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SCORE 88 Spot tuckpointing west wall. Repair of angle iron above the door. All work same as existing. No structural work. Subject to field inspections. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100711196 |
SCORE 95 Illuminated building sign on the north elevation brick facade Permit type: Permit - signs | Permit id: 100392352 |
SCORE 95 Illuminated blade sign over the storefront on the brick facade Permit type: Permit - signs | Permit id: 100392353 |
SCORE 95 Illuminated building sign on the north elevation brick facade Permit type: Permit - signs | Permit id: 100392352 |
SCORE 95 Illuminated blade sign over the storefront on the brick facade Permit type: Permit - signs | Permit id: 100392353 |
SCORE 95 329-13655-01 sm bus, native food belmont llc, low voltage electrical permit to install low voltage security alarm system Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100400662 |
SCORE 95 329-13655-01 sm bus, native food belmont llc, low voltage electrical permit to install low voltage security alarm system Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100400662 |
SCORE 100 Revision to permit # 100392855 to change gc (ross burton const. Serv)., vent cont (ok heating & cooling) & plumbing cont. (aberdeen const. Co. Inc.) Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100398972 |
SCORE 95 Change of electrical contractor to dexter electric per building permit #100392855. Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100399017 |
SCORE 95 Revision to permit # 100392855 to change gc (ross burton const. Serv)., vent cont (ok heating & cooling) & plumbing cont. (aberdeen const. Co. Inc.) Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100398972 |