Building Permits at 2 Beekman Place Manhattan NY

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Based on the information received from Manhattan NY building department, there are 97 building permits associated with 2 Beekman Place Manhattan NY over the past 27 years . These building permits valued at $2,382,192.

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97 projects completed between 1990 and 2017.
An average 3 projects per year.


Maximum project cost is $462,517.
An average project cost is $24,558.

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Minor renovation of an apartment "3f" on the 3rd floor of an existing residential building. Architectural and plumbing work types. No change to use, occupancy, or egress.
Date:  November 24, 2017
Value:   $173,000
Contractor: Terry Fuqua

Client: Karen Manville | Client Address: 2 2 2 Beekman Place New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (917) 805-5904 | Client Company: Na | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 123201846
Installation of (1) new split multi zone heat pump system and associated ductwork and piping in apt. 14d e. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  September 27, 2017
Value:   $22,000
Contractor: Dariusz Makara

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 813-3055 | Client Company: Tudor Realty Services Corp. | Permit id: 123180681
Interior partitions in apt. 11-f as shown, renovation to bath 2, no change in use, occupancy, egress or floor area.
Date:  September 6, 2017
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Richard Boschen

Client: Sally Horchow | Client Address: 2 2 Beekman Place New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (323) 610-9438 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123111765
Combine apartments 14d & 14e into one unit as shown per tppn 03 97. Remove entire exist. Kitchen in apt 14d, cap all lines behind finishes. Removal of interior partitions and new partitions as shown. No change in use, egress, floor area or occupancy
Date:  May 8, 2017
Value:   $93,200
Contractor: Richard Boschen

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 813-3055 | Client Company: Tudor Realty Services Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123094374
Mechanical modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  April 3, 2017
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Brett Polinsky

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: Trs 2 Trs 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: 116 East 63rd Street Corp. | Permit id: 123053694
Interior renovation of apartment 4a on the 4th floor. Scope of work to include interior demo, removal and installation of non-load bearing partitions, doors, ceiling modifications, related finishes, replace existing window with new louver and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  April 3, 2017
Value:   $99,800
Contractor: Sean Webb

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: Trs 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: 116 East 63rd Street Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123053694
Interior renovation of apartment 17a on the 17th floor. Work to include installation and removal or non-bearing partitions, doors and finish work. No change to use, egress, or occupancy.
Date:  October 27, 2016
Value:   $307,000
Contractor: Ken Pursley

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 2 Park Avenue New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: Tudor Realty Services Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122787662
Subsequent application for mh and pl work in apartment 17a on the 17th floor. Pl work includes replacement and new fixtures. Mh work to include installation of new units and duct work. No change to use, egress, or occupancy.
Date:  June 10, 2016
Value:   $68,000
Contractor: Alex Schwartz

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 Park Avenue New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: Tudor Realty Services Corp. | Permit id: 122787662
Installation of heavy duty sidewalk shed a total of 234 lf as per plan at 2 beekman place. Work shall comply with 2008 building code chapter 33. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  March 2, 2016
Contractor: Altaf Syednaqvi

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: 2 Beekman Pl Owner Corp C/o Tudo | Permit id: 120039430
Herewith filing for work to include partitons removal, new partitions and plumbing, as per plans. No change to use, egress or occupancy under this application.
Date:  August 19, 2015
Value:   $95,000
Contractor: Yao Guo

Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 813-3055 | Client Company: 2 Beekman Place Owners C/o Tudor | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120726296
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