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Zurab Odikadze operates out of 9744 Chapelcroft St Phila Pa 19115-.

Zurab Odikadze completed most projects in 2016.

Based on the information received from Philadelphia PA building department, there are 110 building permits associated with Zurab Odikadze over the past 6 years .

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Zurab Odikadze has CheckPermit score of 100 which places them above 90% of local contractors.
We usually recommend hiring a contractor with a rank of 75 or above.


110 projects completed between 2011 and 2017.
An average 18 projects per year.

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1623 Cadwallader St Philadelphia Pa 191220000
Install soil & waste & water supply piping 4-water closet, 4-lav, 1-bathtub, 2-shower, 1-kitchen sink, 1-bar sink & 1-laundry sink the installation will comply with the philadelphia plumbing code 2004
Date:  December 6, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: December 6, 2017 | Permit id: 837433
1533 Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19122
Installation of soil and waste water supply piping to fixtures. 3wc 3lav 1shower 1bt 1laundry 1floor drain 1kitchen sink as per philadelphia 2004 plumbing code
Date:  October 26, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 816874
10 S 25th St Philadelphia Pa 191463906
Installation of soil, waist, and water supply piping to fixtures; three(3)w c, three(3) lavs, one(1) shower, one(1) bath one(1) kitchen sink one(1)laundry one(1) bar sink one(1) dishwasher as per philadelphia 2004 plumbing code.
Date:  October 26, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Client: Novruzaj Alime Novruzaj Agim | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 827228
1531 Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19122
Installation of soil and waste water supply piping to fixtures. 3wc 3lav 1shower 1bt 1laundry 1floor drain 1kitchen sink as per philadelphia 2004 plumbing code
Date:  October 26, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 816873
1529 Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19122
Installation of soil and waste water supply piping to fixtures. 3wc 3lav 1shower 1bt 1laundry 1floor drain 1kitchen sink as per philadelphia 2004 plumbing code
Date:  October 26, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 816870
1519 Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19122
Install soil waste and water supply piping to fixtures 4wc 4lav 1shower 1bt 1washer 1land tray 1 bar sink 1ks as per philadelphia 2004 plumbing code.
Date:  October 20, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 23, 2017 | Permit id: 795509
1352 South St Philadelphia Pa 191471823
Alterations: interior plumbing;fit-out of existing vacant commercial space to accommodate new dentist office; 2 water closets, 2 lavy sinks, 9 hand wash sinks - the installation will comply with the philadelphia plumbing code 2004
Date:  September 28, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Client: Us 13 Dental Llc | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: October 17, 2017 | Permit id: 811318
3066 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 191345030
Installation waste,soil and water supply piping to fixture 2w c,2 lavs,2 showers,1 kitchen sink and laundry (sfd)the installation will comply with the philadelphia plumbing code 2004
Date:  August 22, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Client: Beqiraj Robert | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 810490
846 N 25th St Philadelphia Pa 191301834
Alterations: interior plumbing; prescriptive method;vacant commercial space on the 1st floor with an existing two-family household living above -the installation will comply with the philadelphia plumbing code 2004
Date:  August 1, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Client: Earl Properties Llc | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: October 4, 2017 | Permit id: 796922
381832 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 191285212
New construction: interior plumbing of a 5-story multi-family structure with (32) dwelling units. The installation shall comply with the philadelphia plumbing code, 2004. Fuel gas piping is not part of this permit and requires a mechanical permit. The use of pex pipe materials is not permitted, per code bulletin no. 0901 r3. Additional permits are required for the 6" sanitary sewer lateral and the (2) 2" domestic water distribution services to the street mains, as well as the (2) 2" backflow prevention containment assembly, on the main domestic water supply. Additional permits are required for the site storm water catch basins, rain water conductors,area drains, private underground sanitary laterals domestic water distribution. The location and requirements for water meter, meter pit and backflow prevention containment assembly must be pre-approved by the philadelphia water department. Contact vincent brindisi at 215 828 0685. The plans shall comply with code section 1107. 2 of the inter
Date:  July 17, 2017
Contractor: Zurab Odikadze

Client: Terrace Lofts Lp | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Completion date: November 30, 2017 | Permit id: 774464
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