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SCORE 84 1707 Gardere Ln Baton Rouge La 70810 Zoning c1. Wall sign 25. 3 sf. Total. May not exceed 30% of the wall area. Existing pylon sign under project 17372, replacing cabinet 16 sf. 231 linear of frontage which allows 3 sf max area and 35 max height. Client: Mario | Applicant: Monica Moreira | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 78225 |
SCORE 84 7673 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La 70810 Zoning c-ab-1. Two signs. Pylon 227. 6 sf. , 32 height. On a frontage of 282-0. Monument sign 63. 6 sf., 18 height. Frontage on perkins rd. 213-0. Client: Randy Wong | Applicant: Monica Moreira | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 76440 |
SCORE 84 Client: Kent Walker | Applicant: Tan Nguyen | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 75284 |
SCORE 84 7278 Highland Rd Baton Rouge La 70808 Wall sign 26. 1 sf. No exceed more than % of the area of the wall. Client: Jehu Poitier | Applicant: Monica Moreira | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 75608 |
SCORE 84 11042 Cedar Park Ave Baton Rouge La 70809 Attached wall sign sf. No more than 30% of the wall size. Zoning rural. Client: Alex | Applicant: Tan Nguyen | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 74076 |
SCORE 84 9615 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge La 70815 30-ft. Pole sign with digital board for beauty supply business. Applicant: Monica Moreira | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 50133 |
SCORE 84 8968 S Choctaw Dr Baton Rouge La 70815 Replace cabinet on existing pole sign with new led cabinet. Add 2 new sign logo graphics to existing fuel canopy. Client: Sufyan Qarni | Applicant: Tan Nguyen | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 47172 |
SCORE 84 14717 Tiger Bend Rd Baton Rouge La 70817 Wall sign and tenant signs for new retail consignment furniture business. Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 44113 |
SCORE 84 Applicant: Monica | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 37568 |
SCORE 84 3617 Perkins Rd., Suite 2p Baton Rouge La Commercial sign on front glass wall (on dibond panel) 21. 25 sf approx. High resolution sign for a tattoo place. Applicant: Amanda Nguyen | Permit type: Sign: on premise | Permit id: 35930 |