Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 89 Client: Rockford Orthopedic Associates | Permit id: Plum20101191 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Patriots Gateway Community Center | Permit id: Plum20101388 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Burpee Museum Of Natural History | Permit id: Plum20091428 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Permit id: Plum20091961 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Miller, Robert | Permit id: Plum20091049 | |||||
SCORE 89 ![]() ![]() Client: Der Rathskeller | Permit id: Plum20091176 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Seago, Joyce | Permit id: Plum20101017 | |||||
SCORE 89 737 Main St Rockford, Il 61103 Burpee museum manny mansion & solem wing ext. - renovate original burpee museum building upgrade mep and provide energy conservation improvements. Plan review # 09-0811. 8 wc, 2 urinal, 12 lavs, 1-1 gal wh, 1 w soft, 2 w coolers, 2 sinks, 6 flr drains, 1 flr sink ![]() ![]() Client: Rockford Park District | Permit id: Plum20091625 | |||||
SCORE 89 6957 Olde Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61114 Warm vanilla box for perryville place3 wc, 1 ur, 4 lav, 1 drinking fountain, rpz ![]() ![]() Permit id: Plum20081045 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20101115 | |||||
SCORE 89 3747 Meridian Rd Rockford, Il 61101 This is a plumbing permit for a grease trap prior to any other permits. Plan review # 09-0609. New 3 story office building. ![]() ![]() Client: Pierce Chemical Co | Permit id: Plum20091510 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Central Terrace Co-Operative | Permit id: Plum20101430 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Alpine Partners Llc, Co Midland Mgt Llc | Permit id: Plum20111995 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Woodmans Food Market | Permit id: Plum20102099 | |||||
SCORE 89 2116 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102 (2) wc, (2) urinal, (2) bradley wash fountain, (1) single comp sink, (1) ms, (1) wtr cooler, (3) fd, (8) catch basin, (2) triple basin, (1) 3" backflow, (16) bibb, (1) elec wtrhtr Client: Liebovich Steel | Permit id: Plum20101726 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: High Ridge Partners | Permit id: Plum20111078 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: High Ridge Partners | Permit id: Plum20102223 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Fridh Corporation, Jeff Holt | Permit id: Plum20101956 | |||||
SCORE 89 611 Highgrove Pl Rockford, Il 61108 (4) backflow, (1) ms, (1) 3 comp, (1) 4 comp, (3) hs, (1) fd, (3) fs, (7) trench drain, (1) gal gas wtrhtr @ 1 btu Client: First Rockford Group, First Rockford Group | Permit id: Plum20101414 | |||||
SCORE 89 449 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61107 1 ks, 1 mop sinknapleton cadillac remodel. Remodeling of exterior facade and interior layout. Renovate existing hvac, lighting and electrical systems, and plumbing. Building plan review 11-0917. Client: Napleton Motor Works | Permit id: Plum20111967 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Walmart Real Estate Business Trust | Permit id: Plum20111137 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20111463 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Walmart Real Estate Business Trust | Permit id: Plum20111202 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20111272 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20102198 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Sunil Puri, Llc | Permit id: Plum20111718 | |||||
SCORE 89 1601 University Dr Rockford, Il 61107 2 hose bibb, 1 mop sink, 2 fl drains second floor glass enclosed classroom addition over existing roof area. Steel tube structural system. New rtu. Floor sink. Sprinklers. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits are not issued with this building permit. A separate application and permit for all trades must be obtained by licensed contractors. No mechanical, electrical or plumbing work is to begin until these permits have been applied for and obtained. Client: Rosecrance Health Network | Permit id: Plum20121770 | |||||
SCORE 89 1901 Harrison Ave Rockford, Il 61104 Building plumbing. Water service and sewer outside of building on other permit. Plum201113803wc, 2urinal, 1lav, 1 ltub, hose bib, ks, rpz 1", 7 fd, wash fountain, triple basin, eye wash Client: Benk, Richard | Permit id: Plum20111208 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Rosecrance Health Network | Permit id: Plum20101891 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Udl Laboratories, Inc | Permit id: Plum20111943 | |||||
SCORE 89 36 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103 4wc, 1urinal, 4lav, 1ks, 2-2" rpz, 1 drkftn, 1mop sink, 2 fd united lutheran renovations. Interior renovations to sanctuary, fellowship hall, office, restrooms. Work include building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. Building plan review 12-0313. Client: United Lutheran Church, Oscar Holtz | Permit id: Plum20121304 | |||||
SCORE 89 321 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61107 3wc, 1urinal, 4lav, 3hose bibb, 3 rpz- 2", 1 3-comp sink, 2hand sinks, 1mop sink, 8fd, 4" water service, 6 open site drains, 1 catch basin, 3 trench drains, gal gas water heater, 1 grease trap kelley williamson mobil gas station. Construct a new convenience store, gasoline pumping station with canopy and automatic drive-thru car wash. Building plan review 12-0520. Client: Kelley Williamson, Cathy Jacobson | Permit id: Plum20121511 | |||||
SCORE 89 811 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108 3 ks, 1 fd, gal ele water heaterlehan drugs & home medical equipment. Partitions, acoustical ceiling tile, floor coverings, plumbing, hvac (new rtu), electrical power & lighting. Building plan review # 11-1111. Client: East Bridge Centre, Llc | Permit id: Plum20112179 | |||||
SCORE 89 3501 State St Rockford, Il 61101 12-22-11 - gas water heater - gal - btu 40k - 5 water closet - 1 urinal - 4 lav. - 2 hose bibb - 1 kitchen sink - 1 bkflow/rpz -size 2" - 2 drink. Fountains - 1 mop sink - 4 floor drains - sewer & water 2" child permit osf ems training facility. New building with full mep drawings. Building plan review # 11-1102. Client: Osf St Anthony Medical Ctr | Permit id: Plum20112098 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20091322 | |||||
SCORE 89 11 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 (6) wc, (2) urinal, (8) lav, (1) 3/4" rpz, (2) df, (2) ms work started without a permit fine to be assessed at next occurrence Client: Crusaders Clinic | Permit id: Plum20101694 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Battel, Jack | Permit id: Plum20111589 | |||||
SCORE 89 7038 Walton St Rockford, Il 61108 Plan review 09-0706. Interior remodel of existing (vacant) caribou coffee to charleys grilled subs. No structural or exterior modifications. 9 fdrains, 2 hsinks, 1 filtered water system, 1 hub drain, 1 floor sink, 1 floor clean-out ![]() ![]() Client: Kim, Taehoon | Permit id: Plum20091501 | |||||
SCORE 89 Airport Dr Rockford, Il 61109 Plan review # 09-0703. New metal building with a lean to building attached to existing terminal structure. 3 wc, 1 urinal, 2 lavs, 3 flr drains, 1 triple separator, 2 trench drain section ( each), 1 mop basin ![]() ![]() Client: Greater Rockford Airport Authority | Permit id: Plum20091492 | |||||
SCORE 89 10 Chamberlain St Rockford, Il 61107 () wc, (4) lav, (1) urinal, (2) sink, (1) ms, (4) fd, (1) water cooler, (1) backflow Client: Rockford Housing Authority | Permit id: Plum20101186 | |||||
SCORE 89 737 Madison St Rockford, Il 61107 Springfield electric office remodel. 6 gal wh (located under/in cabinet), dw,2 hand sinks ![]() ![]() Client: Springfield Elec Supply Co | Permit id: Plum20111264 | |||||
SCORE 89 3747 Meridian Rd Rockford, Il 61101 Plan review # 09-0609. New 3 story office building. Plumbing permit. 19 wc, 7 urinals, 16 lavs, 3 msinks, fl drains, 26 sinks, 1 gal wh, 3 ext hose bibs, 2 ele water coolers, 3 emergency eywashes, 1 elevator sump pump & pit, 1 duplex ejector system, 1 ext grease trap ![]() ![]() Client: Pierce Chemical Co | Permit id: Plum20091438 | |||||
SCORE 89 346 Roxbury Rd Rockford, Il 61107 Plumbing (child permit) - 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 11 kitchen sink, 9 blackflow/rpz, floor drains, r. O. System. 6,024 square foot addition on north and south side of existing surgery center. Plan review 12-0910 Client: Rockford Orthopedic Surgery Ctr | Permit id: Plum20121908 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | Permit id: Plum20101822 | |||||
SCORE 89 3501 Kishwaukee St Rockford, Il 61109 12-22-11 - electric water heater #kw 4. 5/4. 5 4 - 2 shower - 2 water closet - 2 lav. - 6 floor drains child permit rrwrd bathrooms in basement. Interior construction of two bathrooms with showers (male and female). Work includes building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. Building plan review # 11-1206 Client: Rock River Water Reclamation | Permit id: Plum20112224 | |||||
SCORE 89 2812 22nd St Rockford, Il 61109 1- truck dock drain, pit, pump and piping onto grade. Mte addition. New 14,7 s. F. Metal building addition to an existing block building of 15,1 s. F. Both buildings are one story. Mep work not submitted yet. Building plan review # 11-0709 Client: Mte Rapid Air | Permit id: Plum20111920 | |||||
SCORE 89 Client: Urban Express | Permit id: Plum20102278 | |||||
SCORE 89 Permit id: Plum20101542 | |||||
SCORE 89 5181 Falcon Rd Rockford, Il 61109 2 lav, 1 s, 1 s, 1 ms, 2 gal wh, 1 1" double check valve, 1 drain, 1 hose bib Permit id: Plum20101067 | |||||
SCORE 89 403 Energy Ave Rockford, Il 61109 2shwr, 17wc, 6urinal,14lav, 2hose bibb, 2ks, 3 - 3" rpz, 3drkftn, 2mop sinks, 15 fd, gas gas wh, sewer & 8" water comed training facility. New 34,464 s. F. Training facility with outdoor training/ pole climbing yard and car parking and detention. Building plan review #12-0417 Client: Comed, James Sykora | Permit id: Plum20121409 | |||||
SCORE 89 24 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61108 8-8-12 8 showers - 6 w. Closets - 2 urinals - 6 lav. - 1 backflow/rpz -2" - 2 drinking fountains - 1 mop sink - 7 floor drains & water service -2" child permit planet fitness rockford 12- 0628demolition of interior partitions, plumbing, and some electrical fixtures. New construction to include interior partitions, plumbing fixtures, some electrical & finishes. ![]() ![]() Client: Dobyrnio, Mike | Permit id: Plum20121630 | |||||
SCORE 89 3747 Meridian Rd Rockford, Il 61101 (1) 1 gal 199 btu gas wtrhtr(2) hs, (1) 3 comp, (1) 2 comp, (1) single sink, (1) pre-rinse sink, (1) dw, (5) ms, (2) condensate pumps Client: Thermo Fisher Scientific | Permit id: Plum20101605 |