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SCORE 100 Revise brick ties at northface subject to field inspections Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100614797 |
SCORE 56 Third floor addition (4a construction) to existing single family residence as per plan (previous permit # 100559946). With fire sprinkler system entire house & new exterior back yard fireplace. Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100574723 |
SCORE 95 Self certification review: erect frame single family residence (4a construction) with roof top deck and detached 2 car frame garage (4a construction) as per plan.(conditional permit subject to field inspections) Permit type: Permit - new constru | Permit id: 100559946 |
SCORE 95 Self certification review: erect frame single family residence (4a construction) with roof top deck and detached 2 car frame garage (4a construction) as per plan.(conditional permit subject to field inspections) Permit type: Permit - new construction | Permit id: 100559946 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a 2 story masonry building in front of property Permit type: Permit - wrecking/de | Permit id: 100559453 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a 1 story frame building in reae of property Permit type: Permit - wrecking/de | Permit id: 100559456 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a 1 story frame building in reae of property Permit type: Permit - wrecking/demolition | Permit id: 100559456 |
SCORE 100 Wreck and remove a 2 story masonry building in front of property Permit type: Permit - wrecking/demolition | Permit id: 100559453 |
SCORE 89 New 200 amps service with 2 meter sockets Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100286649 |
SCORE 89 New 2 amps service with 2 meter sockets Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100286649 |