Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 56 17 East Capitol Street Ne Washington Dc Work to be done on 17th street and on east capitol st ne; abandon/remove small water and sewer services; repair in place 29lf 8" dia. Water line with 6" domestic service connection in east capitol st se, replace in place 30lf 8" water main with 4" domestic and 6" fire connection and replace in place 27lf 8" water main with 4" domestic water connection on 17th st;install 2 fire hydrants, watermeter and water meter vaults; inspect lining existing 24" sewer main; install 6" and 8" sanitary laterals to existing 15" sewer main and 10" storm lateral to existing manhole to 12" combine sewer main; attached plans and conditions are part of this permit; traffic control plan (tcp) expiration date same as public space permit expiration date; must contact system inspection oversight division (siod) before permanent restoration of public space at 202-645-7050; must apply and obtain occupancy permit before start of work. Date: June 15, 2010 Contractor: Simon Hellyer Client: Dc Public School | Permit type: Excavation; water service lateral abandonment | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: December 13, 2010 | Permit id: Pa56022 |