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2223 H Street Nw Washington Dc
Ps rental; parking on public space
Contractor: Zachary Crandell

Permit status: 10 | Expiration date: August 5, 2017 | Permit id: 0
0662223 H Street Nw Washington DcZachary Crandell
2223 H Street Nw Washington Dc
Whiting-turner is performing interior renovations of gws fulbright hall dormitory. We will need to close the sidewalk from the school of engineering driveway to the corner of h st. And 23rd. We are requesting parking space in front of the building on h st. In order to keep our the space around our location clear of any parked vehicles. This curb is noted as "no parking" along the length we wish to occupy. Despite this, at all times we have been to the site there have been vehicles parked here. We wish to put cones in this location to keep cars from parking in front of our construction project. Also, its required to have a construction permit prior to applying for a public space occupancy permit and parking seemed to be the most appropriate category. We do not plan on parking in this space; we just want to maintain the open space. We plan on erecting overhead protection along 23rd st. Between the extents of fulbright hall.
Date:  March 10, 2017
Contractor: Zachary Crandell

Client: Aristotle Moshi | Permit type: Ps rental; parking on public space | Permit status: Revise and resubmit | Expiration date: August 5, 2017 | Permit id: 0
2017/03/100662223 H Street Nw Washington DcZachary Crandell
2223 H Street Nw Washington Dc
Whiting-turner is performing interior renovations of gws fulbright hall dormitory. We will need to close the sidewalk from the school of engineering driveway to the corner of h st. And 23rd. We are requesting parking space in front of the building on h st. In order to keep our the space around our location clear of any parked vehicles. This curb is noted as "no parking" along the length we wish to occupy. Despite this, at all times we have been to the site there have been vehicles parked here. We wish to put cones in this location to keep cars from parking in front of our construction project. Also, its required to have a construction permit prior to applying for a public space occupancy permit and parking seemed to be the most appropriate category. We do not plan on parking in this space; we just want to maintain the open space. We plan on erecting overhead protection along 23rd st. Between the extents of fulbright hall.
Contractor: Zachary Crandell

Permit status: Revise and resubmit | Expiration date: August 5, 2017 | Permit id: 0
0662223 H Street Nw Washington DcZachary Crandell
2223 H Street Nw Washington Dc
Ps rental; parking on public space
Contractor: Zachary Crandell

Permit status: 10 | Expiration date: August 5, 2017 | Permit id: 0
0662223 H Street Nw Washington DcZachary Crandell
2223 H Street Nw Washington Dc
Whiting-turner is performing interior renovations of gws fulbright hall dormitory. We will need to close the sidewalk from the school of engineering driveway to the corner of h st. And 23rd. We are requesting parking space in front of the building on h st. In order to keep our the space around our location clear of any parked vehicles. This curb is noted as "no parking" along the length we wish to occupy. Despite this, at all times we have been to the site there have been vehicles parked here. We wish to put cones in this location to keep cars from parking in front of our construction project. Also, its required to have a construction permit prior to applying for a public space occupancy permit and parking seemed to be the most appropriate category. We do not plan on parking in this space; we just want to maintain the open space. We plan on erecting overhead protection along 23rd st. Between the extents of fulbright hall.
Contractor: Zachary Crandell

Permit status: Revise and resubmit | Expiration date: August 5, 2017 | Permit id: 0
0662223 H Street Nw Washington DcZachary Crandell

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