Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 100 Single family dwelling. Upgade existing 60a service to 100a. No additional circuits needed. Value: $500 Contractor: Comm Test Electric Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100561271 | |||||
SCORE 100 20a circuit for garage Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100612008 | |||||
SCORE 95 20a circuit for garage Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100612008 | |||||
SCORE 95 Single family dwelling. Upgade existing 60a service to 100a. No additional circuits needed. Value: $500 Contractor: Commtest Electric Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100561271 | |||||
SCORE 63 Erect a 20' x 40' x 15' frame garage to a single family residence per homeowners Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100612383 |