Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 99 Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100558250 | |||||
SCORE 99 1907 New York Ave Austin Tx 78702 Remodel install on lot relocated dwelling dwelling relocated per permit 05019446 this permit is issued as a finishout to permit 05023057 permitted activities include connecting electrical mechanical and plumbing components along with securing the structure to the foundation Date: November 15, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 20, 2007 | Expiration date: November 20, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-156609 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 1, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: September 28, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-022792 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 67 Esther Dr Austin Tx 78752 Addition of maste suite to rear of existing sf res remodel of 2 existing bedrooms to reconfigure walls and replace sheetrock minor electrical work and new hvac system to be installed Date: February 20, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 8, 2009 | Expiration date: May 8, 2009 | Permit id: 2008-098409 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6306 Mountain Park Cv Austin Tx 78731 Change out 2 hvac systems to existing res only repermit of 2008055211 Date: February 20, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 2009 | Expiration date: February 24, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-012405 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 30, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 4, 2009 | Expiration date: September 4, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-057847 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6116 Janey Dr Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo of rear wall to accommodate addition addition to add living room and guest bedroom and bathroom and covered pations remodel existing kitchen and carport interior wall demolition included replacing hvac and windows mep permits required Date: October 8, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 9, 2010 | Expiration date: April 9, 2010 | Permit id: 2009-095556 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 26, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 28, 2009 | Expiration date: August 28, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-096392 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3805 Stevenson Ave Austin Tx 78703 Remodel kitchen bathrooms including master bathroom utility room adding 15 bathrooms master bedroom see expired permit install outside gas line to bar b que pit 2007106145pp mep permits required 3 total bathrooms Date: October 15, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 30, 2010 | Expiration date: June 30, 2010 | Permit id: 2009-112527 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 17 Cullen Ave Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo of exist 1 story sf res to remove portion of north wall remove replace entire roof on exist res remodel to raise pitch of roof gut and reconfigure interior replace windows doors siding plumbing electrical hvac remodel kitchen baths level foundation addition to add 189sq ft for kitchen dining add 306 sq ft for front and rear covd porch Date: March 5, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 11, 2010 | Expiration date: June 11, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-002906 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8506 Silver Ridge Dr Austin Tx 78759 Move garage wall to expand kitchen add study opening dining room and remodeling kitchen new gas line for kitchen replacing water heater updating and reconfiguring electirical adding lighting new hardwood flooring throughout removing paneling and stone from around fireplace Date: August 31, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 2, 2010 | Expiration date: December 2, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-069333 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 67 Esther Dr Austin Tx 78752 Expansion and addition of kitchen and new living room remodel of existing kitchen dining and garage electrical plumbing and hvac work as needed Date: October 5, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 23, 2011 | Expiration date: February 23, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-084236 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 10, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 5, 2007 | Expiration date: November 5, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-142278 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1705 Drake Ave Austin Tx 78704 Partial demo of existing rear sf residence to add master bedroom full bath closet and storage add duct work partial demo of existing attached wood deck in rear yard and replacing with new attached uncovered wood deck replacing existing ac unit with newer larger unit and extending duct work into new addition replace water heater repair existing foundation electrical mechanical and plumbing as needed Date: December 13, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 1, 2011 | Expiration date: April 1, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-087118 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4435 Frontier Trl Austin Tx 78745 Interior remodel to existing funeral services to add accessory use crematorium Date: September 11, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 19, 2007 | Expiration date: September 19, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-147061 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 11, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: March 9, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-150283 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 11, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: March 9, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-150287 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6806 Rockledge Cv Austin Tx 78731 Total interior remodel of first floor entry kitchen living dining family and bath rooms move hvac to attic remove furdowns and reroute duct work plumbing and electrical reconfigure interior walls adding new windows Date: December 13, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 13, 2011 | Expiration date: May 13, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-100955 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 26, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 14, 2009 | Expiration date: July 14, 2009 | Permit id: 2007-163836 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1706 W 11th St Austin Tx 78703 Remodel existing legal noncomplying accessory structure to increase the size of the existing bathroom and relocate shower and add sink and add closet add hvac wall unit exterior condensor electrical plumbing and mechanical as needed Date: June 6, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 22, 2011 | Expiration date: July 22, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-003551 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 19, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 27, 2007 | Expiration date: December 27, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-165761 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 2, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 24, 2008 | Expiration date: January 24, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-167655 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2707 S 2nd St Austin Tx 78704 Move exst 1 story sf res from front of lot towards rear of lot in preparation for resub Date: August 1, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 12, 2008 | Expiration date: September 12, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-001614 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 11212 Metric Blvd Unit 3 Austin Tx 78758 Interior remodel to exising office inside existing officewarehouse Date: April 1, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 22, 2008 | Expiration date: April 22, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-011713 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 28, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 7, 2011 | Expiration date: June 7, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-025152 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3963 Westlake Dr Austin Tx 78746 Construction of a one bed one bath guest house over a garage and office Date: July 30, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 5, 2015 | Expiration date: October 5, 2015 | Permit id: 2011-059595 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2425 Elmont Dr Austin Tx 78741 Change out hvac to units 207 1 210111 211 112 212 113 213 114 214115 116 216 117 118 206 104 105 205 units total Date: August 2, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: April 23, 2012 | Permit id: 2011-068297 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2009 River Hills Rd Austin Tx 78733 Interior remodel replace 1 skylight replace 2 windows and 3 window sashes replace patio door unit master bath remodel remove and replace all water damagedmold effecteddrywall remove and replace trim cabeints showers and shower pans tile in bathrooms wood floors on 1st floor Date: April 11, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 19, 2016 | Expiration date: July 19, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-039552 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7104 Darcus Cv Austin Tx 78759 Partial demolition of roof structure to accoomodate new 2nd story addition of bedroom and bathroom Date: September 28, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 7, 2011 | Expiration date: December 7, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-084524 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 27, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: November 23, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-040242 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 8, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 28, 2014 | Expiration date: August 28, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-1038 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1114 Algarita Ave Bldg B Austin Tx 78704 Partial demo for bath additionremodel to existing duplex unit b Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 14, 2017 | Permit id: 2015-111437 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 57 Marilyn Dr Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo for addition remodel interior remodel replacing windows siding total of 5 bedrooms 3 baths total Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: February 11, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-065604 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2502 Spring Creek Dr Austin Tx 78704 Partial demoaddition of mudroom sq ft taken from garage interior remodel removing and capping chimney replacing existing siding replacing windows enlarging some windows replacing garage door exterior doors new covered patio new covered trellis with supporting wood columns Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 14, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-1005 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 4, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-1156 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 18, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-115693 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4213 Avenue D Austin Tx 78751 Interior remodel relocate plumbing and electrical for new kitchen as needed install new recessed can lighting Date: August 9, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 21, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-0819 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 21, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-115653 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 2, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 17, 2014 | Expiration date: January 17, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-124749 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 20, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: September 16, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-107413 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 11, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 1, 2013 | Expiration date: November 1, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-106932 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2602 Clear Cv Austin Tx 78704 Remodel exist 1 story interior floorswalls enlarge exist kitchen utility addn to exist 1 story kitchen laundry area and add screened porch Date: June 25, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 12, 2007 | Expiration date: December 12, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-114658 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2213 E Cesar Chavez St Austin Tx 78702 Partial demo of the south ext wall and part of the southeast corner roof for addition renovation on the home by adding a bathroom and relocating the kitchen addition of roomstudio to existing home and two parking spaces min 17x17 Date: December 10, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 23, 2014 | Expiration date: June 23, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-111974 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4421 Banister Ln Austin Tx 78745 Partial demo of rear entry rear windows for addition repermit expired 09000249 mp addition of approx 5 sq ft of conditioned space to existg home new master suite including bedrm walkincloset bathrm hallway willbe constructed to connect existing to new adition new covered patio off new master suite new sidwalk new conc curb cuts and new required driveway min 12 ft new required parking spaces conc or asphalt min 8 12 ft x 34 ft Date: February 6, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 28, 2014 | Expiration date: August 28, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-114025 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7105 Danwood Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demo of exterior wall for addition for addition new addition for masterbath existing structure will be taken down to the studs interior walls will be reconfigured for kitchen and guestbath all new elecrical plumbing and hvac upgrade per plans and code all new spray foam insulation new windows and foors new flooring throughout exterior french drain to provide driange for addition replace siding wboard batten hard siding Date: December 10, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 23, 2014 | Expiration date: April 23, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-115431 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2408 Sharon Ln Austin Tx 78703 Convert existing attic space into habitable space add bathroom to attic Date: October 11, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 18, 2007 | Expiration date: October 18, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-127142 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 203 E 10th St Austin Tx 78701 Interior remodel to existing religious assemby storage room to create accessory retail gift shop Date: November 15, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 11, 2007 | Expiration date: December 11, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-132702 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 5105 Ridge Oak Dr Austin Tx 78731 Total demoltion of the pool and spa tear down to slab to construct new 1 story sf res 4 bdrm 35 bth with attached 2 car garage covd entry covd rear patio Date: October 28, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 14, 2016 | Expiration date: March 14, 2016 | Permit id: 2013-131608 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 18 Palmwood Cv Austin Tx 78757 Complete interior remodel combine two existing bedrooms to create one master bedroom and closet existing master closet to be converted to shower for master bathroom remove wall between formal living and den relocate wall between garage and utillity room to shrink utility room and increase garage bring hvac to current code to address expired permit 1985012967 ep ac changeout res Date: June 30, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Expiration date: July 9, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-028598 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8707 Ridgehill Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demo and complete interior remodel portions of walls to be demod to accommodate new windows roof kitchen to be demod to raise ceiling demo house down to the studs reconfigure walls ceilings and roof move and expand baths larger kitchen change from 5 bedrooms to 4 bedrooms and an office upgrade electrical and plumbing new spray foam insulation new hvac system new windows doors trim painting throughout existing noncomplying brick and frame building in side setback wood deck and concrete in pue Date: May 20, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 17, 2014 | Expiration date: October 17, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-031323 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 8, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 15, 2014 | Expiration date: May 15, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-035422 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8508 Silver Ridge Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demoadding new bay window reconfigure interior to add bathroom remodeling master bath and bedroom and kitchen Date: July 9, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 30, 2015 | Expiration date: June 30, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-038834 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3601 Oak Springs Dr Austin Tx 78721 Partial demolition of unit a new addition and remodel addition at unit a at the rear of unit for new glass entry interior remodel of unit a to be reconfigured trades permit as required Date: September 18, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 22, 2015 | Expiration date: May 22, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-050859 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3601 Oak Springs Dr Unit B Austin Tx 78721 Partial demolition of unit b for new addition and remodel addition at unit b at the front to extend living kitchen and bedroom area new covered patio and wood deck at unit b interior remodel of unit b to be reconfigured trades permit as required Date: July 16, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 22, 2015 | Expiration date: May 22, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-0508 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 28, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: April 26, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-116397 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7433 Burnet Rd Austin Tx 78757 Interior remodel to existing food prep commercial kitchen number new hvac units installed 1 and duct work Date: December 11, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 9, 2015 | Expiration date: April 9, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-128362 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 11, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 16, 2014 | Expiration date: December 16, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-131457 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 16, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: January 12, 2009 | Permit id: 2008-055211 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3301 Neal St Austin Tx 78702 Partial demoone story addition to add conditioned space to existing one story mcmansion home including screen porch repair and replace siding at exterior of house Date: September 18, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 2015 | Expiration date: February 24, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-072953 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 14011 Hummingbird Ln Austin Tx 78732 Partial demolition included additionremodel of existing onestory singlefamily residence to create a twostory singlefamily residence with an attached guest house per ldc 252893d on the 2nd floor adddition will add 825sf of new 1st floor area 489sf of new 2nd floor areaguest house 727sf of new carport with enclosed storage area and 466sf of new covered porches remodel work per plans upon completion the residence will have 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and the guest house will have 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom Date: June 12, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 20, 2016 | Expiration date: May 20, 2016 | Permit id: 2014-080485 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 8, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: July 7, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-001287 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: February 13, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 2015 | Expiration date: February 24, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-017052 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: February 13, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: July 25, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-017054 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 16, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 25, 2015 | Expiration date: August 25, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-024236 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 15 Ashberry Dr Austin Tx 78723 Partial demoremove wall bw living room and kitchen install new kitchen cabinets and countertops covert one bedroom to new master bathroom and convert existing hall bath into half bath replace staircase construct new coveredscreened in proch in place of existing slab remodel laundry room replace door in secod floor hall bath Date: May 11, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 22, 2016 | Expiration date: February 22, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-038097 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4018 Greenhill Pl Austin Tx 78759 Partial democomplete remodel of existing res plus a 49 sq ft addition utilizing existing garage space raise roof over common living area new window doors plumbing electrical and hvac Date: May 11, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 20, 2015 | Expiration date: November 20, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-038438 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 26, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 3, 2009 | Expiration date: September 3, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-096397 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 3, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 8, 2009 | Expiration date: September 8, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-099288 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6105 Highlandale Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demo replace windows in bedroom 2 addition of stairwell and 3rd floor addition of master suite suite to include bedroom bathroom walkin closet and small study screen porch under 3rd story addition Date: August 24, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 7, 2017 | Permit id: 2015-003061 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 8, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: April 25, 2010 | Permit id: 2009-113576 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 120 Carmel Park Ln Austin Tx 78727 Partiallydemolish rear corner wall of existing residence remodel remodel kitchen living araea and master bathroom addition add new family room powder room and a utility room 617 square feet total space Date: October 15, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 8, 2011 | Expiration date: April 8, 2011 | Permit id: 2009-114444 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2408 Marlton Dr Austin Tx 78703 Interior and exterior renovation of existing 2story sfr with a new 2story addition Date: February 23, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: February 25, 2017 | Permit id: 2015-0879 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8905 Balcones Club Dr Austin Tx 78750 Interior remodel of existing dwelling mainly confined to the master bath and kitchen areas replace tub with shower replace shower valve changeout ac unit replace kitchen faucets new lighting fixtures replace recirculation pump for water heater replaceinstall new sliding glass doors replace 3 windows interiorexterior items Date: February 8, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 16, 2011 | Expiration date: May 16, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-097116 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1108 N Meadows Dr Unit 1 Austin Tx 78758 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: July 19, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 15, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-085391 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1108 N Meadows Dr Unit 2 Austin Tx 78758 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: July 19, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 15, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-085392 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 3, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 2, 2016 | Expiration date: September 2, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-0924 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1911 Willow St Austin Tx 78702 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: August 5, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: February 1, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-092469 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4709 Harmon Ave Unit 301 Austin Tx 78751 Changeout hvac to exsting comm bldg only units 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 402 403 404 405 408 Date: December 29, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: June 27, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-110614 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 702 Winflo Dr Austin Tx 78703 Electric for new installation of hvac system to existing residence not occupied Date: March 8, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 14, 2011 | Expiration date: March 14, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-014362 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 14, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 30, 2016 | Expiration date: March 30, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-027622 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4901 Crestway Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demo additionremodel of 2story sf res add uncovd wood decks addition of conditioned space in place of existing front porch extensive interior remodel Date: April 20, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: February 19, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-029111 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 6, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: December 3, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-049242 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1801 Exposition Blvd Austin Tx 78703 Interior remodel of existing sf residence to include kitchen and living area remodel reconfigure plumbing electrical replace cabinets countertops electrical and plumbing fixtures replace flooring replace windows and doors reconfigure interior walls electrical plumbing as needed also modifying duct runs Date: June 6, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 21, 2011 | Expiration date: September 21, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-049245 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2315 Town Lake Cir Austin Tx 78741 Change out 36 hvac systems to unit s 101112 201212 301312 to existing comm bldg only Date: June 6, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: December 3, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-049258 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 29, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: December 26, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-057151 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4517 Rimrock Trl Austin Tx 78723 New construction of 18 sf house 3 bed and 3 bath with additional detached carport and 7 sf studio new curb cut Date: February 4, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 26, 2013 | Expiration date: September 26, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-089998 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 26, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 26, 2013 | Expiration date: September 26, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-110991 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1705 Princeton Ave Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo and additionremodel to existing sf res to add 1st floor space and covered patio and uncovered patio approved by coc program Date: June 17, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 16, 2013 | Expiration date: October 16, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-027122 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 16, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 6, 2013 | Expiration date: August 6, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073237 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 9615 Woody Ridge Vw Austin Tx 78730 Interior remodel remodel downstairs new cabinets flooring and paint plumbing move kitchen sink change out master tub with a rectangular unit rather than round electrical move recessed cans add stove hood and change out restroom vents Date: November 8, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 15, 2013 | Expiration date: November 15, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-117573 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1303 Hillside Ave Austin Tx 78704 New construction of a twostory guest house per ldc 252893d having an office kitchen area one bedroom one full bathroom and attached wood deck on 1st floor and roof deck on 2nd floor Date: May 20, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 24, 2014 | Expiration date: September 24, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-018217 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 28, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 11, 2014 | Expiration date: December 11, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-116396 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: October 2, 2002 | Expiration date: March 8, 2003 | Permit id: 2002-017254 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 12, 2002 | Expiration date: November 12, 2002 | Permit id: 2002-0035 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1105 W 31st St Austin Tx 78705 Interior remodel kitchen dining den guest bath master bedroom master bathroom game room bar tv room and guest bath remodel guest house pool house kitchen living area new laundry station in garage flooring paint Date: May 11, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 4, 2015 | Expiration date: November 4, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-045453 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 5405 Bull Run Cir Austin Tx 78727 Complete remodel of existing structure and first and second floor addition totaling1088 sf all new plumbing and electric and hvac new windows and doors spray foam insulation for entire structure one additional bedroom and one additional bath Date: August 24, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 14, 2016 | Expiration date: January 14, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-052573 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 22, 2007 | Expiration date: June 22, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-003585 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7205 Rain Creek Pkwy Austin Tx 78759 Remodel existing sf res first floor to include new kitchen reconfigure interior walls new plumbing electrical reroute hvac ducts new fireplace new front door new patio doors new flooring for existing interior and exterior porches replace bath fixtures new railing and treads for the stairs new flooring second floor hallway add outdoor kitchen at rear porch electrical plumbing and mechanical as needed Date: January 18, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 1, 2012 | Expiration date: June 1, 2012 | Permit id: 2011-113471 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4515 Clawson Rd Austin Tx 78745 Partial demolition of att carport to add new kitchen dinng room and master suite to existing sf res remodel change kitchen to laundry room replace windows throughout and update electrical and plumbing throughout Date: July 16, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 3, 2009 | Expiration date: March 3, 2009 | Permit id: 2008-049009 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4612 Depew Ave Austin Tx 78751 Complete remodel of existing sf res replace electrical plumbing and hvac throughout as needed addition of new 2nd story to add new loft 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom Date: September 18, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 27, 2009 | Expiration date: January 27, 2009 | Permit id: 2008-051513 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 14, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 15, 2010 | Expiration date: January 15, 2010 | Permit id: 2009-0864 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: November 26, 2008 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: May 25, 2009 | Permit id: 2008-092605 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 5, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 20, 2009 | Expiration date: January 20, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-000246 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 5, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: July 4, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-000249 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7101 Danwood Dr Austin Tx 78759 Interior remodel to demolish home and leave studs up reconfigure interior walls relocate plumbing as required update electrical add new 2 amp service new foam insulation new windows and doors new sheetrock new cabinets new countertops new floor and new hvac ducts to existing sf res Date: March 9, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 16, 2012 | Expiration date: November 16, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-015391 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4613 Depew Ave Austin Tx 78751 Remodel to existing sf res to include kitchen breakfast master bedroom bath partial demolition to remove an existing bedroom and the addition of a deck Date: June 30, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 24, 2011 | Expiration date: January 24, 2011 | Permit id: 2009-043288 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 122 La Vista St Austin Tx 78704 Partial demolition to rear roof structure on existing 1st story res and storage area to rear to accomodate for second story addition for new bathroom bedroom and utility room small first floor addition to add closet new covered patio to front of house remodel of existing rear deck to change pitch of roof remodel of existing plumbing and electrical wallboard and insulation throughout as needed Date: May 13, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 20, 2009 | Expiration date: October 20, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-045776 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 12028 Emerald Oaks Dr Austin Tx 78739 Interior remodel build out of existing attic area no changes to the footprint roofline will be extended in one area will stay within existing footprint Date: June 5, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 8, 2009 | Expiration date: September 8, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-048326 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3311 Lookout Ln Austin Tx 78746 Interior kitchen remodel to replance and relocate electrical plumbing hvac and sheetrock reconfigure interior wall Date: June 30, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 31, 2009 | Expiration date: August 31, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-066216 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 30, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 24, 2009 | Expiration date: August 24, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-071227 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1805 Romeria Dr Austin Tx 78757 Partial demolition to rear of existing sf res to accomodate new enlargement of kitchen dining room and bedroom remodel of existing interior with new windows and doors spray foam insulation and moving of existing bathroom new framing as needed update electrical and plumbing as needed new sheetrock and wallboard as needed Date: May 21, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 25, 2012 | Expiration date: September 25, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-0485 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 28, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 5, 2009 | Expiration date: October 5, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-082944 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 21, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 12, 2012 | Expiration date: July 12, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-050248 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 28, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 25, 2009 | Expiration date: September 25, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-083608 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 24, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 17, 2009 | Expiration date: November 17, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-108084 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1703 Meadowbrook Dr Austin Tx 78703 Partial demo of north east walls and north sunroom addition to enlarge kitchen remodel to relocate kitchen into new addition add cover over existing deck remodel bedroom and bathroom Date: April 1, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 9, 2010 | Expiration date: December 9, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-0076 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: April 9, 2006 | Permit id: 2005-021573 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 5909 Bull Creek Rd Austin Tx 78757 Partial demoexpansion of utility room and extend rear wood deckremodel kitchen and replace siding roof replacement Date: March 2, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 9, 2016 | Expiration date: August 9, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-141642 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: February 23, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 2, 2016 | Expiration date: September 2, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-019153 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 N Ih 35 Svrd Sb Unit 8a1 Austin Tx 78701 Remove nonstructural furdowns relocate hvac registers fire sprinklers and lighting replace master shower and hall bath tub tile install pocket door to laundry install vent hood ducting Date: March 2, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 11, 2016 | Expiration date: April 11, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-0199 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1807 W Slaughter Ln Unit 475 Austin Tx 78748 Change of use and interior remodel from restaurant to medical office Date: April 11, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 12, 2016 | Expiration date: May 12, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-022773 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: February 23, 2007 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 3, 2007 | Expiration date: May 3, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-004842 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 5, 2007 | Expiration date: December 5, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-005426 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: November 20, 2006 | Permit id: 2006-026857 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1211 Richcreek Rd Austin Tx 78757 Interior remodel all work within existing walls frame new master bedroom bath and closet and laundry area includes custom shower all new fixtures update electrical for the new layout remove interior breaker panel upgarde exterior panel new can lighting in interior move hvac air intake and adjust ducts remove all wood paneling replace sheetrock and refinish ceiling and walls throughout replace one window Date: May 5, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 14, 2010 | Expiration date: July 14, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-0309 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 21, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 5, 2010 | Expiration date: May 5, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-033713 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 21, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: October 20, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-033728 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 5, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 21, 2010 | Expiration date: May 21, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-038563 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1702 Taylor Gaines St Austin Tx 78741 New 2 story duplex with w covered porches balconies and wood decks Date: July 28, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 7, 2011 | Expiration date: April 7, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-039128 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 34 Mount Barker Dr Austin Tx 78731 Addition to add covered screened in porch remodel kitchen living and dining room Date: May 28, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 10, 2010 | Expiration date: December 10, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-041712 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 28, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 2, 2010 | Expiration date: June 2, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-046346 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1501 Barton Springs Rd Unit 224 Austin Tx 78704 Change out existing hvac and duct work to existing condo Date: June 7, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 23, 2010 | Expiration date: August 23, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-049212 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 7, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 25, 2010 | Expiration date: June 25, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-049213 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 31, 2009 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 4, 2009 | Expiration date: September 4, 2009 | Permit id: 2009-097765 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 31, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 16, 2010 | Expiration date: November 16, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-075556 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 31, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 6, 2010 | Expiration date: October 6, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-075561 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1806 Larchmont Dr Austin Tx 78704 Converting 282 sq ft of existing garage that is attached to the sf residential structure into a new bedroom and bathroom this will include closing half of the garage with a new brick wall adding new framing new walls insulation raising garage floor to match existing finished floor also adding 3 windows and window framing to front of house Date: October 5, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 22, 2010 | Expiration date: November 22, 2010 | Permit id: 2010-077322 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3601 Rivercrest Dr Austin Tx 78746 Remodel of existing kitchen and master bathroom no additional square footage added new windows and doors new bump out of kitchen over existing wood deck meps as needed revised permit to also include cover over existing uncovd wood deck to create covd patio 111720 mhh no change in fees Date: October 28, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 6, 2011 | Expiration date: May 6, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-0805 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 25 Matthews Dr Austin Tx 78703 Convert closet in basement bedroom to a bathroom no additional square footage int stem wall to be removed to create nich for sink Date: November 9, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 22, 2013 | Expiration date: January 22, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-113967 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4709 Harmon Ave Unit 401 Austin Tx 78751 Changeout hvac to exsitng comm bldg only on 4 units 401 406 407 306 same building Date: December 16, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: June 14, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-107685 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4709 Harmon Ave Austin Tx 78751 Change out existing hvac only units 421 321420320419319418318417317416316415315414314413313412312411311410310409309 Date: January 13, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: July 12, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-0032 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2124 Burton Dr Bldg 7 Austin Tx 78741 Remodel to an exsiting multifamily condo for fire damage install vent for boiler only Date: February 18, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: October 23, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-012954 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Applicant: William Yates | Applicant Phone: (512) 740-4818 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: September 5, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-013837 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 1, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: September 5, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-013837 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 28, 2010 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: January 24, 2011 | Permit id: 2010-064734 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2315 Town Lake Cir Austin Tx 78741 Change out 36 hvac systems to unit s 101112 201212 301312 to existing comm bldg only see 2012113972 Date: January 18, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: July 16, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-004999 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2602 La Ronde Austin Tx 78731 Partial demo existing carport columns and roof build an attached game room at location of carport build new two car carport over existing driveway and lifesafety permit for 1995009859 Date: February 6, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: December 27, 2015 | Permit id: 2012-123098 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2403 Tower Dr Austin Tx 78703 Partial demo to remove and replace existing carport on west side of home interior remodel of kitchen den and utility rooms Date: February 6, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 26, 2013 | Expiration date: April 26, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-124219 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 29, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 28, 2011 | Expiration date: October 28, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-057154 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 29, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 25, 2011 | Expiration date: August 25, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-057157 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1516 Treadwell St Austin Tx 78704 New 2 story duplex with att garage wood decks covered porches and patios Date: December 19, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 29, 2012 | Expiration date: June 29, 2012 | Permit id: 2011-059909 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 2, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 25, 2011 | Expiration date: August 25, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-068298 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 15, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 5, 2011 | Expiration date: December 5, 2011 | Permit id: 2011-083407 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4709 Harmon Ave Austin Tx 78751 For expired permits 2011013837bp ref remodel to existing multifamily res to add new minisplit hvac units Applicant: William Yates | Applicant Phone: (512) 740-4818 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: August 8, 2012 | Permit id: 2011-089984 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 4709 Harmon Ave Austin Tx 78751 For expired permits 2011013837bp ref remodel to existing multifamily res to add new minisplit hvac units Date: October 18, 2011 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: August 8, 2012 | Permit id: 2011-089984 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1509 S Lamar Blvd Unit 5 Austin Tx 78704 Change of use and interior remodel from pool hall to drug store also a service upgrade and corrections of code violations relocating the seventh meter on the new wireway Date: July 6, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 23, 2012 | Expiration date: August 23, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-066582 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4803 Palisade Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demolition of bay window area bay window area and upper deck extension over existing imp cov interior remodel of kitchen living room and guitar room area and repair of lower deck upper deck and stairs replace exterior siding stucco windows and door at rear kitchen area Date: February 19, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 1, 2013 | Expiration date: July 1, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-013142 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4906 Balcones Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demolition of existing sf res roof and exterior walls for a new single story and second story addition enclose existing front porch for new study create new dining room new covered parking porteche three bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a great room complete interior remodel electrical plumbing and mechanical as needed Date: March 24, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 14, 2015 | Expiration date: September 14, 2015 | Permit id: 2012-070978 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6801 Woodcrest Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demo to remove north exterior wall to add space remodel of bathroom to install new windows tile new vanity separate showerbath new finishes addition of a personal office expand bedrm 2 to accomodate hall closet space expanding master bedrm to accomodate bathroom remodel to existing 1 story sf res Date: May 8, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 21, 2012 | Expiration date: June 21, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-035735 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 1, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 3, 2012 | Expiration date: May 3, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-0426 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: May 21, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 3, 2012 | Expiration date: July 3, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-050243 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8506 Silver Ridge Dr Austin Tx 78759 Updating 2 bathrooms and putting new carpet in 3 bedrooms masterbat removing small non load bearing wall to reconfigure converting tub into shower guest bath will have new fixtures and finishes electrical in rennovation areas will be brought up to current codes new window installed in master Date: October 24, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 22, 2014 | Expiration date: January 22, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-111651 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7602 Chimney Corners Austin Tx 78731 Interior remodel and acknolwedgement of 3 expired permits 1979000088 bp pool reconfiguration of laundry area entry and bath including removal of nonload bearing walls new flooring and finishes cabinetry and 1 interior door retexture and paint ceiling at bedroom closet entry bath new tiled shower with tempered glass walls to replace old shower new lavatory at existing location reuse existing toilet at existing location new electrical and plumbing as required at working area smoke detectors to be to code Date: December 2, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 3, 2014 | Expiration date: March 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-124757 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7103 Danwood Dr Austin Tx 78759 Convert a portion of the existing garage to conditioned space to enlarge kitchen mudroom all new kitchen new wood flooring in common area convert masterbath tub to walkinshower replace 3 windows for egress upgrade electrical plumbing to current code sheetrock painting work throughout Date: December 10, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 1, 2014 | Expiration date: April 1, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-127637 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 4, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: September 4, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-020996 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6401 Heron Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demo and kitchen and master bath extension master bath modificaiton kitchendining room expanded by 6x19 master bedroom will be expanded by 8x there will be additional light fixture one each in both spaces new shower extended into the garage will be 3x4 bath tub will be relocated minor plumbing in master bath new double french door will be added to 2nd floor of living area leading to a patio replace 9 windows on the 2nd floor all new structures will be wood fame with hardty plank sidings all new walls will be r21 Date: May 2, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 3, 2013 | Expiration date: October 3, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-002238 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 4, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 1, 2013 | Expiration date: July 1, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-012984 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: April 8, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: October 5, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-035421 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6604 Shadow Valley Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demoadding to extend kitchendining room interior remodel Date: June 30, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 18, 2014 | Expiration date: December 18, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-041107 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2406 Marlton Dr Austin Tx 78703 Partial demolition included additionremodel of twostory splitlevel residence addition will add 60sf of new 1st floorentry level area 108sf of new 2nd floormain level area and 626sf of new 2nd floor area above the existing garagebedroomutility room area for new master bedroom suite and stairs new covered porches included with the addtion extensive remodel and floor plan reconfiguation throughout the residence per plans which includes new windows and siding replacementrepair where needed residence will have 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms upon completion Date: July 16, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 14, 2015 | Expiration date: January 14, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-058414 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 13, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 8, 2014 | Expiration date: July 8, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-062078 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: September 11, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 17, 2012 | Expiration date: October 17, 2012 | Permit id: 2012-092046 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1205 Upland Dr Austin Tx 78741 Partial demolition at the rear of existing noncomplying residence for new two story addition first floor addition to include new dining area office space laundry storage and screened in porch second floor addition to include new bedroom with bathroom and deck interior remodel to accommodate new addition Date: August 24, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 7, 2016 | Expiration date: July 7, 2016 | Permit id: 2014-071154 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 10902 Catthorn Cv Austin Tx 78759 Partial demolition of east exterior wall to accomodate new 2 story addition of master bedroom and bathroom and garage storage on the first floor and 2 bedrooms and utility room on the second floor upgrade electrical plumbing and hvac throughout as needed framing sheetrock wallboard and insulation as needed replacing hvac to existing residence only repermit of expired expired permit 2010068982 Date: November 9, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 6, 2013 | Expiration date: March 6, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-100295 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 7804 Mullen Dr Austin Tx 78757 Partial demoaddition to rear of res to create master bedbath and enlarge kitchen replace carport and expand carport footprint new deck in back remodel of existing structure and adjustment to existing roofline Date: September 18, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 20, 2015 | Expiration date: March 20, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-091378 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 9809 Cinnabar Trl Austin Tx 78726 Partial demolition of existing wood deck to accomodate new addition of a sunroom to rear of residence Date: November 9, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 27, 2013 | Expiration date: February 27, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-113968 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2315 Town Lake Cir Austin Tx 78741 Change out 36 hvac systems to unit s 101112 201212 301312 to existing comm bldg only repermit of 2012004999 Date: November 9, 2012 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: May 8, 2013 | Permit id: 2012-113972 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 16, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 26, 2013 | Expiration date: September 26, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-0732 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 16, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 11, 2013 | Expiration date: September 11, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073223 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: July 16, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 1, 2013 | Expiration date: November 1, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073225 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 4621 Twin Valley Dr Austin Tx 78731 Interior remodel complete complete remodel of entire interior reconfigure walls in laundry kitchen master bed master bath and downstairs guest bath new doors interior and exterior new cabinets fixtures floors lighting plumbing and hvac Date: October 11, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 28, 2014 | Expiration date: July 28, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-077403 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1308 W 9th Half St Austin Tx 78703 New 3story single family residence to have an attached garage at grade powder room and living areas front porch covered terrace and master suite on 2nd level along with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom on the 3rd level Date: July 21, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: February 26, 2017 | Permit id: 2015-018725 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3607 Bridle Path Austin Tx 78703 Partial demolition included additionremodel of an existing twostory singlefamily residence that will create a twostory singlefamily residence with attached guest house per ldc 252893d having 4 bedrooms and 45 bathrooms with attached garage porches and balconies addition will add 8422sf of new first floor area 1086sf of new second floor area 526sf of new attached garage 527sf of new covered porch and 5515sf of new balconies remodel work per plans Date: June 12, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 19, 2016 | Expiration date: April 19, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-0294 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 14 Willow St Austin Tx 78702 Partial demo to include west exterior wall in addition to noted demo pictures and plans upgrade elec plumbing total remodel install new hard wired smoke detectors and replace windows and addition of 135 sf new roof under separate bp gc paid for pmt will send in trade contractor 12114 front wall of residence to be rebuilt in exact location to current irc standards Date: March 24, 2014 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 19, 2014 | Expiration date: November 19, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-043622 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6703 Fireoak Dr Austin Tx 78759 Partial demobuilt on 1980interior remodel with no change to sqftg changes to exterior windows and door opening reconfigure interior for kitchen upgrade master bedbath design update electrical plumbing hvac as required all new windowsdoors all new finishes and flooring Date: August 24, 2015 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 30, 2016 | Expiration date: June 30, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-086831 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 13265 N Us 183 Hwy Nb Unit P Austin Tx 78729 Tenant finish out restaurantphils icehouse new hvac 3 installchangeout hvac 0 Date: July 31, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 26, 2013 | Expiration date: September 26, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-0598 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 13265 N Us 183 Hwy Nb Unit C Austin Tx 78729 Tenant finish out restaurantamys ice creamnew hvac 3 installchangeout hvac 0 Date: July 31, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 11, 2013 | Expiration date: September 11, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-059891 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 13265 N Us 183 Hwy Nb Unit B Austin Tx 78729 Tenant finish out restaurantbakery new hvac 3 installchangeout hvac 0 Date: July 31, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 1, 2013 | Expiration date: November 1, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-059892 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1701 Deerfield Dr Austin Tx 78741 Partial demo int remodel on 2 story sfr includes wall reconfiguration for ground floor and upper floor for kitchen living room and master bath improvements upgrades includes window and door replacements and electrical mechanical and plumbing work Date: March 18, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 22, 2017 | Permit id: 2015-126872 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: February 24, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-090539 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 29, 2002 | Expiration date: April 29, 2002 | Permit id: 2002-012311 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 905 Garner Ave Austin Tx 78704 Remodel existing home 874 sf construct 1233 sf of additions to the existing structure Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 5, 2008 | Expiration date: December 5, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000623 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 61 Shoalwood Ave Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo addition of a bedroom and bonus room addition of two new wood decks interior remodel to existing kitchenlivinglaundry rooms Date: July 30, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 16, 2017 | Expiration date: November 16, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-050974 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 19, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 31, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-021485 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1524 Piedmont Ave Austin Tx 78757 New secondary dwelling with garage below total demolition of existing garage 1 bedroom 1 bath garage and laundry below Date: March 19, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 31, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-021486 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: June 30, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: December 27, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-0789 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 3602 Lucas Dr Austin Tx 78731 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: September 25, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 20, 2016 | Expiration date: December 20, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-117582 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 5804 Overlook Dr Austin Tx 78731 Partial demolition addition remodel convert portion of existing garage to mud room convert storage at garage to office convert covered porch to carport complete remodel and reconfiguration of existing interior will add 1 full bathroom Date: March 19, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 24, 2017 | Expiration date: August 24, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-155401 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 712 Ramble Ln Bldg A Austin Tx 78745 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: May 23, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 6, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-061475 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2006 Winsted Ln Austin Tx 78703 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: June 14, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: December 11, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-071107 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1505 Bouldin Ave Austin Tx 78704 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: June 28, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 28, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-078943 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 11012 Alhambra Dr Austin Tx 78759 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: May 23, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: November 19, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-0614 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: February 8, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 1, 2017 | Expiration date: August 1, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-004431 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: August 1, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 7, 2017 | Expiration date: September 7, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-094794 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 8104 Landsman Dr Austin Tx 78736 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: May 19, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 19, 2017 | Expiration date: July 19, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-0595 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1915 Richcreek Rd Austin Tx 78757 Partial demo remodel existing sf res to include replacing doors and windows install new windows relocate guest bath remodel master bath and kitchen Date: December 7, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 20, 2017 | Expiration date: April 20, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-114234 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2209 Greenlee Dr Austin Tx 78703 Interior remodel master and guest bathroom remodel kitchen remodel laundry room in kitchen trade upgrades Date: November 18, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 22, 2017 | Expiration date: February 22, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-116129 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 5603 Exeter Dr Austin Tx 78723 Partial demo interior remodel to sfr include window replacement int wall reconfiguration and extensive electrical plumbing and mechanical upgrades Date: November 12, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 23, 2017 | Expiration date: February 23, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-132158 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 6207 Smith Oak Trl Austin Tx 78749 Partial demo addition of living room laundry room and pantry downstairs to existing single fam res remodel of kitchen dining and bathroom Date: January 6, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 24, 2017 | Expiration date: March 24, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-156667 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 10906 Conchos Trl Austin Tx 78726 Partial demo addition to fist floor of existing sfr to include new 1 car garage game room utility room and covered rear patio addition to create 2nd floor new guest room two bedrooms 3 full baths and two loft areas full interior remodel Date: November 13, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: March 24, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-083304 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2902 Westhill Dr Austin Tx 78704 Partial demoadditionremodel expand front entry into existing carport space expand kitchen new screened porch remodel master bath and closet addition of new guest bath new window new roof with skylights Date: November 12, 2016 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 20, 2018 | Permit id: 2016-087341 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 1912 David St Austin Tx 78705 Partial demolition of existing residence for new addition first floor addition to include new mud room new hall way and covered deck at rear of residence interior remodel of first floor to reconfigure existing layout second floor addition to include new bedrooms and bathrooms trade permits as required for work above Date: July 10, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 21, 2018 | Permit id: 2016-001985 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 2201 Westover Rd Austin Tx 78703 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: December 4, 2017 Contractor: William Yates Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 13, 2017 | Expiration date: December 13, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-1507 Mp |