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2621 Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing residence. Not to be burned on lot. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 20, 2015
Value:   $7,000

Permit type: Building demolition | Permit id: 201514912 | Parcel: 7215035900
2015/04/207000932621 Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015 B Elvira Ave Nashville Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo single family res... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104
Date:  July 30, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building demolition | Permit id: 201532252 | Parcel: 7206008200
2015/07/304000931015 B Elvira Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015 Elvira Ave Nashville Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo single family res... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104
Date:  July 30, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building demolition | Permit id: 201532256 | Parcel: 7206008300
2015/07/304000931015 Elvira Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
2621 B Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a new single family res at 1803 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property... Split from 72-15-359.... Min 6 between houses... Front setback min 56... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... Width at 1610.... Max ht at 3 stories and 253".... Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-
Date:  August 12, 2015
Value:   $176,604

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201532268 | Parcel: 072150q00200co
2015/08/12176604932621 B Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
2621 A Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a new single family res at 1803 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property... Split from 72-15-359.... Min 6 between houses... Front setback min 56... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... Width at 1610.... Max ht at 3 stories and 253".... Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-
Date:  August 12, 2015
Value:   $176,604

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201532263 | Parcel: 072150q00100co
2015/08/12176604932621 A Pennington Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1321 A Stratford Ave Nashville Tn 37216
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. Construct 21 sf two story sgl fam res. 5 min side - min rear - front min setbacks. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  July 31, 2013
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201322918 | Parcel: 7203001700
2013/07/31205695931321 A Stratford Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1321 B Stratford Ave Nashville Tn 37216
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. Construct 21 sf two story sgl fam res. 5 min side - min rear - front min setbacks. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  July 31, 2013
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201322925 | Parcel: 7203038800
2013/07/31205695931321 B Stratford Ave Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1702 A Branch St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 21 sqft with porches and decks.... This is one of two single family units... Min between structures... Front min 32... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... See plan. Split from 72-11-368.... For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by
Date:  May 7, 2014
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201413463 | Parcel: 072110e00100co
2014/05/07205695931702 A Branch St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1702 B Branch St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 21 sqft with porches and decks.... This is one of two single family units... Min between structures... Front min 32... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... See plan. Split from 72-11-368.... For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by
Date:  May 7, 2014
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201413472 | Parcel: 072110e00200co
2014/05/07205695931702 B Branch St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 C Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3305 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427154 | Parcel: 072110l00300co
2014/08/26185195931511 C Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 F Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf porches. Min. Front and rear setback, min. Right side setback. 5 min. Left side setback. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf lot coverage of 4223 sf max coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427164 | Parcel: 072110l00600co
2014/08/26185195931511 F Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 E Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf porches. Min. Front and rear setback, 5; min side setbacks. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf lot coverage of 4223 sf max coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427160 | Parcel: 072110l00500co
2014/08/26185195931511 E Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 D Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3305 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427157 | Parcel: 072110l00400co
2014/08/26185195931511 D Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 B Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3323 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 10, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427153 | Parcel: 072110l00200co
2014/09/10185195931511 B Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511 A Ann St Nashville Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3323 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 10, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427149 | Parcel: 072110l00100co
2014/09/10185195931511 A Ann St Nashville Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511e Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf porches. Min. Front and rear setback, 5; min side setbacks. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf lot coverage of 4223 sf max coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427160 | Parcel: 072110l00500co
2014/08/26185195931511e Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
2621 Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing residence. Not to be burned on lot. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 20, 2015
Value:   $7,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201514912 | Parcel: 07215035900
2015/04/207000932621 Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1702b Branch St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 21 sqft with porches and decks.... This is one of two single family units... Min between structures... Front min 32... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... See plan. Split from 72-11-368.... For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by th
Date:  May 7, 2014
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201413472 | Parcel: 072110e00200co
2014/05/07205695931702b Branch St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511f Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf porches. Min. Front and rear setback, min. Right side setback. 5 min. Left side setback. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf lot coverage of 4223 sf max coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427164 | Parcel: 072110l00600co
2014/08/26185195931511f Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1702a Branch St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 21 sqft with porches and decks.... This is one of two single family units... Min between structures... Front min 32... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... See plan. Split from 72-11-368.... For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by th
Date:  May 7, 2014
Value:   $205,695

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201413463 | Parcel: 072110e00100co
2014/05/07205695931702a Branch St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015a Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit a (1015 elvira) 072061i00100co, of new duplex family residence 1888 sq ft and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $212,683

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016039713 | Parcel: 072061i00100co
2016/08/09212683931015a Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015d Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit d (1015 elvira) 072061i00400co, of new duplex family residence 1888 sq ft and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $212,683

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016032273 | Parcel: 072061i00400co
2016/08/09212683931015d Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit b (1015 elvira) 072061i00200co, of new duplex family residence 1888 sq ft and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $212,683

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016039720 | Parcel: 072061i00200co
2016/08/09212683931015b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1017b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit b (1017 elvira) 072061i00600co, of new duplex family residence 2087 sq ft and 266 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $235,101

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016039701 | Parcel: 072061i00600co
2016/08/09235101931017b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015c Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit c (1015 elvira) 072061i00300co, of new duplex family residence 1888 sq ft and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $212,683

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016032258 | Parcel: 072061i00300co
2016/08/09212683931015c Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1017a Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct unit a (1017 elvira) 072061i00500co, of new duplex family residence 2087 sq ft and 266 sq ft of porches and decks. Duplex structure setbacks: minimum 5 side setbacks, minumum of 6 ft between detached units 33. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade..... Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%.....
Date:  August 9, 2016
Value:   $235,101

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016039690 | Parcel: 072061i00500co
2016/08/09235101931017a Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1008 Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216
Demolition of existing house and all outbuildings, nothing to remain on site..... Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig.... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code.
Date:  July 24, 2017
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2017047958 | Parcel: 07209009100
2017/07/249000931008 Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511d Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck/porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3305 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427157 | Parcel: 072110l00400co
2014/08/26185195931511d Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511b Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck/porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 2 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3323 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 10, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427153 | Parcel: 072110l00200co
2014/09/10185195931511b Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511c Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck/porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3305 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 26, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427154 | Parcel: 072110l00300co
2014/08/26185195931511c Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1511a Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1849 sf 2 story single family residence with 218 sf deck/porches. Min. Front and rear setbacks, 5 min. Side setback. Not to be over any easements. Unit 1 of 2. 1145 sf coverage of max allowed 3323 sf. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metrocode of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 10, 2014
Value:   $185,195

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427149 | Parcel: 072110l00100co
2014/09/10185195931511a Ann St Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1012b Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To demolish existing residence. Not to be burned on lot.
Date:  November 16, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2016063794 | Parcel: 07206006200
2016/11/169000931012b Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1012d Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 1843 sqft with attached garage at 278 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property.. Side by side... Min 6 between houses..... Split from 72-6-62... Sides min 5.... Front min based on average at 40... Width of house at 21. 5... Max ht at 2 stories and 31. 6 .... Need to comply with bl2014-7 which reads: the height of two detached dwelling units on a single lot cannot exceed a ratio of 1 horizontal to 1. 5 vertical for each structure. Maximum height shall be measured from the natural grade. The natural grade shall be determined based on the average elevation of most exterior corners of the front facade, to the very top of the structure.. Natural grade is the base ground elevation prior to grading. And definition of . Story means a portion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor above it, or, if there is no floor above it, the space between such floor and the ceiling above it. A base
Date:  March 8, 2017
Value:   $207,614

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017015951 | Parcel: 072061l00200co
2017/03/08207614931012d Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1011b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1011 b elvira of hpr duplex family residence, converting existing garage into unit b of hpr, no change to footprint of structure. Will add addition on second floor of building. Unit b will have 2151 sq ft of living space, 268 sq ft garage and 22 sq ft porch. Minimum 5 ft side setbacks, ft minimum rear setback. Minimum 6 ft between detached structures. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade. Must conform with all easements on property. Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%..... Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban fore
Date:  November 8, 2017
Value:   $150,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017068745 | Parcel: 072061m00200co
2017/11/08150000931011b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1012c Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct a new single family res at 1843 sqft with attached garage at 278 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property.. Side by side... Min 6 between houses..... Split from 72-6-62... Sides min 5.... Front min based on average at 40... Width of house at 21. 5... Max ht at 2 stories and 31. 6 .... Need to comply with bl2014-7 which reads: the height of two detached dwelling units on a single lot cannot exceed a ratio of 1 horizontal to 1. 5 vertical for each structure. Maximum height shall be measured from the natural grade. The natural grade shall be determined based on the average elevation of most exterior corners of the front facade, to the very top of the structure.. Natural grade is the base ground elevation prior to grading. And definition of . Story means a portion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor above it, or, if there is no floor above it, the space between such floor and the ceiling above it. A base
Date:  March 8, 2017
Value:   $207,614

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017015950 | Parcel: 072061l00100co
2017/03/08207614931012c Maynor Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1008b Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1008 b dozier pl. Of new hpr duplex family residence with 1884 sq ft of living space and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Minimum 5 ft side setbacks, 35. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback, minimum of 6 ft between units. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade. Must conform with all easements on property. Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%..... Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. Sidewalks are required for this project because the
Date:  November 8, 2017
Value:   $212,233

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017062716 | Parcel: 072092t00200co
2017/11/08212233931008b Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1008a Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216
To construct 1008 a dozier pl. Of new hpr duplex family residence with 1884 sq ft of living space and 269 sq ft of porches and decks. Minimum 5 ft side setbacks, 35. 9 ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback, minimum of 6 ft between units. Maximum height of 1. 5 to width ratio from natural grade. Must conform with all easements on property. Maximum building coverage on total parcel not to exceed 50%..... Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. Sidewalks are required for this project because the
Date:  November 8, 2017
Value:   $212,233

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017062692 | Parcel: 072092t00100co
2017/11/08212233931008a Dozier Pl Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
2621a Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a new single family res at 1803 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property... Split from 72-15-359.... Min 6 between houses... Front setback min 56... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... Width at 1610.... Max ht at 3 stories and 253 .... Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-
Date:  August 12, 2015
Value:   $176,604

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201532263 | Parcel: 072150q00100co
2015/08/12176604932621a Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo single family res... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  July 30, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201532252 | Parcel: 07206008200
2015/07/304000931015b Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
1015 Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo single family res... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  July 30, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201532256 | Parcel: 07206008300
2015/07/304000931015 Elvira Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc
2621b Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a new single family res at 1803 sqft with porches and decks... This is one of two single family houses on this property... Split from 72-15-359.... Min 6 between houses... Front setback min 56... Sides min 5... Rear min 20... Width at 1610.... Max ht at 3 stories and 253 .... Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-
Date:  August 12, 2015
Value:   $176,604

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201532268 | Parcel: 072150q00200co
2015/08/12176604932621b Pennington Ave Nashville, Tn 37216Thomas Chris Homes Llc

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