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SCORE 95 1044 5th St E Chattanooga Tn 37403 Secondary addresses for apratment buildings are 943-961 fortwood street and 1044-1062 5th street; updates to include: overhead wires to be buried; 2nd story guard rails to meet code in submitted design; remove security storm and exterior doors and replace with doors of design and colors as submitted; remove window a c units and install a c condiensers outside each building as laid out in submitted drawinds; add exterior lighting as submitted; security cameras will be added as indicated on drawings photos; remove individual waste cans and install dumpster unit with retaining wall along west end of driveway; paint exterior using historic colors as samples submitted; removal and nstallation of landscaping as agreed by gene hyde; install 42" bar-style fence with gates; possibly rising to 60" along central avenue; install retaining walls under fence where required. Condition - door that was presented at the meeting will be used instead of door in application. Condition - replacement windows Permit type: Residential (3+ units) new construction permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 17-11230 |
SCORE 95 10 5th St E Chattanooga 37403 Secondary addresses for apratment buildings are 943-961 fortwood street and 1044-1062 5th street; updates to include: overhead wires to be buried; 2nd story guard rails to meet code in submitted design; remove security storm and exterior doors and replace with doors of design and colors as submitted; remove window a c units and install a c condiensers outside each building as laid out in submitted drawinds; add exterior lighting as submitted; security cameras will be added as indicated on drawings photos; remove individual waste cans and install dumpster unit with retaining wall along west end of driveway; paint exterior using historic colors as samples submitted; removal and nstallation of landscaping as agreed by gene hyde; install 42" bar-style fence with gates; possibly rising to 60" along central avenue; install retaining walls under fence where required. Condition - door that was presented at the meeting will be used instead of door in application. Condition - replacement windows Permit type: Residential (3+ units) repair or replace permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 17-11229 |
SCORE 95 1058 5th St E Chattanooga 37403 Secondary addresses for apratment buildings are 943-961 fortwood street and 1044-1062 5th street; updates to include: overhead wires to be buried; 2nd story guard rails to meet code in submitted design; remove security storm and exterior doors and replace with doors of design and colors as submitted; remove window a c units and install a c condiensers outside each building as laid out in submitted drawinds; add exterior lighting as submitted; security cameras will be added as indicated on drawings photos; remove individual waste cans and install dumpster unit with retaining wall along west end of driveway; paint exterior using historic colors as samples submitted; removal and nstallation of landscaping as agreed by gene hyde; install 42" bar-style fence with gates; possibly rising to 60" along central avenue; install retaining walls under fence where required. Condition - door that was presented at the meeting will be used instead of door in application. Condition - replacement windows Permit type: Residential (3+ units) repair or replace permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 17-11115 |
SCORE 95 422 Martin Luther King Blvd E 100 Chattanooga Tn 37403 Suite 1 2 sons kitchen & market tenant buildout Permit type: Commercial alteration permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-11568 |
SCORE 95 Permit type: Commercial alteration permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-11568 |
SCORE 95 Permit type: Commercial alteration permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-11569 |
SCORE 95 45 Main St E 201 And 202 Chattanooga 37408 Corridors 1 & 202b units 201 & 202finishes and minor m e p trim out. Permit type: Commercial alteration permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-11226 |
SCORE 95 Permit type: Residential 1 or 2 unit repair or replace permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-10938 |
SCORE 95 Permit type: Commercial alteration permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-10671 |
SCORE 95 Permit type: Commercial demolition permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-10767 |