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SCORE 100 Erect a detached 3b (steel stud with 2 layers of 5 8"" ul gyp bd on interior and exterior of studs) garage, 27' x 22' x 15', with three - one sq. Foot roof vents, 16' x 7' and 8' x 7' overhead doors, alley drive Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100173461 |
SCORE 100 Rebuild back porch as per plans. Permit type: Permit - porch const | Permit id: 100166255 |
SCORE 59 Renovate existing kitchen and bathroom (3 units existing), install new bathroom at each floor and basement. Install new laundry, hvac and hot water for all units. Enlarge 1st floors kitchen and replace all windows.(electrical upgrades on existing service under permit no. 100101543)(conditional permit subject to field inspection) Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100101858 |
SCORE 59 Repair replace: drywall 5 8'' and 1 2'' gyp bd with electrical work ,upgrad electrical service to 200 amps. All work same size and location. Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100101543 |