Building Permits at 19 Arapahoe Av Boulder CO

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Cut off gas service at the main
Date:  September 26, 2001
Contractor: Xcel

Client: Refugio Zirakzadeh, Zirakzadeh | Applicant: Xcel | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2001/09/26095299 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoXcel
Replace forced air furnace on main level. Apartment #111.
Date:  October 31, 2000

Client: Refugio Zirakzadeh | Applicant: Bobs Heating And A/c | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 13, 2000 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2000/10/31099299 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBobs Heating And A C
Demo apartment bldg
Date:  September 13, 2001
Value:   $34,000

Permit type: New residence | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: December 2, 2002 | Permit id: Bp-01-1651
2001/09/133400095299 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temp elec to demolish apt house
Date:  September 19, 2001
Value:   $1,800

Permit type: Electrical service change | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: December 2, 2002 | Permit id: Bp-01-1685
2001/09/19180095299 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Demo apartment bldg
Date:  September 13, 2001

Permit type: New residence | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: December 2, 2002 | Permit id: Bp-01-1651
2001/09/13095299 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temp elec to demolish apt house
Date:  September 19, 2001

Permit type: Electrical service change | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: December 2, 2002 | Permit id: Bp-01-1685
2001/09/19095299 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replace forced air furnace on main level. Apartment #111.
Date:  November 13, 2000
Value:   $1,385

Client: Refugio Zirakzadeh | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 13, 2000 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2000-04480
2000/11/13138599299 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBobs Heating And A C
Demolition of 3 existing kitchens in accordance with the development agreement associated with si-95-11. The kitchen demolition will remove four dwelling units from this appartment. One unit remains on this site other 3 units transfered to 804 arapahoe.
Date:  November 2, 2000

Client: Michael Cameron,Chris Maurer | Applicant: Independent Carpentry | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 27, 2000 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2000/11/020858 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIndependent Carpentry
Partial structure demolition permit to remove a one-story, south (rear portion) attachment of main house to the original brick structure and securing the remaining historic structure against unauthorized access tresspass of pending landmarked building. No occupancy of residence shall occur until separate building permit for remodel is completed. Removal will be done in a manner that will not structurally compromise the main 2-story portion of the house. A structural engineer will be on-site as necessary to inspect the building as deconstruction proceeds. If any structural issues occur, the applicant will notify city staff immediately.
Date:  May 10, 2007

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: Colorado Demolition Inc. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Existing
2007/05/100998 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoColorado Demolition Inc
Demolition of an alley house at 800 802 arapahoe. See his2007-00285 for approval.
Date:  November 5, 2008
Contractor: West Llc

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: West Llc | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 15, 2012 | Current use: Single family d
2008/11/050568 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWest Llc
Demolition of detached concrete block garage at rear of property.
Date:  January 20, 2011

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: Colorado Demolition Inc | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 8, 2014 | Current use: Garage - detach
2011/01/200998 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoColorado Demolition Inc
Temporary construction power for work on hannah barker house.
Date:  February 14, 2011

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: First Call Electric & Fire | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 3, 2011 | Current use: Single family d
2011/02/1401008 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFirst Call Electric And Fire
Interior shoring work to brace interior framing to the hannah barker house. No exterior work allowed under the scope of this permit. Roofing repairs allowed under his2011-00021 by separate permit.
Date:  March 1, 2011
Value:   $1,514

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: Abl Design & Construction, Inc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family d
2011/03/011514998 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAbl Design And Construction Inc
Relocation of temporary construction fence to perimeter of property. Fence to be chain link, 6-feet maximum height, a total of 300-feet in length. Fence to be removed upon the completion of construction.
Date:  March 24, 2011

Applicant: Historic Boulder Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 23, 2014 | Current use: Single family d
2011/03/240568 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHistoric Boulder Inc
Roofing permit - for temporary app modified granular roofing 18 squares on a pitch represented as 4 12 for hannah barker house (see his2011-00021).
Date:  April 1, 2011
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Chris Maurer,West Llc | Applicant: Black Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2011 | Current use: Single family d
2011/04/010958 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Permeation grouting along sides and below foundation walls, installtion of mechanical ties at cracks in masonry walls including repair or replacement of missing brick, and redirection of roof drainage and surface water to include back filling and site grading; all as detailed on landmark alteration certificate application dated 12. 30. 2012. Owner contractor.
Date:  February 22, 2012
Value:   $185,000

Client: Boulder Historic | Applicant: Milo Construction Corporation | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 15, 2012 | Current use: Single family d
2012/02/221850001008 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMilo Construction Corporation
Rehabilitation of front porch to include replacement floor joists and decking, repair replacement to roof rafters, ceiling, sheathing and shingles. Repairs to masonry half-wall, railings and foundation elements and repair replacement of porch fascia, soffits and flashing and repaint entire porch, as as detailed on landmark alteration certificate his2013-. 00062. No electrical, mechanical or plumbing work under the scope of this permit.
Date:  April 19, 2013
Value:   $33,000

Client: Boulder Historic | Applicant: Milo Construction Corporation | Permit type: Building, roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 23, 2013 | Current use: Single family d
2013/04/19330001008 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMilo Construction Corporation
Rehabilitation of exsiting historic sfd. (ref: his2014-00113 for lac.) scope includes roof framing and sheathing rehab, new roof, rebuild of four chimneys, repair soffits and cornices, install gutters and downspouts, and build a new cupola. Repair interior floor and wall framing. No meps.
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $250,000

Client: Boulder Historic | Applicant: Milo Construction Corporation | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family d
2014/06/162500001008 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMilo Construction Corporation
Tap install 1inch domestic water service, tap install sewer service, tap install 4inch fire service & valve
Date:  December 11, 2014
Contractor: Nixcavating Inc

Client: Boulder Historic | Applicant: Nixcavating, Inc | Permit type: Water, wastewater, r | Permit status: Iss
2014/12/1101008 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating Inc
Tap off of existing over head secondary underbuild for a 1o distribution extension to feed a residential electrical service. Job #12449949
Date:  October 20, 2016

Client: David Wein | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-04891
2016/10/200958 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Void tap install 1inch domestic water service, tap install sewer service, tap install 4inch fire service & valve
Date:  December 11, 2014
Contractor: Nixcavating, Inc

Client: Boulder Historic | Permit type: Water, wastewater, right-of-way | Permit status: N&v | Permit id: Pmt2014-05425
2014/12/110958 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating, Inc
Demolition of an alley house at 800 802 arapahoe. See his2007-00285 for approval.
Date:  November 5, 2008

Client: Chris Maurer | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 15, 2012 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2008-04893
2008/11/050958 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Interior shoring work to brace interior framing to the hannah barker house. No exterior work allowed under the scope of this permit. Roofing repairs allowed under his2011-00021 by separate permit.
Date:  March 1, 2011
Value:   $1,514

Client: Chris Maurer | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-00816
2011/03/011514998 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAbl Design And Construction, Inc
Relocation of temporary construction fence to perimeter of property. Fence to be chain link, 6-feet maximum height, a total of 300-feet in length. Fence to be removed upon the completion of construction.
Date:  March 25, 2011
Value:   $100

Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 23, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-01159
2011/03/25100958 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Roofing permit - for temporary app modified granular roofing 18 squares on a pitch represented as 4 12 for hannah barker house (see his2011-00021).
Date:  April 1, 2011
Value:   $1,202
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Chris Maurer | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2011 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-01258
2011/04/011202958 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Addition (385 sq. Ft.) and remodel (2306 sq. Ft.) to a single-family house. Scope of work includes associated meps. The addition includes a mudroom, kitchen, pantry, and upper level deck ( sq. Ft.). New detached garage under separate permit (pmt2015-05379).
Date:  March 1, 2016
Value:   $67,000

Client: Boulder Historic | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2015-05377
2016/03/0167000958 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRob Luckett Builders
New detached garage as a part of a remodel addition (pmt2015-05377) to the main house. Scope of work includes associated electrical work to include meter fed from proposed garage [underground] to the main house.
Date:  March 1, 2016
Value:   $3,000

Client: Boulder Historic | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-05379
2016/03/013000958 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRob Luckett Builders
Tree removal
Date:  August 9, 2017
Contractor: 303 Tree Inc

Client: Carmela Weber | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2017-03404
2017/08/090658 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co303 Tree Inc
Installing 95 linear feet, of 1inch diameter poly line, underground, from gas meter, to site of future (exterior) gas fire pit and grill. Fire pit and grill are for future install and not approved under the scope of this permit. Future gas fire pit and grill will require a landmarkfoots alteration certificate approval prior to installation.
Date:  September 18, 2017
Value:   $1,275
Contractor: The Gas Connection

Client: Carmela Weber | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2017-03981
2017/09/181275968 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThe Gas Connection
Replace the existing free standing internally illuminated sign box, leaving sign base foundation in place for conoco phillips.
Date:  October 12, 2005
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe 1201.0 | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2005/10/120951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace reposition freestanding "conoco" sign.
Date:  November 8, 2002
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe 1201.0 | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, flood ov | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2002/11/080951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Remove old dispensers and islands, replace with smaller islands, bollards, mpds, and fuel spill containment boxes.
Date:  January 25, 2001
Value:   $14,000

Applicant: 1201 Arapahoe Associates | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 1, 2001 | Current use: Service station
2001/01/2514000561201 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co1201 Arapahoe Associates
Wetland permit for the removal of four existing underground storage tanks
Date:  December 5, 2016

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Wetland | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2016-05411
2016/12/050951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Grading and drainage permit for the removal of underground storage tanks from service station site at arapahoe and broadway
Date:  December 7, 2016
Value:   $3,500

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Grading, sitework | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2016-05556
2016/12/073500751201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoElliott Parts And Services Inc
Closure of sidewalk to safely remove fuel tanks.
Date:  December 20, 2016

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-05782
2016/12/200951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHarley Keeter Jr Trucking, Inc
Remove old dispensers and islands, replace with smaller islands, bollards, mpdfoots, and fuel spill containment boxes.
Date:  January 25, 2001
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: T M R Construction

Permit type: Building, electrical, flood standard permit | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 1, 2001 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, remode | Permit id: Pmt2000-04826
2001/01/252000861201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoT M R Construction
Replace reposition freestanding inchconocoinch sign.
Date:  November 22, 2002
Value:   $5,750
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Electrical, flood over-the-counter permit, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2002-04697
2002/11/225750951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace the existing free standing internally illuminated sign box, leaving sign base foundation in place for conoco phillips.
Date:  January 5, 2006
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2005-03892
2006/01/052500951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Temporary banner sign for kesitas. To be located on existing building, not to exceed days
Date:  June 21, 2017

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2017-02607
2017/06/210951201 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Internal tenant finish of 1025 sq ft. For body work, massage, rolfing office (use okd per lh), in previous vacant building.
Date:  December 13, 2004
Value:   $14,063

Client: Daniel Tremblay | Applicant: Scottsdale Homes, Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 18, 2005 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2004/12/13140638854 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoScottsdale Homes Inc
Temporary const. Power
Date:  January 4, 2001

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: D & D Electric, Inc. | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/01/0409954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoD And D Electric Inc
New transformer installation
Date:  May 13, 2002
Contractor: Xcel

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Xcel | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2002/05/1309554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoXcel
Erect two new signs "broadway automotive auto parts". One sign is electric and one is not.
Date:  September 12, 2002
Contractor: Arapahoe 5420.0

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/09/1205654 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoArapahoe 5420.0
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  August 21, 2002

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Firetrol Protection Systems | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 20, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/08/2109554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFiretrol Protection Systems
Tenant finish. Enclose one office, one storage room. And stand pipe.
Date:  August 19, 2002
Value:   $32,500
Contractor: Rad Consulting

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Rad Consulting | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 19, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/08/19325005954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRad Consulting
Erect permanent free standing electric sign ""piazza dtango"
Date:  July 23, 2002
Contractor: 20 Communications

Applicant: 20/ Communications | Permit type: Electrical, flood ov | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/07/2309554 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co20 Communications
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  January 2, 2001

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Firetrol Protection Systems | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/01/0209554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFiretrol Protection Systems
Fire alarm system
Date:  May 15, 2002

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: D & D Electric, Inc. | Permit type: Fire, flood not requ | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 20, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/05/1509954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoD And D Electric Inc
Remodel existing 2 story structure plus front and rear additions of aprox 1141 s. F. Total (562 ft, 579 rear). Includes utility, fireline, sewer work. Floodplain encroaches onto the property. However, the existing structure and proposed additions are located immediately outside of the 100-year floodplain from south boulder creek above the 5,334 feet contour, where backwater flooding elevations are expected to reach 5,233. 1 feet ngvd. Therefore, no floodplain restrictions will be applied.
Date:  September 20, 2001
Value:   $525,000
Contractor: 54 Arapahoe Llc

Applicant: 54 Arapahoe Llc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 27, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/09/205250005654 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co54 Arapahoe Llc
Interior demo only, remove windows
Date:  December 1, 2000

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Deneuve Construction Services | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Office - admini
2000/12/0109554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDeneuve Construction Services
Tenant remodel of existing space. Second floor bathroom existing. 1271 sf
Date:  March 12, 2008
Value:   $15,000

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: S L Murphy Construction Llc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 1, 2008 | Current use: Office - profes
2008/03/12150008954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoS L Murphy Construction Llc
Scope of work letter convert six existing pendants to sidewall
Date:  March 25, 2008
Contractor: Fire Defense Inc

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Fire Defense, Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2008/03/25010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense Inc
Scope of work letter convert 5 existing heads to new sidewall
Date:  March 25, 2008
Contractor: Fire Defense Inc

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Fire Defense, Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2008/03/25010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense Inc
Scope of work lettter for boulder treatment addition of 4 new sprinklers for tennant finish
Date:  April 20, 2011
Contractor: Fire Defense Inc

Client: Arapahoe 5420.0 | Applicant: Fire Defense, Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 16, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/04/20010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense Inc
Tennant finish fire alarm for root organic
Date:  May 12, 2011

Client: Tsering Lhamo,Tenzin Lhamo | Applicant: First Call Electric & Fire | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 16, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/05/12010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFirst Call Electric And Fire
Tenant remodel in unit 1 to include relocation of exiting door to storage area and addition of counter with bar sink in office area.
Date:  August 15, 2011
Value:   $2,720

Client: Llc Fox | Applicant: Hickman Construction Inc | Permit type: Building, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 16, 2011 | Current use: Office - profes
2011/08/1527209554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHickman Construction Inc
Electrical permit - for rewire and addition of lighting to 1,1 sf of space for office excercise. (see general permit pmt2011-03481)
Date:  August 17, 2011

Client: Llc Fox | Applicant: First Call Electric & Fire | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Current use: Amusement/recre
2011/08/17010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFirst Call Electric And Fire
Amp electrical service for comcast utility cabinet.
Date:  January 18, 2012

Applicant: Tri City Electric, Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Existing
2012/01/1805654 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTri City Electric Inc
Temporary electric construction power. Does not include any aspect of work to the existing building including relocation of panels or services in anticipation of work (addition remodel) being performed by separate permit at this address.
Date:  July 31, 2012
Contractor: William Bender

Client: William Bender | Applicant: William Bender | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2012/07/3106154 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWilliam Bender
Floodplain development permit for an addition to existing structure for independent motors. See pmt2012-04173 for building permit.
Date:  September 12, 2012
Contractor: William Bender

Client: William Bender | Applicant: William Bender | Permit type: Flood substantial im | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 23, 2015 | Current use: Service station
2012/09/1206154 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWilliam Bender
Running new electrical to set a new transformer to serve 54 arapahoe
Date:  November 8, 2012
Contractor: Xcel Energy

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Xcel Energy | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2012/11/08010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoXcel Energy
New utilities to include 8inch water main, 1inch dom. Svc, 3 4inch dom. Svc, 3 4inch irrig svc, new 4inch san sew svc with tap, abandon existing sewer service, [1] fire hydrant, storm sewer, associated with building permit pmt2012-04173 and tec2012-00019 grading and stormwater by separate permit
Date:  December 11, 2012

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Macy Enterprises Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2012/12/1107054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMacy Enterprises Inc
Erosion control permit
Date:  December 13, 2012

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Macy Enterprises Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way, sitewo | Permit status: Iss
2012/12/1307054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMacy Enterprises Inc
Fs - sowl - add 2 hsw spks to new office, relocate pendent to existing office, and new pendent for another new office.
Date:  February 14, 2013

Client: Properties Osha | Applicant: Freedom Fire Protection. Llc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 15, 2013 | Current use: Office - admini
2013/02/1409554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFreedom Fire Protection. Llc
Fa - new system
Date:  February 22, 2013
Contractor: Safe Systems Inc

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Safe Systems, Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 26, 2013 | Current use: Office - admini
2013/02/22010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSafe Systems Inc
New sidewalk and drive entrance see pmt2012-04173 for associated fees
Date:  March 1, 2013

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Rivera Flatwork Concrete Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2013/03/0105654 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRivera Flatwork Concrete Llc
Fs - new addition to existing building
Date:  March 28, 2013

Client: William Bender | Applicant: A B C Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 26, 2013 | Current use: Service station
2013/03/2809954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA B C Fire Protection Inc
Cutoff old gas service, install new gas service.
Date:  April 15, 2013
Contractor: Xcel Energy

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Xcel Energy | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2013/04/15010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoXcel Energy
Remove roofing on lower west section of building to deck and re-roof with tapered insulation, densedeck and epdm. 17squares, roof pitch represented by contractor to be 1 4:12.
Date:  April 25, 2013

Client: William Bender | Applicant: E&h Comm Contracting/colo Exteriors | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 23, 2013 | Current use: Existing
2013/04/2505954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoE And H Comm Contracting Colo Exteriors
Installation of a freestanding pylon sign for inchindependent motorsinch and inchboulder tire. Inch illuminated sign cabinet with led message center below.
Date:  August 8, 2013
Contractor: Signdealz Corp

Client: William Bender | Applicant: Signdealz Corp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 27, 2015 | Current use: Service station
2013/08/0809554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSigndealz Corp
Sign. Installation of a permanent, internally illuminated wall sign inchconcepts furniture & designinch. This sign will be relocated from another location.
Date:  June 28, 2013
Contractor: King Sign Llc

Client: William Bender | Applicant: King Sign Llc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 12, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2013/06/2809554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKing Sign Llc
Interior tenant remodel for units a, b, and c for a dermatology clinic offices (2486 sqft) and a portion of the tenant space to be finished at a later date (1452 sqft).
Date:  March 25, 2015
Value:   $220,000

Client: Boulder Bvcd | Applicant: Coburn Development Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 25, 2015 | Current use: Medical and den
2015/03/252200009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCoburn Development Inc
Fs - sowl - add 2 hsw spks to new office, relocate pendent to existing office, and new pendent for another new office.
Date:  February 14, 2013
Value:   $220

Client: Properties Osha | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 15, 2013 | Current use: Office - administrative, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-00636
2013/02/142209554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFreedom Fire Protection. Llc
Fa - new system
Date:  February 22, 2013
Value:   $7,000
Contractor: Safe Systems, Inc

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 26, 2013 | Current use: Office - administrative, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-00782
2013/02/2270009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSafe Systems, Inc
Fs - new addition to existing building
Date:  April 10, 2013
Value:   $9,970

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 26, 2013 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2013-01328
2013/04/1099709954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA B C Fire Protection Inc
Cutoff old gas service, install new gas service.
Date:  April 15, 2013

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2013-01455
2013/04/1509554 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Remove roofing on lower west section of building to deck and re-roof with tapered insulation, densedeck and epdm. 17squares, roof pitch represented by contractor to be 1 4:12.
Date:  April 25, 2013
Value:   $10,000

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 23, 2013 | Current use: Existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-01728
2013/04/25100005954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoE And H Comm Contracting Colo Exteriors
Installation of a freestanding pylon sign for inchindependent motorsinch and inchboulder tire. Inch illuminated sign cabinet with led message center below.
Date:  August 8, 2013
Value:   $29,800
Contractor: Signdealz Corp

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 27, 2015 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2013-01852
2013/08/08298009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSigndealz Corp
Sign. Installation of a permanent, internally illuminated wall sign inchconcepts furniture & designinch. This sign will be relocated from another location.
Date:  June 28, 2013
Value:   $300
Contractor: King Sign Llc

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 12, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-02927
2013/06/283009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKing Sign Llc
Temporary const. Power
Date:  January 4, 2001
Value:   $150

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-00061
2001/01/041509554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoD And D Electric, Inc
Remodel existing 2 story structure plus front and rear additions of aprox 1141 s. F. Total (562 ft, 579 rear). Includes utility, fireline, sewer work. Floodplain encroaches onto the property. However, the existing structure and proposed additions are located immediately outside of the 100-year floodplain from south boulder creek above the 5,334 feet contour, where backwater flooding elevations are expected to reach 5,233. 1 feet ngvd. Therefore, no floodplain restrictions will be applied.
Date:  October 16, 2001
Value:   $525,000

Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, sitework | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 27, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/retail, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2001-00163
2001/10/165250005654 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRoberts Excavating, Inc
Amp electrical service for comcast utility cabinet.
Date:  January 19, 2012
Value:   $500

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Existing | Permit id: Pmt2012-00229
2012/01/195005654 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTri City Electric, Inc
Temporary electric construction power. Does not include any aspect of work to the existing building including relocation of panels or services in anticipation of work (addition remodel) being performed by separate permit at this address.
Date:  July 31, 2012

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2012-03695
2012/07/3109954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMastercraft Electric, Inc
Floodplain development permit for an addition to existing structure for independent motors. See pmt2012-04173 for building permit.
Date:  September 12, 2012

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Flood substantial improvmts/elevated | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 23, 2015 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2012-04174
2012/09/1209554 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Running new electrical to set a new transformer to serve 54 arapahoe
Date:  November 8, 2012

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2012-05302
2012/11/0809554 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Scope of work letter convert six existing pendants to sidewall
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $500
Contractor: Fire Defense, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-01086
2008/04/025009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense, Inc
Scope of work letter convert 5 existing heads to new sidewall
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $500
Contractor: Fire Defense, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-01087
2008/04/025009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense, Inc
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  August 29, 2002
Value:   $250

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 20, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03637
2002/08/292509554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFiretrol Protection Systems
Scope of work lettter for boulder treatment addition of 4 new sprinklers for tennant finish
Date:  April 27, 2011
Value:   $309
Contractor: Fire Defense, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 16, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-01542
2011/04/273099554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFire Defense, Inc
Tennant finish fire alarm for root organic
Date:  June 1, 2011
Value:   $2,500

Client: Tsering Lhamo | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 16, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-01896
2011/06/01250010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFirst Call Electric And Fire
Tenant remodel in unit 1 to include relocation of exiting door to storage area and addition of counter with bar sink in office area.
Date:  August 15, 2011
Value:   $400

Client: Llc Fox | Permit type: Building, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 16, 2011 | Current use: Office - professional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-03481
2011/08/154009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHickman Construction Inc
Electrical permit - for rewire and addition of lighting to 1,1 sf of space for office excercise. (see general permit pmt2011-03481)
Date:  August 17, 2011
Value:   $4,800

Client: Llc Fox | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Current use: Amusement/recreational - indoor, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-03522
2011/08/17480010054 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFirst Call Electric And Fire
Interior tenant remodel for units a, b, and c for a dermatology clinic offices (2486 sqft) and a portion of the tenant space to be finished at a later date (1452 sqft).
Date:  April 16, 2015
Value:   $62,500

Client: Boulder Bvcd | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 25, 2015 | Current use: Medical and dental clinics, tenant remod | Permit id: Pmt2015-00656
2015/04/16625009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCoburn Development Inc
New internally illuminated wall sign for inchindependent motorsinch.
Date:  September 14, 2015
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Signdealz Corp

Client: William Bender | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2015-03848
2015/09/1440009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSigndealz Corp
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  January 4, 2001
Value:   $10,765

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2000-05142
2001/01/04107659554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFiretrol Protection Systems
Fire alarm system
Date:  May 15, 2002
Value:   $3,000

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire, flood not required | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 20, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-01958
2002/05/1530009554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoD And D Electric, Inc
Erect permanent free standing electric sign inchinchpiazza dfoottangoinch
Date:  August 7, 2002
Value:   $3,930
Contractor: 20 Communications

Permit type: Electrical, flood over-the-counter permit, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03059
2002/08/0739309554 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co20 Communications
Tenant finish. Enclose one office, one storage room. And stand pipe.
Date:  August 19, 2002
Value:   $32,500
Contractor: Rad Consulting

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 19, 2002 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant finish | Permit id: Pmt2002-03613
2002/08/19325005954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRad Consulting
Erect two new signs inchbroadway automotive auto partsinch. One sign is electric and one is not.
Date:  September 26, 2002
Value:   $5,890

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03934
2002/09/2658909554 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoD And D Electric, Inc
Internal tenant finish of 1025 sq ft. For body work, massage, rolfing office (use okfootd per lh), in previous vacant building.
Date:  December 13, 2004
Value:   $3,000

Client: Daniel Tremblay | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 18, 2005 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant finish | Permit id: Pmt2004-04398
2004/12/1330008854 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoScottsdale Homes, Inc
Tenant remodel of existing space. Second floor bathroom existing. 1271 sf
Date:  March 12, 2008
Value:   $8,900

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 1, 2008 | Current use: Office - professional, tenant remodel | Permit id: Pmt2008-00881
2008/03/1289008954 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoS L Murphy Construction Llc
Replace existing entry awning with new in a different configuration and re-use existing over rear entrance.
Date:  December 20, 2001
Value:   $8,064

Client: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc | Applicant: American Awning Company | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses
2001/12/2080649510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAmerican Awning Company
Install a lambda 3d device to existing elevator
Date:  December 15, 2000

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Otis Elevator Company | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Single family a
2000/12/1509510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Tennnat finish fire alarm pres. Mannor
Date:  October 22, 2007
Contractor: Simplex Grinnell

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Simplex Grinnell | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 15, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2007/10/2209510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell
Alteration of two elevators 11 stop. Pres manor
Date:  January 16, 2008

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Otis Elevator Company | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/01/1609510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Installation of a ladder & platform to the exterior of an existing elevator equipment room located on the roof of the building. (new upgraded replacement elevator equipment to be installed under a separate permit) see engineering specifications for two new openings -- one for new door and another opening for hvac equipment to cool elevator equipmernt.(no ductwork)
Date:  January 7, 2008
Value:   $3,200
Contractor: Mike Tabert

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Mike Tabert | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 19, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/01/0732005610 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMike Tabert
Reroof pres manor. 57 squares
Date:  July 25, 2008
Contractor: Grabau Roofing Inc

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Grabau Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 3, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/07/2509510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGrabau Roofing Inc
Replace rooftop exhaust fans. Replacement units to be same size, no electrical changes.
Date:  September 5, 2008

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Timberline Mechanical Systems | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 15, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/09/0509510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTimberline Mechanical Systems
Add new condensing unit for storage room in penthouse
Date:  December 1, 2008

Client: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc | Applicant: Wright Heating & A/c Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 29, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/12/0109410 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWright Heating And A C Inc
Installation of a pre-fabricated storage shed 12 x 16 with a maximum height of 13. 5 feet. No plumbing, mechanical or electrical work.
Date:  November 26, 2008
Value:   $3,665
Contractor: Mark Saprony

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Mark Saprony | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 8, 2008 | Current use: Shed, new
2008/11/2636655610 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMark Saprony
Smart grid u-553 & 554
Date:  March 5, 2009
Contractor: Xcel Energy

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Xcel Energy | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2009/03/05010010 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoXcel Energy
Installation of a backflow prevention device -- certification of testing required at initial inspection.
Date:  November 9, 2009

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Streamline Plumbing Llc | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2009/11/0908710 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoStreamline Plumbing Llc
Installation of 11 flush mounted antennas mounted to the existing penthouse. To include electrical radio equipment inside the existing equipment room. See adr2008-00198 for antenna for wireless telecommunication approval.
Date:  April 16, 2010
Value:   $62,000

Client: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc. | Applicant: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 28, 2010 | Current use: Telecommunicati
2010/04/16620005610 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoulder Presby Senior Housing Inc
New free standing sign for presbyterian manor
Date:  December 29, 2010

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Shaw Sign & Awning, Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2010/12/2909510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning Inc
Installatino of canopy awning above enterance per engineered design.
Date:  February 16, 2011
Value:   $6,500

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Shaw Sign & Awning, Inc. | Permit type: Awning | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 2, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2011/02/1665009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning Inc
Installation of new free standing sign for presbyterian manor. To be located outside of floodplain.
Date:  February 16, 2011

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Shaw Sign & Awning, Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 10, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2011/02/1609510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning Inc
Attach cable to existing aerial from 6th & marine to 11th & arapahoe. Also set new vault
Date:  February 9, 2011
Contractor: Comcast

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Comcast | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2011/02/09010010 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComcast
Installation of 12 wall mounted telecommunication antennas with screening and paint to match building. Telecommunications equipment to be located in an existing mechanical room in the interior of the building.
Date:  April 19, 2011
Value:   $59,000

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Braun Construction, Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 3, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2011/04/19590009410 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBraun Construction Inc
Bore from mh on broadway along marine to 11th.
Date:  February 23, 2012

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Qwest Comm/centurylink | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2012/02/23010010 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoQwest Comm Centurylink
Remove existing roofing on detached garage for presbyterian manor and re-roof garage with tpo, genflex. 39 squares, flat slope.
Date:  October 15, 2012

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: A & H Roofing, Llc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 1, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2012/10/15010010 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA And H Roofing Llc
Repair replace fireine in-property only
Date:  May 7, 2014

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Buffalo Plumbing & Heating Inc | Permit status: Iss
2014/05/0709110 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBuffalo Plumbing And Heating Inc
The replacement of three (3) existing wall-mounted antennas, one per sector, with a new model behind existing wall-mounted screening on southeast, southwest, and northwest elevation of the building; the installation of three (3) new remote radio heads (rrhs) behind existing wall-mounted screening; the installation of one (1) new equipment cabinet in the existing equipment compound on the first floor of the building.
Date:  July 11, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Overland Contracting Inc | Permit type: Building, flood acce | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Telecommunicati
2014/07/11250009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOverland Contracting Inc
Replace boiler in main level mechanical room.
Date:  November 21, 2014

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Buffalo Plumbing & Heating Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 21, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2014/11/2109110 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBuffalo Plumbing And Heating Inc
Building permit application to replace 4 existing antennas with 4 new 700mhz antennas and installation of 4 new rrus. Scope of work includes a new 7 lte module within the existing equipment area. See adr2014-00197 approval. See engineerfoots letter p. 4 for required structural modifications.
Date:  February 4, 2015
Value:   $3,500

Client: Presby Boulder | Applicant: Centerline Solutions, Llc | Permit type: Antenna | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 27, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2015/02/0435008910 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCenterline Solutions Llc
Smart grid u-553 & 554
Date:  March 5, 2009

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2009-00662
2009/03/0509510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of a backflow prevention device -- certification of testing required at initial inspection.
Date:  November 9, 2009
Value:   $450

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2009-04578
2009/11/094508710 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoStreamline Plumbing Llc
Replace boiler in main level mechanical room.
Date:  December 17, 2014
Value:   $167,000

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 21, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05309
2014/12/171670009110 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBuffalo Plumbing And Heating Inc
Building permit application to replace 4 existing antennas with 4 new 700mhz antennas and installation of 4 new rrus. Scope of work includes a new 7 lte module within the existing equipment area. See adr2014-00197 approval. See engineerfoots letter p. 4 for required structural modifications.
Date:  February 6, 2015
Value:   $3,500

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Antenna | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 27, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05399
2015/02/0635008410 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCenterline Solutions, Llc
Bore from mh on broadway along marine to 11th.
Date:  February 23, 2012

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2012-00621
2012/02/2309510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Remove existing roofing on detached garage for presbyterian manor and re-roof garage with tpo, genflex. 39 squares, flat slope.
Date:  October 15, 2012
Value:   $10,345

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 1, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, garage | Permit id: Pmt2012-04980
2012/10/151034510010 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA And H Roofing, Llc
Installation of 11 flush mounted antennas mounted to the existing penthouse. To include electrical radio equipment inside the existing equipment room. See adr2008-00198 for antenna for wireless telecommunication approval.
Date:  April 27, 2010
Value:   $62,000

Client: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 28, 2010 | Current use: Telecommunications, addition | Permit id: Pmt2010-01190
2010/04/27620009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of a ladder & platform to the exterior of an existing elevator equipment room located on the roof of the building. (new upgraded replacement elevator equipment to be installed under a separate permit) see engineering specifications for two new openings -- one for new door and another opening for hvac equipment to cool elevator equipmernt.(no ductwork)
Date:  January 7, 2008
Value:   $3

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 19, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2008-00053
2008/01/0739510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installatino of canopy awning above enterance per engineered design.
Date:  March 1, 2011
Value:   $6,500

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Awning | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 2, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-00407
2011/03/0165009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning, Inc
Installation of new free standing sign for presbyterian manor. To be located outside of floodplain.
Date:  March 1, 2011
Value:   $11,100

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 10, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-00408
2011/03/01111009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning, Inc
Attach cable to existing aerial from 6th & marine to 11th & arapahoe. Also set new vault
Date:  February 9, 2011

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2011-00550
2011/02/0909510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of 12 wall mounted telecommunication antennas with screening and paint to match building. Telecommunications equipment to be located in an existing mechanical room in the interior of the building.
Date:  May 12, 2011
Value:   $59,000

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 3, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-01146
2011/05/12590009710 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBraun Construction, Inc
Install a lambda 3d device to existing two stop elevator.
Date:  January 10, 2001
Value:   $5,500

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2000-04978
2001/01/1055009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Tennnat finish fire alarm pres. Mannor
Date:  October 22, 2007
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Simplex Grinnell

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 15, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2007-04656
2007/10/22500009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell
Alteration of two elevators 11 stop. Pres manor
Date:  January 16, 2008
Value:   $262,185

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2007-05437
2008/01/162621859510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Installation of a ladder & platform to the exterior of an existing elevator equipment room located on the roof of the building. (new upgraded replacement elevator equipment to be installed under a separate permit) see engineering specifications for two new openings -- one for new door and another opening for hvac equipment to cool elevator equipmernt.(no ductwork)
Date:  January 7, 2008
Value:   $3,200

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 19, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, alteration | Permit id: Pmt2008-00053
2008/01/0732009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Reroof pres manor. 57 squares
Date:  July 25, 2008
Value:   $57,062
Contractor: Grabau Roofing Inc

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 3, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-03172
2008/07/25570629510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGrabau Roofing Inc
Replace rooftop exhaust fans. Replacement units to be same size, no electrical changes.
Date:  September 8, 2008
Value:   $14,252

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 15, 2008 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-03902
2008/09/08142529510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTimberline Mechanical Systems
Add new condensing unit for storage room in penthouse
Date:  March 25, 2010
Value:   $9,000

Client: Boulder Presby Senior Housing Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 29, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-05110
2010/03/2590009410 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWright Heating And A C Inc
Installation of a pre-fabricated storage shed 12foot x 16foot with a maximum height of 13. 5 feet. No plumbing, mechanical or electrical work.
Date:  December 3, 2008
Value:   $3,665
Contractor: Tuff Shed, Inc

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 8, 2008 | Current use: Shed, new | Permit id: Pmt2008-05203
2008/12/0336659510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTuff Shed, Inc
New free standing sign for presbyterian manor
Value:   $13,900

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-05802
139009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoShaw Sign And Awning, Inc
Removal of two antennas, relocation of one antenna, installation of four antennas (all behind an existing stealth screens) and install 6 remote radio heads on existing rooftop ballast frames. Removal of one gsm cabinet and installation of a battery rack system cabinet. Approval per adr2017-00044.
Value:   $25,000

Client: Presby Boulder | Permit type: Flood accessory/remodel, antenna | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Telecommunications, existing | Permit id: Pmt2017-01356
250009510 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOverland Contracting Inc
Fire sprinkler system - coolers
Date:  August 13, 2004

Client: Tessie Gold | Applicant: Cleary Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2004/08/13010023 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCleary Fire Protection Inc
Fire suppression system
Date:  August 6, 2004

Client: Tessie Gold | Applicant: Abbott Fire & Safety, Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 17, 2004 | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2004/08/0608923 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAbbott Fire And Safety Inc
Sign permit for "conoco" monument sign. (also requires flood plain review).
Date:  February 5, 2002
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe,Folsom Arapahoe | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/02/0509523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replacement of existing signs within high hazard conveyance flood zones.
Date:  January 31, 2002
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe,Folsom Arapahoe | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Flood standard permi | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/01/3109523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace two existing fuel dispensors with two new fuel dispensors in same locations as original dispensors.
Date:  February 7, 2001
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Fun Excavating Inc

Applicant: Fun Excavating, Inc. | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 7, 2001 | Current use: Service station
2001/02/07130005623 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFun Excavating Inc
Sign and floodplain permit for conoco
Date:  December 27, 2006
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe,Folsom Arapahoe | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, flood fe | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2006/12/2709523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replacement and installation of three wall signs at fiesta mexitalian restaurant.
Date:  June 25, 2010

Client: Colorado Cmt | Applicant: Broomfield Sign Co., Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 19, 2010 | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2010/06/25010023 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBroomfield Sign Co. Inc
Bore 620foot for new comcast service to address. Job #42833
Date:  November 2, 2016

Client: Colorado Cmt | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-05081
2016/11/0209523 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replace two existing fuel dispensors with two new fuel dispensors in same locations as original dispensors.
Date:  February 7, 2001
Value:   $4,000

Client: Arapahoe & Folsom | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 7, 2001 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, altera | Permit id: Pmt2001-00093
2001/02/0740005623 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFun Excavating, Inc
Replacement and installation of three wall signs at fiesta mexitalian restaurant.
Date:  June 30, 2010
Value:   $4,685

Client: Colorado Cmt | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 19, 2010 | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02415
2010/06/3046859523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBroomfield Sign Co., Inc
Sign permit for inchconocoinch monument sign. (also requires flood plain review).
Date:  March 19, 2002
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail | Permit id: Pmt2002-00291
2002/03/1950009523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Fire suppression system
Date:  August 18, 2004
Value:   $5,300

Client: Tessie Gold | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 17, 2004 | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-03088
2004/08/1853009123 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAbbott Fire And Safety, Inc
Fire sprinkler system - coolers
Date:  August 16, 2004
Value:   $2,520

Client: Tessie Gold | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-03175
2004/08/16252010023 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCleary Fire Protection Inc
Sign and floodplain permit for conoco
Date:  January 8, 2007
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Electrical, flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2006-05320
2007/01/0850009523 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace water heater
Date:  February 9, 2001

Client: Presbyteri Boulder | Applicant: Noah Plumbing And Heating | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d
2001/02/09099988 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNoah Plumbing And Heating
Replace water heater
Date:  February 9, 2001
Value:   $600

Client: Presbyteri Boulder | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling | Permit id: Pmt2001-00454
2001/02/0960099988 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNoah Plumbing And Heating
Two-story addition of 2529 sf of finished floor area, a 735 sf attached garage, and 646 sf of porch areas. Also includes remodel of existing 18 sf area.
Date:  June 7, 2006
Value:   $320,707

Client: Corps Dwell | Applicant: Boyd Custom Home Builders | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d
2006/06/0732070796563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoyd Custom Home Builders
Replacing a forced air furnace.
Date:  February 15, 2001

Client: Elmer Todd,Frances Todd | Applicant: Precision Plumbing & Heating Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d
2001/02/15095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Plumbing And Heating Inc
Set dumpster in street
Date:  February 5, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Applicant: Left Hand Excavating | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2007/02/05095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLeft Hand Excavating
Upgrade 3 4" service to 1" new tap & pit abandon the 3 4" at main
Date:  May 3, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Applicant: Left Hand Excavating | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2007/05/03095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLeft Hand Excavating
Repair sewer service
Date:  May 25, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Applicant: Pipeline Industries, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2007/05/25095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Industries Inc
Remove and repair 25 of curb and sidewalk
Date:  October 10, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Applicant: Willmark Enterprises, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2007/10/100100563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWillmark Enterprises Inc
Owner contractor to repair gas leak.
Date:  July 6, 2016
Value:   $30

Client: Rajat Bhargava | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 11, 2016 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2016-03126
2016/07/063095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Repair sewer service
Date:  May 25, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2007-02021
2007/05/25095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Industries, Inc
Minor kitchen and bathroom remodel for a single family dwelling. No change in plimbing fixture count.
Date:  January 10, 2017
Value:   $9,800

Client: Rajat Bhargava | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 27, 2017 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2017-00062
2017/01/10980089563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMk Construction Llc
Replacing a forced air furnace.
Value:   $2,190

Client: Elmer Todd | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-00526
219095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Plumbing And Heating Inc
Two-story addition of 2529 sf of finished floor area, a 735 sf attached garage, and 646 sf of porch areas. Also includes remodel of existing 18 sf area.
Date:  June 8, 2006
Value:   $95,000

Client: Corps Dwell | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2005-04973
2006/06/089500096563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoyd Custom Home Builders
Upgrade 3 4inch service to 1inch new tap & pit abandon the 3 4inch at main
Date:  May 3, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2007-01448
2007/05/03095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLeft Hand Excavating
Remove and repair 25foot of curb and sidewalk
Date:  October 10, 2007

Client: Corps Dwell | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2007-04441
2007/10/10095563 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWillmark Enterprises, Inc
Replace commercial forced air furnace and comfort cooling system. Permit includes gas line extension and pressure test.
Date:  February 26, 2001

Applicant: Thomas & Thomas Heating & Air | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Office - profes
2001/02/260911437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThomas And Thomas Heating And Air
Entire structure demolition of 8,055 s. F. Commercial building
Date:  July 24, 2007

Client: Arapahoe 1441.0 | Applicant: Quinlan Construction Inc | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 14, 2009 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2007/07/240951437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoQuinlan Construction Inc
New 6" wet tap in 15th for hydrant. Cip barb kenyon.
Date:  November 13, 2007
Contractor: Ez Excavating Inc

Client: Arapahoe 1441.0 | Applicant: E-Z Excavating, Inc | Permit status: Act
2007/11/1301001437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoEz Excavating Inc
New fire alarm system for arapahoe lofts
Date:  August 4, 2008

Client: Arapahoe 1441.0 | Applicant: Samsons Detection Systems Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 20, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2008/08/040911437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSamsons Detection Systems Inc
Replace commercial forced air furnace and comfort cooling system. Permit includes gas line extension and pressure test.
Date:  February 26, 2001
Value:   $9,800

Client: Trine & Metcalf | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Office - professional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-00653
2001/02/269800911437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThomas And Thomas Heating And Air
New 6" wet tap in 15th for hydrant. Cip barb kenyon.
Contractor: Ez Excavating, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2007-05069
0951437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoEz Excavating, Inc
New 6inch wet tap in 15th for hydrant. Cip barb kenyon.
Contractor: E Z Excavating Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2007-05069
0951437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoE Z Excavating Inc
New fire alarm system for arapahoe lofts
Date:  August 13, 2008
Value:   $8,500

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 20, 2009 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-03299
2008/08/138500911437 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSamsons Detection Systems Inc
Flatwork concrete at grade.
Date:  September 1, 2005
Contractor: Of City

Client: Of City | Applicant: Of City | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: Iss
2005/09/010100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOf City
Install a 12 foot light pole including cassion
Date:  February 4, 2005

Client: Of City | Applicant: Kenny Electric Service, Inc. | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses
2005/02/040100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Installation of three lightpoles footings for light fixtures permitted under pmt2003-03514 at the boulder public library.
Date:  August 25, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Client: Of City | Applicant: Energy Concepts, Inc. | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2004 | Current use: Government uses
2003/08/25200099959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoEnergy Concepts Inc
Electrical permit for installation of three outdoor light fixtures (fully cut-off and shileded). The fixtures will be mounted on 12 tall poles (to match existing - under separate building permit).
Date:  August 20, 2003

Client: Of City | Applicant: Kenny Electric Service Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2004 | Current use: Government uses
2003/08/200100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Install lighting for a flag pole.
Date:  October 14, 2002

Client: Of City | Applicant: Kenny Electric Service Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses
2002/10/140100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Install 20-0" high flagpole adjacent to main library entrance.
Date:  September 24, 2002
Value:   $3,000

Client: Of City | Applicant: City Of Boulder Fam | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses
2002/09/24300095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCity Of Boulder Fam
Passenger elevator alteration. Changing power unit, controller, car stations, fixtures, and wiring.
Date:  June 26, 2002

Client: City Of Boulder | Applicant: Thyssenkrupp Elevator | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Government uses
2002/06/26095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThyssenkrupp Elevator
Install a 7 satelite dish with non-penetrating base on the roof of the 61 building. (building on the se corner of 9th and arapahoe)
Date:  March 11, 2002
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Ray Ingraham

Client: Of City | Applicant: Ray Ingraham | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 26, 2002 | Current use: Government uses
2002/03/11500056959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRay Ingraham
Electrical connection to the book drop conveyor system.
Date:  March 12, 2001

Client: Of City | Applicant: Kenny Electric Service Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses
2001/03/120100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Add windows and door to teen room, at top of ramp on left side going towards bridge.
Date:  August 20, 2004
Value:   $1,989

Client: Of City | Applicant: Array Construction, Llc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 7, 2007 | Current use: Government uses
2004/08/20198994959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoArray Construction Llc
Replace comfort cooling and roof-top unit
Date:  May 6, 2014

Client: Of City | Applicant: Murphy Company Mech Cont & Eng | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Government uses
2014/05/060100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMurphy Company Mech Cont And Eng
Electrical connection to the book drop conveyor system.
Date:  March 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Of City | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-00899
2001/03/122000100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Replace comfort cooling and roof-top unit
Date:  May 6, 2014
Value:   $156,405

Client: Of City | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-02013
2014/05/06156405100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMurphy Company Mech Cont And Eng
Flatwork concrete at grade.
Date:  September 1, 2005

Client: Of City | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2005-03426
2005/09/01095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Install a 7foot satelite dish with non-penetrating base on the roof of the 61 building. (building on the se corner of 9th and arapahoe)
Date:  March 11, 2002
Value:   $5,000

Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 26, 2002 | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00614
2002/03/11500095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCity Of Boulder Fam
Passenger elevator alteration. Changing power unit, controller, car stations, fixtures, and wiring.
Date:  June 26, 2002
Value:   $30,089

Client: City Of Boulder | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-02608
2002/06/263008995959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThyssenkrupp Elevator
Install 20foot-0inch high flagpole adjacent to main library entrance.
Date:  September 26, 2002
Value:   $3,000

Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-04203
2002/09/26300095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCity Of Boulder Fam
Install lighting for a flag pole.
Date:  October 14, 2002
Value:   $1,500

Client: Of City | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-04475
2002/10/141500100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Electrical permit for installation of three outdoor light fixtures (fully cut-off and shileded). The fixtures will be mounted on 12foot tall poles (to match existing - under separate building permit).
Date:  August 20, 2003
Value:   $11,853

Client: Of City | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2004 | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-03514
2003/08/2011853100959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service Inc
Installation of three lightpoles footings for light fixtures permitted under pmt2003-03514 at the boulder public library.
Date:  August 25, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2004 | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-03600
2003/08/25200095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoEnergy Concepts, Inc
Add windows and door to teen room, at top of ramp on left side going towards bridge.
Date:  August 20, 2004
Value:   $1,989

Client: Of City | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 7, 2007 | Current use: Government uses, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2004-03295
2004/08/20198998959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoArray Construction, Llc
Install a 12 foot light pole including cassion
Date:  February 8, 2005
Value:   $2,500

Client: Of City | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Government uses, existing | Permit id: Pmt2005-00391
2005/02/08250095959 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKenny Electric Service, Inc
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  September 19, 2001

Applicant: Wyco Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family a
2001/09/19095806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWyco Fire Protection Inc
Installing two low pressure boiler.
Date:  September 14, 2001

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: B & B Plumbing & Heating, Inc. | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d
2001/09/14056806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoB And B Plumbing And Heating Inc
R r 2 of asphalt, install 2-1" services 1-4" sewer and 2-2" firelines, and r r sidewalk, curb & gutter
Date:  September 11, 2001
Contractor: Nixcavating Inc

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: Nixcavating, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2001/09/110100806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating Inc
Partial structure demolition for 806 and 808 arapahoe ave.. (addition and remodel is on pmt2001-00926 pmt2001-00927)
Date:  June 20, 2001

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: Colorado Demolition Inc. | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cls | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/06/20099806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoColorado Demolition Inc
Addition of 2 apartments (one one bedroom one story and one two bedroom two story above and attached to existing detached garage. This project is part of the hannah barker site review.
Date:  July 6, 2001
Value:   $153,500
Contractor: Thomas Hand

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: Thomas Hand | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/07/0615350059806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThomas Hand
Addition of 2 apartments (one one bedroom one story and one two bedroom two story above and attached to existing detached garage. This project is part of the hannah barker site review.
Date:  July 6, 2001
Value:   $32,000

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2001-00926
2001/07/063200085806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIndependent Carpentry
R r 280foot of asphalt, install 2-1inch services 1-4inch sewer and 2-2inch firelines, and r r sidewalk, curb & gutter
Date:  September 11, 2001
Contractor: Nixcavating, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2001-03952
2001/09/11095806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating, Inc
Installing two low pressure boiler.
Date:  September 14, 2001
Value:   $8,000

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-04076
2001/09/14800062806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoB And B Plumbing And Heating, Inc
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  September 25, 2001
Value:   $1,200

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-04118
2001/09/25120095806 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWyco Fire Protection Inc
Fire alarm systems
Date:  July 22, 2002
Contractor: Safe Systems Inc

Applicant: Safe Systems, Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 2, 2008 | Current use: Manufactured/mo
2002/07/220100808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSafe Systems Inc
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  September 24, 2001

Applicant: Wyco Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/09/24095808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWyco Fire Protection Inc
Installation of 3 low-pressure boilers.
Date:  September 14, 2001
Contractor: Arapahoe 804.0

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: Arapahoe 804.0 | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family d
2001/09/14056808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoArapahoe 804.0
Addition of 2-2 bedroom dwelling units above existing single family house creating a triplex. (see hanna barker site review)
Date:  July 6, 2001
Value:   $179,500
Contractor: Thomas Hand

Client: Arapahoe 804.0 | Applicant: Thomas Hand | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/07/0617950059808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThomas Hand
Urgent sewer service repair from street to house
Date:  March 31, 2015
Contractor: Nixcavating Inc

Client: Arapahoe 806-808 | Applicant: Nixcavating, Inc | Permit type: Wastewater, right-of | Permit status: Iss
2015/03/310100808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating Inc
Addition of 2-2 bedroom dwelling units above existing single family house creating a triplex. (see hanna barker site review)
Date:  July 6, 2001
Value:   $45,000

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, addition and remo | Permit id: Pmt2001-00927
2001/07/064500085808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIndependent Carpentry
Installation of 3 low-pressure boilers.
Date:  September 14, 2001
Value:   $12,000

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-04077
2001/09/141200095808 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Fire sprinkler system
Date:  September 25, 2001
Value:   $7,853

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-04201
2001/09/25785395808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWyco Fire Protection Inc
Fire alarm systems
Date:  July 22, 2002
Value:   $350
Contractor: Safe Systems, Inc

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 2, 2008 | Current use: Manufactured/mobile home, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03092
2002/07/2235095808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSafe Systems, Inc
Urgent sewer service repair from street to house
Date:  March 31, 2015
Contractor: Nixcavating, Inc

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Wastewater, right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2015-01130
2015/03/31095808 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating, Inc
Add new layer of aluminum canopy cover material for new colors of conoco.
Date:  January 3, 2006
Contractor: Icm Solutions

Client: Petroleum Sky | Applicant: Icm Solutions | Permit type: Siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2006 | Current use: Service station
2006/01/0305955 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIcm Solutions
Replace 2 free-standing signs with new "conocophillips" internally illuminated, free-standing signs.
Date:  November 10, 2005
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Petroleum Sky | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2005/11/1009555 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace two freestanding signs with two new, internally illuminated freestanding conoco signs.
Date:  May 4, 2001
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Petroleum Sky | Applicant: Aspen Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2001/05/0409555 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Replace two freestanding signs with two new, internally illuminated freestanding conoco signs.
Date:  May 14, 2001
Value:   $7,050
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Petroleum Sky | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2001-01246
2001/05/1470509555 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Bore for new gas service renewals for 55 arapahoe & 1595 55th, bore pit, potholes
Date:  October 15, 2015

Client: Gas Pars | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2015-04309
2015/10/1509555 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Directional boring 475foot to relocate aerial facilities to underground job# 54144
Date:  April 14, 2017

Client: Gas Pars | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2017-01434
2017/04/1409555 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replace 2 free-standing signs with new inchconocophillipsinch internally illuminated, free-standing signs.
Date:  January 5, 2006
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Aspen Sign Company

Client: Petroleum Sky | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2005-03896
2006/01/0560009555 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAspen Sign Company
Add new layer of aluminum canopy cover material for new colors of conoco.
Date:  January 3, 2006
Value:   $6,800
Contractor: Icm Solutions

Client: Petroleum Sky | Permit type: Siding | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 29, 2006 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2006-00015
2006/01/0368005955 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIcm Solutions
Re-roof units 5-12.
Date:  April 19, 2001

Client: Thomas Harrington | Applicant: Boulder Roofing, Inc. | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/04/1901003 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoulder Roofing Inc
Re-roof units 17-20
Date:  April 19, 2001

Client: Thomas Harrington | Applicant: Boulder Roofing, Inc. | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/04/1901003 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoulder Roofing Inc
Replace fence with new 6 foot fence. 2 linear feet.
Date:  August 1, 2007
Contractor: Thomas Harrington

Client: Thomas Harrington | Applicant: Thomas Harrington | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2007/08/010613 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThomas Harrington
Remove portion of roofing and replace with tpo. 4 squares, flat roof.
Date:  April 19, 2012
Contractor: A1 Roofing Inc

Client: David Martinez | Applicant: A-1 Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Existing
2012/04/190893 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA1 Roofing Inc
Total tear off and reroof with gaf elk hd dimensional shingle. Roof pitch represented on application of 7:12. 26. 33 squares.
Date:  May 29, 2012
Contractor: A1 Roofing Inc

Client: David Martinez | Applicant: A-1 Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2012/05/290893 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA1 Roofing Inc
Full structure demolition of duplex and detached garage constructed in 1898. See his2015-00005 for historic approval.
Date:  February 11, 2015
Contractor: Horizon Builders

Client: David Martinez | Applicant: Horizon Builders | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family a
2015/02/110953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHorizon Builders
Construction of new three unit attached single family residence. Each unit to have 2 beds, 3 baths. Rooftop deck to be provided for each unit. Total gross area of 5,592 sf (irc), net area of 4012 sf (floor area, title 9). See pmt2015-00445 for seperate carport structure.
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $775,000
Contractor: Horizon Builders

Client: David Martinez | Applicant: Horizon Builders | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family a
2015/06/15775000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHorizon Builders
Construction of detached carport for 5 vehicles. Includes associated electrical for overhead lighting. See pmt2015-00444 for associated construction of new residential units.
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Horizon Builders

Client: David Martinez | Applicant: Horizon Builders | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family a
2015/06/1525000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHorizon Builders
Date:  June 6, 1989
Value:   $8,262

Permit type: Residential accessory building | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: October 6, 1989 | Permit id: Bp-89-0601
1989/06/068262953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Date:  June 6, 1989

Permit type: Residential accessory building | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: October 6, 1989 | Permit id: Bp-89-0601
1989/06/060953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New 1. 5inch water tap & meter. New 4inch wastewater tap. Associated with pmt2015-00444 - parts approved and released.
Date:  January 19, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-00203
2016/01/190953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMagnolia Excavating
New cmu block wall at the south property line, behind the new carport being constructed under pmt2015-00445. Wall details are on the same plan set as the resubmitted details for the carport.
Date:  June 7, 2016
Value:   $14,200
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Client: Llc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 14, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-00824
2016/06/0714200953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
Fs - 13d system for three townhomes
Date:  April 1, 2016
Value:   $21,700

Client: Llc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 7, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-01245
2016/04/0121700953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoFlow Fire Protection, Inc
New cmu block wall for trash enclosure at the southwestern corner of lot, west of the new carport being constructed under pmt2015-00445. Wall details are on the same plan set as the resubmitted details for the carport.
Date:  June 7, 2016
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Client: Llc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 14, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-01741
2016/06/076000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
New cmu block wall in the front yard, located 18-iinches behind the sidewalk. Wall to be 42. 5 feet in length, 3-feet in height above grade.
Date:  June 7, 2016
Value:   $8,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Client: Llc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-01742
2016/06/078000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
New cmu block wall in the eastern portion of rear yard. Wall to be 4-feet in height, wall length to be 26. 5-feet. A trellis is proposed to be located atop the wall, proposed in pmt2016-01744.
Date:  June 7, 2016
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Client: Llc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 15, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-01743
2016/06/076000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
Steel trellis to be located atop the wall in rear yard of multi-family complex, cmu block wall proposed in separte permit pmt2016-01743.
Date:  June 7, 2016
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Client: Llc | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 14, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing, patio c | Permit id: Pmt2016-01744
2016/06/073000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
New gas service. Asphalt r&r. Job #12355721
Date:  May 3, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-01839
2016/05/030953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Bore for new electric to townhomes, traffic control, install xfmr, pits & potholes, #12376991-01
Date:  May 27, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-02374
2016/05/270953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Total tear-off & reroof of mfd, in building at south west corner of development containing units numbered 5-12, 53 squares of asphalt shingles on a pitch represented as 6 12. All roof materials shall be installed per manufacturerfoots specs. New blown-in insulation to be added (r-38). Mid-roof inspection required if pitch is less than 4 12.
Date:  June 21, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Thomas Harrington | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 6, 2016 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-02860
2016/06/21200001003 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoVan Lier Roofing Inc
Roll off in front of house in street.
Date:  July 25, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-03390
2016/07/250953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJose G Martinez Landscaping
Remove linear feet of concrete sidewalk and repour 8 feet into property. Jose 720-938-3493
Date:  August 18, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-03812
2016/08/180953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJose G Martinez Landscaping
Bore 140foot for new comcast service. Job# 41826
Date:  September 12, 2016

Client: David Martinez | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-04217
2016/09/120953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Sidewalk repair
Date:  December 22, 2016

Client: Llc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-05797
2016/12/220953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJose G Martinez Landscaping
Re-roof units 5-12.
Date:  April 19, 2001
Value:   $2,810

Client: Thomas Harrington | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-01487
2001/04/192810953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoulder Roofing, Inc
Re-roof units 17-20
Date:  April 19, 2001
Value:   $1,270

Client: Thomas Harrington | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-01488
2001/04/191270953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBoulder Roofing, Inc
Remove portion of roofing and replace with tpo. 4 squares, flat roof.
Date:  April 19, 2012
Value:   $2,475
Contractor: A1 Roofing Inc

Client: David Martinez | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Existing | Permit id: Pmt2012-01852
2012/04/192475893 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA1 Roofing Inc
Total tear off and reroof with gaf elk hd dimensional shingle. Roof pitch represented on application of 7:12. 26. 33 squares.
Date:  May 29, 2012
Value:   $10,400
Contractor: A1 Roofing Inc

Client: David Martinez | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings | Permit id: Pmt2012-02604
2012/05/2910400893 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoA1 Roofing Inc
Full structure demolition of duplex and detached garage constructed in 1898. See his2015-00005 for historic approval.
Date:  October 28, 2015

Client: David Martinez | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 31, 2016 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-00443
2015/10/280953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Construction of new three unit attached single family residence. Each unit to have 2 beds, 3 baths. Rooftop deck to be provided for each unit. Total gross area of 5,592 sf (irc), net area of 4012 sf (floor area, title 9). See pmt2015-00445 for separate carport structure.
Date:  October 23, 2015
Value:   $775,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: Co | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, new | Permit id: Pmt2015-00444
2015/10/23775000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
Construction of detached carport for 5 vehicles. Includes associated electrical for overhead lighting. See pmt2015-00444 for associated construction of new residential units. Change in scope - 2 26 16 - sprinkler system removed from scope and new cmu wall will be added at south property line under pmt2016-00824. Revisions to carport and wall details on same plan set
Date:  October 23, 2015
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Burke Builders Llc

Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-00445
2015/10/235000953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBurke Builders Llc
Cut off gas service at main #12293062
Date:  November 25, 2015

Client: David Martinez | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2015-05184
2015/11/250953 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replace fence with new 6 foot fence. 2 linear feet.
Date:  August 1, 2007
Value:   $6,685

Client: Thomas Harrington | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2007-03255
2007/08/016685953 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMoyer Fence Services Inc
Install 1-1 2" domestic tap and 1-1 2" irrigation tap.
Date:  March 1, 2006

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: City Of Boulder Public Works | Permit status: Act
2006/03/010952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCity Of Boulder Public Works
Installation of two internally illuminated wall signs "starbucks coffee" on the safeway marketplace grocery store.
Date:  December 6, 2004

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 30, 2007 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2004/12/060952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Reroof of three buildings in arapahoe village shopping center. Spaces 14-23 and 24; 25
Date:  November 15, 2004

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Weathersure Systems, Inc. | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2004/11/150992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWeathersure Systems Inc
Add pre built starbucks kiosk to existing safeway. Plumbing, electrical, approx, 256 sf.
Date:  November 5, 2004
Value:   $33,976

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Pioneer General Contractors | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 25, 2005 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2004/11/0533976992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
Kitchen suppression system
Date:  May 1, 2001

Client: Bpp Retail Llc | Applicant: Complete Fire Protection, Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/05/010952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComplete Fire Protection Inc
Fire sprinkler system - safeway backflow
Date:  October 20, 2003

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Complete Fire Protection, Inc. | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Commercial/reta
2003/10/200952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComplete Fire Protection Inc
Fire alarm system - safeway
Date:  October 7, 2003

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Meridian Fire & Security, Llc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2003/10/0701002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMeridian Fire And Security Llc
Replace hot water heater
Date:  June 1, 2001

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Kilpatrick Plumbing, Inc. | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/06/010992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKilpatrick Plumbing Inc
Electrical permit for work on replacement kitchen suppression system for safeway.
Date:  May 7, 2001

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Rainbow Electric Co | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/05/070982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRainbow Electric Co
Replacement of internally illuminated wall sign with "maui wowi hawaiian coffees & smoothies"
Date:  October 31, 2006
Contractor: Gardner Signs Inc

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Gardner Signs, Inc. | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Restaurant, exi
2006/10/310952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGardner Signs Inc
Installation of temporary fence for christmas tree lot. 2 linear feet of 7ft fence. Per conditions of adr2006-00179, no trailer allowed, only a small camper or shed, 1 sf. Sign permit required for erection of a sign no larger than 4ft x 4 ft.
Date:  November 15, 2006
Contractor: Darlene Mccoy

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Darlene Mccoy | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 20, 2007
2006/11/150562798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDarlene Mccoy
Build demising wall to seperate one tenant space into two future tenant spaces, some electrical and demo work also
Date:  March 7, 2007
Value:   $29,000

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Tower One Construction Co | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 20, 2007 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2007/03/0729000982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTower One Construction Co
Christmas tree lot. See adr2007-00162 for approval
Date:  October 29, 2007
Contractor: Darleen Mccoy

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Darleen Mccoy | Permit type: Temporary event | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2007/10/290562798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDarleen Mccoy
Sign permit application for new internally illuminated wall sign for cold stone creamery
Date:  February 28, 2008

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 9, 2008 | Current use: Restaurant
2008/02/280952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Temporary banner sign for mile high americafoots mattress, not to exceed square feet in size. August 1-30, 2009.
Date:  July 8, 2009
Contractor: Kip Fuhrman

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Kip Fuhrman | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2009/07/080562798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKip Fuhrman
Roofing permit - for versico tpo (45 mil) roof on inchsafewayinch grocery store at 1 4-inch per foot and 485 squares.
Date:  November 9, 2009
Contractor: Turner Morris Inc

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Turner Morris, Inc. | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 15, 2010 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2009/11/090992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTurner Morris Inc
Interior non-structural demolition in suite 2 to remove non-bearing walls only. No occupancy of space until completion of separate remodel permit.
Date:  May 21, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Black Bear Construction Services | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/05/210872798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Bear Construction Services
Interior remodel of the safeway store -- 35, 216 sf. Changes to exterior facade approved through adr2010-00053. New type one hood & type two hood. (type one hood by separate permit).
Date:  July 12, 2010
Value:   $1,592,115

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Pioneer General Contractors | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 20, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/07/121592115992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
New backflow preventor
Date:  June 7, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Central Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/06/0701002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCentral Fire Protection
New backflow preventor for weight watchers
Date:  June 7, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Central Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/06/0701002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCentral Fire Protection
Three new walls signs for safeway.
Date:  June 29, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/06/290952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Three new wall signs for safeway, to include pharmacy, starbucks, and signature cafe.
Date:  June 29, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Den | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/06/290952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Installation of 2 internally illuminated wall signs inchhealthstyles exercise equipmentinch inchexcercise equipmentinch in unit 204.
Date:  July 7, 2010

Client: Retail Bpp | Applicant: Schlosser Signs, Inc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/07/070952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSchlosser Signs Inc
Non-structural demolition of interior & exterior elements -- exterior mods include demo of a false canopy and brick facing on structural columns -- no structural demolition allowed under scope of this permit.
Date:  July 2, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Pioneer General Contractors | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 28, 2010 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/07/020992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
Tennant finish sprinkler safeway re-model
Date:  July 9, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Precision Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/07/090992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Fire Protection Inc
New hood system for safeway deli
Date:  August 11, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Simplex Grinnell Lp | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 13, 2010 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/08/110952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell Lp
Installation of 5 new signs & relocation of one existing sign at the safeway store. This permit is for signs #1, #2, and #3. See pmt2010-03522 for signs #4, #5 & #6.
Date:  August 20, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 11, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/08/200952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Installation of 5 new signs & relocation of one existing sign at the safeway store. This permit is for signs #4, #5, and #6. See pmt2010-03521 for signs #1, #2 & #3.
Date:  August 23, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/08/230952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Sign permit - for two (2) non-electric temporary wall signs for 7- days for inchsafeway grand re-openinginch.
Date:  October 28, 2010

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Yesco Custom Electric Sign | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 19, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2010/10/280862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYesco Custom Electric Sign
Rewire electrical circuit in front entry area of safeway for dvd rental machine.
Date:  March 24, 2011
Contractor: Mgd Electric

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Mgd Electric | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/03/240952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMgd Electric
Tenant remodel - for expansion of existing pharmacy at safeway #2911 to include new waiting area, new restroom, and new consultation office. Includes electrical, mechanical (at-grade condensing unit), and plumbing.
Date:  July 7, 2011
Value:   $250,000

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Pioneer General Contractors | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 8, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/07/07250000992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
Scope of work letter for safeway relocation of nine sprinkler heads due to new wall
Date:  July 26, 2011

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Precision Fire Protection Inc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/07/260992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Fire Protection Inc
Tennant finish fire alarm for safe way pharmacy area
Date:  August 19, 2011

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: C & S Speciality Systems, Llc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 30, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/08/190992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoC And S Speciality Systems Llc
Temporary christmas tree lot located in northwest corner of safeway parking lot, to be located outside of the conveyance zone. See adr2011-00191 for temporary sales approval.
Date:  November 14, 2011

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Big M Janitorial Inc | Permit type: Flood fence flood pe | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/11/140862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBig M Janitorial Inc
Installation of temporary portable fence (290lf, 5foot tall) for christmas tree sales lot.
Date:  October 31, 2012
Contractor: Larry Sais

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Larry Sais | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2012/10/310982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLarry Sais
Temporary sign for temporary christmas tree lot. 32sf located on the fence located on the east side of the property. The fence is permitted under pmt2012-05279
Date:  November 14, 2012
Contractor: Larry Sais

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Larry Sais | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013
2012/11/140982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLarry Sais
Interior tenant remodel of 75 sq ft of safeway pharmacy to add a second consultation room in the existing clinic. Includes electrical and mechanical, no plumbing changes.
Date:  March 5, 2013
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Dodgewerks Inc

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Dodgewerks, Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 10, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2013/03/055000622798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDodgewerks Inc
Installation of 3 linear feet of 7foot hihg chainlink fence for christmas tree lot. See adr2013-00196 for approval of temporary sales.
Date:  October 31, 2013

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Big M Janitorial Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2013/10/310862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBig M Janitorial Inc
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2013-00196 for temp sales approval.
Date:  November 18, 2014

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Big M Janitorial Inc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2014/11/180862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBig M Janitorial Inc
Erection of a 5,400sf enclosed canvas tent for halloween costume detail, as approved under adr2014-00143. Electrical permit included for installation of associated generator set. Please refer to attached site and floor plans.
Date:  September 16, 2014

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Applicant: Mountain View Tent Company | Permit type: Electrical, temporar | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 8, 2014 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2014/09/1601002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMountain View Tent Company
Installation of 3 linear feet of 7foot hihg chainlink fence for christmas tree lot. See adr2014-00201 for approval of temporary sales.
Date:  November 18, 2014

Applicant: Big M Janitorial Inc | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2014/11/180862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBig M Janitorial Inc
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2014-00201 for temp sales approval.
Date:  November 18, 2014

Applicant: Big M Janitorial Inc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2014/11/180862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBig M Janitorial Inc
Temporary banner sign for mile high americafoots mattress, not to exceed square feet in size. August 1-30, 2009.
Date:  July 8, 2009
Value:   $10

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2009-02613
2009/07/0810952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Roofing permit - for versico tpo (45 mil) roof on inchsafewayinch grocery store at 1 4-inch per foot and 485 squares.
Date:  November 9, 2009
Value:   $119,479
Contractor: Turner Morris, Inc

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 15, 2010 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2009-04562
2009/11/09119479992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTurner Morris, Inc
Interior tenant remodel of 75 sq ft of safeway pharmacy to add a second consultation room in the existing clinic. Includes electrical and mechanical, no plumbing changes.
Date:  March 7, 2013
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Dodgewerks, Inc

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 10, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail | Permit id: Pmt2013-00754
2013/03/075000622798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDodgewerks, Inc
Installation of 3 linear feet of 7foot hihg chainlink fence for christmas tree lot. See adr2013-00196 for approval of temporary sales.
Date:  October 31, 2013
Value:   $100

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-06074
2013/10/31100952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2013-00196 for temp sales approval.
Date:  November 18, 2014
Value:   $20

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2013-06075
2014/11/1820952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Kitchen suppression system
Date:  May 1, 2001
Value:   $2,400

Client: Bpp Retail Llc | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-01655
2001/05/012400992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComplete Fire Protection, Inc
Electrical permit for work on replacement kitchen suppression system for safeway.
Date:  May 7, 2001
Value:   $2,200

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-01751
2001/05/072200982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRainbow Electric Co
Replace hot water heater
Date:  June 1, 2001
Value:   $6,200

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-02265
2001/06/016200992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKilpatrick Plumbing, Inc
Installation of 3 linear feet of 7foot hihg chainlink fence for christmas tree lot. See adr2014-00201 for approval of temporary sales.
Date:  November 19, 2014
Value:   $100

Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05240
2014/11/19100952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2014-00201 for temp sales approval.
Value:   $20

Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05242
20952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of temporary portable fence (290lf, 5foot tall) for christmas tree sales lot.
Date:  October 31, 2012
Value:   $10

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2012-05279
2012/10/3110952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temporary sign for temporary christmas tree lot. 32sf located on the fence located on the east side of the property. The fence is permitted under pmt2012-05279
Date:  November 14, 2012

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Permit id: Pmt2012-05486
2012/11/140952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Interior remodel of the safeway store -- 35, 216 sf. Changes to exterior facade approved through adr2010-00053. New type one hood & type two hood. (type one hood by separate permit).
Date:  July 12, 2010
Value:   $343,100

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 20, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant remodel | Permit id: Pmt2010-02050
2010/07/12343100992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
New backflow preventor
Date:  June 8, 2010
Value:   $5,334

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02160
2010/06/0853341002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCentral Fire Protection
New backflow preventor for weight watchers
Date:  June 8, 2010
Value:   $4,863

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 8, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02161
2010/06/0848631002798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCentral Fire Protection
Installation of 2 internally illuminated wall signs inchhealthstyles exercise equipmentinch inchexcercise equipmentinch in unit 204.
Date:  July 8, 2010
Value:   $8,000

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 14, 2015 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02646
2010/07/088000952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSchlosser Signs, Inc
Tennant finish sprinkler safeway re-model
Date:  July 19, 2010
Value:   $9,700

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02757
2010/07/199700992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Fire Protection Inc
New hood system for safeway deli
Date:  August 12, 2010
Value:   $1,600

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 13, 2010 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-03236
2010/08/121600952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell Lp
Installation of 5 new signs & relocation of one existing sign at the safeway store. This permit is for signs #1, #2, and #3. See pmt2010-03522 for signs #4, #5 & #6.
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $14,623

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 11, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-03521
2010/08/2314623952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Installation of 5 new signs & relocation of one existing sign at the safeway store. This permit is for signs #4, #5, and #6. See pmt2010-03521 for signs #1, #2 & #3.
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $7,097

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-03522
2010/08/237097952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Sign permit - for two (2) non-electric temporary wall signs for 7- days for inchsafeway grand re-openinginch.
Date:  October 28, 2010
Value:   $1,825

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 19, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-04657
2010/10/281825862798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYesco Custom Electric Sign
Christmas tree lot. See adr2007-00162 for approval
Date:  October 29, 2007

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Temporary event | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2007-04830
2007/10/290952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Rewire electrical circuit in front entry area of safeway for dvd rental machine.
Date:  March 24, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Mgd Electric

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-01149
2011/03/24300952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMgd Electric
Tenant remodel - for expansion of existing pharmacy at safeway #2911 to include new waiting area, new restroom, and new consultation office. Includes electrical, mechanical (at-grade condensing unit), and plumbing.
Date:  July 19, 2011
Value:   $250,000

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 8, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant remodel | Permit id: Pmt2011-02698
2011/07/19250000992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
Scope of work letter for safeway relocation of nine sprinkler heads due to new wall
Date:  July 27, 2011
Value:   $1,500

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-03098
2011/07/271500992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPrecision Fire Protection Inc
Tennant finish fire alarm for safe way pharmacy area
Date:  August 25, 2011
Value:   $2,700

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 30, 2011 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-03575
2011/08/252700992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoC And S Speciality Systems, Llc
Temporary christmas tree lot located in northwest corner of safeway parking lot, to be located outside of the conveyance zone. See adr2011-00191 for temporary sales approval.
Date:  November 14, 2011
Value:   $100

Client: Co-Arapaho Fw | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-04970
2011/11/14100952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of temporary fence for christmas tree lot. 2 linear feet of 7ft fence. Per conditions of adr2006-00179, no trailer allowed, only a small camper or shed, < 1 sf. Sign permit required for erection of a sign no larger than 4ft x 4 ft.
Date:  November 15, 2006
Value:   $150

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 20, 2007 | Permit id: Pmt2006-04913
2006/11/15150952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2014-00201 for temp sales approval.
Value:   $20

Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05242
20952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Fire alarm system - safeway
Date:  October 30, 2003
Value:   $13,000

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-04342
2003/10/3013000952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMeridian Fire And Security, Llc
Fire sprinkler system - safeway backflow
Date:  March 16, 2004
Value:   $1,800

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-04534
2004/03/161800992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComplete Fire Protection, Inc
Add pre built starbucks kiosk to existing safeway. Plumbing, electrical, approx, 256 sf.
Date:  November 9, 2004
Value:   $33,976

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 25, 2005 | Current use: Commercial/retail, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2004-04062
2004/11/0933976992798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPioneer General Contractors
Reroof of three buildings in arapahoe village shopping center. Spaces 14-23 and 24; 25
Date:  November 15, 2004
Value:   $114,293

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-04414
2004/11/15114293952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWeathersure Systems, Inc
Installation of two internally illuminated wall signs inchstarbucks coffeeinch on the safeway marketplace grocery store.
Date:  December 6, 2004
Value:   $1,080

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 30, 2007 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-04634
2004/12/061080952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Install 1-1 2inch domestic tap and 1-1 2inch irrigation tap.

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2006-00696
0952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCity Of Boulder Public Works
Replacement of internally illuminated wall sign with inchmaui wowi hawaiian coffees & smoothiesinch
Date:  November 13, 2006
Value:   $8,450
Contractor: Gardner Signs, Inc

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Restaurant, existing | Permit id: Pmt2006-04632
2006/11/138450952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGardner Signs, Inc
Build demising wall to seperate one tenant space into two future tenant spaces, some electrical and demo work also
Date:  March 7, 2007
Value:   $29,000

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 20, 2007 | Current use: Commercial/retail, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2007-00766
2007/03/0729000982798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTower One Construction Co
Sign permit application for new internally illuminated wall sign for cold stone creamery
Date:  February 28, 2008
Value:   $2,430

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 9, 2008 | Current use: Restaurant | Permit id: Pmt2008-00510
2008/02/282430952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Three new walls signs for safeway.
Value:   $20,809

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Wdn | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02638
20809952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Three new wall signs for safeway, to include pharmacy, starbucks, and signature cafe.
Value:   $10,051

Client: Retail Bpp | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Den | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2010-02639
10051952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Temporary grand opening banner for christmas tree sales. See adr2014-00201 for temp sales approval.
Value:   $20

Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-05242
20952798 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Erect permanent non-electric wall sign.
Date:  May 3, 2001

Client: Jack Lalan, Lalan | Applicant: Cashman/niwot Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/05/030951441 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCashman Niwot Sign Co
Erect permanent non-electric wall sign.
Date:  May 4, 2001
Value:   $200

Client: Jack Lalan | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-01711
2001/05/04200951441 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCashman Niwot Sign Co
Row - remove 2 silver maples; city of boulder project - pat bohin
Date:  May 15, 2001

Client: Of City | Applicant: Hayes Tree Service, Inc. | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: N&v
2001/05/150961021 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHayes Tree Service Inc
Row - remove 2 silver maples; city of boulder project - pat bohin
Date:  May 15, 2001

Client: Of City | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: N&v | Permit id: Pmt2001-01954
2001/05/150911021 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHayes Tree Service, Inc
Row - install meter pedestal for bus stop lighting
Date:  May 15, 2001

Client: R Name | Applicant: Aquasource Service And Tech | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Act
2001/05/150812902 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAquasource Service And Tech
Row - install meter pedestal for bus stop lighting

Client: R Name | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2001-01964
0812902 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAquasource Service And Tech
Service for usam, 1 amp
Date:  July 5, 2001
Contractor: Mc Kusker Electric

Client: David Carpenter | Applicant: Mc Kusker Electric | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 9, 2001 | Current use: Telecommunicati
2001/07/05010045 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMc Kusker Electric
Install usam cabinet
Date:  June 4, 2001
Contractor: The Fishel Company

Client: David Carpenter | Applicant: The Fishel Company | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2001/06/0408145 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoThe Fishel Company
Access to manhole for splicing
Date:  April 26, 2010

Client: David Carpenter | Applicant: Qwest Comm/centurylink | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2010/04/26010045 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoQwest Comm Centurylink
Non-structural interior repair resulting from burst plumbing. Scope of work includes replacement piping for water supply, replacement fixtures, new shower valve, installation of a vent fan in bathroom, and replacement of interior drywall and subflooring. Reference cpl2013-00006.
Date:  January 4, 2013
Value:   $2,648
Contractor: Robert Kulikowski

Client: Bank Us,Robert Kulikowski | Applicant: Robert Kulikowski | Permit type: Building, mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 3, 2013 | Current use: Single family d
2013/01/0426485645 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoRobert Kulikowski
Remove existing roofing and re-roof residence with dimensional shingles and epdm on low slope areas. 14 squares, roof pitch represented by owner to be 4:12 and 1:12.
Date:  June 10, 2013

Client: Robert Kulikowski | Applicant: Sunny Constructors & Roofing Llc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Single family d
2013/06/1009145 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSunny Constructors And Roofing Llc
Non-structural interior repair resulting from burst plumbing. Scope of work includes replacement piping for water supply, replacement fixtures, new shower valve, installation of a vent fan in bathroom, and replacement of interior drywall and subflooring. Reference cpl2013-00006.
Date:  January 4, 2013
Value:   $850

Client: Bank Us | Permit type: Building, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 3, 2013 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, repair | Permit id: Pmt2013-00068
2013/01/048509545 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Remove existing roofing and re-roof residence with dimensional shingles and epdm on low slope areas. 14 squares, roof pitch represented by owner to be 4:12 and 1:12.
Date:  June 10, 2013
Value:   $3,000

Client: Robert Kulikowski | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 7, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2013-02655
2013/06/1030009145 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSunny Constructors And Roofing Llc
Service for usam, 1 amp
Date:  July 5, 2001
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Mc Kusker Electric

Client: David Carpenter | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 9, 2001 | Current use: Telecommunications, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-02836
2001/07/05100010045 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMc Kusker Electric
Access to manhole for splicing
Date:  April 26, 2010

Client: David Carpenter | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2010-01491
2010/04/2609545 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replace 2 internally illuminated signs "conoco" on existing canopy.
Date:  April 24, 2006

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 3, 2007 | Current use: Service station
2006/04/240953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes two monument signs, and one canopy badge.
Date:  February 25, 2003

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Ad Light Sign Company, Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2003/02/250953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company Inc
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes two canopy badges and one wall sign "service".
Date:  February 25, 2003

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Ad Light Sign Company, Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2003/02/250953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company Inc
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes three wall signs for car wash "car wash", "enter", "exit".
Date:  February 25, 2003

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Ad Light Sign Company, Inc. | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2003/02/250953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company Inc
Sign permit to replace two free-standing signs with one "conoco" free-standing sign.
Date:  August 8, 2006

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Young Electric Sign Co | Permit type: Electrical, flood fe | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2006/08/080953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Replacement of an existing free-standing sign (with "bp" logo and price indicators at sw corner of property).
Date:  March 11, 2002
Value:   $4,000

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/03/114000953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Replace wall sign and head on a free stnading sign. (see pmt 2002-00254 for other signs this location)
Date:  January 28, 2002

Client: Enterprise Keith | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/01/280953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Replace three existing canopy signs. (see also pmt 2002- 00257 for more signs this location)
Date:  January 28, 2002

Client: Keith Enterprises Inc | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2002/01/280953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Erect three new signs attached to the canopy. The canopy is attached to the existing building. Reference pmt2001-02104.
Date:  September 6, 2001

Client: Amoco Corporation | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2001/09/060953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Modifications to existing signs because of name change from amoco to british petroleum.
Date:  May 22, 2001

Client: Amoco Corporation | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station
2001/05/220953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Repair sewer service in property
Date:  February 20, 2008

Client: Enterprise Keith | Applicant: Pipeline Industries, Inc | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Act
2008/02/200953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Industries Inc
New 1 sf pre-manufactured kiosk and 3,956 sf canopy for king soopers gas station. Includes electrical and plumbing.
Date:  August 16, 2011
Value:   $110,000

Client: Enterprise Keith | Applicant: Ktk General Contracting Limited | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Service station
2011/08/16110000703005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKtk General Contracting Limited
Demo permit - for removal of existing gas station building (2,222 sf) and canopy built in 1972. Includes removal of fueling tanks. See lur2011-00022 for floodplain development permit.
Date:  May 3, 2011

Client: Enterprise Keith | Applicant: Ktk General Contracting Limited | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 28, 2013 | Current use: Service station
2011/05/030703005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKtk General Contracting Limited
Roof drian connection into storm sewer inlet
Date:  September 14, 2011
Contractor: Job Concrete Inc

Client: Enterprise Keith | Applicant: Job Concrete, Inc | Permit type: Wastewater, right-of | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Service station
2011/09/140563005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJob Concrete Inc
Installation of three signs on the gas canopy of inchking soopers logoinch two other monument signs on same planset -- case number pmt2011-04198
Date:  October 10, 2011

Client: Sunrise 3005.0 | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/10/100953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Installation of two other monument signs for inchking soopers logoinch three signs on the gas canopy on same planset -- case number pmt2011-04196
Date:  October 12, 2011

Client: Sunrise 3005.0 | Applicant: Gordon Sign Company | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 20, 2012 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2011/10/120953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Occupy row to access existing aerial at 2992 shadow creek & 3005 arapahoe. Wo#31583
Date:  March 10, 2016

Client: Sunrise | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2016-00585
2016/03/100953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New 1 sf pre-manufactured kiosk and 3,956 sf canopy for king soopers gas station. Includes electrical and plumbing.
Date:  August 16, 2011
Value:   $38,698

Client: Enterprise Keith | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing, water, wastewater, flood lur case | Permit status: Co | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, new | Permit id: Pmt2011-01609
2011/08/1638698703005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKtk General Contracting Limited
Roof drian connection into storm sewer inlet
Date:  September 14, 2011
Contractor: Job Concrete, Inc

Client: Enterprise Keith | Permit type: Wastewater, right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2011-03916
2011/09/140613005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJob Concrete, Inc
Installation of three signs on the gas canopy of inchking soopers + logoinch two other monument signs on same planset -- case number pmt2011-04198
Date:  October 13, 2011
Value:   $9,999

Client: Sunrise | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-04196
2011/10/139999953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Installation of two other monument signs for inchking soopers + logoinch three signs on the gas canopy on same planset -- case number pmt2011-04196
Date:  October 13, 2011
Value:   $8,880

Client: Sunrise | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: January 20, 2012 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2011-04198
2011/10/138880953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Modifications to existing signs because of name change from amoco to british petroleum.
Value:   $4,960

Client: Amoco Corporation | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2001-02104
4960953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Erect three new signs attached to the canopy. The canopy is attached to the existing building. Reference pmt2001-02104.
Value:   $1,500

Client: Amoco Corporation | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2001-03950
1500953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Replace three existing canopy signs. (see also pmt 2002- 00257 for more signs this location)
Date:  January 28, 2002
Value:   $1,500

Client: Keith Enterprises Inc | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00254
2002/01/281500953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Replace wall sign and head on a free stnading sign. (see pmt 2002-00254 for other signs this location)
Date:  January 30, 2002
Value:   $4,025

Client: Enterprise Keith | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00257
2002/01/304025953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Replacement of an existing free-standing sign (with inchbpinch logo and price indicators at sw corner of property).
Date:  March 15, 2002
Value:   $4,000

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Electrical, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00484
2002/03/154000953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGordon Sign Company
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes two monument signs, and one canopy badge.
Date:  February 28, 2003
Value:   $6,500

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2003-00577
2003/02/286500953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company, Inc
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes two canopy badges and one wall sign inchserviceinch.
Date:  February 28, 2003
Value:   $1,300

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2003-00578
2003/02/281300953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company, Inc
Install signage for re-branding from amoco to bp, includes three wall signs for car wash inchcar washinch, inchenterinch, inchexitinch.
Date:  February 28, 2003
Value:   $1,100

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2003-00579
2003/02/281100953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAd Light Sign Company, Inc
Replace 2 internally illuminated signs inchconocoinch on existing canopy.
Date:  April 27, 2006
Value:   $538

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 3, 2007 | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2006-01419
2006/04/27538953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Sign permit to replace two free-standing signs with one inchconocoinch free-standing sign.
Date:  August 9, 2006
Value:   $6,958

Client: Corporatio Amoco | Permit type: Electrical, flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service station/vehicular repair, existi | Permit id: Pmt2006-03137
2006/08/096958953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoYoung Electric Sign Co
Repair sewer service in property

Client: Enterprise Keith | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2008-00584
0953005 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Industries, Inc
Total tear off and over lay with three tab. 6 12 pitch, squares.
Date:  May 30, 2001
Contractor: Stahl Roofing Inc

Client: Cletus Haskovec | Applicant: Stahl Roofing, Inc. | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 15, 2002 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/05/3001002135 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoStahl Roofing Inc
Total tear off and over lay with three tab. 6 12 pitch, squares.
Date:  May 30, 2001
Value:   $1,607
Contractor: Stahl Roofing, Inc

Client: Cletus Haskovec | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 15, 2002 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-02208
2001/05/3016071002135 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoStahl Roofing, Inc
Partial tear-off and overlay with mechanically attahced 36 mil fibertite. 64 squares.
Date:  November 23, 2004
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Black Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Commercial/reta
2004/11/2309536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Repair existing sewer service in property only
Date:  May 31, 2001
Contractor: Drain O Rooter

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees For | Applicant: Drain O Rooter | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Act
2001/05/3109536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDrain O Rooter
Sign permit for internally illuminated monument sign using existing base. "lighting plus inc. Boulder valley appliance" and changing led message sign - one change per minute.
Date:  June 29, 2007
Contractor: Supersign Inc

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Supersign* Inc | Permit type: Electrical, flood fe | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 10, 2008 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2007/06/2909536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSupersign Inc
Remodel of existing retail space. No structural changes convert existing bath into ada. No change in plumbing fixture count. 30 sf.
Date:  August 22, 2007
Value:   $58,200

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Banister Construction Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 9, 2009 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2007/08/22582005936 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBanister Construction Inc
Electrical service change for 8 amp non-residential service.
Date:  April 17, 2008

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Tru-Craft Electric Corporation | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 11, 2009 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2008/04/1709536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTrucraft Electric Corporation
Interior non-structural demolition, for vanilla shell
Date:  January 24, 2012
Contractor: Sand Construction

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Sand Construction | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 27, 2012 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2012/01/2409536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSand Construction
Interior remodel of existing retail building for greenwood wildlife consignment gallery. Scope of work preparations for one wheelchair lift and one material lift, installation of new accessible bathroom, dressing rooms and associated finishes, electrical and plumbing work.
Date:  March 6, 2012
Value:   $94,000
Contractor: Sand Construction

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Sand Construction | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 26, 2012 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2012/03/06940009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSand Construction
Installation of non-illuminated vinyl signage in windows of unit #a inchfurniture, jewelry, home decor, logoinch
Date:  April 18, 2012

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Silversprings Signs & Graphics Inc | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 19, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/reta
2012/04/1809136 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSilversprings Signs And Graphics Inc
Trench from private parking lot to back of curb in row to place new cable
Date:  November 21, 2013
Contractor: Comcast

Client: Phyllis Trustees F,Raymond King | Applicant: Comcast | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2013/11/21010036 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoComcast
Lane closure to install one 2inch conduit from comcast handhole to cu property (near araphoe & marine st)
Date:  May 20, 2014

Client: Raymond King,Phyllis Trustees F | Applicant: Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2014/05/20010036 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSturgeon Electric Company Inc
Replace water heater in same location.
Date:  April 12, 2016
Value:   $800

Client: Family King | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2016-01582
2016/04/128009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPlanet Plumbing, Inc
Trench from private parking lot to back of curb in row to place new cable
Date:  November 21, 2013

Client: Phyllis Trustees F | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2013-06377
2013/11/2109536 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Lane closure to install one 2inch conduit from comcast handhole to cu property (near araphoe & marine st)
Date:  May 20, 2014

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2014-02305
2014/05/2009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSturgeon Electric Company, Inc
Interior remodel of existing retail building for greenwood wildlife consignment gallery. Scope of work preparations for one wheelchair lift and one material lift, installation of new accessible bathroom, dressing rooms and associated finishes, electrical and plumbing work.
Date:  March 7, 2012
Value:   $94,000
Contractor: Sand Construction

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing, flood accessory/remodel | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 26, 2012 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant remodel | Permit id: Pmt2012-00641
2012/03/07940009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSand Construction
Installation of non-illuminated vinyl signage in windows of unit #a inchfurniture, jewelry, home decor, logoinch
Date:  April 19, 2012
Value:   $315

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 19, 2013 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2012-01596
2012/04/193159136 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSilversprings Signs And Graphics Inc
Partial tear-off and overlay with mechanically attahced 36 mil fibertite. 64 squares.
Date:  November 24, 2004
Value:   $17,136
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2004-04542
2004/11/24171369536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Sign permit for internally illuminated monument sign using existing base. Inchlighting plus inc. Boulder valley applianceinch and changing led message sign - one change per minute.
Date:  June 29, 2007
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Supersign Inc

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Electrical, flood fence flood permit, sign | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 10, 2008 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2007-02696
2007/06/29150009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSupersign Inc
Remodel of existing retail space. No structural changes convert existing bath into ada. No change in plumbing fixture count. 30 sf.
Date:  August 30, 2007
Value:   $58,200

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 9, 2009 | Current use: Commercial/retail, tenant remodel | Permit id: Pmt2007-03088
2007/08/30582005936 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBanister Construction Inc
Electrical service change for 8 amp non-residential service.
Date:  April 17, 2008
Value:   $19,000

Client: Raymond King | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 11, 2009 | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2008-01453
2008/04/17190009536 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoTrucraft Electric Corporation
Install new fence.
Date:  June 13, 2001
Contractor: David Pickner

Client: David Pickner | Applicant: David Pickner | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2001 | Current use: Single family d
2001/06/13056359 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoDavid Pickner
Upgrade of residential electrical service to 1 amps, for single family detached dwelling.
Date:  May 7, 2015

Client: Philip Zajicek,Elizabeth Zajicek | Applicant: 1st Choice Electric & Service | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 1, 2015 | Current use: Single family d
2015/05/07061359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co1st Choice Electric And Service
Remove shingles on portion of roof and re-roof with dimensional shingles. 2 squares, roof pitch represented to be 3:12.
Date:  May 21, 2015
Contractor: Elizabeth Zajicek

Client: Philip Zajicek,Elizabeth Zajicek | Applicant: Elizabeth Zajicek | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family d
2015/05/21056359 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoElizabeth Zajicek
Overhead to undergrd elect.
Date:  August 15, 1986
Value:   $75

Permit type: Electrical service change | Permit id: Bp-86-0863
1986/08/157595359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Overhead to undergrd elect.
Date:  August 15, 1986

Permit type: Electrical service change | Permit id: Bp-86-0863
1986/08/15095359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Install new fence.
Date:  June 14, 2001
Value:   $1,000

Client: David Pickner | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: December 5, 2001 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-02493
2001/06/14100095359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Upgrade of residential electrical service to 1 amps, for single family detached dwelling.
Date:  May 7, 2015
Value:   $2,000

Client: Philip Zajicek | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 1, 2015 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-01738
2015/05/07200061359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co1st Choice Electric And Service
Remove shingles on portion of roof and re-roof with dimensional shingles. 2 squares, roof pitch represented to be 3:12.
Date:  May 21, 2015
Value:   $600

Client: Philip Zajicek | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-01980
2015/05/2160095359 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Install gas line to detached accessory building.
Date:  July 9, 2001

Client: Kenneth Bernstein, Bernstein | Applicant: Mesa Plumbing & Mechanical Inc | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 2, 2001 | Current use: Single family d
2001/07/090100369 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMesa Plumbing And Mechanical Inc
Remove existing shingles and re-roof single-family residence with dimensional shingles. 15 squares, roof pitch represented by contractor to be 7:12.
Date:  June 30, 2011
Contractor: 3 R Roofing Llc

Client: Kenneth Bernstein | Applicant: 3 R Roofing, Llc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2011 | Current use: Single family d
2011/06/30096369 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co3 R Roofing Llc
Installation of a subpanel to serve the rear efficiency unit. Separate service main and separate service drop not authorized -- parcel only allowed to be sreved by one drop and one main service.
Date:  October 25, 2012

Client: Kenneth Bernstein | Applicant: Positive Energy, Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Single family d
2012/10/25096369 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPositive Energy Inc
Install gas line to detached accessory building.
Date:  July 9, 2001
Value:   $500

Client: Kenneth Bernstein | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 2, 2001 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-02883
2001/07/09500100369 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMesa Plumbing And Mechanical Inc
Installation of a subpanel to serve the rear efficiency unit. Separate service main and separate service drop not authorized -- parcel only allowed to be sreved by one drop and one main service.
Date:  October 25, 2012
Value:   $900

Client: Kenneth Bernstein | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2012-05187
2012/10/2590095369 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPositive Energy, Inc
Remove existing shingles and re-roof single-family residence with dimensional shingles. 15 squares, roof pitch represented by contractor to be 7:12.
Date:  June 30, 2011
Value:   $6,900
Contractor: 3 R Roofing, Llc

Client: Kenneth Bernstein | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 15, 2011 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2011-02762
2011/06/30690095369 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co3 R Roofing, Llc
Replacement forced air furnace
Date:  August 21, 2017
Value:   $1,500

Client: Properties Scheinmen | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2017-20361
2017/08/21150095369 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMeyers Heating And A C
Rebuild an existing fence along drive way, add gate between house and end of fence. Add new fence going from front of deck to front property line along west porperty line.
Date:  February 5, 2002

Client: Maki Masoa | Applicant: Lost Elk Builders Inc | Permit type: Flood over-the-count | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 13, 2002 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2002/02/050912227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLost Elk Builders Inc
Re-roof with 30-year dimensional shingles.
Date:  July 30, 2001
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Masoa Maki | Applicant: Black Roofing Inc | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 4, 2001 | Current use: Multifamily dwe
2001/07/300952227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Tree trimming removal temporary bucket truck set-up -- project for c. O. B. Forestry, (kathleen).
Date:  July 11, 2008

Client: Masoa Maki | Applicant: Ironwood Earthcare, Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2008/07/110992227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIronwood Earthcare Inc
Re-roof with 30-year dimensional shingles.
Date:  July 31, 2001
Value:   $3,720
Contractor: Black Roofing Inc

Client: Masoa Maki | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 4, 2001 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-03296
2001/07/313720952227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoBlack Roofing Inc
Tree trimming removal temporary bucket truck set-up -- project for c. O. B. Forestry, (kathleen).
Date:  July 11, 2008

Client: Masoa Maki | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2008-02879
2008/07/110952227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoIronwood Earthcare, Inc
Rebuild an existing fence along drive way, add gate between house and end of fence. Add new fence going from front of deck to front property line along west porperty line.
Date:  February 5, 2002
Value:   $2,000

Client: Maki Masoa | Permit type: Flood over-the-counter permit, fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: February 13, 2002 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00463
2002/02/052000912227 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLost Elk Builders Inc
Construct new fence as shown on the attached ilc
Date:  August 30, 2001

Client: Peter Wayne,Roger Walker | Applicant: Harrison Fence & Deck | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d
2001/08/30095373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHarrison Fence And Deck
Construct new 14 x uncovered deck. Deck must be less than inches in height.
Date:  August 30, 2001
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Peter Wayne

Client: Peter Wayne | Applicant: Peter Wayne | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family d
2001/08/30300062373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPeter Wayne
Replacement forced air furnace
Date:  November 7, 2007

Client: Boris Khattatov | Applicant: Save Home Heat Co., Inc. | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 20, 2007 | Current use: Single family d
2007/11/070100373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSave Home Heat Co. Inc
New wrought iron fence 4foot in height and 72foot in length.
Date:  May 16, 2014
Contractor: Amy Khattatov

Client: Boris Khattatov,Amy Khattatov | Applicant: Amy Khattatov | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 3, 2014 | Current use: Single family d
2014/05/16056373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoAmy Khattatov
Construct new 14foot x 30foot uncovered deck. Deck must be less than inches in height.
Date:  September 21, 2001
Value:   $3,000

Client: Peter Wayne | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-03832
2001/09/21300095373 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Construct new fence as shown on the attached ilc
Date:  September 6, 2001
Value:   $1,700

Client: Peter Wayne | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-03849
2001/09/06170095373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoHarrison Fence And Deck
New wrought iron fence 4foot in height and 72foot in length.
Date:  May 19, 2014
Value:   $2,500

Client: Boris Khattatov | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: June 3, 2014 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2014-02290
2014/05/19250095373 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Replacement forced air furnace
Date:  November 7, 2007
Value:   $2,376

Client: Boris Khattatov | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 20, 2007 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2007-20328
2007/11/072376100373 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSave Home Heat Co., Inc
Construct approximately 16 feet of 6 foot high cedar privacy fencing.
Date:  September 7, 2001
Contractor: Stuart Boyce

Client: Stuart Boyce,Joanna Boyce | Applicant: Stuart Boyce | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 22, 2001 | Current use: Single family d
2001/09/07056455 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoStuart Boyce
Construct approximately 16 feet of 6 foot high cedar privacy fencing.
Date:  September 12, 2001
Value:   $250

Client: Stuart Boyce | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 22, 2001 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-03953
2001/09/1225095455 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New detached carport.
Date:  December 18, 2001
Value:   $10,000

Client: Carol Olson | Applicant: James Pettit Construction | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: May 17, 2002 | Current use: Single family d
2001/12/181000095497 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJames Pettit Construction
Construct new detached carport.
Date:  September 26, 2001
Value:   $10,000

Client: Carol Olson | Applicant: James Pettit Construction | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Act | Current use: Single family d
2001/09/261000095497 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJames Pettit Construction
In property sewer repair.
Date:  June 8, 2015
Contractor: Nixcavating Inc

Client: Carol Olson | Applicant: Nixcavating, Inc | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family a
2015/06/080100497 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating Inc
In property sewer repair.
Date:  June 8, 2015
Contractor: Nixcavating, Inc

Client: Carol Olson | Permit type: Wastewater | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family attached dwelling | Permit id: Pmt2015-02240
2015/06/08095497 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoNixcavating, Inc
Construct new detached carport.
Value:   $10,000

Client: Carol Olson | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2001-04260
1000095497 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoJames Pettit Construction
Replace portion of fence in rear of property with 6-foot cedar fence.
Date:  September 27, 2001

Client: Arapahoe 1920.0 | Applicant: Mobile Maintenance & Const. | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta
2001/09/2706719 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMobile Maintenance And Const
Replace portion of fence in rear of property with 6-foot cedar fence.
Date:  September 27, 2001
Value:   $600

Client: Arapahoe | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2001-04298
2001/09/276006719 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMobile Maintenance And Const
Fire sprinkler system - 1st floor (bldg e)
Date:  July 29, 2003

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Western States Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Office - profes
2003/07/290954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Fire sprinkler system - bldg. E
Date:  February 26, 2003

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Western States Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Medical and den
2003/02/260954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Fire alarm system
Date:  December 5, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Ludvik Electric Company | Permit type: Fire, flood not requ | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 6, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/12/050954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLudvik Electric Company
Fire suppression system - kitchen hood systems
Date:  October 29, 2002
Contractor: Simplex Grinnell

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Simplex Grinnell | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 11, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/10/290954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell
Floodplain development permit for construction of the core and shell of the boulder community hospital east campus.
Date:  December 19, 2002
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Flood standard permi | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/12/190984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
Install tele communication manhole in 48th
Date:  October 28, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Mile Hi Backhoe Service, Inc. | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2002/10/280724835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMile Hi Backhoe Service Inc
Fire sprinkler system - bch
Date:  October 9, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Western States Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/10/090954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Six new passenger elevators. 1 & 3,5 lbs, 1 @ 4,5 lbs, 4 @ 50 lbs.
Date:  September 4, 2002

Client: Boulder Community Hospital | Applicant: Otis Elevator Company | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 2, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/09/040954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Fire sprinkler system - cup
Date:  August 14, 2002

Client: Boulder Community Hospital | Applicant: Western States Fire Protection | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service industr
2002/08/140954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
8" water tap on 48th street
Date:  April 3, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Pipeline Contractors Inc | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/04/030844835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors Inc
6" fireline tap - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt2001-04774
Date:  March 28, 2002
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act
2002/03/280984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
New hospital core & shell. Fees associated with this case are assessed to pmt 2000-04774
Date:  March 26, 2002
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/03/260984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
New hospital core & shell. All fees associated with this case are attached to pmt2001-04774
Date:  March 26, 2002
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/03/260984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
New hospital core & shell - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt 2001-04774
Date:  March 26, 2002
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/03/260984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
Installation of a 10,0 gallon dw (diesel) underground fuel tank for emergency fuel.
Date:  March 19, 2002
Value:   $83,808

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Kubat Equipment & Service Co | Permit type: Building, mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/03/1983808774835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKubat Equipment And Service Co
Install 2,677 lf water, 705 lf sanitary sewer 2,082 lf storm sewer mains & services.
Date:  March 7, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Pipeline Contractors Inc | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2002/03/070844835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors Inc
Installation of water, sewer & storm sewer mains
Date:  February 25, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Pipeline Contractors, Inc. | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: N&v
2002/02/250844835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors Inc
Install new water and sewer taps for the construction trailor.
Date:  January 24, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Mile Hi Backhoe Service, Inc. | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss
2002/01/240724835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMile Hi Backhoe Service Inc
New hospital, core and shell (see case notes for setback comment). 17. 5 x 8. 5 parking spaces approved.
Date:  March 7, 2002
Value:   $25,000,000

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Gerald H Phipps Inc | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Co | Current use: Hospital/instit
2002/03/0725000000994835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGerald H Phipps Inc
New water and sewer tap for construction trailor meter was installed on 02 01 2002 (lisalong)
Date:  December 20, 2001
Contractor: Community Boulder

Client: Community Boulder | Applicant: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act
2001/12/200984835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoCommunity Boulder
New hospital, core and shell (see case notes for setback comment). 17. 5foot x 8. 5foot parking spaces approved.
Date:  March 7, 2002
Value:   $4,999,999

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater, sitework | Permit status: Co | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2001-04774
2002/03/074999999994835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoGerald H Phipps Inc
New water and sewer tap for construction trailor meter was installed on 02 01 2002 (lisalong)

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2001-05528
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Install new water and sewer taps for the construction trailor.
Date:  January 24, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2002-00202
2002/01/240724835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMile Hi Backhoe Service, Inc
Install 2,677 lf water, 705 lf sanitary sewer 2,082 lf storm sewer mains & services.
Date:  March 7, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2002-00800
2002/03/070844835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors Inc
New hospital core & shell - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt 2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01081
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New hospital core & shell. All fees associated with this case are attached to pmt2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01087
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New hospital core & shell. Fees associated with this case are assessed to pmt 2000-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01096
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
6" fireline tap - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2002-01118
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Install tele communication manhole in 48th
Date:  October 28, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: Iss | Permit id: Pmt2002-04660
2002/10/280724835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoMile Hi Backhoe Service, Inc
Floodplain development permit for construction of the core and shell of the boulder community hospital east campus.
Date:  December 19, 2002

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Flood standard permit | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-04663
2002/12/190954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New water and sewer tap for construction trailor meter was installed on 02 01 2002 (lisalong)

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2001-05528
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New water and sewer tap for construction trailor meter was installed on 02 01 2002 (lisalong)

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2001-05528
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
Installation of water, sewer & storm sewer mains

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Right-of-way | Permit status: N&v | Permit id: Pmt2002-00710
0564835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors, Inc
Installation of a 10,0 gallon dw (diesel) underground fuel tank for emergency fuel.
Value:   $83,808

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Building, mechanical | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-00989
83808774835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoKubat Equipment And Service Co
New hospital core & shell - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt 2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01081
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New hospital core & shell. All fees associated with this case are attached to pmt2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01087
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
New hospital core & shell. Fees associated with this case are assessed to pmt 2000-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water, wastewater | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, core and shell | Permit id: Pmt2002-01096
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
6inch fireline tap - all fees for this permit are associated with pmt2001-04774

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Permit id: Pmt2002-01118
0954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder Co
8inch water tap on 48th street

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Water | Permit status: Act | Current use: Hospital/institutional, new | Permit id: Pmt2002-01221
0844835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoPipeline Contractors Inc
Fire sprinkler system - cup
Date:  October 9, 2002
Value:   $7,000

Client: Boulder Community Hospital | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Service industrial, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03494
2002/10/097000954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Six new passenger elevators. 1 & 3,5 lbs, 1 @ 4,5 lbs, 4 @ 50 lbs.
Date:  January 21, 2003
Value:   $511,700

Client: Boulder Community Hospital | Permit type: Elevator | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 2, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-03770
2003/01/21511700954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoOtis Elevator Company
Fire sprinkler system - bch
Date:  October 9, 2002
Value:   $200,000

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-04401
2002/10/09200000954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Fire suppression system - kitchen hood systems
Date:  November 7, 2002
Value:   $8,800
Contractor: Simplex Grinnell

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: July 11, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-04712
2002/11/078800954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoSimplex Grinnell
Fire alarm system
Date:  December 11, 2002
Value:   $116,000

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Fire, flood not required | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: October 6, 2003 | Current use: Hospital/institutional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2002-05141
2002/12/11116000954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoLudvik Electric Company
Fire sprinkler system - bldg. E
Date:  March 3, 2003
Value:   $110,000

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Medical and dental clinics, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-00724
2003/03/03110000954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection
Fire sprinkler system - 1st floor (bldg e)
Date:  August 2, 2003
Value:   $11,000

Client: Community Boulder | Permit type: Fire | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Office - professional, existing | Permit id: Pmt2003-03059
2003/08/0211000954835 Arapahoe Av Boulder CoWestern States Fire Protection

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