Building Permits at 1413 S 18th St Philadelphia PA 191464743

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Alteration permit
Date:  June 11, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 476655
2013/06/110951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 4743
Plumbing permit
Date:  November 1, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 503827
2013/11/010951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 4743
Electrical permit
Date:  March 20, 2014

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 525122
2014/03/200951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 4743
Electrical permit
Date:  March 20, 2014

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 525122
2014/03/200951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743
Alteration permit
Date:  December 16, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 511478
2013/12/160951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743
Plumbing permit
Date:  November 1, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 503827
2013/11/010951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743
Furnish and install new 100amp service and replace lights and recepts as per 2008 nec (south district)
Date:  March 20, 2014

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 19, 2017 | Permit id: 525122
2014/03/200891413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743Durian Electric Llc
Remove and replace two story front facade on single family dwelling. New facade shall be four inch cmu with four inch brick facing.
Date:  December 16, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 22, 2014 | Permit id: 511478
2013/12/1601001413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743Dd Fox Construction Llc
2-bathtubs, 3-wc, 3-sink & 1-kitchen sink (sfd) pa20133032801
Date:  November 1, 2013
Contractor: Norman Cole Sr,

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 19, 2016 | Permit id: 503827
2013/11/0101001413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743Norman Cole Sr,
Remove and replace rotted floor joists at second floor level only. Interior renovation to include reframe interior partitions and sheetrock same. Install new stairs from first to second floor.
Date:  October 10, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 18, 2016 | Permit id: 492108
2013/10/1001001413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743Dd Fox Construction Llc
No structural changes. Must maintain all code required fire rating on wall and floor ceiling assemblies. Replacement of doors & windows in existing openings. All work to be performed by homeowner. No contractor on site.
Date:  June 11, 2013

Client: Rachkis Bernadine | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 4, 2014 | Permit id: 476655
2013/06/110951413 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 191464743

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