SCORE 81 Date: June 29, 2006 Value: $348,399
Client: Samaritan Medical Center | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, m | Parcel: 42137010 | 2006/06/29 | 348399 | 81 | 2581 Samaritan Dr , San Jose Ca 95124 0000 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: December 14, 2005 Value: $24,395
Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09745035 | 2005/12/14 | 24395 | 81 | 25 Orchard Py , San Jose Ca 95131 0000 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: January 25, 2006 Value: $4,900
Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09715019 | 2006/01/25 | 4900 | 81 | 655 River Oaks Py , San Jose Ca 95134 1907 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: August 11, 2017 Value: $50,000
Client: Samaritan Properties Llc | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 42137019 | 2017/08/11 | 50000 | 81 | 2589 Samaritan Dr , San Jose Ca 951240000 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: February 24, 2015 Value: $128,765
Client: Silicon Valley Center Office Llc | Permit status: B-4. Complete, e-4. Compl | Parcel: 23722089 | 2015/02/24 | 128765 | 81 | 25 N 1st St , San Jose Ca 951311018 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: June 29, 2006 Value: $348,399
Client: Samaritan Medical Center | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, m | Parcel: 42137010 | 2006/06/29 | 348399 | 81 | 2581 Samaritan Dr , San Jose Ca 951240000 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: December 14, 2005 Value: $24,395
Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09745035 | 2005/12/14 | 24395 | 81 | 25 Orchard Py , San Jose Ca 951310000 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |
SCORE 81 Date: January 25, 2006 Value: $4,900
Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09715019 | 2006/01/25 | 4900 | 81 | 655 River Oaks Py , San Jose Ca 951341907 | The Core Group Mr Jason Castillo |