Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Interconnecting stair between floors 31 & 32 w same tenant, t. I. & ada are under separate oti permit ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401073522 | |||||
Oti-1, 31st floor, el, me, sp, ls ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401073524 | |||||
Oti-1, el, me, ls, sp- 32nd floor ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401073525 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of one speaker and 3 strobes for the space suite 18 tenant remodel on 18 f no new Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401214435 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor change in sprinkler locations- revision to pa 200310228253 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401224577 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 8 f el, me, ls, sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410055957 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new a. C. Unit in ( server room Current use: Office | Permit id: 200409285422 | |||||
SCORE 96 8 f- modify (e)fire sprinkler system,relocate 4 heads,interior work only Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410136612 | |||||
Oti-1 5th floor el me sp ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410287927 | |||||
SCORE 100 As built drawings for fire sprinkler work on the 13 f Current use: Office | Permit id: 200409023193 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 8 f el me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410187018 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ground floor, suite-c, tenant improv-electrical,floor covering, paint, hvac, drywall, t-bar. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410227479 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1, 30th floor, spear tower, el, me, ls, sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408161617 | |||||
SCORE 99 Office tenant improvement including minor demo, ceiling patching, electrical & new systems work stat Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411189571 | |||||
SCORE 100 Wall off an existing non-rated tenant convienience stair on fl 22 & 23, fire sprinkle work under sep Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411300328 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2, 30th floor, spear tower, el, me. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408161615 | |||||
SCORE 96 Add 6 heads for new tenant Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411038390 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 3 smoke detectors, for 3 fire smoke dampers, onto the (e) fire alarm system Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411038469 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 5th floor el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411048536 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 speakers, 1 speaker strobe, 5 strobes, 1 synchronization module onto exist life safety Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412010493 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor tenant improvement on the 36th floor mech. Separate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412232071 | |||||
Remodel extg retailspace on 1st floor to include new partition, lighting, electrical, counter,fixtr ![]() Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200412302335 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 5th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412030658 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm as built rev. To pa#2004 08 27 2711 - 2 new devices only Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412091059 | |||||
Oti-1 :new full floor t. I. Including all new partitions,suspnded ceiling lighting,hvac electrical, ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412171657 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 5th floor el me sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200410287927 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 8 f el, me ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412221961 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor t i on the 35th floor - new conference room and new offices & fire sprinkler Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412232072 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 5th floor el, me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412030653 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demo tenant space, lay-in ceiling tile & grid, cap-off electrical & plumbing. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412091057 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire sprinkler warh on the 30th fl. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200412060750 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install new 3 compartment sink. Install new head to exist duct. Remove wall&rebuild 2 new wall to..... Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: 200412161612 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to app #200308192428 sprinkler as built in bsmnt Current use: Office | Permit id: 200311129958 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-3 18th floor sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402136443 | |||||
SCORE 96 Non-structural partition, glazing, doors frames, el data outlet Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402186630 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-1, 26th floor, el, me, ls, sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402206814 | |||||
Relocate (e) refrigerator . New stainless steel counter w sink. New cabinet installed under (e) coun ![]() ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: 200402206854 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor revision to app #200403017409 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404121052 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of one strobe & relocation of an (e) speaker for a new conference room on floor 22a (spear Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404201693 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 12th fl, el, me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404201742 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 12th fl, el, me, ls, sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404201745 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 interior mech elec fire sprinkler l s 11th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404211864 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 31 f el,ls,sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403249484 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-3 19th fl-ls Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403199171 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 (11th fl) el, me, ls, sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403189015 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work only to reinforce floor below file room for high density files- all this work is pa Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405032826 | |||||
SCORE 94 Interior alterations including decreasing sizse of the conference room, add 3 private offices & one Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405053066 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace 2 (e)doors,add 2 glass herculite doors,add tv camera,no mech. Lighting or sprinklier work Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405113586 | |||||
SCORE 94 Construct 6 private offices in the (e) open work areas, mech., fire protection and electrical work u Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405133752 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire sprinkler work on the 13th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405174096 | |||||
SCORE 96 Relocate 2 fire sprinkler heads on (e)fire sprinkler system. All work to bldg. Interior only Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405285136 | |||||
SCORE 96 Relocate 3 fire sprinkler heads on (e)fire sprinkler system. All work to bldg. Interior only Current use: Office | Permit id: 200405285137 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 revised 32 f- el,me,ls,sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403269780 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 32 f el,ls,sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403249486 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work to reinforce the floor for installation of high density files. All work on the 11th Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406025347 | |||||
SCORE 94 Rev. Appl#200405053066 delete 1 private office & 1 copy room,add new corridor connected to (e)stairs Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406045529 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 revised, 13th fl-el, me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406146320 | |||||
SCORE 94 2 glazed stanless steel canopies over exist atm machines on north west corner of historic building. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406146325 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1. Revised 13th fl, el, me, ls, sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406146345 | |||||
SCORE 96 Modify (e) fire sprinkler system for new corridor @ 3rd floor only. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406146364 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior tenant improvement to add one new exbictive office within the existing tenant space on 3rd Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406166591 | |||||
SCORE 100 5 f- minor structural work,sprinkler on seperate oti application ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406166592 | |||||
SCORE 100 3 f- mechanical,electrical & fire sprinkler, ref. To appl#200406166591 architectural plans. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406307675 | |||||
Oti-1 3rd fl-el,me, ls, sp. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200407068074 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior demo, tenant improvements under pa 200407068074 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200407239661 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-4, 13th fl-ls only. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408020344 | |||||
SCORE 100 4 f- minor soft demo, will comply w ab017 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408020386 | |||||
SCORE 96 Modify exisiting fire system on 3rd fl for tenant improvemnet (23) relocates. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408060922 | |||||
SCORE 56 Remove existing partition, relocate new partition; relocate wash basins Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: 200408131513 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 4th floor el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408171751 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2, 3rd floor, el, me. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408171792 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 4th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408192016 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler relocate & add on 4 f Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408272710 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm system for 4 f Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408272711 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 4 stories due to wall demolitin on floor 3, some existing strobes were removed. All new Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408272778 | |||||
SCORE 99 Revision to # 2004 07 06 8074. Remove & relocate existing door and card reader to new lan room. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200409144046 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-3 5 f sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200501243815 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-1, 21st floor- el, me, ls, sp Current use: Office | Permit id: 200501203615 | |||||
SCORE 100 As built fire sprinkler t. I one relocate 3 adds. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200501203617 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire sprinkler work on floor including 8 new heads & 5 relocated heads Current use: Office | Permit id: 200501274132 | |||||
SCORE 100 5 f- minor structural work,sprinkler on seperate oti application Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406166592 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical & lighting work on 2 f Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510034542 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical lighting work in floor 3. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510034543 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 17th floor el me l s sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510034565 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 5 speakers 7 strobes 2 fsd duct detectors 1 fsd smoke detector & 1 telecom room smoke detctor for the aj gallagher remodel Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510064990 | |||||
SCORE 100 Extg sprinkler system t. I. 11 relocated sprklr 5 new sprklr 2 removed sprnklr no increase in size 2nd flr Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510125338 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e)sprinkler system 41 relocated sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200510206058 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 24th floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509294274 | |||||
SCORE 100 As-built for pa# 2005 09 01 1825. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200511107808 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 16 speaker strobes 5 strobes & 1 smoke detector for the floor 7a (salesforce. Com) tenant remodel all new devices will connect onto the extg life safety system Current use: Office | Permit id: #200511158057 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire sprinkler tenant improvement. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200511228826 | |||||
SCORE 100 Existing sprinkler system - tenant improvement Current use: Office | Permit id: #200512089835 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of four (4) smoke detectors 2 speaker strobes strobes and the relocation of one fsd duct detector for the gryphon investors remodel on floor 24b the existing core area is not included with the project Current use: Office | Permit id: #200512130204 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor mechanical & lighting on floor 36 and 35 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200502095179 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demo work to interior of 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th floors. Selective demo only. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200502236011 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-2 21st fl-el. Current use: Office | Permit id: 200502034767 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition synchronized strobes & 2 speakers for the mlb file area remodel as incicated on our Current use: Office | Permit id: 200502044867 | |||||
SCORE 99 Remodel (e) retail space on 1st floor to include new partition lighting electrical counter fixtr Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200412302335 | |||||
SCORE 99 New communicating stair between 5th & 6th floors. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200503036640 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additon one smoke detector & one strobe to existing life safety system per the request of the sffd d Current use: Office | Permit id: #200503086994 | |||||
SCORE 96 Tenant improvement n restroom work 75 demo walls construct n walls (offices) n closet accessibl Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504018961 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 8th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504069289 | |||||
SCORE 96 Life safety ref. Comml appl#200504018961 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129779 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 6th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129803 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 5th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129806 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 11th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129809 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 5th floor el me ls. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129810 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 6th floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129811 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 11 fl el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504129812 | |||||
SCORE 80 Automatic fire suppression system pcl- oyri chem Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200504150136 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 8th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504200463 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 8th floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504200465 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 7th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504200466 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 7th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504200468 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 8 fl el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504210553 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 1 monitor module for a kitchen hood suppression system on the street level for pasta Current use: Office | Permit id: #200504291215 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire spkr t. I. 8th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505091847 | |||||
SCORE 99 Swaping 2 vav boxes relocate thermostate Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505162470 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 8th floor el Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505192928 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 15th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505202996 | |||||
SCORE 74 Erect sign - electric double faced door window. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200505233185 | |||||
SCORE 74 Erect sign - electric single faced. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200505243227 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-1 26th fl elmme le sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505253449 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-2 26th fl sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200505253474 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 8th floor me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506013889 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add speakers strobes for the salesforce tenant remodel. Incl smoke&duct detectors for elevator lobby Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506034180 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant imporveents fire protection @ 8th fl relocate heads 109 remove heads 25 no increase in size Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506064310 | |||||
SCORE 100 Life safety work on 35 f including relocating 2 strobes & installing 1 new strobe. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506104788 | |||||
SCORE 96 Oti-3 26 f el Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506134894 | |||||
SCORE 100 Relocate 11 heads on 1st fl. No inc to current sq footage. Revise 200412312335. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200506145014 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add 1 speaker strobe & 1 strobe onto (e)life safety system for california ski association remodel. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506235947 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of two speakers & two wall strobes onto the existing life safety system for the harris ban Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506235957 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 speakers 2 wall strobes 4 one ceiling speaker strobe onto the (e) life safety system Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506276078 | |||||
SCORE 100 Single faced electrical sign Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200506296338 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e)fire sprinkler system. 204 relocate 4 sq. Ft. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507026720 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e)fire sprinkler system. 83 relocate 8 3 sq. Ft. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507026721 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e)fire sprinkler system. Relocate 1 0 sq. Ft. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507026722 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e) fire sprinkler system. Relocates 20 sq. Ft. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507026727 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e) fire sprinkler system. New pre action system heads 15 8 sq. Ft. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507026730 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire spkr t. I add 2 spkrs relocate 14 . Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507076991 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install fm 2 fire suppression and preaction system in the network room. 1 control panel 1 release Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507268658 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior tenant improvement on 3 f Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507298946 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior tenant improvement on 2 f for oti-1 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507298948 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 strobes and 2 speakers as well as 4 smsoke detectors for full area Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508029163 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 3 smoke detectors 2 fsd duct detectors 11 synchronized strobes and 12 ceiling speaker Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508029166 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demolition only ti work on future project interior demo only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508039328 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior demolition only walls partitions etc. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508039330 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of horizontal exit smoke detectors 4 fsd duct detectors & new speakers at the remodeled Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508049410 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 7th fl-el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508099777 | |||||
SCORE 100 Architectural work & accessibility with regards to an increased area of high density files in litigations center for sedgwick on the 5th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508099780 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 13 smoke detectors 8 fsd duct detectors 8 speakers & 7 strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508099796 | |||||
SCORE 100 To reference standpipe work under appln #2005 07 02 67 added 3 hose value stations Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508120150 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 7th floor ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200508261332 | |||||
SCORE 100 Existing fire sprinkler system. T. I. 118 new sprinklers 124 removed sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509011825 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 4th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509011872 | |||||
SCORE 96 Modify existing fire system on 4th flr for tenant improvement (8) added (8) relocations. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509152936 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 24th floor el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509163119 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-ii electrical mechanical oti-2 4th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509203355 | |||||
SCORE 100 Rev. Appl#200508029163 add 1 duct detector (at a fsd) to the sedgwick floor 8b remodel job. Per the sffd district inspector an as built set of plans are to be submitted for a seperate permit to cover testing cost. Test have been done approved Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509233681 | |||||
SCORE 100 Merchanical work on floor 3 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509274026 | |||||
SCORE 100 Merchanical work on floor 2 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200509274027 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 22nd floor el ls me sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601061643 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 30th floor el ls sp me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601061644 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 21st floor el ls me sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601061645 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior t. I to add 2 offices and 1 cardoor. Elc mech ls & sprinklers under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601061662 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of synchronized strobes 5 speakers 1 smoke detector for remodel of existing aj gallagher space on floor 2b. The stmoke detector is for a new server rm Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601101781 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 21st floor spear tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601202656 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 30th floor spear tower me el. Electrical & mechanical work. Oti-1 #200601061644 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601202658 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 22nd floor me el. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601202659 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 3 ceiling speakers & 4 strobes for the expression of the (e) duane morris tenant space on floor 30a. All new devices connect onto (e) circuits. No new alarm initiating devices being added with this work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601273254 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 5 wall strobes & 2 ceiling speakers (conference rooms) onto the 9e) life safety system for the duane morris . Partial remodel on floor 21a. 4 (e) speakers & 2 (e) strobes are also being relocated. No new alarm initiating devices are being added. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200601273258 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 rev. 9th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609192743 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add one speaker & relocation of one strobe for remodel within existing pequot capital space on floor 23b. No new alarm imitating devices are added. New relocate devices will connect onto existing life safety system circuits. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610033958 | |||||
SCORE 98 Floor on original application incorrect. This application to correct floor with work being performed - floor being altered is 23rd floor; administrative clerical change only (no construction) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610114661 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 (revision) 16th floor. Revision to appl#200605222161 change of room use. 16 reception to work area. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610114673 | |||||
SCORE 100 Pre-construction demolition on floor 14. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610114675 | |||||
SCORE 100 43rd floor - add 2 smoke detectors 1 horn strobe and 43 lbs. Fm2 gas to extg fm2 cylinder. All extg fm2 piping and nozzle to be replaced with new pipe of different size for protection of additonal areas. Final and test to be done by sabah. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610124842 | |||||
SCORE 99 39th floor spear tower - provide beam penetrations for drain pipe in oti project 200609142288 @ 39th floor. Oti-1 in filed. Re-spray for fire proofing. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610134962 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 14th floor spear tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610235740 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 (14th floor) el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610235744 | |||||
SCORE 99 Suite 1 - partial ground floor tenant improvement including partition electrical ceiling finishes hvac plumbing. Selective demolition. Current use: School | Permit id: #200608159452 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 11 fl el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611036860 | |||||
SCORE 100 Upgrade restrooms to full compliance & finishes in coridoor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611137517 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st floor-relocate fire sprinkler to accomodate the new wall and ceiling layout on the street level and basement level-3 deletes. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611167922 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add 6 smoke detectors 4 duct detectors(fsds) 24 speaker strobes 4 strobes & 3 pre-action sys mointor modules(relocated) for the capital group remodel on floor 39a. All new devices will connect onto exist life safety system circuits. No new work is being dome for the core area. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611218198 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 9 smoke detectors 2 duct detectors (fsds) 23 speaker strobes & 6 strobes for the salesforce. Com remodel on floor 14a. All new devices will connect onto (e) life safety system circuits. No new work is being done for the core area. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611218199 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti existing fire sprinkler system 2 new speakers 3 relocated sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200611308792 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 39th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609142288 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 39th floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609142290 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti upgrade on fire sprinkler system 14 th floor corridor of the stueuart tower. 1 add 1 delete 14 relocates 15 hd total #3328 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612049006 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate add and removed fire sprklr heads per tenant imp. 14th floor. Relocate 114. Add 27. Removed 4 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612079338 | |||||
SCORE 99 Teanat improvement 1 f rooms 1 101 104 105 106 107 107b 108 109. Audible visual devices duct smoke detector control relay for fire smoke damper & fan control new booster power supply. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612129640 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on fire sprinkler system for 39th floor capital group (spear tower). Relocate 118 heads add 37 heads & delete 14 heads. Total 161 heads. (#3312) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612180002 | |||||
SCORE 100 Additioin of 7 synchronized strobes for the floor 14 b corridor remodel. All new devices will connect onto existing life safety strobe circuits. Existing speakers throughout the corridor to remain. No work in the 4 existing tenant suites. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612190087 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 6 strobes & 5 speakers for 5 new comference rooms & one lab all devices connect to the (e) life safety system. No new alarm imittating devices. All additions are for the salesforce . Com annex remodel. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602013501 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 5 speakers 2 speaker strobes 7 strobes 3 smoke detectots & 4 duct detectors (fsds) onto the (e) life safety system. All additions are for the duane morris remodel on floor 22a. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602013505 | |||||
SCORE 100 6th floor - existing sprinkler system tenant improvements. 13 relocates 2 new 2 removed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602094193 | |||||
SCORE 100 21st 22nd 30th floors - exist fire sprinkler system tenant improvement-21st fl-106 relocates 22nd fl-59 relocated 1 new 5 removed. 30th fl-9 relocates 4 new. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602094201 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 4th fl el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602104327 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 speakers & 2 wall strobes for the expansion of the (e) equity office . Tenant space on floor 6a. No new alarm initiating devices are being added. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602214959 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision of smoke detector coverage for conference room 2201. All of the fire smoke dampers indicated on original approved pa# 2006 02 01 3505 serne this fire-rated room only. One of the supply fsds is being removed and 2 area smoke detectors will replace the duct smoke detectors at fsds from Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602214960 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor electrical & mechanical work in ste 6 - remove unused damper Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602215046 | |||||
SCORE 100 Expansion (e) fire sprinkler system. Levels b1 & b2. 168 sprinklers. No increase in size. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200602235217 | |||||
SCORE 100 Inerior non structural pre-construction demolition conducted per the requirements of sfab017. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200603086217 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 10th floor el me ls sp . Interior tenant improvement Current use: Office | Permit id: #200603166821 | |||||
SCORE 100 Scope of work is limited to interior non-structural. Pre-construction demolition. This area is to remain un-occupied in accordance with sf ab-017. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200603247497 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 10th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200603287704 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of speaker strobes strobes smoke detectors & duct detectors onto the existing life safety system revision for salesforce. Com tenant remodel. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200604118649 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. Upgrade on fire sprinkler system for saleforce. Com. 118 relocated hd 2 adds 9 deletes. Total 1 head. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200604138849 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti 1-9th floor el ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200605010300 | |||||
SCORE 100 Erect sign - non-electric wall single faced. Permit id: #200605010324 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add 22 heat detectors 3 relay modules & 3 monitor modules for sprinkler system. Upgrade 3 elevator bank machine rooms. The relay modules are for elevator power shutdown & monitor modules are for monitoring of these power circuits. All smoke detectors & strobes in these machine rooms. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200605020392 | |||||
SCORE 99 Remove stairs between 37th and 38th fl fill in floorat 38th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200605161772 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior non-structural pre construction demolition on floor 16. This work is being perforemd under requirement of sfab-017. The floor will remain unoccupied as required. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200605222152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 16th floor el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200605222161 | |||||
SCORE 100 Otii-2 me elec. On 9th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200606012999 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install 3-3 foot dish antennas and 3-1 foot panel antennas at the spear tower penthouse. After mounting the new antennas will be less than 5 above the penthouse roof line at the hightest point of the antenna and sustantially lower than extg antennas currently mounted on the roof. No batteries Current use: Office | Permit id: #200606083528 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 1 smoke detector 17 speaker strobe 5 strobes & 1 synchronization module for the bdo seidman tenant remodel on floor 16a. All devices will connect to the (e) life safety system. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200606133815 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 16th floor spear tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200606144045 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. (e) fire sprinkler system (12 relocates 17 removed) 16th floor spear tower Current use: Office | Permit id: #200606295344 | |||||
SCORE 100 Extend structural reinforcing of slab on 5th floor for high density mobil files. Girder strengthening & slab reinforcing @ 5th floor only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200506235880 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add life safety devices for floor 9b salesforce. Com remodel as follows: speaker strobes 11 strobes 6 smoke detectors&2 duct detectors(for supply fsds). All new devices will connect onto exist system & all core area strobes will be replace with synchroniced units. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200607116145 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. Upgrade fire sprinkler system. 1 relocate. 7 adds 22 deletes. 117 heads total. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200607277753 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renewal and final inspection on pa# 200512220931 200512089814 200511168271. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200608078762 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 18th fl el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200608109101 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 37th fl spear tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200608149394 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 37th fl el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200608149396 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 1 speaker and 1 wall strobe for the gmn capital remodel on floor 18a. Both devices will connect onto existing life safety system circuits. No new alarm imitiating devices will be added Current use: Office | Permit id: #200608290789 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 23rd floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609051371 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 23rd floor el ls sp me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609051374 | |||||
SCORE 100 Added the following life safety devices for the ubs remodel on floor 37a: 3 smoke detectors for server rms 5 smoke detectors to provide full-coverage in fire rated corridor 23 speaker strobes 3 ceiling strobes wall strobes to replace (e) units. The corridor detectors are installed in l Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609121984 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 39th floor el me ls sp ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609142288 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 39th floor el me ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609142290 | |||||
SCORE 100 18th floor-t i upgrade on fire sprinkler system on 18th floor for gmm capitol; relocate 3 heads & delete 1. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609192640 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 18th fl me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609263338 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 9th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609263406 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvements 123 relocate 19 removed Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609283582 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate fire sprrinkler heads per tenant improvements heads) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200609283668 | |||||
SCORE 99 (n) flooring carpet. Remove (e) case carpet & low walls remove (e) partition wall new accoustic ceiling new lights upgrade (e) resroom. Current use: Health studios | Permit id: #200609293711 | |||||
SCORE 99 25th floor - demolistion of non-structural partitions ceilings finishes in prep for t. I. Buildout. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701051120 | |||||
Oti-1 25th floor el me ls sp ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701161716 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-2 ironwood capital 25 fl steuart tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701171832 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to 20050729846 to show door deletion and occ. Load change training room #319 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701262679 | |||||
SCORE 100 Salesforce - oti-1 revision 14th floor el me sp ls. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701313006 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reworking of hvac system in office space. Work related to p. A. 200708068814 for 4th floor office tenant space. Includes mechanical. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200710014174 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i for demo and construction of non-load partitions elect hvac plumbing 19th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200710125224 | |||||
SCORE 100 5th floor - minor t. I. Including limited new finishes minimal demolition construction electrical & mechanical. Mechanical electrical & plumbing under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200710256395 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd floor-ti upgrade on (e) fire sprinkler system. Relocate 154 heads add 1 head and delete 10. On 3rd floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200710306765 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire sprinkler system on 10th floor. New 48 sprinkler heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711087626 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate 2 fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711097810 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renewal of app # 200705151299 for final inspection Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711097858 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install one water -source heat pump four electric duct heaters on the 19th floor. Provide plumbing to new sink. Architectural plans under pa# 2007. 10. 12. 5224 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711158204 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti 32nd floor. Enlarge existing server room. Restroom upgrade. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711268841 | |||||
SCORE 99 Electrical & t-24 for ti 200711268849 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711268849 | |||||
SCORE 100 Level 27 - complete demolition of t. I. Soft demolition of architectural finishes and mechanical systems. Sprinkler & life safety to be maintained. No exterior work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711268897 | |||||
SCORE 99 27th floor steuart tower - full floor t. I. Approx. 16 0 sf. Adding (n) office meeting rooms gym library and open office area. Demolition mep fire sprinkler and life safety under separate permit. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711289077 | |||||
SCORE 100 5th floo lobby - t. I. Upgrade to fire sprinkler system. Relocate (6) sprinkler heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711299202 | |||||
SCORE 100 27th floor - full tenant improvement on 27th floor. New m. E. P. System to be placed in new offices gym. And open office area. Demolition package submitted under separate permit. Archl & structl submitted under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712039466 | |||||
SCORE 99 Roof- replacement of existing cooling towers. Same location 23. 4% lighter. No other works. Hvac work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712110166 | |||||
SCORE 99 32nd floor. Mechanical work. 2(n) crac units water cooled (n) pump arch reference 200711268841. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712180716 | |||||
SCORE 100 32nd floor - tenant improvement on existing fire sprinkler system. Relocate 2 sprinklers lower 1 sprinkler. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712200929 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. Remove 3 sprinkler heads and relocate 1 sprinkler head Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712200930 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd floor interior demo new drywall ceiling work glazing doors millwork and finishes. No increase in office space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712201007 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd floor interior tenant improvement including minor demo new drywall ceiling work doors glazing millwork and finishes. Phase 1. No increase in office space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712201010 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior demolition of non structural partitions doors flooring ceiling grid tile light fixtures on 42nd floor. Remove electrical outlets at demolished partitions. No fire rated construction to be removed. No increase in office space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712261307 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti for 15th flr: to include partial partition demo new drywall partitions millwork new corridor access door & ceiling; mech electrical & life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712271413 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd fl spear tower - revision to p a #200712201010. Rename entry suite from reception area to secretarial due to fact morgan lewis law firm reception occurs on 28th floor. Change discussed with inspector tam chiu. Clarify building story count 43 not as stated in p a #2007. 12. 20. 1010. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712311638 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 sedgwick detert morgan & arwold llp 11th floor el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200702023199 | |||||
SCORE 100 (bdo seidman) oti-1 17 f el sp ls me no increase in office space Current use: Office | Permit id: #200702063518 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 12 speaker strobes 4 speakers strobes for the ironwood capital tenant remodel on the east portion of floor 25b; thiss project also includes the relocation of 3 smoke detectors and 4 fire smoke damper duct detectors. No new detectors are being added. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200702204415 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade of fire sprinkler system; relocated 77 sprinkler heads and delete 6 sprinklers on the 25th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200702264917 | |||||
SCORE 100 39th floor spear tower - provide beam penetrations for drain pipe in oti project 200609142288 @ 39th floor. Oti-1 in filed. Re-spray for fire proofing. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200610134962 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sedgwick deiert moran arnold- oti-2 11th floor el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703015206 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 bdo seidman 17th floor spear tower el me. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703025316 | |||||
SCORE 100 One market st. Spear tower 17th floor: t. I. (e) fire sprinkler system 4 new sprinklers 3 removed sprinklers 41 relocated sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703085721 | |||||
SCORE 100 Expand existing sprinkler system to include elevator mech. Equipment rooms add springs in fan plenums with interior motors. Compliance with hr ordiance #377-93. 71 new sprinklers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703156331 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 22nd fl-el me ls sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703206746 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renewal of expired pa# 2006 04 13 8849 pa# 2006 04 11 8649 & pa# 2006 03 08 6217 for final inspection only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703267212 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renewal of expired pa# 2006 07 11 6145 pa# 2006 07 27 7753 & pa# 2006 09 19 2743 for final inspection only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703267213 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renewal for pa# 2006 09 12 1984 & pa# 2006 05 16 1772 for final inspection only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703267214 | |||||
SCORE 100 Pre-construction demolition of partitions doors ceiling. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200703297621 | |||||
SCORE 100 17a floor-addition of 8 speakers strobes 1 strobe 6 smoke detectors for the bdo shedman . Remodel on floor 17a. 4 smoke dectectors in the fire-rated corridor are being added to provide full coverage for the area due to fire smoke dampers feeding the corridor space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704037896 | |||||
SCORE 99 Partner fund management: oti-1 22nd floor el me ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704058139 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 duct detectors at fsds 6 speakers and 4 strobes for the sedwick remodel at the west portion of floor 11b all devices will connect onto the extg life safety system Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704108405 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on fire sprinkler systems 39th floor capital group. Rev. To approved plan #2006 12 18 0002 - add 3 hd to revised ceiling for coverage. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704118565 | |||||
SCORE 99 Oti-1 25th floor el ls sp Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704118576 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 16th floor steuart twr el me ls. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704128640 | |||||
SCORE 100 Addition of 2 strobes for the remodeled area at the so end of the existing hosie mcarthur tenant space. Also 9 existing strobes within this tenant space will be replaced by new synchronized units. Threse replacements are being required by the sffd due to the remodel project @ flr 22a Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704178923 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor tenant improvement. New doors finishes and partitions. Seperate permit for life safety & fire sprinklers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704189085 | |||||
SCORE 100 4th floor - tenant improvement. New partioners doors and finishes - fire sprinklers and life safety under seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704189088 | |||||
SCORE 100 200702204415 as built layout drawing of the life safety additions for the ironwood capitol remodel on floor 25b Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704249470 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on fire sprnkler system 22nd floor spear tower hosie mcarther #3444. Relocate 1 head add 1 head delete 1 head Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704269719 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade of fire sprnkler system. Relocate 6 sprnklr heads 25th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704269726 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on fire sprinkler system for sedqwick 11th floor (#3425). Relocate heads add 5 heads delete 4 heads. Total 35 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704269738 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor tenant improvement on floor 37 for oti-1 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704279881 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate 3 fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement Current use: Office | Permit id: #200704309972 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 37th fl me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705020266 | |||||
SCORE 100 25th floor-addition of 1 speaker 2 speaker strobes 3 wall strobes for the crt capital . Tenant remodel on floor 25b. All devices will connect onto (e) life safety system circuits. Additonally 7 (e) wall strobes will be replace with new synchronized units at their same locations. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705070557 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 25th floor el me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705070595 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#2005070267 #2005070267 for final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705151294 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#2005080494 #200508099796 for final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705151298 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#200504129803 #200504129806 #2005062358 for final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705151299 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#2005041298 #200504129811 #200502236011 for final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705151300 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 22nd floor le me Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705211820 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-1 4th floor el me ls sp. Partial demo remodel at 4th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705232028 | |||||
SCORE 100 22nd floor-t. I. (e) fire sprinkler system-4 removed sprinklers 9 new sprinkler and 4 relocated sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705242151 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on e fire sprinkler system from 37th flr. Ubs-mievuta capital (#3450) 3 relocated hs total Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705292450 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew 200507298946 200507298948 and 200507298946 for final only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706042909 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew 2005100649 200601101781 200507298948 for final only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706042912 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew 200608078762 and 200608078763 for final only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706042913 | |||||
SCORE 100 Door release on floor 37 for appl#200609121984 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706063175 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa# 2006 07 12 63 & pa# 2006 09 28 3582 for final sign off only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706123647 | |||||
SCORE 100 Oti-2 - 4th floor - el me ls Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706285431 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm retrofit. Includes new addressable modules and signalling appliances Current use: Office | Permit id: #200706295546 | |||||
SCORE 100 4th floor-t. I upgrade on (e) fire sprinkler system on 4th flr. Haas project #3483. Relocate 6 head total-3 heads conceals in conference room 3 heads semi res near lobby area. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707066070 | |||||
SCORE 98 35th & 36th flrs-office tenant improvement on 35th and 36th floors Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707126558 | |||||
SCORE 100 As built[;amd rawomg fpr tje sedgwick west remodel on floor 11b no new devices were installed with the plan update. Instead a smoke detector was mounted in the west corridor to provide full coverage in lieu of duct detectors within 5of the 3 new fsds per sffd. This updated layout is required Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707176907 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#200609192743 #200609263406 #200606012999 . Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707247580 | |||||
SCORE 100 22nd floor-addition of 2 speaker strobes and a heat pump shutdown module for the remodel on floor 22b- partner fund ; 2 trading offices are being added under the remodel. All new devices connect onto the (e) life safety system. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707318217 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. On 4 th floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708068814 | |||||
SCORE 99 Upsize 1 vav box provide & install 1 new water source heat pump provide & install 4 ceiling diffusers and provide & install 1 return air grille. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708068901 | |||||
SCORE 99 Provide & install 2 new water source heat pump provide & install 1 new cooling only vav bar provide & install 14 new diffuser & wall registers and provide & install 24 new return air grilles. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708068903 | |||||
SCORE 99 Remodel (e) office 4 6 s. F. To include new offices workstations conference rooms pantry copy room equipment room including (n) electrical work with (n) lighting power data (n) mechanical registers & (n) plumbing pipes for (e) sinks. Fire alarm life safety & sprinkler under seperate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708078989 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti - a m e p; fire alarm & sprinklers on separate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708170208 | |||||
SCORE 98 Office ti lighting maditory measures. This a revision to permit # 2007 07 12 6558 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708240872 | |||||
SCORE 100 35 f- t. I. For fire sprinklers for new conference room 2 add and 1 relocation. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200708291199 | |||||
SCORE 100 4 f- fire alarm ti install 1 smk. Det. 1 new power supply 1 sync. Mod. 11 speakers 11 strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200709061865 | |||||
SCORE 98 35th & 36th floor - revision to appl. #200707126558. Change full height walls (slab to slab) to 6 above ceiling grid of all (n) interior walls. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200709182975 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of interior partitions to be replaced by full height glazing and demolition of interior partitions to create larger office & full height glazing. No exterior work. Mep ls will be under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200709193038 | |||||
SCORE 96 Suite #420- modification of existing sprinkler system 7 relcoates 1 add. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200709243493 | |||||
SCORE 100 2nd floor - removal of interior finishes carpet ceiling drywall metal studs light fixtures casework and cabinetry. No structural wall removal. All work on the 2nd floor. No exterior work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801041870 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sprinkler work for ti on the 27th floor of the steuart tower. Relocate 139 heads add 14 heads and remove 15 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801102264 | |||||
SCORE 100 10th floor tenant improvement of existing office space including addition of (3) new offices lighting finishes electrical and minor demolition. Mechanical & electrical under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801142428 | |||||
SCORE 100 40th floor - interior non-structural demolition including ceiling grid tile & light fixtures drywall & floor finishes. Fire sprinkler & life safety systems to remain operational. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801182875 | |||||
SCORE 100 15th floor: steuart tower b - tenant improvement - existing fire sprinkler system relocated sprinklers 5 added sprinklers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801222905 | |||||
SCORE 100 15th floor suite 1525 - mechanical electrical and title 24 to go with approved # 200712271413 work to include the installation of new & existing light fixtures panel boards outlets new duct work & exhaust fan. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801243152 | |||||
Replacement of ( casework & counters. Relocation of (e) equipment & new plumbing fixtures to repalce existing. Minor elect & plumb associated w new work; patch floor finishes as applicable. ![]() ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200809171869 | |||||
SCORE 98 Add 3 relocate 54 & remove 4 sprinkler heads per tenant improvements. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810023205 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement on the 8th floor including hvac. Demolition and installation of new diffusers and wall registers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810023256 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. At 11th fl: non-structural demo & new partitions interior finishes mechanical & electrical no plumbing work. Fire alarm & sprinklers under separate permit. New fire smoke dampers.... Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810073541 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical work associated with approved permit 200809050868-title 24 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810073562 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti upgrade on the e fire sprinkler system for valiant capital 26th fl relocate 12 heads add 1 and delete 1: total 13 hd Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810093753 | |||||
SCORE 100 T24 for electrical work associated with 200809050868 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810093841 | |||||
SCORE 98 Removal of (e) soffit ceiling grid removal of (e) wall and floor finishes. Install ceiling grid construction of new gyp board ceiling and soffits. New wall and floor finishes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810144058 | |||||
SCORE 98 3rd fl spear tower : relocate fire sprinkler heads per t. I. 21 relocate and 2 remove. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810164351 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical & electrical work associated with appl. 200809303031 including new outlets lighting exhaust fan & thermostat. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810204575 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd & 11th floors-interior tenant improvement for new training rooms-selective demo finishes ceilings & partitions. M. E. P under seperate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200811076056 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to app #200809303031. Delete card reader at door 3001 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200811136445 | |||||
SCORE 98 Reinstall fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement Current use: Office | Permit id: #200811176729 | |||||
SCORE 100 43rd floor replace existing cooling tower fire sprinkler system - 8 heads. (spear tower) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200811186863 | |||||
SCORE 99 Demolition of lobby finishes - in conpliance with ab-017. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200812027642 | |||||
SCORE 99 Lobby- demolition of interior finishes partitions mechanical and electrical equipment in preparation for remodel to be issued under separate permit. Per provision ab. 017 accessibilty compliance will be documented in subsequent application for re building vacant space. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200812087993 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement on the 17th floor including demo of existing partitions ceilings and flooring. New partitions ceilings flooring for private offices conference rooms open office space including mech elec and plumbing. Ls and sprinkler sep permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200812158501 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace fire suppression system to existing kitchen hood & duct to comply with u. L. 3 standard. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200812299256 | |||||
SCORE 99 Erect a double faced electric ground sign a. ![]() ![]() Permit id: #200812319449 | |||||
SCORE 99 Erect a double faced electric ground sign b. ![]() ![]() Permit id: #200812319450 | |||||
SCORE 100 27th floor steuart tower - full floor t. I. Approx. 16 0 sf. Adding (n) office meeting rooms gym library and open office area. Demolition mep fire sprinkler and life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711289077 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st floor-partial demolition of floor including partitions doors frames glazing casework & ceiling system. This work is being performed per sf ab017 and will remain unoccupied Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802043912 | |||||
SCORE 100 21st floor. Non structural demo only of two-tenant floor with corridor to have partial floor demo of partitions ceiling electrical plumbing mechanical and finishes. New construction under separate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802064213 | |||||
SCORE 100 10th floor - upgrade fire sprinkler relocate heads system. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802144827 | |||||
SCORE 86 Erect a single faced electric wall sign. (first floor) Permit id: #200802255503 | |||||
SCORE 86 Erect single faced electric wall sign. Permit id: #200802255506 | |||||
SCORE 96 Tenant improvement for 3rd floor. 3 speakers 22 strobes 3 smokes 34 spearker strobes 1 sink mod 1 control relay 2 boosters 3 door holders Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802265553 | |||||
SCORE 100 2nd floor-interior office construction & gallery space. New finishes electrical fire sprinkler hvac & plumbing to be under seperate permit submission project is seeking leed platinum certification. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803036055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical & electrical work associated with approved pa# 200801142428-to include instllation of ductwork air grilles thermostat & lighting fixtures Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803036082 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd floor: t i. Upgrade on the (e) fire sprinklers system adding 105 pendent & 08 upright total 113 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803046167 | |||||
SCORE 99 Tenant improvement: including demolition new tempered glazing n doors finishes cabinetry. New ceiling tile grid to remain. Relocation replacement of old fixtures with new. Sprinklers electrical plumbing hvac. Mep separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803126963 | |||||
SCORE 99 Penthouse spear tower: renew pa#2006 06 08 3528 to complete the work Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803177254 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#200705151299 #2005030366 #200410287927 #200508099780. For final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803177293 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#2007051513 #200705151294 #200705151298. For final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803177294 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to 200803126963 to include single occupancy private shower Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803288264 | |||||
SCORE 100 40th floor: construction of new public one hour corridor. Newdual egress elevator lobby doors. New rated entry doors to suites one & two to meet 1 2 diagonal of each space. New lighting & demising wall. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803147207 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti on the 13th floor. Interior demo of portion of the floor and build back. Mechanical and plumbing work. Construct high density filing system in rm# 1320. Structural work for high density files under seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803197497 | |||||
SCORE 100 2nd floor-this project is an office interior remodel. It includes removal of 13 private offices construction of new offices and re-configuration of associated electrical outlets and lighting Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804018441 | |||||
SCORE 100 New elec distribution for lighting mech equip convenience power copiers printers av equipment. Mech new hvac sistribution new vav boxes fsds and heate pumps. New structural steel support for operable wall (skyfold door) to be under separate permit. Ref app 200803036055 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804028596 | |||||
SCORE 100 New structural steel support for operable wall (skyfold door). Ref arch #200803036055 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804028632 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement on the 6th floor including demolition minimal construction mechanical lighting electrical and finishes. Life safty under separate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804089135 | |||||
SCORE 100 27th floor steuart tower - addition of structural members below deck fot i. T. Room ups battery addition of steel platform in i. T. Room for server cabinets revision to pa# 2007-1128-9077 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804099268 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti for suite# 7 to create new suite 7 new space will remain an open office area. Minor acoustic ceiling demo new demising partition walls patch and repair of ex finishes. Restroom signage upgrade Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804099269 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate and remove fire sprinkler heasd on 21st floor. (74 heads relocated 9 removed) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804109337 | |||||
SCORE 100 Providing beam penetrations for waste pipe below deck of level 27 revision to pa #200711289077 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804109406 | |||||
SCORE 100 14th floor: t. I. Upgrade on (e) fire sprinkler system for focus advisor relocate 41 pendents add 7 pendents and delete rependents total 48 pendents. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804159681 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. Improvement on 2nd floor. Remove sprnklr branch lines which are currently spaced for extended coverage. Provide new branch lines and 407 new sprinkler heads on 2nd floor Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804159736 | |||||
SCORE 100 Spear tower; 2nd floor-tenant improvements to the (e) fire sprinkler system. 4 added sprinklers relocated sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804220353 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st and second basement 7th floor-122 additional sprinklers below hvac duct work- adding three heads in bottom of shaft on 7th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804240575 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti for 14th floor. Demo and relocate hvac duct and vav box add new exhaust fans and relocate induction units. Demo plumbing for shower and kitchen. Relocate and add new lights. Sprinkler and fire alarm on seperate permit ref. Pa# 2008 03 31 8393 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805021200 | |||||
SCORE 99 Umbrella permit compliance with high rise sprinkler ordinance #377-93; no work Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805061447 | |||||
SCORE 100 27th floor: revision to appl #200711289077 - tenant improvement on main elevator lobby delete proposed of east won door and walls adjacent of won door to provide a smoke partition in lieu of a fire-rated condition per 2007 cbc section 707. 14. 1 exception #5. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805081589 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm t. I. For auto deck 2nd floor. 1 sync mod 2 smoke 3 control relays 6 duct detectors 1 pull station 19 speakers 47 strobes 69 spkr strobes 1 power supply Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805091682 | |||||
SCORE 100 Steuart tower; 21st floor-full floor tenant-partial remodel (e) space including partitions finishes no structural work. Mech. Electical plumbing and fire & life safety under seperate permit. Demo permit pulled seperately under pa# 2008-0206-4213 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805091696 | |||||
SCORE 100 Scope of work is limited to interior non structural pre-construction demolition. Area to remain unoccupied in accodance with ab-017. No increase in office space. No fire rated construction to be removed life safety to remain operational Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805131895 | |||||
SCORE 99 Addition of ups to existing server room with required code upgrades and adding power data for 2 new workstations in open office #1711. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805142023 | |||||
SCORE 99 #1320- revision to pa# 2008 03 19 7497 to include structural reinforcement for new file room. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805142055 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical electrical and plumbing to support tenant improvment under 200805091696 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805202496 | |||||
SCORE 100 16th floor ti: demo existing office space and build out 7 new offices approx 21 sf. Sprinkler life safety electrical mechanical on separate permits. No increase in office space Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805222658 | |||||
Landscaping at podium on 7th floor roof. New planting irrigation wood fences waterproofing ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805222710 | |||||
SCORE 98 Tenant improvement including demolition of existing exterior partitions doors plumbing vct flooring. Construction to include new interior partitions relocated doors flooring in it room and breakroom. Mep drawings under separate permit. No increase in office space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805222719 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. To existing fire sprinkler system. Relocate 17 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805303241 | |||||
SCORE 100 16th floor. Tenant improvements to the existing fire sprinkler system removed 3 and relocated 18 sprinkler heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805303247 | |||||
SCORE 100 13th floor. Tenant improvements to existing fire sprinkler system. Removed 3 add 6 & relocated sprinkler heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805303255 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to 200803147207 corridor work on 4oth floor exit separation to be revised to due fully sprinklered status as documented Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805303258 | |||||
13th floor revision to application 200803197497. Building is nov fully sprinklered so the corridor do not need to be minutes. Mens restroom door on rr-13 non-rated walls in corridor 13a-2 door changes 13a9 door changes and finish deletion a1. 13. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806053781 | |||||
SCORE 100 3rd floor-demolition of non structural interior partitions entry doors and office interior doors electrical. New build out-non structural rated partitions new electrical. M. E. P under seperate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806104032 | |||||
SCORE 98 Mechanical work including new heat pump. Relocation of lighting and plumbing. Work for dishwasher and sink. Ref arch app 200805222719 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806114136 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew pa#200602235217 for final inspection. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806124328 | |||||
SCORE 92 To correct address from 4 spear (3768-90) to 1 market st (blk 3713 lot 007) on application 200708079047 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806204979 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti for fire sprinkler on the 26th floor. Relocate 1 head and add 2 heads Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806265384 | |||||
SCORE 100 16th floor spear tower: electrical lighting and power work in 7 new offices on the 16th floor. Ref. Pa# 2008 05 22 2658 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200806265430 | |||||
SCORE 98 26th floor-tenant improvement including demolition of (e) interior partitions glazing doors millwork plumbing and flooring finishes. Construction to include new interior partitions new doors new glazing new lighting new plumbing and finishes ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807015733 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 -demolition of non-bearing partitions doors plumbing electrical. 2 - new non-bearing partitions doors plumbing electrical. No structural work or alterations to base building shell. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807015740 | |||||
SCORE 98 Tenant improvment including demolition of existing interior partitions glazing doors millwork plumbing and flooring finishes. Construction to include new interior partitions new doors new glazing lighting layout finishes. Mep separate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807015780 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvements. (total of 36) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807025839 | |||||
Ti for 20th floor. Patial re-stack reconstruction new partitions lighting and finishes mechanical electrical plumbing and upgade to ex. Restroom. Fire sprinkler and life safety under separate permit. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807035974 | |||||
SCORE 100 40th floor-t. I upgrade of (e) sprinkler system. Relocate 14 sprinkler heads 2 deleted sprinkler heads Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807146603 | |||||
SCORE 100 At 26th fl: t. I. Upgrade on the fire sprinkler system for valiant capital-phase ii 19 relocate heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807176925 | |||||
SCORE 98 22nd floor-relocate sprinkler heads per tenant improvement-11 heads relocated Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807227294 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate 13 fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvements on 22nd floors Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807247520 | |||||
SCORE 98 26th floor mechanical electrical & plumbing work to include (1) new fire smoke damper (3) new exhaust fans (1) new water heater & new light fixtures & occupancy sensors. Ref arch #200807015780. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807297881 | |||||
SCORE 100 2nd fl: add 1 additional hose valve. Revision to application 200804159736. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807308014 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor demolition to relocate new door. Built out of new transaction window & new partition. Associated finishes. Mep & life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808229816 | |||||
SCORE 98 Demolition of existing interior partitions doors plumbing & vct. New interior partitions relocated doors new flooring in it room & breakroom. Lighting under separate permit. Mep life safety & sprinkler under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808229874 | |||||
SCORE 100 17th floor spear tower - t. I. To existing fire sprinkler system relocate 2 sprinklers on 17th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808280297 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ti for 20th floor. Partial re-stack reconstruction new partitions lighting and finishes mechanical electrical plumbing and upgade to (e) restroom. Fire sprinkler and life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200807035974 | |||||
SCORE 98 26th floor tenant improvement including demolition of existing interior partitions construction to include new partition doors finishes. Mep life safety & fire sprinkler under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809040746 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvements on 14th floor. Includes demolition ceiling finishes. Mechanical electrical life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809050868 | |||||
SCORE 98 Demolition of interior partitions. Construction to include interior partitions door glazing millwork plumbing ceiling & finishes throughtout. Mep life safety & fire sprinklers under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809091080 | |||||
SCORE 100 Fire alarm as builts for 2nd floor ti. Orig app 200805091682 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809101191 | |||||
SCORE 92 Install 3x3x2 thick concrete pavers on adjustable pedestals. The work area are 210 sq. Ft. All work will be done on the 7th floor in revision to permit # 200708079047 and 200806204979. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809111356 | |||||
SCORE 98 20th floor- relocate fire sprinklers per tenant improvement ( sprinklers relocated) heads plugged. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809161751 | |||||
SCORE 98 14th floor relocate & remove fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement (16 relocate 1 remove). Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809161753 | |||||
SCORE 98 Mech. Work for the 40th floor. Tenant improvement. New vacs & fan. Reference arch 2008. 09. 09. 1080. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809192124 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on the extg fire sprnklr system for valiant cpital 26th floor of steuart tower. Relocate 16 head. Add 2 head. Delete 2 head Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809302993 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement in suites 345 & 346 to include: remove portion of (e) partitions all finishes & all ceilings light fixtures. Build back new partitions install new ceiling new light fixtures carpet paint & mill work. Mechanical electrical & ls under separate permits. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809303031 | |||||
SCORE 100 23rd floor - interior demolition of non-structural partitions and doors new partitions doors & finishes. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901160354 | |||||
SCORE 100 18 fl - demolition of non load bearing partitions removal of (e) carpet and doors . (n) one hour rated partitions ceiling ht. Partition (n) & relocated doors (n) ceiling carpet and paint. Change door swing at womens access. Stall. Mep life safety and fire spinkler under seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901270850 | |||||
SCORE 100 At 18th fl: t. I. Improvement to include new ceiling neight partitions. Mech electrical or fire sprinkler life safety under seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901270868 | |||||
SCORE 100 17th floor-tenant improvements to (e) fire sprinkler system-42 relocated sprinklers removed sprinklers & 4 added sprinklers Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901270902 | |||||
SCORE 99 To remove freestanding signs - removal of 4 signs: ekc72 6x4 southwest ekc73 6x4 northeast ekc74 6x4 southwest ekc75 6x4 northeast Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901270927 | |||||
SCORE 100 8th floor - code upgrade to (e) idf room-coordinator of new hvac units provided by third party- 1hr wall and door new fire smoke damper. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910018084 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th fl. Upgrade idf room to one hour with rated door heat pump and fire smoke damper. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910078479 | |||||
SCORE 100 Spear tower - partial floor ti to demo and construct partitions doors and fixtures for new tenant spaces Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910138811 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor t. I. Upgrade on the (e) fire sprinkler system; for salesforce - relocate 6 heads; add 1 head delete 2 heads total 7 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910219447 | |||||
SCORE 98 40th floor. Add & relocate fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvements. Add (3) relocate (2). Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910239712 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor-fire alarm for salesforce. Com labs-add 4 speaker strobes remove 1 strobe & move 1 strobe Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910279920 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor. Demo of existing utilization labs and build out of new utilization labs with associated ceiling electrical lighting finish work. Mep and fire life safety under seperate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200910290163 | |||||
SCORE 100 40th floor-installation of new fixtuires outlets lighting on partial floor t. I. Please refer to pa# 2009-1013-8811 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200911121018 | |||||
SCORE 100 12th floor-demo non-structural partitions power clg. Soffit (n) non-structural partitions doors. Frames hardware relocation of light fixtures power finishes to match (e) conditions. Design-build; mep sprinkler; life safety dwgs. To be submitted under separate permit if required. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200912213606 | |||||
SCORE 98 23rd fl steuart tower - relocate fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement. (relocate 12) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902192366 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install 2 heat pump and run condesate lines. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902202460 | |||||
SCORE 98 18th floor-relocate fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement-relocate 16 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902202495 | |||||
SCORE 100 Provide core improvements of approx 3277 sq ft of corridor space including branch circuiting wiring for lighting. Ref. #200901160354 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902262925 | |||||
SCORE 100 37th floor partial floor tenant improvement including minor demolition partitions lighting & finishes. Mechanical electrical & life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902262928 | |||||
SCORE 92 To obtain final inspection for work approved under pa 200806204979. All work has been completed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902273011 | |||||
SCORE 100 18th floor-revision to pa# 2009-0127-0868-change new partition in network storage to a non rated partition. Does not meet requirements of ab-06 not considered it room fire rated walls not required. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200903043301 | |||||
SCORE 100 Project scope consists of barrier removal within b1 level parking garage and includes installation of new handrails at existing ramp installation of precast concrete wheel stops new signage repainting of intl symbol of accessibility at accessible parking stalls and restriping. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200903043366 | |||||
SCORE 100 As-build drawings. Tenant improvements to (e) fire sprinkler system. Ref. Appl 200901020902. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200903053449 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural work on 22nd floor to support a high density file system. Work will be done on the floor deck from the 21st floor ceiling. New anchors for new shelves at 20th floor. Disabled access deferred to future t. I. Permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904025399 | |||||
SCORE 98 At 26th fl: relocate & remove fire sprinklers per tenant improvements. (17 relocate) (1 remove). Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904025401 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of concrete curb at ramp construction of new curb at basement level b-1 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904065650 | |||||
SCORE 100 At 7th fl: tenant improvement including new door vestible including of one new door and card reader relocate electric door release demolition & reconstruction of ada compliant slope mep and fire life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904075731 | |||||
SCORE 100 2nd floor - revision to 200803036055 change in occupancy classification from b to a3 for gallery in existing office space. Add door hardware & occupancy load signage @ a-3 gallery. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904085817 | |||||
SCORE 99 Change in occupancy from b to a-2 restaurant on the 42nd floor. Temporary assembly space. Curtain and rail system to define boundaries of assembly space Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904085833 | |||||
SCORE 99 Change in occupancy from b to a-2 resturant on the 41st floor. Temporary assemby space installing curtain and rail system to define boundaries of assembly space Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904085835 | |||||
SCORE 100 26th floor:ti includes removal of the extg ceiling grid tile and lights fixtures. Demo of one non load bearing partition and removal of extg flooring finishes. New glazing partition new ceiling grid tile new carpet and paint through out. Electical lights under seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904226794 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remodel of 2 office tower lobbies (e) atrium & concourse demo exterior decorative metal grilles new exterior doors to match e storefront remodel of existing and addition of new retail spaces new mechanical system for retail tenant improvement. All work at ground floor. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200904277112 | |||||
SCORE 100 To obtain final inspection for work approved under pa#2006 05 02 0392. All work has been completed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904307454 | |||||
SCORE 100 17th floor removal of existing ceiling grid light fixtures wall & floor finishes install new ceiling grid new gyp bd ceiling & soffits new light fixtures wall & floor finishes in elevator lobby & corridor. Elect mech life safety under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905017485 | |||||
SCORE 100 21st floor tenant improvement including hardwall alteration replacement of doors relocate partitions new lighting & finishes (mech elec life safety & sprikelr under separate permit.) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905077889 | |||||
SCORE 100 22nd floor tenant improvement including hardwall alteration replacement of doors relocate partitions new lighting & finishes (mech elec life safety & sprikelr under separate permit.) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905077892 | |||||
SCORE 100 20th floor - tenant improvement including hardwall alteration replacement of doors relocate partitions new lighting & finishes (mech elec life safety & sprikelr under separate permit.) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905077893 | |||||
SCORE 100 22nd floor demolition including removal of existing interior tenant improvements per ab -017. Life safety & sprinkelrs to remain operational. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905158459 | |||||
Relocate & remove fire sprinklers for tenant improvements. (22-relocate) (1-remove). ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905208753 | |||||
SCORE 100 20th floor-mechanical & electrical work associated with approved pa# 2009-0507-7893 including lighting power & signal Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905289276 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remodel of existing restaurant on ground floor to include new partitions casework plumbing or electrical. Mep permit under seperate permit. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200905299350 | |||||
SCORE 100 Lighting electrical & mechanical including new & relocated lights power signal wires. Mechanical includes new supply & return air & removal of flue smoke darpers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906019481 | |||||
SCORE 100 Mechanical & electrical work associated with approved application 200905077892 provide new & relcoated lights power & signal. Mechanical including (2) new vav boxes fire smoke dampers new heat pumps and misc. Ductwork. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906029540 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor-tenant improvement including minor demolition & electrical tele data & idf room upgrades. Mechanical work includes new heat pumps fire smoke dampers & piping. Life safety & sprinklers under seperate permit Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906170592 | |||||
SCORE 100 Title 24 lighting plan for t. I. Improvement on 17th floor . Ref. Arch. 200905017483. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906220921 | |||||
SCORE 99 To complete work to obtain final inspection per app#200803177254 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906231127 | |||||
SCORE 100 7th floor. Fire alarm t. I. Ada upgrade on 7th floor tenant salesforce. 2 power supplies 7 speakers strobes. 53 strobes & 24 speakers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906251230 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. Improve (e) fire sprinkler system for duane morris - spear tower on 21st floor. Relcoate heads (pendents). Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906251238 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement on (e) fire sprinkler system on 22nd floor. Relocate 146 heads add 26 heads and delete 21 heads. For a total of 172 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907092248 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to pa# 2009-0529-9350-leave (e) casework & install new tops leave (e) wing wall in prep kitchen. Mep and fire protection separte permits Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200907092315 | |||||
SCORE 100 T i upgrade on the (e) fire sprinkler system for duane morris 20th fl (spear tower). Relocate 83 heads add 5 and remove plug 2heads. Totral 88 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907162746 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to application 200904065650. Widen ramp & provide structural details. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907213090 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement for 40th floor. Demolitions & new construction of partitions doors partial ceiling fixtures and finishes. Mechanical electrical sprinklers under separate permits. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907223164 | |||||
SCORE 100 22nd floor revision to approved permit 200905077892 - including adjusting partitions & dimensions in restrooms per field inspector request. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907223167 | |||||
SCORE 98 Relocate fire sprinkler per tenant improvements. (11 relocated). Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907273510 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical work only for ti (partial floor) to add new and replace existing fixtures outlets and other electrical equipment. Ref app 200707223164 for ti reference Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907303811 | |||||
SCORE 100 Code upgrade to existing idf room Current use: Office | Permit id: #200909237466 | |||||
SCORE 100 Level b1 & b2 - to obtain final inspection for work approved under 200602235217 all work has been completed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200909257704 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st & 2nd fl - to obtain final inspection for work approved under 200806124328. All work has been completed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200909257706 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install one set of non illuminated letter on wall for fedex office (spear tower) Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201001074326 | |||||
SCORE 100 12th floor-1 market- spear tower. Ti upgrade of (e) fire sprinkler system on 12th floor. Add 9 sprinkler heads and relocate 2 heads. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001114521 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st floor ti fo rlobby corridor to demo old & construct new rated walls & s doors in elevator lobby area. Sprinkler electrical mechanical & fire alarms on separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001144789 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st & 42nd floor - demolition of non-egress stair & enclosure to replace with slab infill & ceiling tile grid electrical mechanical sprinklers & alarms under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001144790 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st floor. Tenant improvement on multi-tenant floor to demo and construct new non-structural walls doors partitions and finishes. Electrical mech sprinklers & fire alarm under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001204992 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st floor. Tenant improvement on multi-tenant floor to demo and construct new non-structural walls doors partitions and finishes. Electrical mech sprinklers & fire alarm under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001204993 | |||||
SCORE 100 41st floor spear tower -t. I. Upgrade of the (e) fire sprinkler system. 101-relocated pendent sprinkler 13-added pendent sprinkler 25-deleted sprinklers total 117. Ref. Appl.#2010 0120 4993 & 2010 0120 4992 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201001295566 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation & mfg. Of evacuation maps floors; basement to 11 floors. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201006104256 |