Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Tenant improvement-interior renovation of office area including wall partitions/ ceiling grid/ casework. Total area of construction 10/287 sq ft. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Brock Williams | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-09359 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physio-control inc 1st floor entry & dining room. Add lighting revision/ power and data outlets customer paid for:(6) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Patrick Rutherford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11739 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Physio control - installing 2 kitchen sinks and 2 electric water heaters for a total of 4 fixtures. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kristina Reynolds | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2013-11928 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Renovation of the front entry/lobby/ cafe/ office area including wall partitions/ ceilings/ casework on the second level. Area of construction is 12/8 sq ft. All interior work/ no exterior alteration. Physio control. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Brock Williams | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-09248 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Add and relocate sprinklers on the existing system to accomodate new walls and ceilings of the lobby/cafeteria remodel. ![]() Applicant: Nikki Verner | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-11997 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Physio control-north bldg 2nd flr - fire alarm revisions to accommodate revisions to floor 2 of the north building ![]() Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-00245 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Installing thermostats for 3 zone controlled dampers. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00313 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Installation of split system heat pump with applicable ducting/ revisions to 3 existing duct systems. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2014-00312 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Physio control south bldg- installation of low voltage security system. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06291 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physio control north bldg - installation of low voltage security system. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06293 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Physio-control inc. North building entry way - fabens/ ben (206-423-3733) - install path lights for entry ramp and lights under ramp. Applicant paid for 1 new circuit. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07053 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Calt- physio-control inc. Replacement of existing handrail and path lighting at west entry of north building. Scope of work includes removal of the existing exterior soffits and replacement of overhead lighting. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-05858 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
Sopa physiocontrol - south bldg guest center and boardroom- whitlock- 425-861-3484low voltage wiring and installation of audio visual conferencing equipment customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Mike Whitt | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-10004 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Ti: physiocontrol - south bldg/ 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr / legal offices and conference rooms. Tenant improvement including demolition of existing walls/ suspended ceiling/ light fixtures/ diffusers/ and finishes/ and installation of new walls/ suspended ceiling/ light fixtures/ diffusers/ and finishes. Electrical/ mechanical/ fire sprinkler/ fire alarm and security components to be design-build by others. Total area of work 3/945 sq. Ft. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-09307 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Comm ti: physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - alterations to 1st & 2nd floor restrooms/ lactation room and womens lounge (1/089 sf) tenant improvement including demolition of existing walls/ suspended ceiling/ light fixtures/ diffusers/ and finishes/ and installation of new walls/ suspended ceiling/ light fixtures/ diffusers/ and finishes. 2009 icc/ansi. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10192 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Ti: physiocontrol - south bldg/ 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr wire offices and main area of hr ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03601 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Comm ti: physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - alterations to 1st & 2nd floor restrooms/ lactation room and womens lounge (1/089 sf) wire 2 bathrooms on both the 1st and 2nd floor ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03602 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physiocontrol - south bldg/ 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr / legal offices and conference rooms. Relocate existing voice and data cable. Add up to 48 new cat 5e cables. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Gordon Stewart | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03637 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - move fixtures for new layout. Customer paid for (12) bathroom sinks/ (10) toilets/ (2) urinals. 360-708-0316 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Fred Osterhout | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-04308 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physiocontrol - south bldg/ 1st floor (north area) - add and relocate sprinkler heads for new walls and ceilings. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Doug Buehler | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-04894 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physiocontrol - south bldg/ 1st floor (north area) - 253-852-1962 - addition of (4) ceiling mounted system sensor horn strobes to hr/legal area. Devices will connect to existing devices with 14/4 wire. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Mark Arena | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-05640 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Sopa - south bldg - physio control valley elec duct detectors - 425-522-1226 - provide wiring per code to furnish and program (21) monitor modules for new hvac duct detectors. Customer paid for:(21) service - altered ![]() ![]() Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07714 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Physio control south bldg. Replace existing hvac rooftop units with new rooftop units with dx cooling and gas heating. Demolish perimeter baseboard heaters on second floor and install new heaters/ heating capacity to be matched. 65 total units. There is also structural work to reinforce roof for weight of new units included on this permit. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ellisa Lim | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-02653 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
Sopa - physio control - south building - 206-852-8184 - replace power to rooftop units/ and replace baseboard heaters customer paid for:(12) new circuit/ (15) feeder ![]() ![]() Applicant: Valley Electric-General Valley Electric-General | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-05508 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio-control inc 1st floor entry & dining room. Add lighting revision power and data outlets customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Patrick Rutherford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11739 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renovation of the front entry lobby cafe office area including wall partitions ceilings casework on the second level. Area of construction is 12 8 sq ft. All interior work no exterior alteration. Physio control. Applicant: Brock Williams | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-09248 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 69 Tenant improvement-interior renovation of office area including wall partitions ceiling grid casework. Total area of construction 10 287 sq ft. Applicant: Brock Williams | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-09359 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installing thermostats for 3 zone controlled dampers. Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00313 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control south bldg- installation of low voltage security system. Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06291 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control north bldg - installation of low voltage security system. Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06293 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio-control inc. North building entry way - fabens ben (206-423-3733) - install path lights for entry ramp and lights under ramp. Applicant paid for 1 new circuit. Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07053 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 100 Calt- physio-control inc. Replacement of existing handrail and path lighting at west entry of north building. Scope of work includes removal of the existing exterior soffits and replacement of overhead lighting. Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-05858 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa physiocontrol - south bldg guest center and boardroom- whitlock- 425-861-3484low voltage wiring and installation of audio visual conferencing equipment customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Mike Whitt | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-10004 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 69 Ti: physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr legal offices and conference rooms. Tenant improvement including demolition of existing walls suspended ceiling light fixtures diffusers and finishes and installation of new walls suspended ceiling light fixtures diffusers and finishes. Electrical mechanical fire sprinkler fire alarm and security components to be design-build by others. Total area of work 3 945 sq. Ft. Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-09307 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 69 Comm ti: physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - alterations to 1st & 2nd floor restrooms lactation room and womens lounge (1 089 sf) tenant improvement including demolition of existing walls suspended ceiling light fixtures diffusers and finishes and installation of new walls suspended ceiling light fixtures diffusers and finishes. 2009 icc ansi. Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10192 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti: physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr wire offices and main area of hr Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03601 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti: physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - alterations to 1st & 2nd floor restrooms lactation room and womens lounge (1 089 sf) wire 2 bathrooms on both the 1st and 2nd floor Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03602 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr legal offices and conference rooms. Relocate existing voice and data cable. Add up to 48 new cat 5e cables. Applicant: Gordon Stewart | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03637 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 84 Sopa - south bldg - physio control valley elec duct detectors - 425-522-1226 - provide wiring per code to furnish and program (21) monitor modules for new hvac duct detectors. Customer paid for:(21) service - altered Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07714 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - physio control - south building - 206-852-8184 - replace power to rooftop units and replace baseboard heaters customer paid for:(12) new circuit (15) feeder Applicant: Valley Electric-General Valley Electric-General | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-05508 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add and relocate sprinklers on the existing system to accomodate new walls and ceilings of the lobby cafeteria remodel. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Verner | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-11997 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 84 Physio control-north bldg 2nd flr - fire alarm revisions to accommodate revisions to floor 2 of the north building ![]() ![]() Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-00245 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 70 Physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - add and relocate sprinkler heads for new walls and ceilings. Applicant: Doug Buehler | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-04894 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - 253-852-1962 - addition of (4) ceiling mounted system sensor horn strobes to hr legal area. Devices will connect to existing devices with 14 4 wire. Applicant: Mark Arena | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-05640 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 88 Physio control - installing 2 kitchen sinks and 2 electric water heaters for a total of 4 fixtures. Applicant: Kristina Reynolds | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2013-11928 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of split system heat pump with applicable ducting revisions to 3 existing duct systems. Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2014-00312 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 59 Physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - move fixtures for new layout. Customer paid for (12) bathroom sinks (10) toilets (2) urinals. 360-708-0316 Applicant: Fred Osterhout | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-04308 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control south bldg. Replace existing hvac rooftop units with new rooftop units with dx cooling and gas heating. Demolish perimeter baseboard heaters on second floor and install new heaters heating capacity to be matched. 65 total units. There is also structural work to reinforce roof for weight of new units included on this permit. Applicant: Ellisa Lim | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-02653 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio-control inc 1st floor entry & dining room. Add lighting revision power and data outlets customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Patrick Rutherford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11739 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renovation of the front entry lobby cafe office area including wall partitions ceilings casework on the second level. Area of construction is 12 8 sq ft. All interior work no exterior alteration. Physio control. Applicant: Brock Williams | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-09248 | |||||
SCORE 88 Physio control - installing 2 kitchen sinks and 2 electric water heaters for a total of 4 fixtures. Applicant: Kristina Reynolds | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2013-11928 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add and relocate sprinklers on the existing system to accomodate new walls and ceilings of the lobby cafeteria remodel. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Verner | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-11997 | |||||
SCORE 84 Physio control-north bldg 2nd flr - fire alarm revisions to accommodate revisions to floor 2 of the north building ![]() ![]() Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-00245 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of split system heat pump with applicable ducting revisions to 3 existing duct systems. Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2014-00312 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installing thermostats for 3 zone controlled dampers. Applicant: Kelly Crawford | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00313 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control south bldg- installation of low voltage security system. Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06291 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control north bldg - installation of low voltage security system. Applicant: Ken Showalter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-06293 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio-control inc. North building entry way - fabens ben (206-423-3733) - install path lights for entry ramp and lights under ramp. Applicant paid for 1 new circuit. Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07053 | |||||
SCORE 100 Calt- physio-control inc. Replacement of existing handrail and path lighting at west entry of north building. Scope of work includes removal of the existing exterior soffits and replacement of overhead lighting. Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-05858 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa physiocontrol - south bldg guest center and boardroom- whitlock- 425-861-3484low voltage wiring and installation of audio visual conferencing equipment customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Mike Whitt | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-10004 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti: physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr wire offices and main area of hr Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03601 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti: physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - alterations to 1st & 2nd floor restrooms lactation room and womens lounge (1 089 sf) wire 2 bathrooms on both the 1st and 2nd floor Applicant: Ben Fabens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03602 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - alterations to hr legal offices and conference rooms. Relocate existing voice and data cable. Add up to 48 new cat 5e cables. Applicant: Gordon Stewart | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03637 | |||||
SCORE 59 Physio control south building - 1st and 2nd floor - move fixtures for new layout. Customer paid for (12) bathroom sinks (10) toilets (2) urinals. 360-708-0316 Applicant: Fred Osterhout | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-04308 | |||||
SCORE 70 Physiocontrol - south bldg 1st floor (north area) - add and relocate sprinkler heads for new walls and ceilings. Applicant: Doug Buehler | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-04894 | |||||
SCORE 84 Sopa - south bldg - physio control valley elec duct detectors - 425-522-1226 - provide wiring per code to furnish and program (21) monitor modules for new hvac duct detectors. Customer paid for:(21) service - altered Applicant: Mark Kushino | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07714 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - physio control - south building - 206-852-8184 - replace power to rooftop units and replace baseboard heaters customer paid for:(12) new circuit (15) feeder Applicant: Valley Electric-General Valley Electric-General | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-05508 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control south bldg. Replace existing hvac rooftop units with new rooftop units with dx cooling and gas heating. Demolish perimeter baseboard heaters on second floor and install new heaters heating capacity to be matched. 65 total units. There is also structural work to reinforce roof for weight of new units included on this permit. Applicant: Ellisa Lim | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-02653 | |||||
SCORE 70 Sopa#47279 - quickstart - physio control-north bldg rooms 218-221 - relocate 4 fire sprinkler for new walls and ceilings ![]() ![]() Applicant: Doug Buehler | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2017-02334 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa - physio control - 1st floor breakroom of north building - 425-258-3655 - installation of low voltage security camera in 1st floor breakroom customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Becky Fuller | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02185 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio control-north bldg rooms 218-221 - perform demo & make safe of existing lighting & power as required per provided drawings. Provide & install new lighting power 7 data raceways as described on the provided drawings. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit. Applicant: Mike Poor | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-01980 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control - provide and install [1] new rooftop heat pump and corresponding duct work. Provide and install [1] new in-line ef. Screening shall be on all 4 sides of the rtu. Screening material shall be metal and shall match the color of the existing building. Customer paid for (1) air handler (1) vent fan. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2017-00529 | |||||
SCORE 69 Otc comm ti physio control-north bldg rooms 218-221 - ti to former clinic patient toilet and staff work spaces located in the se corner of the 2nd floor of the north building (3 sf). Ti including demolition and new walls suspended ceilings light fixtures diffusers and finishes. Rooms 218 219 220 & 221. Total area of work = 370sf Applicant: Karsea Langlois | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2017-01132 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa - physio control - 1st floor breakroom of north building - 425-258-3655 - installation of low voltage security camera in 1st floor breakroom customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Becky Fuller | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02185 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 99 Physio control-north bldg rooms 218-221 - perform demo & make safe of existing lighting & power as required per provided drawings. Provide & install new lighting power 7 data raceways as described on the provided drawings. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit. Applicant: Mike Poor | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-01980 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 70 Sopa#47279 - quickstart - physio control-north bldg rooms 218-221 - relocate 4 fire sprinkler for new walls and ceilings ![]() ![]() Applicant: Doug Buehler | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2017-02334 | Parcel: 2726059023 | |||||
SCORE 86 Sopa #49822 - stryker -south sign - (1) non-illuminated monument sign - by south building entrance. Refacing monument sign from physio control to stryker Applicant: Tracie Skiles | Permit type: Sign | Permit id: Sign-2017-07410 | Parcel: 9836300452 | |||||
SCORE 86 Sopa #49822 - stryker -south sign - (1) non-illuminated monument sign - by south building entrance. Refacing monument sign from physio control to stryker Applicant: Tracie Skiles | Permit type: Sign | Permit id: Sign-2017-07410 | |||||
SCORE 95 Physio control - provide and install [1] new rooftop heat pump and corresponding duct work. Provide and install [1] new in-line ef. Screening shall be on all 4 sides of the rtu. Screening material shall be metal and shall match the color of the existing building. Customer paid for (1) air handler (1) vent fan. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2017-00529 | Parcel: 9836300452 |