Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house Date: December 15, 2000 Value: $7,000 Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 6577 | |||||
Replace open carport and breezway Date: December 15, 2000 Value: $7,000 Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Reconstruct damage Client: Morrison, Ronald G | Client Address: 159 Patricia Dr Smithfield Nc 27577-9125 | Permit type: Repairs due to tree damage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 62 Replace open carport and breezway Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 62 Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 6577 | |||||
SCORE 83 Repairs due to tree damage Client: Morrison, Ronald G | Client Address: 159 Patricia Dr Smithfield Nc 27577-9125 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 28816 | |||||
SCORE 83 Reconstruct damage Client: Morrison, Ronald G | Client Address: 159 Patricia Dr Smithfield Nc 27577-9125 | Permit type: Repairs due to tree damage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 67 Replace open carport and breezway Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 67 Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 6577 | |||||
SCORE 83 Reconstruct damage Client: Morrison, Ronald G | Client Address: 159 Patricia Dr Smithfield Nc 27577-9125 | Permit type: Repairs due to tree damage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 67 Replace open carport and breezway Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 67 Replace open carport & breezeway attached to house Client: Morrison, Ilona T | Client Address: 203 Wilmot Dr Raleigh Nc 27606-1230 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 6577 |