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Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: December 8, 2012 | Permit id: Pa10045117-R1
2012/07/1307014th Street Nw And Constitution Avenue Nw Washington DcSmithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution

Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: June 11, 2012 | Permit id: Pa10045117
2011/12/0207014th Street Nw And Constitution Avenue Nw Washington DcSmithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution
Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington Dc
Clark smoot russell a joint venture is submitting a support of excavation plans to obtain public space permit for sheeting shoring and excavation for a new museum building to house the national museum of african american history and culture. The site is located on the national mall at the end of a row of museums along constitution avenue nw and madison drive, nw between 14th and 15th streets, nw. The specific site involves the northeastern corner of what was formerly the washington monument grounds at constitution avenue and 15th street nw. The site area is approximately 5 acres of property that currently serves on the former grounds of the washington monument between constitution avenue and madison drive, nw and 14th and 15th streets, nw. The support of excavation (soe) wall surrounds a 150,2 square-foot area and precedes construction of the basement foundation walls so that the museum basement area is isolated to avoid disturbance to the water table and geotechnical conditions of n
Date:  June 21, 2012

Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: April 3, 2013 | Permit id: Pa67148
2012/06/21070Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington DcSmithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution
Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington Dc
Clark smoot russell a joint venture is submitting a support of excavation plans to obtain public space permit for sheeting shoring and excavation for a new museum building to house the national museum of african american history and culture. The site is located on the national mall at the end of a row of museums along constitution avenue nw and madison drive, nw between 14th and 15th streets, nw. The specific site involves the northeastern corner of what was formerly the washington monument grounds at constitution avenue and 15th street nw. The site area is approximately 5 acres of property that currently serves on the former grounds of the washington monument between constitution avenue and madison drive, nw and 14th and 15th streets, nw. The support of excavation (soe) wall surrounds a 150,2 square-foot area and precedes construction of the basement foundation walls so that the museum basement area is isolated to avoid disturbance to the water table and geotechnical conditions of n

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Expiration date: June 5, 2013 | Permit id: 0
070Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington DcSmithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution
Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington Dc
Clark smoot russell a joint venture is submitting a support of excavation plans to obtain public space permit for sheeting shoring and excavation for a new museum building to house the national museum of african american history and culture. The site is located on the national mall at the end of a row of museums along constitution avenue nw and madison drive, nw between 14th and 15th streets, nw. The specific site involves the northeastern corner of what was formerly the washington monument grounds at constitution avenue and 15th street nw. The site area is approximately 5 acres of property that currently serves on the former grounds of the washington monument between constitution avenue and madison drive, nw and 14th and 15th streets, nw. The support of excavation (soe) wall surrounds a 150,2 square-foot area and precedes construction of the basement foundation walls so that the museum basement area is isolated to avoid disturbance to the water table and geotechnical conditions of n

Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Expiration date: June 5, 2013 | Permit id: 0
070Constitution Avenue Nw And 14th Street Nw Washington DcSmithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution

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