Date:  August 9, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 18980
2012/08/090957248 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La
Solar panels- residential 42 modules sunpower spr-245e-wht-d. 2 amps service. 10. 29 kw
Date:  July 17, 2012
Value:   $59,793

Client: Larry Kelly | Applicant: Scott Oman | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 18313
2012/07/17597939510714 Hillglen Ave. Baton Rouge La
Solar panels- residential 42 modules sunpower spr-245e-wht-d. 2 amps service. 10. 29 kw
Date:  August 6, 2012
Value:   $59,793
Contractor: South Coast Solar

Client: Larry Kelly | Applicant: Scott Oman | Permit type: Solar | Permit id: 18313
2012/08/06597938410714 Hillglen Ave. Baton Rouge LaSouth Coast Solar
Office and warehouse
Date:  July 30, 2012

Client: Walt Ketchings | Applicant: Ashley Fairley | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 18664
2012/07/300953185 Balis Dr, Unit 109 Baton Rouge La
Office and warehouse
Date:  July 30, 2012

Client: Walt Ketchings | Applicant: Ashley Fairley | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 18664
2012/07/300953185 Balis Dr, Unit 109 Baton Rouge La
Commercial generator 50kw. Diesel tank 3 gal. 200amps electrical meter. 200amps ats. Min. 3 1/2" slab.
Date:  July 6, 2012
Value:   $8,385
Contractor: Hi Tech Towers

Applicant: Richard Bearden | Permit type: Commercial: addition | Permit id: 17982
2012/07/068385642126 Bellvale St. Baton Rouge LaHi Tech Towers
Wall signage
Date:  July 24, 2012
Value:   $7,650

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 18482
2012/07/2476509595 Dawnadele Ave Baton Rouge La
6ft chain-link fence
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $7,567

Applicant: Russell Ratliff | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 58753
2016/04/2575679595 Dawnadele Ave Baton Rouge La
Wall signage
Date:  July 24, 2012
Value:   $7,650

Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 18482
2012/07/2476509695 Dawnadele Ave Baton Rouge LaThompson Electric Sign Co
6ft chain-link fence
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $7,567

Applicant: Russell Ratliff | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 58753
2016/04/2575677895 Dawnadele Ave Baton Rouge LaHagan Storm Fence Of Baton Rouge Inc
Residential 20kw generator. 294,0 btus. Must have 3 from any structure, 5 from windows. 3 1/2" min. Slab.
Date:  July 17, 2012
Value:   $9,100

Client: Niels Linschoten | Applicant: Wendy Minton | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 18314
2012/07/1791009511428 Center Court Blvd. Baton Rouge La
Residential 20kw generator. 294,0 btus. Must have 3 from any structure, 5 from windows. 3 1/2" min. Slab.
Date:  July 24, 2012
Value:   $9,100
Contractor: Hmc Generators

Client: Niels Linschoten | Applicant: Wendy Minton | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 18314
2012/07/2491008011428 Center Court Blvd. Baton Rouge LaHmc Generators
Remodel 2125 space for school to open classroom areas. No emp this permit.
Date:  June 27, 2012
Value:   $18,650

Applicant: Fritz Embaugh | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 17707
2012/06/2718650565228 Perkins Rd. Baton Rouge LaPlus One Design And Construction
Residential generator permit. 20kw. Ats 200amps see panel load calculation. 294000btus. Must be 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Slab min 3 1/2"
Date:  June 27, 2012
Value:   $8,745

Client: Bryant Hauck | Applicant: Michael Hebert | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 17695
2012/06/278745957885 Seven Oaks Ave Baton Rouge La
Residential generator permit. 20kw. Ats 200amps see panel load calculation. 294000btus. Must be 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Slab min 3 1/2"
Date:  July 11, 2012
Value:   $8,745

Client: Bryant Hauck | Applicant: Michael Hebert | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 17695
2012/07/118745827885 Seven Oaks Ave Baton Rouge LaHebert Enterprises Inc
Residential generator permit. 20kw. Ats 200amps see panel load calculation. 294000btus. Must be 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Slab min 3 1/2"
Date:  June 27, 2012
Value:   $8,880

Client: Elaine Robinson | Applicant: Scott Blount | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 17710
2012/06/278880951064 N Leighton Dr Baton Rouge La
Residential generator permit. 20kw. Ats 200amps see panel load calculation. 294000btus. Must be 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Slab min 3 1/2"
Date:  July 11, 2012
Value:   $8,880

Client: Elaine Robinson | Applicant: Scott Blount | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 17710
2012/07/118880841064 N Leighton Dr Baton Rouge LaBlount Electrical Service Llc
Political sign
Date:  July 2, 2012
Value:   $25
Contractor: John Delgado

Permit type: Sign: political | Permit id: 17832
2012/07/0225652589 E. Baton Rouge Lakeshore Baton Rouge LaJohn Delgado
Replaced 4 pack meter center
Date:  July 5, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 17901
2012/07/05095141 Azalea Park Baton Rouge La
Replaced 4 pack meter center
Date:  July 5, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 17901
2012/07/05095141 Azalea Park Baton Rouge La
Complete interior of 7 sf suite for restaurant
Date:  April 4, 2012
Value:   $48,000

Client: David Lowery | Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 15119
2012/04/0448000565 Rue De Baton Rouge La Vie, Suite 102 Baton Rouge LaPicou Brothers Construction Company
Remodel 24733 sf area of mall for mercantile occupancy, ste. 660
Date:  May 21, 2012
Value:   $994,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 16512
2012/05/21994000956401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite 6 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 24733 sf area of mall for mercantile occupancy, ste. 660
Date:  July 2, 2012
Value:   $994,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 16512
2012/07/02994000566401 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite 6 Baton Rouge LaThe Stewart Perry Co. Inc
Remodel 216 sf area of store for hearing center
Date:  January 31, 2012
Value:   $75,000

Client: Sams R. E. Business Trust | Applicant: Sams R. E. Business Trust | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 12950
2012/01/31750009510444 North Mall Baton Rouge La
Remodel 216 sf area of store for hearing center
Date:  June 29, 2012
Value:   $75,000

Client: Sams R. E. Business Trust | Applicant: Sams R. E. Business Trust | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 12950
2012/06/29750006710444 North Mall Baton Rouge LaGrb Service Systems Inc
Changed out 3 pack meter center in apartments 1, 7, 8
Date:  June 22, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 17525
2012/06/22095936 N Donmoor Apt 1, 7, 8 Baton Rouge La
Changed out 3 pack meter center in apartments 1, 7, 8
Date:  June 27, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit id: 17525
2012/06/27095936 N Donmoor Apt 1, 7, 8 Baton Rouge La
Residential generator permit. 20kw. Ats w/ load management system. 294000btus. Must be 3 from any structure. 5 from windows. Slab min 3 1/2"
Date:  June 20, 2012
Value:   $9,200

Client: Mark Dearman | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 17441
2012/06/2092008818422 N Baton Rouge Lake Shadow Dr Baton Rouge LaValentine Mechanical
Commercial generators & 492 sf. New bldg. Iib cosntruction. Utility use. (1)generator 500kw. 480v. Ats 800amps. 8 wood fence. Ps # 2
Date:  March 26, 2012
Value:   $100,000

Applicant: Samuel Speer | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 14795
2012/03/26100000952962 E. Baton Rouge Lakeshore Dr. Baton Rouge La
Commercial generators & 492 sf. New bldg. Iib cosntruction. Utility use. (1)generator 500kw. 480v. Ats 800amps. 8 wood fence. Ps # 2
Date:  June 22, 2012
Value:   $100,000
Contractor: Reynolds Inc

Applicant: Samuel Speer | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 14795
2012/06/22100000662962 E. Baton Rouge Lakeshore Dr. Baton Rouge LaReynolds Inc
Remodel pharmacy to create walls ans office areas
Date:  May 21, 2012
Value:   $150,000

Applicant: Scott Poters | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 16521
2012/05/211500005612308 Plank Rd. Baton Rouge LaDuncan And Thompson Const. Services
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit804
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15274
2012/04/11465000957111 Village Maison Ct. 7111 Village Maison Ct. #56 Baton Rouge La
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit804
Date:  June 20, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15274
2012/06/20465000827111 Village Maison Ct. 7111 Village Maison Ct. #56 Baton Rouge LaCapstone Construction Co
Office use
Date:  June 20, 2012

Client: Donnie Jarreau | Applicant: Tessie Freeman | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 17416
2012/06/2009511853 Bricksome Ave Ste B Baton Rouge La
Office use
Date:  June 20, 2012

Client: Donnie Jarreau | Applicant: Tessie Freeman | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 17416
2012/06/2009511853 Bricksome Ave Ste B Baton Rouge La
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit803
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15273
2012/04/11465000957111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #62 Baton Rouge La
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit803
Date:  June 20, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15273
2012/06/20465000827111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #62 Baton Rouge LaCapstone Construction Co
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes.
Date:  March 30, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 14991
2012/03/30465000957111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #66 Baton Rouge La
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes.
Date:  June 20, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 14991
2012/06/20465000827111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #66 Baton Rouge LaCapstone Construction Co
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit 802
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15272
2012/04/11465000957111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #72 Baton Rouge La
New 9426 sf bldg for 4 townhomes. Unit 802
Date:  June 20, 2012
Value:   $465,000

Applicant: Gil Blanchard | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 15272
2012/06/20465000827111 Village Maison Court 7111 Village Maison Court #72 Baton Rouge LaCapstone Construction Co
Single family residence
Date:  May 4, 2012
Value:   $185,350
Contractor: Dsld Homes

Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 16060
2012/05/04185350966535 Cameren Oaks Dr. Baton Rouge LaDsld Homes
Remodel 11 sf residential 4 plex to repair fire damage
Date:  April 12, 2012
Value:   $15,000

Client: Carlos Padial | Applicant: Carlos Padial | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 15333
2012/04/1215000958911 Gsri Ave, Unit 1313 Baton Rouge La
Remodel 11 sf residential 4 plex to repair fire damage
Date:  June 14, 2012
Value:   $15,000

Client: Carlos Padial | Applicant: Carlos Padial | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 15333
2012/06/1415000958911 Gsri Ave, Unit 1313 Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building
Date:  June 12, 2012

Applicant: Jonathan Lanza | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 17172
2012/06/120953887 Plank Road Baton Rouge La
Demolish commercial building
Date:  June 12, 2012

Applicant: Jonathan Lanza | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 17172
2012/06/120933887 Plank Road Baton Rouge LaLanco Construction Inc
Pca office
Date:  June 12, 2012

Client: Greg Bayer | Applicant: Lashawnda Richardson | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 17188
2012/06/120951724 Dallas Dr Ste 1 Baton Rouge La
Pca office
Date:  June 12, 2012

Client: Greg Bayer | Applicant: Lashawnda Richardson | Permit type: Occupancy | Permit id: 17188
2012/06/120951724 Dallas Dr Ste 1 Baton Rouge La
Demolition of single family residence
Date:  May 25, 2012

Client: Delphine Mainner, Etal. | Applicant: Veronica Oconnor | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 16673
2012/05/250956484 Blackberry Street Baton Rouge La
Demolition of single family residence
Date:  June 1, 2012

Client: Delphine Mainner, Etal. | Applicant: Veronica Oconnor | Permit type: Demolition | Permit id: 16673
2012/06/010956484 Blackberry Street Baton Rouge La

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