Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Re-roof permit Date: March 1, 2011 Client: Ow Yongkai | Permit id: R1100107 | |||||
Dryrot work on front balcony, side of garage wall and side porch landing. Date: March 1, 2011 Value: $15,000 Client: Ow Yongkai | Permit id: Rb1100749 | |||||
Re-roofing permit Date: July 25, 2011 Client: Fleming Debra A | Permit id: R1100320 | |||||
Re-roof permit Date: August 10, 2011 Client: Pamela Comfort | Permit id: R1100358 | |||||
Re-roofing permit Date: September 29, 2011 Permit id: R1100472 | |||||
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strengthening; install holddowns, anchor bolts, angle iron Date: January 31, 2005 Value: $4,136 Client: Orgon Mary L | Permit id: Rb0500440 | |||||
Install new opening for 2x4 skylight. Date: September 26, 2011 Value: $2,000 Permit id: Rb1103440 | |||||
Re-roof permit Date: October 6, 2011 Permit id: R1100482 | |||||
Replace btu 95% afue furnace Date: September 3, 2009 Permit id: Rm0901194 | |||||
Copper repiping and new waterflow throughout the house. Date: March 23, 2011 Permit id: Rp1100692 | |||||
Re-roof permit Date: October 14, 2011 Permit id: R1100506 | |||||
Remodel kitchen, minor wall and window alterations. Date: June 12, 2003 Value: $22,000 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Rb0302855 | |||||
Bath remodel - no structural work Date: July 17, 2003 Value: $3,500 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Rb0303562 | |||||
Bathrm remodel. Upgrade fixtures. Electriacl, plumbing work Date: October 26, 2009 Value: $6,500 Permit id: Rb0903811 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. And bath remodel Date: June 12, 2003 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Re0302148 | |||||
Electrical for furnace circuit. Date: January 16, 2004 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Re0400245 | |||||
Kitchen remodel. Upgrade fixtures. Electriacl, plumbing work Date: October 26, 2009 Permit id: Re0903026 | |||||
Replacement fau, flue, low pres. Ducts, gas test & circuit. Date: January 16, 2004 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Rm0400164 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel and bath remodel Date: June 12, 2003 Client: Ertekin Amy M | Permit id: Rp0301714 | |||||
Kitchen remodel. Upgrade fixtures. Electrical, plumbing work no exterior work Date: October 26, 2009 Permit id: Rp0902243 | |||||
Re-roofing permit Date: December 8, 2011 Client: Weinerth David | Permit id: R1100650 | |||||
Repair/replace sewer lateral on property only. Ackflow prevention device may be needed. Date: July 9, 2008 Permit id: Rp0801653 | |||||
Repair replace sewer lateral on property only. Ackflow prevention device may be needed. Date: July 9, 2008 Client: Lovi Robert J Tr & Maryann C | Permit id: Rp0801653 | |||||
3r-report Date: February 21, 2012 Permit id: R1200108 | |||||
Alter deck at rear of bldg Date: May 23, 2003 Value: $2,500 Permit id: Rb0302530 | |||||
Bath remodel shower, toilet, & vanity, add wet bar in exists space, add french doors in existing window space, 1 new 3 Date: January 10, 2003 Value: $35,000 Client: Stevens Thomas E | Permit id: Rb0300207 | |||||
Repair minor fire damage. Date: August 11, 2006 Value: $3,060 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Rb0603573 | |||||
Kitchen remodel;infill have half wall;replace 2 windows and 3 doors Date: December 20, 2011 Value: $30,000 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Rb1104413 | |||||
Electrical for remodel Date: January 13, 2003 Client: Stevens Thomas E | Permit id: Re0300153 | |||||
Electrical/repair minor fire damage. Date: August 11, 2006 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Re0602693 | |||||
Electrical,plumbing,mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: December 20, 2011 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Re1103433 | |||||
Mechanical for remodel Date: January 13, 2003 Client: Stevens Thomas E | Permit id: Rm0300124 | |||||
Plumbing for remodel Date: January 13, 2003 Client: Stevens Thomas E | Permit id: Rp0300141 | |||||
Relocate tankless waterheater to outside. Date: August 29, 2006 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Rp0602341 | |||||
Electrical repair minor fire damage. Date: August 11, 2006 Client: Schreyer Jennifer | Permit id: Re0602693 | |||||
SCORE 61 Renovation of an existing accessory structure Permit id: Rb0300208 | |||||
Bathroom repair / remodel. No exterior changes. 8/10/10: framing repairs per engineers plan. Date: July 21, 2010 Value: $21,000 Permit id: Rb1002739 | |||||
SCORE 61 Electrical for pool house renovation. Date: February 10, 2003 Contractor: Radziah Mohamad Ext 2 Permit id: Re0300482 | |||||
Electrical/bathroom remodel. Date: July 21, 2010 Permit id: Re1002132 | |||||
Replace furnace and coil. Date: November 21, 2007 Permit id: Rm0702119 | |||||
Plumbing for pool house renovation with new bathroom. Date: February 10, 2003 Permit id: Rp0300423 | |||||
Plumbing/bathroom remodel. Date: July 21, 2010 Permit id: Rp1001689 | |||||
Bathroom repair remodel. No exterior changes. 8 10 10: framing repairs per engineers plan. Date: July 21, 2010 Value: $21,000 Client: Zimmerman Michael & Meghan | Permit id: Rb1002739 | |||||
Plumbing bathroom remodel. Date: July 21, 2010 Client: Zimmerman Michael & Meghan | Permit id: Rp1001689 | |||||
Electrical bathroom remodel. Date: July 21, 2010 Client: Zimmerman Michael & Meghan | Permit id: Re1002132 | |||||
Bathroom remodel - move tub and toilet on 1st floor, add corner shower. Move toilet and move vanity on 2nd floor. Date: January 10, 2003 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0300214 | |||||
Electrical for bath remodel Date: January 15, 2003 Permit id: Re0300196 | |||||
Plumbing for bath remodel Date: January 15, 2003 Permit id: Rp0300164 | |||||
Replace existing gallon water heater Date: January 19, 2010 Permit id: Rp1000187 | |||||
SCORE 59 Dryrot repair of rear wall of garage: studs, mudsill and siding to match existing Permit id: Rb0300359 | |||||
Substructural strengthening: add htt-22, 5/8 x mud sill bolts, angle iron struts, steel mud sill plates, and 5/8 Date: February 11, 2003 Value: $4,990 Permit id: Rb0300676 | |||||
Substructural strengthening: add htt-22, 5 8 x mud sill bolts, angle iron struts, steel mud sill plates, and 5 8 Date: February 11, 2003 Value: $4,990 Client: West David B & Mcclanahan Sall | Permit id: Rb0300676 | |||||
Kitchen remodel with wall removal; convert half bath to full bath, replace windows, close back door & remove stairs. Date: February 5, 2003 Value: $95,000 Client: Hartwig Karen E | Permit id: Rb0300571 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: February 5, 2003 Client: Hartwig Karen E | Permit id: Re0300424 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, new fau, ducts Date: February 5, 2003 Client: Hartwig Karen E | Permit id: Rm0300273 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: February 5, 2003 Client: Hartwig Karen E | Permit id: Rp0300377 | |||||
Build new freestanding redwood deck w/stairs in rear yard. 16x12 ft. Date: February 19, 2003 Value: $6,000 Client: Haile Girmamarsha Rose | Permit id: Rb0300773 | |||||
Build new freestanding redwood deck w stairs in rear yard. 16x12 ft. Date: February 19, 2003 Value: $6,000 Client: Haile Girma Marsha Rose | Permit id: Rb0300773 | |||||
Remove dry rot, repair and waterproof courtyard Date: February 19, 2003 Value: $50,000 Permit id: Rb0300791 | |||||
Remodel kitchen, replace windows, convert portion of base- ment to family room and bathroom Date: March 7, 2003 Value: $50,000 Client: Jodie Mathies | Permit id: Rb0301064 | |||||
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strengthening: install angle-iron struts, holdowns, mudsill Date: April 11, 2006 Value: $10,852 Permit id: Rb0601405 | |||||
Excavate dirt in underpinning of one area of basement, pour new foundation wall and slab floor to create family room. Date: May 29, 2008 Value: $60,000 Permit id: Rb0802312 | |||||
Construt engrd fnd/ret wall and enclose approx 24sq. Ft. In basement for storage/workshop Date: February 26, 2009 Value: $15,000 Client: Mathies Jodie | Permit id: Rb0900713 | |||||
Electrical for remodel Date: May 2, 2003 Client: Jodie Mathies | Permit id: Re0301581 | |||||
Electrical for family room addition. Date: May 29, 2008 Permit id: Re0801723 | |||||
Electrical/basement storage/workshop Date: March 17, 2009 Client: Mathies Jodie | Permit id: Re0900754 | |||||
Mechanical for remodel Date: May 2, 2003 Client: Jodie Mathies | Permit id: Rm0300886 | |||||
Plumbing for remodel Date: May 2, 2003 Client: Jodie Mathies | Permit id: Rp0301295 | |||||
Electrical basement storage workshop Date: March 17, 2009 Client: Mathies Jodie | Permit id: Re0900754 | |||||
Construt engrd fnd ret wall and enclose approx 24sq. Ft. In basement for storage workshop Date: February 26, 2009 Value: $15,000 Client: Mathies Jodie | Permit id: Rb0900713 | |||||
Seismic retrofit on right side and front of bldg Date: March 11, 2003 Value: $7,000 Permit id: Rb0301148 | |||||
Attic addition/expansion to create new bathroom and storage/ laundry rms. Note: bathroom configuration is pending review Date: April 14, 2004 Value: $35,000 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rb0401591 | |||||
Attic addition/expansion to create new bathroom and storage/ laundry rms. Note: bathroom configuration is pending review Date: May 10, 2005 Value: $35,000 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rb0401591 | |||||
Electrical for attic addition/expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Re0500514 | |||||
Mechanical for attic addition/expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rm0500299 | |||||
Plumbing for attic addition/expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rp0500444 | |||||
Attic addition expansion to create new bathroom and storage laundry rms. Note: bathroom configuration is pending review Date: April 14, 2004 Value: $35,000 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rb0401591 | |||||
Plumbing for attic addition expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rp0500444 | |||||
Electrical for attic addition expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Re0500514 | |||||
Mechanical for attic addition expansion to create new bath storage and laundry room Date: February 9, 2005 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rm0500299 | |||||
Attic addition expansion to create new bathroom and storage laundry rms. Note: bathroom configuration is pending review Date: May 10, 2005 Value: $35,000 Client: Oneil Elizabeth L Tr | Permit id: Rb0401591 | |||||
SCORE 66 Replace existing window with french doors, bathroom slider window with casement window. Permit id: Rb0301230 | |||||
SCORE 82 Repair dryrot damage,subterranean termite damaged under livi ng rm window, front stairs. Replace dinning rm window. Permit id: Rb0400389 | |||||
SCORE 66 Electrical for remodel Date: March 14, 2003 Contractor: Alex Alonzo Permit id: Re0300899 | |||||
SCORE 66 Mechanical for remodel Date: March 14, 2003 Contractor: Alex Alonzo Permit id: Rm0300521 | |||||
SCORE 66 Plumbing for remodel Date: March 14, 2003 Contractor: Alex Alonzo Permit id: Rp0300764 | |||||
Kitchen remodel replace cabinets and counter tops upgrade electrical. No exterior changes Date: March 17, 2003 Value: $7,200 Client: Eric Steiner | Permit id: Rb0301254 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel Date: March 17, 2003 Client: Eric Steiner | Permit id: Re0300917 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: March 17, 2003 Client: Eric Steiner | Permit id: Rm0300535 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: March 17, 2003 Client: Eric Steiner | Permit id: Rp0300776 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, alter partitions for new bathroom, foundation, remove/replace stairs, and add wroght iron Date: March 17, 2003 Value: $75,000 Client: Noushin Nouri | Permit id: Rb0301264 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel, new bathroom. Date: April 8, 2003 Client: Noushin Nouri | Permit id: Re0301239 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, new bathroom, replace fau. Date: April 8, 2003 Client: Noushin Nouri | Permit id: Rm0300712 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel, new bathroom. Date: April 8, 2003 Client: Nourshin Nouri | Permit id: Rp0301035 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, alter partitions for new bathroom, foundation, remove replace stairs, and add wroght iron Date: March 17, 2003 Value: $75,000 Client: Noushin Nouri | Permit id: Rb0301264 | |||||
Kitchen remodel with minor interior non-bearing walls removed and window and door changes. Date: March 21, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client: Cohen Tamar E | Permit id: Rb0301340 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: March 21, 2003 Client: Cohen Tamar E | Permit id: Re0300976 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, gas test. Date: March 21, 2003 Client: Cohen Tamar E | Permit id: Rm0300566 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: March 21, 2003 Client: Cohen Tamar E | Permit id: Rp0300825 | |||||
SCORE 70 3 sq ft den addition, 4 sq ft garage addition, raising house for altered basement & general alterations. Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rb0301416 | |||||
Complete rb0301416 & b9802032 - addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Value: $1,000 Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rb0601768 | |||||
SCORE 70 Electrical for addition, 1 amp service Date: March 25, 2004 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Re0401165 | |||||
Complete re0401165 & e0002554 & e9903843. Addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Re0601449 | |||||
SCORE 70 Mechanical for addition Date: March 25, 2004 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rm0400628 | |||||
Complete rm0400628 & m0001172 & m9901897. Addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rm0600814 | |||||
SCORE 70 Plumbing for addition Date: March 25, 2004 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rp0400879 | |||||
Complete rp0300879 & p0001966 & p9902836- addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rp0601151 | |||||
SCORE 64 Complete re0401165 & e0002554 & e9903843. Addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Cell Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Re0601449 | |||||
SCORE 64 Complete rb0301416 & b9802032 - addition & remodel Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rb0601768 | |||||
SCORE 64 Complete rm0400628 & m0001172 & m9901897. Addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Cell Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rm0600814 | |||||
SCORE 64 Complete rp0300879 & p0001966 & p9902836- addition & remodel Date: May 4, 2006 Contractor: Frank Ghahyaz Cell Client: Frank Ghahyaz | Permit id: Rp0601151 | |||||
Remove of Date: March 27, 2003 Value: $200,000 Permit id: Rb0301470 | |||||
Electrical for an addition to the lower level. Date: April 18, 2003 Permit id: Re0301389 | |||||
Mechanical for duct work and new fireplace. Date: April 18, 2003 Permit id: Rm0300799 | |||||
Plumbing for wet bar and new bathroom. Date: April 18, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301160 | |||||
Bathroom remodel - no structural or exterior changes. Date: March 28, 2003 Value: $7,500 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rb0301474 | |||||
Replace steelcasement windows with fiberglass wood, kitchen remodel Date: April 1, 2003 Value: $55,000 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rb0301529 | |||||
Reframe portion of roof over master bedroom/replace windows in master bedroom to match existing Date: July 29, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client: Comer James E | Permit id: Rb0303769 | |||||
Rebuild exist sunporch and add 45sf Date: April 18, 2008 Value: $47,500 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rb0801649 | |||||
Electrical - upgrade service & wiring, remodel bathroom. Date: March 28, 2003 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Re0301082 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel Date: April 1, 2003 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Re0301122 | |||||
Electrical for sunroom Date: May 7, 2008 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Re0801497 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: April 1, 2003 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rm0300639 | |||||
Plumbing - upgrade water service, replace fixtures in bath. Date: March 28, 2003 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rp0300907 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: April 1, 2003 Client: Neil T. Guiney | Permit id: Rp0300939 | |||||
Reframe portion of roof over master bedroom replace windows in master bedroom to match existing Date: July 29, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client: Comer James E | Permit id: Rb0303769 | |||||
Repair sheetrock, replace kitchen cabinets,countertops, plumbing & furnace Date: March 28, 2003 Value: $15,000 Client: Dennis Cordeiro | Permit id: Rb0301504 | |||||
Termite repairs, items 1a,1b,3a,3b,8a,9a,10a,11a,11b. With foundation replacement partial of left, right, & rear areas. Date: February 5, 2004 Value: $40,000 Permit id: Rb0400563 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen cabinets,countertops, plumbing & furnace Date: March 28, 2003 Client: Dennis Cordeiro | Permit id: Re0301100 | |||||
Mechanical : replace furnace Date: March 28, 2003 Client: Dennis Cordeiro | Permit id: Rm0300625 | |||||
Plumbing replace kitchen cabinets,countertops, plumbing & furnace Date: March 28, 2003 Client: Dennis Cordeiro | Permit id: Rp0300917 | |||||
Remove existing concrete driveway and membrane, replace mem- brane and pour new 4 concrete driveway and replace railing Date: April 4, 2003 Value: $10,000 Permit id: Rb0301619 | |||||
Phase a only, 1,4 sq. Ft. Addition to an existing sfd phase a consists of renov. Kitchen, adding family rm to Date: April 9, 2003 Value: $240,000 Permit id: Rb0301724 | |||||
Electrical for addition of an existing sfd Date: August 14, 2003 Permit id: Re0303008 | |||||
Mechanical for addition of an existing sfd Date: August 14, 2003 Permit id: Rm0301528 | |||||
Plumbing: phase a only, 1,4 sq. Ft. Addition Date: June 10, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301684 | |||||
Kitchen remodel with minor wall changes, replace window and replace window in office. Date: April 16, 2003 Value: $22,000 Permit id: Rb0301843 | |||||
Date: June 23, 2006 Value: $235,000 Permit id: Rb0602647 | |||||
Repair retaining wall at back corner of existing wall 4 #10029 1/20/11: drain line for new sump pump. Date: May 27, 2010 Value: $4,400 Client: Roger Graham | Permit id: Rb1001975 | |||||
Repair retaining wall at back corner of existing wall 4 #1002970 Date: October 15, 2010 Value: $4,400 Client: Roger Graham | Permit id: Rb1001975 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel Date: April 16, 2003 Permit id: Re0301354 | |||||
Electrical for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w/new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Permit id: Re0602371 | |||||
Electrical for sump pump #10029 Date: January 20, 2011 Client: Roger Graham | Permit id: Re1100288 | |||||
Mechanical for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w/new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Permit id: Rm0601222 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: May 16, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301450 | |||||
Plumbing for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w/new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Permit id: Rp0601914 | |||||
Sump pump and drain to street. #10029 Date: January 20, 2011 Client: Roger Graham | Permit id: Rp1100241 | |||||
Plumbing for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Client: Graham, Sue & Roger | Permit id: Rp0601914 | |||||
Mechanical for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Client: Graham, Sue & Roger | Permit id: Rm0601222 | |||||
Electrical for 2 story addition & attached patio pergola. Create master suite w new bath & renovate Date: July 18, 2006 Client: Graham, Sue & Roger | Permit id: Re0602371 | |||||
Repair retaining wall at back corner of existing wall 4 #10029 1 20 11: drain line for new sump pump. Date: May 27, 2010 Value: $4,400 Client: Roger Graham | Permit id: Rb1001975 | |||||
Kitchen and dining room remodel Date: April 16, 2003 Value: $70,000 Permit id: Rb0301865 | |||||
SCORE 91 Replace front stair Permit id: Rb0702441 | |||||
Electrical for: kitchen and dining room remodel Date: May 27, 2003 Permit id: Re0301944 | |||||
Plumbing for: kitchen and dining room remodel Date: May 27, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301552 | |||||
Add 210s/f new liveable space to attic Date: April 29, 2003 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0302076 | |||||
Electrical for attic addition. Date: July 15, 2003 Permit id: Re0302580 | |||||
Add 210s f new liveable space to attic Date: April 29, 2003 Value: $30,000 Client: Hale Reuben J & Schafer Sarah | Permit id: Rb0302076 | |||||
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strengthening; install angle irons. Date: May 1, 2003 Value: $2,616 Client: Lasky Sandra G Tr | Permit id: Rb0302103 | |||||
New windows, trim, stucco. #0302817. Date: May 7, 2003 Value: $12,000 Permit id: Rb0302224 | |||||
2nd level addition at sfd. Add 1279 sf Date: April 12, 2006 Value: $275,000 Permit id: Rb0601433 | |||||
New gfi at exterior Date: May 9, 2003 Permit id: Re0301697 | |||||
Electrical for 2nd level addition at sfd and additional light fixtures at other locations. Date: May 22, 2006 Permit id: Re0601660 | |||||
Mechanical Date: May 22, 2006 Permit id: Rm0600923 | |||||
Plumbing for 2nd story addition. Date: May 22, 2006 Permit id: Rp0601336 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, appliances, Date: May 22, 2003 Value: $20,000 Client: Philpit Matthew B | Permit id: Rb0302505 | |||||
Install 2 amp circuit, light fixtures, switches, recpt dryer. Date: May 22, 2003 Client: Philpit Matthew B | Permit id: Re0301896 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: May 22, 2003 Client: Philpit Matthew B | Permit id: Rm0301024 | |||||
Relocate drain in laundry room & supply line Date: May 22, 2003 Client: Philpit Matthew B | Permit id: Rp0301507 | |||||
Create habitable space in attic space. Add skylights for light and ventil. Area=441sq. Ft. Reroof under r0300262 Date: May 28, 2003 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0302599 | |||||
Cap section of foundation, replace dry rot joists and subfloor in 10x area Date: September 27, 2005 Value: $2,500 Permit id: Rb0504478 | |||||
Electricla for habitable space in attic Date: August 27, 2003 Permit id: Re0303165 | |||||
2 fixtures, 3 switches, recept. Date: October 18, 2005 Permit id: Re0503721 | |||||
Mechanical for habitable space in attic Date: August 27, 2003 Permit id: Rm0301598 | |||||
1 flue Date: October 18, 2005 Permit id: Rm0501984 | |||||
Plumbing for habitable space in attic Date: August 27, 2003 Permit id: Rp0302562 | |||||
1 wtr htr Date: October 18, 2005 Permit id: Rp0503051 | |||||
SCORE 88 New 8 sq. Ft. Addition to existing house, 1 bedroom, bath office, family room & kitchen alteration. Complete work Permit id: Rb0302839 | |||||
SCORE 88 Electrical service upgrade & new addtion. Complete work started under re0003335, needs final inspection only. Date: June 11, 2003 Contractor: Grant Deed Ok Permit id: Re0302137 | |||||
SCORE 88 Plumbing for addition. Complete work started under permit rp0002544, needs final inspection. Date: June 11, 2003 Contractor: Grant Deed Ok Permit id: Rp0301702 | |||||
SCORE 88 New 8 sq. Ft. Addition to existing house, 1 bedroom, bath office, family room & kitchen alteration. Complete work Permit id: Rb0302839 | |||||
SCORE 88 Electrical service upgrade & new addtion. Complete work started under re0003335, needs final inspection only. Date: June 11, 2003 Contractor: Grant Deed Ok Permit id: Re0302137 | |||||
SCORE 88 Plumbing for addition. Complete work started under permit rp0002544, needs final inspection. Date: June 11, 2003 Contractor: Grant Deed Ok Permit id: Rp0301702 | |||||
Repair 3 showers, new wall covering, waterproofing. Date: June 12, 2003 Value: $500 Permit id: Rb0302854 | |||||
Replace 3 concrete piers Date: August 25, 2006 Value: $7,400 Permit id: Rb0603785 | |||||
Replace deck and stair at rear of sfr Date: July 1, 2009 Value: $27,500 Permit id: Rb0902322 | |||||
Install new furnace Date: June 12, 2003 Permit id: Rm0301141 | |||||
Plumbing for 3 shower repairs, one basin Date: June 12, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301713 | |||||
Replace gallon water heater Date: April 3, 2007 Permit id: Rp0701032 | |||||
Termite repairs, see attached report: 11a-b, 1c Date: June 12, 2003 Value: $3,500 Permit id: Rb0302860 | |||||
Dry-rot repair and waterproofing of existing rear deck and repair stucco to match existing Date: June 16, 2003 Value: $1,000 Permit id: Rb0302928 | |||||
Replace old tiles and concrete on rear deck. Patch minor water leak. Date: August 24, 2004 Value: $3,000 Permit id: Rb0403777 | |||||
Remodel bathroom; replace 3 aluminum sliding glass doors at rear with wood french doors, same sizes. Add 9-23-03: Date: June 24, 2003 Value: $5,000 Permit id: Rb0303115 | |||||
Electrical for remodel Date: September 23, 2003 Permit id: Re0303471 | |||||
Plumbing for bathroom remodel. Date: June 24, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301860 | |||||
Replace gallon water heater; same location-water heater shed. Date: May 29, 2007 Permit id: Rp0701580 | |||||
Install cross bracing at existing deck support posts Date: June 30, 2003 Value: $810 Permit id: Rb0303222 | |||||
Remodel kitchen add skylight, change doors and windows. Date: July 1, 2003 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0303243 | |||||
Remodel master bath, guest bath. Date: June 21, 2010 Value: $50,000 Permit id: Rb1002309 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: July 7, 2003 Permit id: Re0302475 | |||||
6 fixture, 4 switch, 4 receptacle, 2 fan. Date: June 21, 2010 Permit id: Re1001809 | |||||
1 water heater Date: April 1, 2003 Permit id: Rp0300938 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: July 7, 2003 Permit id: Rp0302003 | |||||
2 toilet, 4 lav, 1 shower, 2 tub. Date: June 21, 2010 Permit id: Rp1001450 | |||||
Add arbor and landscaping at rear of property Date: July 2, 2003 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0303276 | |||||
Voluntary substructural strengthening, 5lf sheathing, and connectors. Not a plan set a job Date: July 11, 2008 Value: $6,448 Permit id: Rb0802976 | |||||
Electrical: add arbor and landscaping at rear of property Date: July 2, 2003 Permit id: Re0302427 | |||||
Plumbing to: add arbor and landscaping at rear of property Date: July 2, 2003 Permit id: Rp0301946 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, counter, electrical Date: July 7, 2003 Value: $8,000 Permit id: Rb0303331 | |||||
Convert garage to bedroom, bath and storage Date: March 8, 2007 Value: $8,200 Permit id: Rb0700979 | |||||
Date: April 4, 2007 Value: $3,500 Permit id: Rb0701434 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen upgrades Date: July 7, 2003 Permit id: Re0302484 | |||||
Electrical for upper bathroom and lower living space and bathroom remodel Date: April 24, 2007 Permit id: Re0701385 | |||||
Mechanical for upper bathroom and lower space remodel and bathroom remodel Date: April 24, 2007 Permit id: Rm0700819 | |||||
Plumbing for upper bathroom and lower living space bathroom remodel Date: April 24, 2007 Permit id: Rp0701218 | |||||
SCORE 97 Enlarging master bedroom, new master bath & enlarging existing second bedroom Client: Goldie Edward B | Permit id: Rb0303418 | |||||
Perform work per pest report. Date: February 16, 2010 Value: $9,428 Permit id: Rb1000577 | |||||
New 125 amp service & change out old fuse panels Date: December 4, 2003 Client: Goldie Edward B | Permit id: Re0304359 | |||||
Remove/replace chimney above the roof line Date: July 14, 2003 Value: $2,200 Client: Kermoian Rosanne | Permit id: Rb0303478 | |||||
Remove replace chimney above the roof line Date: July 14, 2003 Value: $2,200 Client: Kermoian Rosanne | Permit id: Rb0303478 | |||||
Adding 2 sq. Ft. To existing sfd to create master bedroom and closet Date: July 15, 2003 Value: $34,000 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Rb0303507 | |||||
Install plywood, shear transfer ties, foundation plates. Date: September 25, 2006 Value: $4,800 Permit id: Rb0604274 | |||||
Electrical for addition/remodel. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Re0302760 | |||||
Mechanical for addition/remodel. New fau, etc. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Rm0301425 | |||||
Plumbing for addition/remodel. Relocate water heater. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Rp0302225 | |||||
Plumbing for addition remodel. Relocate water heater. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Rp0302225 | |||||
Electrical for addition remodel. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Re0302760 | |||||
Mechanical for addition remodel. New fau, etc. Date: July 28, 2003 Client: Toal Richard E | Permit id: Rm0301425 | |||||
SCORE 59 Alter roof, alter vaulted ceiling to 9 ceiling, add 350s/f to alter partitions to: enlarge bedroom, add bath, Client: Gunter Roywood & Alison | Permit id: Rb0303585 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, replace cabinets, countertops, appliances. No structural or exterior changes. Date: July 23, 2003 Value: $25,000 Permit id: Rb0303670 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: July 23, 2003 Permit id: Re0302706 | |||||
Replace central furnace. Date: June 24, 2005 Permit id: Rm0501210 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: July 23, 2003 Permit id: Rp0302174 | |||||
SCORE 99 New 2 story 3335sf 4 bedrooms sfd on downsloped lot Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rb0303798 | |||||
SCORE 99 Temp power for new construction Date: May 24, 2004 Contractor: Bruce Baldwin Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0402013 | |||||
Install 1 furnace, 2 flues, 4 ducts. Date: March 24, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rm0500897 | |||||
SCORE 99 Plumbing for new sfd, incl gas test. Date: July 26, 2004 Contractor: Bruce Baldwin Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rp0402263 | |||||
SCORE 99 Electrical/new 2 story 3335sf 4 bedrooms sfd on downsloped lot. Date: May 11, 2005 Contractor: Bruce Baldwin Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0501628 | |||||
Roof strengtheneing for clay tile installation Date: August 12, 2003 Value: $10,000 Permit id: Rb0304002 | |||||
SCORE 64 Replace a portion of fnd with engrd fnd. No height increase Client: Gini Scott | Permit id: Rb0304007 | |||||
Replace conc. Slab only, at basement. Provide drain rock waterproof membrane. No remodel, no change in ceiling ht. Date: June 7, 2007 Value: $12,000 Client: Scott Gini G | Permit id: Rb0702579 | |||||
SCORE 71 Convert portion of basement to habitable space 697 sf, add rear deck and remodel kitchen & 2 bathrooms. Permit id: Rb1300599 | |||||
SCORE 64 Electrical for bath and storage space in basement Date: September 12, 2003 Contractor: Jack Herscu Client: Gini Scott | Permit id: Re0303349 | |||||
SCORE 64 Plumbingl for bath Date: September 12, 2003 Contractor: Jack Herscu Client: Gini Scott | Permit id: Rp0302721 | |||||
New 3052s/f s. F. D. With 433s/f attached garage Date: August 18, 2003 Value: $400,000 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Rb0304072 | |||||
Electrical for new sfd/ 2 amp service Date: June 28, 2004 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Re0402498 | |||||
Temporary power pole. Date: July 1, 2004 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Re0402566 | |||||
Mechanical for new sfd Date: June 28, 2004 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Rm0401359 | |||||
Plumbing for new sfd Date: June 28, 2004 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Rp0401976 | |||||
New 3052s f s. F. D. With 433s f attached garage Date: August 18, 2003 Value: $400,000 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Rb0304072 | |||||
Electrical for new sfd 2 amp service Date: June 28, 2004 Client: Ariel Development Group Xxi | Permit id: Re0402498 | |||||
SCORE 59 Fnd bolting,shearwall,remove rear stucco for new engrd shearwall,add new french doors,deck,and stair Client: Barry Rotman | Permit id: Rb0304234 | |||||
Termite repairs items 2a, 3a, 4c, 4d, 4f. Date: May 6, 2009 Value: $13,500 Permit id: Rb0901584 | |||||
SCORE 59 Fire repairs Permit id: Rb0304533 | |||||
SCORE 59 Remove 27x11 2-story portion of fire damaged wood members and non-structural interior remodeling of sfd. Client: Lorenzo Frediani | Permit id: Rb0401264 | |||||
728 sq. Ft. Addition of bathrm,m. Bedroom extension,addl bed- room. Remodel exist.& hab. Space at basement. Date: May 7, 2004 Value: $170,000 Client: Lorenzo Frediani Jr. | Permit id: Rb0401983 | |||||
728 sq. Ft. Addition of bathrm,m. Bedroom extension,addl bed- room. Remodel exist.& hab. Space at basement. Date: August 4, 2004 Client: Lorenzo Frediani Jr. | Permit id: Re0402949 | |||||
Mechanical for addition, remodel; new furnace, gas test, etc Date: June 15, 2004 Client: Lorenzo Frediani Jr. | Permit id: Rm0401270 | |||||
Plumbing for addition and remodel Date: June 15, 2004 Client: Lorenzo Frediani Jr. | Permit id: Rp0401830 | |||||
Alter existing roof over 2nd floor hall,create dormer replace existing window with new Date: September 26, 2003 Value: $46,000 Client: Jan Steven,Nadine Knutsen | Permit id: Rb0304704 | |||||
Alter existing roof over 2nd floor hall,create dormer replace existing window with new Date: January 5, 2004 Value: $46,000 Client: Jan Steven,Nadine Knutsen | Permit id: Rb0304704 | |||||
Kitchen remodel - no structural or exterior changes Date: October 2, 2008 Value: $40,640 Permit id: Rb0804278 | |||||
Electrical for remodel Date: February 11, 2004 Client: Jan Steven,Nadine Knutsen | Permit id: Re0400595 | |||||
Electrical - kitchen remodel Date: October 2, 2008 Permit id: Re0803032 | |||||
Mechanical to reroute furnace, water heater flue, heat duct. Date: October 24, 2003 Client: Jan Steven,Nadine Knutsen | Permit id: Rm0301963 | |||||
Mechanical - kitchen remodel Date: October 2, 2008 Permit id: Rm0801605 | |||||
Rough plumb kitchen sink, rough and finish washer, utility sink, gas line and test for dryer Date: January 13, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400160 | |||||
Plumbing - kitchen remodel Date: October 2, 2008 Permit id: Rp0802460 | |||||
Kitchen remodel Date: October 8, 2003 Value: $60,000 Permit id: Rb0304882 | |||||
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps and kitchen remodel. Date: November 6, 2003 Permit id: Re0304018 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, gas test. Date: November 6, 2003 Permit id: Rm0302038 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: November 6, 2003 Permit id: Rp0303232 | |||||
Remodel bathroom, new skylight. Date: October 23, 2003 Value: $22,000 Permit id: Rb0305121 | |||||
Install new deck 21x12sf Date: April 28, 2008 Value: $18,000 Permit id: Rb0801824 | |||||
Build small retaining wall per engineers design at rear yard. Date: May 20, 2008 Value: $4,600 Permit id: Rb0802179 | |||||
Electrical/remodel bathroom, no structural changes. Date: October 23, 2003 Permit id: Re0303841 | |||||
Plumbing/remodel bathroom, no structural changes. Date: October 23, 2003 Permit id: Rp0303103 | |||||
Electrical remodel bathroom, no structural changes. Date: October 23, 2003 Client: Blangsted John E & Carol L Trs | Permit id: Re0303841 | |||||
Plumbing remodel bathroom, no structural changes. Date: October 23, 2003 Client: Blangsted John E & Carol L Trs | Permit id: Rp0303103 | |||||
Add floor joist and sub-floor to rear portion of basement area for storage. Not for occupancy. Date: October 30, 2003 Value: $4,800 Client: Edward N. Page | Permit id: Rb0305242 | |||||
SCORE 66 27 sq. Ft. Addition and kitchen dining room remodel Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Rb0305380 | |||||
SCORE 66 Electrical for addition and kitchen dining room remodel Date: December 3, 2003 Contractor: Stephen Rynerson Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Re0304338 | |||||
Electrical, furnace circuit Date: October 25, 2007 Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Re0703602 | |||||
SCORE 66 Mechanical for addition and kitchen dining room remodel Date: December 3, 2003 Contractor: Stephen Rynerson Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Rm0302207 | |||||
Replace furnace flue, cond. Drain, low press ducts. Date: October 25, 2007 Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Rm0701952 | |||||
SCORE 66 Plumbing for addition and kitchen dining room remodel Date: December 3, 2003 Contractor: Stephen Rynerson Client: Axelrod Mark | Permit id: Rp0303490 | |||||
Item 1c,6a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i of 7/10/03 termite report Date: November 14, 2003 Value: $5,200 Client: Winkler - Roberts | Permit id: Rb0305467 | |||||
SCORE 80 Interior remodel:remove walls Client: Pauline Foxdavid Alexander | Permit id: Rb1100628 | |||||
SCORE 80 Electrical for interior remodel. Date: June 2, 2011 Contractor: Lisa Joyce Client: Pauline Foxdavid Alexander | Permit id: Re1101499 | |||||
SCORE 80 Plumbing for upgrades in kitchen, and 2 bathroom. Date: June 2, 2011 Contractor: Lisa Joyce Client: Pauline Foxdavid Alexander | Permit id: Rp1101215 | |||||
Item 1c,6a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i of 7 10 03 termite report Date: November 14, 2003 Value: $5,200 Client: Winkler - Roberts | Permit id: Rb0305467 | |||||
Install anchor bolts on pony walls; new plywood. Date: December 1, 2003 Value: $2,501 Client: Livezey Tracy A | Permit id: Rb0305630 | |||||
Replace water service with new 3/4 Date: November 7, 2007 Client: Livezey Tracy A | Permit id: Rp0703125 | |||||
Replace water service with new 3 4 Date: November 7, 2007 Client: Livezey Tracy A | Permit id: Rp0703125 | |||||
Kitchen and bathrm. Remodel per plans Date: December 23, 2003 Value: $80,000 Permit id: Rb0305974 | |||||
Electrical/ kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Servic upgrade to 1 amps. Date: April 1, 2004 Permit id: Re0401250 | |||||
Mechanical/ kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Date: April 1, 2004 Permit id: Rm0400691 | |||||
Plumbing/ kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Date: April 1, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400961 | |||||
Electrical kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Servic upgrade to 1 amps. Date: April 1, 2004 Client: Albertini Louis R & Joan W | Permit id: Re0401250 | |||||
Mechanical kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Date: April 1, 2004 Client: Albertini Louis R & Joan W | Permit id: Rm0400691 | |||||
Plumbing kitchen and bathrm. Remodel. Date: April 1, 2004 Client: Albertini Louis R & Joan W | Permit id: Rp0400961 | |||||
Bathroom remodel / no structural changes Date: January 6, 2004 Value: $9,000 Permit id: Rb0400105 | |||||
Repair driveway bridge foundation. Add piers. To final work started under #rb0102463 Date: September 14, 2004 Value: $100 Permit id: Rb0404125 | |||||
Electrical for bathroom remodel, fan / relocate subpanel with 6 circuits. Date: January 6, 2004 Permit id: Re0400091 | |||||
Plumbing for bathroom remodel / no structural changes Date: January 6, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400103 | |||||
Electrical for bathroom remodel, fan relocate subpanel with 6 circuits. Date: January 6, 2004 Client: Collins John A & Rose M | Permit id: Re0400091 | |||||
Plumbing for bathroom remodel no structural changes Date: January 6, 2004 Client: Collins John A & Rose M | Permit id: Rp0400103 | |||||
Bathroom remodel no structural changes Date: January 6, 2004 Value: $9,000 Client: Collins John A & Rose M | Permit id: Rb0400105 | |||||
Alter basement for wine cellar final work started under rb0202720 Date: January 8, 2004 Value: $100 Permit id: Rb0400152 | |||||
Electrical for altering basement to wine cellar Date: January 8, 2004 Permit id: Re0400124 | |||||
Termite repairs, see attached repair, items 9a-b, Date: January 9, 2004 Value: $8,700 Permit id: Rb0400161 | |||||
Termite repairs 3a & b per report attached. Date: February 9, 2004 Value: $6,000 Client: Bernadette Finch | Permit id: Rb0400614 | |||||
Kitchen remodel and enlarge two doors to covered balcony. 9/18/06: remove wall and install new ceiling joists and Date: July 6, 2006 Value: $41,000 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rb0602837 | |||||
2 amp service upgrade w/ 8 circuits & 28 recepticles - sfd Date: July 18, 2003 Permit id: Re0302658 | |||||
Electrical/kitchen remodel and enlarge two doors to covered Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Re0602428 | |||||
Mechanical/kitchen remodel and heat registers Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rm0601255 | |||||
Plumbing/kitchen remodel Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rp0601960 | |||||
Kitchen remodel and enlarge two doors to covered balcony. 9 18 06: remove wall and install new ceiling joists and Date: July 6, 2006 Value: $41,000 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rb0602837 | |||||
Plumbing kitchen remodel Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rp0601960 | |||||
2 amp service upgrade w 8 circuits & 28 recepticles - sfd Date: July 18, 2003 Client: Thomas Paul D Jr & Landis Dian | Permit id: Re0302658 | |||||
Electrical kitchen remodel and enlarge two doors to covered Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Re0602428 | |||||
Mechanical kitchen remodel and heat registers Date: July 21, 2006 Client: Jeth Gold And Susan Wilder | Permit id: Rm0601255 | |||||
Kitchen remodel - replace cabinets, etc. No structural or exterior changes. Date: January 13, 2004 Value: $9,975 Permit id: Rb0400221 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: January 13, 2004 Permit id: Re0400192 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: January 13, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400174 | |||||
Termite repair 4c per report attached. Date: January 21, 2004 Value: $8,750 Client: Kristen Smith | Permit id: Rb0400327 | |||||
Remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office/bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: August 22, 2007 Value: $80,000 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rb0703918 | |||||
Electrical/remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office/bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Re0703926 | |||||
Mechanical/remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office/bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rm0702113 | |||||
Plumbing/remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office/bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rp0703236 | |||||
Mechanical remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rm0702113 | |||||
Plumbing remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rp0703236 | |||||
Remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: August 22, 2007 Value: $80,000 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Rb0703918 | |||||
Electrical remodel basement and add 3 sq. Ft.. Create new office bedroom, bathroom, play room and rebuild deck above Date: November 21, 2007 Client: Kristin Smith | Permit id: Re0703926 | |||||
Build new 3-story sfd 46 sf with attached garage 4 sf Date: January 22, 2004 Value: $725,000 Client: Maguire Kevin | Permit id: Rb0400367 | |||||
Temp power for new sfd Date: July 1, 2004 Client: Maguire Kevin | Permit id: Re0402568 | |||||
Electrical for new sfd; 2 amp service Date: September 22, 2005 Client: Maguire Kevin | Permit id: Re0503380 | |||||
Mechanical for new sfd; two furnace systems, 5 exh fans,etc Date: September 22, 2005 Client: Maguire Kevin | Permit id: Rm0501795 | |||||
Plumbing for new sfd; incl. Gas test Date: September 22, 2005 Client: Maguire Kevin | Permit id: Rp0502775 | |||||
Termite repairs per report 1b 1c 1d 6e 6g & 6h only Date: January 23, 2004 Value: $8,800 Permit id: Rb0400393 | |||||
Electrical/replace furnace circuit. Date: January 15, 2008 Client: Bonheyo Patricia L | Permit id: Re0800171 | |||||
Replacement furnace, flue, cond. Drain, low press. Ducts 1/18/08 add cost for gas test Date: January 15, 2008 Client: Bonheyo Patricia L | Permit id: Rm0800138 | |||||
Electrical replace furnace circuit. Date: January 15, 2008 Client: Bonheyo Patricia L | Permit id: Re0800171 | |||||
Replacement furnace, flue, cond. Drain, low press. Ducts 1 18 08 add cost for gas test Date: January 15, 2008 Client: Bonheyo Patricia L | Permit id: Rm0800138 | |||||
Change decking to trex decking material and install new deck joists Date: January 28, 2004 Value: $3,000 Client: Steven Chan | Permit id: Rb0400446 | |||||
SCORE 65 Remodel lower level family room for two bedrooms and bathroom Permit id: Rb0403961 | |||||
Master bathroom remodel Date: August 31, 2006 Value: $12,000 Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Rb0603895 | |||||
SCORE 65 Electrical for remodel of lower level family room to 2 rooms and a bathroom Date: September 22, 2004 Contractor: Lauren Lee Permit id: Re0403567 | |||||
Install 6 fixtures, 2 flour, 7 switches, 12 receptables, 1 dryer Date: September 20, 2006 Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Re0603202 | |||||
SCORE 65 Plumbing for remodel of lower level family room to 2 rooms and a bathroom Date: September 22, 2004 Contractor: Lauren Lee Permit id: Rp0402771 | |||||
Install 1 toliet 1 lav, 1 tub Date: September 20, 2006 Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Rp0602586 | |||||
SCORE 61 Install 6 fixtures, 2 flour, 7 switches, 12 receptables, 1 dryer Date: September 20, 2006 Contractor: Lauren Lee 6506971318 Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Re0603202 | |||||
SCORE 61 Master bathroom remodel Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Rb0603895 | |||||
SCORE 61 Install 1 toliet 1 lav, 1 tub Date: September 20, 2006 Contractor: Lauren Lee 6506971318 Client: Steve,Beth Chan | Permit id: Rp0602586 | |||||
Repair fungus damaged framing behind tub, install new fixtures, tile, Date: January 29, 2004 Value: $15,000 Client: Ng Agnes P | Permit id: Rb0400471 | |||||
Replace feet of foundation Date: July 27, 2004 Value: $4,000 Client: Ng Agnes P | Permit id: Rb0403296 | |||||
Electrical for bath repair/gfi Date: January 29, 2004 Client: Ng Agnes P | Permit id: Re0400419 | |||||
Plumbing - replace fixtures, replace galvanized pipes with copper. Date: January 29, 2004 Client: Ng Agnes P | Permit id: Rp0400344 | |||||
Electrical for bath repair gfi Date: January 29, 2004 Client: Ng Agnes P | Permit id: Re0400419 | |||||
Replace rear deck Date: February 4, 2004 Value: $5,000 Permit id: Rb0400543 | |||||
Bathroom remodel Date: February 9, 2004 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0400612 | |||||
Bathroom remodel Date: June 22, 2006 Value: $20,000 Permit id: Rb0602618 | |||||
Kitchen upgrade, one new window facing north, replace 3 win dows, install french door in exist window opening at deck Date: March 6, 2008 Value: $80,000 Permit id: Rb0800954 | |||||
Bathroom remodel - electrical Date: February 9, 2004 Permit id: Re0400554 | |||||
Electrical for bathroom remodel Date: June 22, 2006 Permit id: Re0602046 | |||||
Kitchen upgrade, one new facing north, replace 3 windows install french door to replace exist opening Date: March 6, 2008 Permit id: Re0800806 | |||||
Bathroom remodel - mechanical Date: February 9, 2004 Permit id: Rm0400330 | |||||
Env air duct Date: June 22, 2006 Permit id: Rm0601080 | |||||
Bathroom remodel - plumbing Date: February 9, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400447 | |||||
Plumbing for bathroom remodel Date: June 22, 2006 Permit id: Rp0601626 | |||||
Add 7 sq ft addition to rear of sfd/ bedroom, bath and family room,remodel existing kitchen and add bath in Date: February 24, 2004 Value: $100,000 Permit id: Rb0400800 | |||||
Electrical for addition; upgrade service to 125 amps Date: June 7, 2004 Permit id: Re0402220 | |||||
Mechanical for addition; relocate fau, ducts, gas test Date: June 7, 2004 Permit id: Rm0401157 | |||||
Plumbing for addition; Date: June 7, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401729 | |||||
Add 7 sq ft addition to rear of sfd bedroom, bath and family room,remodel existing kitchen and add bath in Date: February 24, 2004 Value: $100,000 Client: Dupee Ralph K & Scanlon Nancy | Permit id: Rb0400800 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, flooring counter tops, lighting appliances Date: February 26, 2004 Value: $45,230 Permit id: Rb0400847 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel Date: February 26, 2004 Permit id: Re0400782 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: February 26, 2004 Permit id: Rm0400448 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: February 26, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400615 | |||||
SCORE 100 Rebuild existing rear deck w/ new decking Client: Burton William & Carol | Permit id: Rb0701914 | |||||
Repair shower stall Date: February 26, 2004 Value: $3,000 Client: Esau Loretta J | Permit id: Rb0400853 | |||||
Electrical for alterations to existing wiring, circuits, etc. Add devices for kitchen, bath remodel. Date: February 24, 2004 Client: Esau Loretta J | Permit id: Re0400745 | |||||
Replace kitchen hood Date: September 3, 2004 Client: Esau Loretta J | Permit id: Rm0401754 | |||||
Furnace replacement. Date: December 6, 2011 Client: Esau Loretta J | Permit id: Rm1101961 | |||||
Plumbing for bath and kitchen update Date: February 26, 2004 Client: Esau Loretta J | Permit id: Rp0400618 | |||||
Remodel kitchen / remove walls per enginered plan Date: March 3, 2004 Value: $32,000 Permit id: Rb0400937 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel Date: March 16, 2004 Permit id: Re0401006 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel Date: March 16, 2004 Permit id: Rm0400557 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: March 16, 2004 Permit id: Rp0400791 | |||||
Remodel kitchen remove walls per enginered plan Date: March 3, 2004 Value: $32,000 Client: Flynn Michael J & Michelle | Permit id: Rb0400937 | |||||
SCORE 86 1417 sf addition Client: Pacini Gary A Tr | Permit id: Rb0400942 | |||||
SCORE 86 Electrical for basement addition to habitable space. Date: April 5, 2004 Contractor: Alex Matthews Client: Pacini Gary A Tr | Permit id: Re0401293 | |||||
SCORE 86 Mechanical for basement addition with gas test. Date: April 5, 2004 Contractor: Alex Matthews Client: Pacini Gary A Tr | Permit id: Rm0400717 | |||||
SCORE 86 Plumbing for basement addition to habitable space. Date: April 5, 2004 Contractor: Alex Matthews Client: Pacini Gary A Tr | Permit id: Rp0401003 | |||||
Rebuild masonry chimney w/ steel reinforced upgrade from break point above shoulder with strapping and bracing per Date: March 5, 2004 Value: $4,500 Permit id: Rb0400993 | |||||
Remove old furnace, relocate new furnace, install new ducting Date: August 22, 2005 Permit id: Rm0501594 | |||||
Rebuild masonry chimney w steel reinforced upgrade from break point above shoulder with strapping and bracing per Date: March 5, 2004 Value: $4,500 Client: Jordan Kim & Papy Wayne S | Permit id: Rb0400993 | |||||
Add hold downs,anchor bolt mudsills,plywood brace panels Date: April 6, 2004 Value: $4,048 Client: Kono, Gary And Myrna | Permit id: Rb0401465 | |||||
Bathroom remodel: replace 1 shower pan, 2 enclosures and new shower/tub valves. Date: April 9, 2004 Value: $8,000 Client: Janssen Michele S | Permit id: Rb0401523 | |||||
Bathroom remodel: replace 1 shower pan, 2 enclosures and new shower/tub valves. Date: April 9, 2004 Client: Janssen Michele S | Permit id: Rp0401052 | |||||
Bathroom remodel: replace 1 shower pan, 2 enclosures and new shower tub valves. Date: April 9, 2004 Value: $8,000 Client: Janssen Michele S | Permit id: Rb0401523 | |||||
Bathroom remodel: replace 1 shower pan, 2 enclosures and new shower tub valves. Date: April 9, 2004 Client: Janssen Michele S | Permit id: Rp0401052 | |||||
Bathroom repairs, drywall, re-tile Date: April 19, 2004 Value: $1,500 Permit id: Rb0401645 | |||||
Electrical for bath repairs Date: April 19, 2004 Permit id: Re0401473 | |||||
Replace membrane for driveway & entrance area, and new concr ete on driveway area. Date: April 19, 2004 Value: $21,000 Permit id: Rb0401661 | |||||
Existing sfd, termite report items no. 1a, b, c & e, dry rot repair only. 6-7-07 supplemental termite report #70823, Date: May 8, 2007 Value: $6,347 Client: Shea, Lori | Permit id: Rb0702030 | |||||
Install sewage ejector pump fax Date: August 30, 2010 Permit id: Rp1002052 | |||||
SCORE 56 Existing sfd, termite report items no. 1a, b, c & e, dry rot repair only. 6-7-07 supplemental termite report #70823, Client: Shea, Lori | Permit id: Rb0702030 | |||||
SCORE 56 Existing sfd, termite report items no. 1a, b, c & e, dry rot repair only. 6-7-07 supplemental termite report #70823, Client: Shea, Lori | Permit id: Rb0702030 | |||||
Addition of breakfast room, new deck; remodel kitchen, laundry. Date: April 30, 2004 Value: $100,000 Permit id: Rb0401880 | |||||
Permit to final the addition of breakfast room, new deck; remodel kitchen, laundry, started under rb04018 Date: August 21, 2007 Value: $1,000 Permit id: Rb0703908 | |||||
Electrical/addition of breakfast room, new deck; remodel kit chen and laundry. Date: April 14, 2006 Permit id: Re0601235 | |||||
Electrical addition of breakfast room, new deck; remodel kit chen and laundry. Date: April 14, 2006 Client: Piette Patrick J & Mary A Trs | Permit id: Re0601235 | |||||
SCORE 56 Permit to final the addition of breakfast room, new deck; remodel kitchen, laundry, started under rb04018 Permit id: Rb0703908 | |||||
SCORE 59 One floor addition at rear. Approx. 5 sq. Ft. To sfd Permit id: Rb0401901 | |||||
Electrical for addition, relocate panel box Date: May 26, 2004 Permit id: Re0402056 | |||||
Mechanical for addition. Date: May 26, 2004 Permit id: Rm0401085 | |||||
Install new furnace Date: June 6, 2006 Permit id: Rm0600976 | |||||
Plumbing for addition Date: May 26, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401589 | |||||
Build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 7, 2004 Value: $539,730 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rb0401974 | |||||
Electrical/build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 11, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0501626 | |||||
Install Date: March 24, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rm0500896 | |||||
Plumbing for new sfd, incl. Gas test Date: November 15, 2004 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rp0403352 | |||||
Electrical build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 11, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0501626 | |||||
Build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 7, 2004 Value: $539,730 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rb0401975 | |||||
Electrical/build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 11, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0501627 | |||||
Install 1 forced air unit, 2 flues, and 4 environmental air ducts. Date: March 24, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rm0500593 | |||||
Plumbing for new sfd, incl. Gas test Date: November 15, 2004 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Rp0403353 | |||||
Electrical build new sfd 3458 sf with attached garage. Date: May 11, 2005 Client: Kansai Development Inc | Permit id: Re0501627 | |||||
Bathroom remodel, flooring, fixtures, electrical upgrades Date: May 12, 2004 Value: $16,700 Permit id: Rb0402046 | |||||
Electrical for bathroom remodel Date: May 11, 2004 Permit id: Re0401839 | |||||
Plumbing for bathroom remodel Date: May 11, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401405 | |||||
In basement below garage, replace Date: May 13, 2004 Value: $2,500 Permit id: Rb0402074 | |||||
Insulate walls and attic Date: November 3, 2011 Value: $2,075 Permit id: Rb1103928 | |||||
Install tankless water heater Date: November 3, 2011 Permit id: Rp1102405 | |||||
Termite repair, 2a-b, 10a-b plus r & r water supply with 3/4 copper & 1/2 copper risors Date: May 14, 2004 Value: $13,500 Permit id: Rb0402099 | |||||
Electrical for termite repairs Date: May 14, 2004 Permit id: Re0401890 | |||||
Mechanical for termite repairs Date: May 14, 2004 Permit id: Rm0401007 | |||||
Plumbing for termite repairs Date: May 14, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401449 | |||||
Termite repair, 2a-b, 10a-b plus r & r water supply with 3 4 copper & 1 2 copper risors Date: May 14, 2004 Value: $13,500 Client: Lenguyen Quoc & Melissa | Permit id: Rb0402099 | |||||
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strengthening; install angle irons, tension ties, holddowns, Date: May 20, 2004 Value: $4,359 Client: Yoshiko Kennedy | Permit id: Rb0402188 | |||||
Copper, repipe from water main through out house Date: December 18, 2008 Permit id: Rp0803098 | |||||
Bathroom remodel, drywall, fixtures, vanity Date: May 21, 2004 Value: $6,000 Permit id: Rb0402222 | |||||
Add anchor/angles at 32 o. C., shear panel in garage and crawl space Date: December 23, 2005 Value: $5,000 Permit id: Rb0505833 | |||||
Electrical for bath remodel Date: May 21, 2004 Permit id: Re0401999 | |||||
Plumbing for bath remodel Date: May 21, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401548 | |||||
Add anchor angles at 32 o. C., shear panel in garage and crawl space Date: December 23, 2005 Value: $5,000 Client: Gross Andrea L & Herz Steven | Permit id: Rb0505833 | |||||
R/r foundation and seismic upgrade per engineer stamped plan Date: April 11, 2006 Value: $9,500 Permit id: Rb0601403 | |||||
3 windows replaced , 1 window added revision #1:replace siding at windows Date: April 19, 2006 Value: $5,360 Permit id: Rb0601558 | |||||
3 windows replaced , 1 window added Date: May 26, 2006 Value: $5,360 Permit id: Rb0601558 | |||||
SCORE 61 Electrical for 2 amp service upgrade and kitchen, etc. Remodel. Date: July 14, 2004 Contractor: Wencke Solfield Client: Lary And Nicole Haushaw | Permit id: Re0402703 | |||||
Replace 1 btu furnace Date: November 14, 2003 Permit id: Rm0302091 | |||||
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, incl gas test if reqd Date: July 14, 2004 Client: Lary And Nicole Haushaw | Permit id: Rm0401444 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel Date: July 14, 2004 Client: Lary And Nicole Haushaw | Permit id: Rp0402135 | |||||
R r foundation and seismic upgrade per engineer stamped plan Date: April 11, 2006 Value: $9,500 Client: Hanshaw Lawrence P & Nicole Tr | Permit id: Rb0601403 | |||||
SCORE 61 Addition 0f two bay/dormers. Approx. 28 sq. Ft.. Remodel kitchen and family room,exterior patio remodel Client: Lary And Nicole Haushaw | Permit id: Rb0402281 | |||||
Kitchen & bath remodel. No exterior work. Date: June 2, 2004 Value: $50,000 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Rb0402400 | |||||
New deck/french door to replace existing windows Date: August 30, 2004 Value: $5,000 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Rb0403912 | |||||
Kitchen & bath remodel. No exterior work. Date: June 2, 2004 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Re0402161 | |||||
Replace furnace and ducts. Date: May 25, 2004 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Rm0401073 | |||||
Kitchen & bath remodel. No exterior work. Relocate laundry. Date: June 2, 2004 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Rp0401678 | |||||
1 waste vent alt, water alt, dryer, toilet Date: June 22, 2004 Client: X | Permit id: Rp0401913 | |||||
New deck french door to replace existing windows Date: August 30, 2004 Value: $5,000 Client: Craig Brandt, Laurel Prager | Permit id: Rb0403912 | |||||
Kitchen remodel Date: June 2, 2004 Value: $30,000 Permit id: Rb0402401 | |||||
Kitchen remodel Date: June 2, 2004 Permit id: Re0402162 | |||||
Interior remodel: kitchen,master bath. Volentary struct. Strengthening: steel moment frame at garage level. Date: June 4, 2004 Value: $65,000 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rb0402446 | |||||
Deck repair Date: June 9, 2004 Value: $6,980 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rb0402518 | |||||
Electrical for interior remodel Date: October 20, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Re0403952 | |||||
Electrical: furnace, new a/c, kitchen hood, 3 bath fans, rangetop oven. Date: October 21, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Re0403980 | |||||
Mechanical for 3 bath fans and 1 kitchen hood. Date: October 20, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rm0402060 | |||||
Replace furnace, new a/c, kitchen hood, 3 bath fans. Date: October 21, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rm0402070 | |||||
Plumbing fixture replacements for kitchen and bath remodels, gas test for new gas line. Date: September 30, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rp0402891 | |||||
Replace furnace, new a c, kitchen hood, 3 bath fans. Date: October 21, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Rm0402070 | |||||
Electrical: furnace, new a c, kitchen hood, 3 bath fans, rangetop oven. Date: October 21, 2004 Client: Aiken Susan | Permit id: Re0403980 | |||||
Rebuild upper exterior walls Date: June 8, 2004 Value: $25,000 Permit id: Rb0402513 | |||||
Repair dryrot & replace 5 windows at rear wall of sfd. Bedroom windows to meet egress. Date: November 22, 2005 Value: $8,000 Permit id: Rb0505423 | |||||
Rebuild upper exterior walls Date: September 27, 2004 Permit id: Re0403640 | |||||
2 fixtures, 2 recept. Date: January 10, 2006 Permit id: Re0600154 | |||||
Kitchen remodel,remove bearing wall,add beam for opening, add two beams to support 1st floor.,create new window Date: June 10, 2004 Value: $25,000 Client: Sean English | Permit id: Rb0402549 | |||||
Kitchen remodel,remove bearing wall,add beam for opening, add two beams to support 1st floor.,create new window Date: June 10, 2004 Client: Sean English | Permit id: Re0402270 | |||||
Replace fau and ducts. Date: November 3, 2004 Client: Sean English | Permit id: Rm0402153 | |||||
Kitchen remodel w/ plb. Permit issued Date: June 24, 2004 Value: $1,000 Permit id: Rb0402805 | |||||
Kitchen remodel, replace one window and add one. Date: September 21, 2011 Value: $50,000 Permit id: Rb1103381 | |||||
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Date: September 21, 2011 Permit id: Re1102621 | |||||
Replace kit. Faucet w/ counter top only Date: June 24, 2004 Permit id: Rp0401941 | |||||
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Date: September 21, 2011 Permit id: Rp1102070 | |||||
Kitchen remodel w plb. Permit issued Date: June 24, 2004 Value: $1,000 Client: Tyndall David G & Margaret D T | Permit id: Rb0402805 | |||||
Replace kit. Faucet w counter top only Date: June 24, 2004 Client: Tyndall David G & Margaret D T | Permit id: Rp0401941 | |||||
Install seismic moment frame in garage. Date: July 7, 2004 Value: $8,000 Client: Tenner Laura K Tr | Permit id: Rb0403008 | |||||
Replace water heater Date: December 2, 2003 Client: Tenner Laura K Tr | Permit id: Rp0303470 | |||||
SCORE 98 Remove kitchen and shower,and complete work on accessory structure rb0102294 Permit id: Rb0403036 | |||||
SCORE 64 Demolish the detached studio 16x12 Date: July 12, 2004 Contractor: Randy Theume Client: John A. Hartog, Margaret M. Ha | Permit id: Rb0403076 | |||||
Addition of master bedroom and bathroom Date: July 12, 2004 Value: $400,000 Client: Dolan Yvonne R Tr | Permit id: Rb0403078 | |||||
SCORE 64 Landscape walls, deck. Client: John A. Hartog, Margaret M. Ha | Permit id: Rb0405186 | |||||
Construct 4 sq/ft rear deck/patio to an existing sfd; includes retaining wall, stair, guardrail, landscape & Date: December 7, 2009 Value: $40,000 Permit id: Rb0904278 | |||||
New 125 amp service; new subpnl to eliminat fuse pnl; new subpump circuit Date: February 18, 2003 Client: Dolan Yvonne R Tr | Permit id: Re0300553 | |||||
Electrical for addition and remodel, 1 amp service Date: February 14, 2005 Client: Dolan Yvonne R Tr | Permit id: Re0500552 | |||||
Electrical/outdoor receptacles, etc. Date: June 8, 2010 Permit id: Re1001659 | |||||
Replace fau with new replace old duct with new Date: February 8, 2005 Client: John A. Hartog, Margaret M. Ha | Permit id: Rm0500292 | |||||
Plumbing for addition of master bedroom and bath, remodel kitchen and 2 bathrooms. New water service. Date: December 17, 2004 Client: Dolan Yvonne R Tr | Permit id: Rp0403664 |