Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Mario Nezeri | Client Address: 355 355 Ave X Bklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (718) 646-2517 | Client Company: Bklyn_skyline Llc | Permit id: 301319295 | |||||
SCORE 100 115 East 9 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace exist bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, remove and replace existing kitchen cabinets and appliances with new cabinets, replace existing sink and dishwasher in existing loacations, remove minor non load bearing partitions, new floor and wall finishes, no change to use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Beth Whitaker | Client Address: 115 115 East 9th Street New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 299-5038 | Client Company: 115 East 9th Street Corporation | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104164618 | |||||
SCORE 100 24 Central Park South Manhattan Ny Remove and replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, new wall and floor finishes, no change to use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Alvin Elias | Client Address: 9 9 East 38th Street New York Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 684-8282 | Client Company: 24 Central Park South Inc. | Permit type: Const | Permit id: 104122307 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Mario Nezeri | Client Address: 355 355 Avenue X Brooklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (718) 646-2517 | Client Company: Brooklyn Skyline Llc | Permit id: 301939767 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alexander Sirota | Client Address: 1318 1318 Gravesend Neck Road Brooklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (917) 837-7444 | Client Company: Ford Street Llc | Permit id: 301892897 | |||||
SCORE 100 148 West 23 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace existing toilet plumbing fixtures w new fixtures in existing loactions, remove and replace existing kitchen plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, remove existing kitchen cabinets and replace with newe cabinets, new wall and floor finishes, no change to use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Mary Shaughnessy | Client Address: 2 2 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 557-3600 | Client Company: 148 West 23rd Owners Inc. | Permit type: Const | Permit id: 104122290 | |||||
SCORE 100 32 Gramercy Park South Manhattan Ny Remove existing kitchen cabinets and fixtures and replace with new in adjusted locations, no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units Client: Peter Acocella | Client Address: 32 32 Gramercy Park South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 473-2988 | Client Company: 32 Gramercy Park So Owners Corp | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 104597161 | |||||
SCORE 100 201 East 79 Street Manhattan Ny Remove existing kitchen cabinets and fixtures and replace with new in existing adjusted loacations, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units. Client: Gerard Picaso | Client Address: 113 113 Braodaway New York Ny 10006 | Client Phone: (212) 879-4245 | Client Company: 201 East 79th Tenants Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104617817 | |||||
SCORE 100 49 Bond Street Manhattan Ny Filing to convert existing old code commercial building to residential single family dwelling. Work to include removal and installation of non-load bearing partitions and finishes as well as plumbing and mechanical modifications as per plans filed herewith. Client: Dana Cranmer | Client Address: 49 49 Bond Street New York Ny 10012 | Client Phone: (212) 674-4297 | Client Company: 49 Bond Street, Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104610299 | |||||
SCORE 100 1474 Third Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovate existing ground floor store including new dropped ceiling, wall and floor finishes, plumbing work and millwork, no change in use, egress, or occuppancy. Client: Robert Levine | Client Address: 86 86 Chambers Street New York Ny 10007 | Client Phone: (212) 748-8900 | Client Company: 1474 Third Partners Lp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104532980 | |||||
SCORE 100 52 West 74 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace 3 bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in adjusted locations, remove and replace exist kicthen cabinets with new in existing locations, minor demo of interior nonload bearing partions, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress, occupancy, or rooming units Client: Catherine Lukas | Client Address: 52 52 West 74th Street New York Ny 10024 | Client Phone: (212) 873-7414 | Client Company: 52-74 Housing Corp. | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 104482579 | |||||
SCORE 100 163 East 81 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, remove existing kitchen cabs and appliances and replace with new in existing locations, new wall and floor finishes, no change to use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units Client: Kathy Mauro | Client Address: 4 4 Park Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 340-9645 | Client Company: 163 East 81st Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104326221 | |||||
SCORE 100 4 East 52 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace 3 existing bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing adjusted locations, replace existing tub with new stall shower, and add 1 lav, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Paul Gumbinner | Client Address: 414 414 East 52nd Street New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 759-2900 | Client Company: Southgate Owners Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104493638 | |||||
SCORE 100 2701 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn Ny Install steel hanger supports for condensing units on the roof in conjuction with new building application # 301292786 Client: Sam Baror | Client Address: 1115 1115 Avenue Z Brooklyn Ny 11235 | Client Phone: (212) 431-1940 | Client Company: Brooklyn Skyline Llc | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 302229087 | |||||
SCORE 100 208 East Broadway Manhattan Ny Remove and replace exist bathroom fixtures with new fixtures in existing loactions, remove existing kicthen cabs and appliances and replace with new in existing adjusted loactions, minor demo of exist non load bearing partitions as indicated, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units Client: Stanley Friedland | Client Address: 413 413 Grand Street New York Ny 10002 | Client Phone: (212) 979-1480 | Client Company: Seward Park Housing Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104326212 | |||||
SCORE 100 West 96 Street Manhattan Ny Herewith filing to legalize work as per hpd violation #2989295 issued on 1 20 1981. All work performed prior to april 1989. Client: Ed Kornreich | Client Address: 666 666 Broadway New York Ny 10012 | Client Phone: (212) 579-5688 | Client Company: West 96th St Owners Corp | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 120055153 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alex Sirota | Client Address: 5 5 Turtle Hollow Drive Freehold Nj 07728 | Client Phone: (917) 837-7444 | Client Company: New Century Partners, Llc | Permit id: 301835931 | |||||
SCORE 100 599 Tenth Avenue Manhattan Ny Filing interior demolition of partitions and miscellaneous items in the cellar and first floor as shown on drawings filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Richard Simon | Client Address: 1549 1549 Lincoln Avenue Holbrook Ny 11741 | Client Phone: (631) 467-8688 | Client Company: Richard Simon | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104329763 | |||||
SCORE 100 3 West Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, remove and replace existing kitchen fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, install new washer electric dryer at kitchen location, minor demo of non load bearing partitions, no change in use, egress, occpancy, or rooming units. Client: Jan Van Bergen | Client Address: 3 3 West 50th Street New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 765-0846 | Client Company: World Wide Plaza | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104410193 | |||||
SCORE 100 136 West 75 Street Manhattan Ny Combine apt 6e & 6d remove and replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing adjusted location,minor demo of non load bearing partitions,new wall and floor finishes. No change in use egress or occupancy or rooming units Client: Laurie Walters | Client Address: 136 136 West 75th Street New York Ny 10023 | Client Phone: (212) 230-3917 | Client Company: Brickhouse Owners Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104667950 | |||||
SCORE 100 172 Sterling Place Brooklyn Ny Filing a no work application in order to correct the building characteristics of final certificate of occupancy issued under alt i #301991478. No plans to be submitted. Client: Fabian Friedland | Client Address: 457 457 Washington Street, 1st Floor New York Ny 10013 | Client Phone: (212) 431-1940 | Client Company: Sterling Slope Development, Llc | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 302356475 | |||||
SCORE 100 259 East 7 Street Manhattan Ny Filing to install boilers in conjunction with nb #104099495 where all gas information was filed for as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: Seth Tapper | Client Address: 297 297 East 10th Street New York Ny 10009 | Client Phone: (212) 656-1567 | Client Company: Flower Box Llc | Permit id: 104856336 | |||||
SCORE 100 315 5 Avenue Brooklyn Ny Demo of selective non load bearing partitions, wall,ceiling and floor finishes and all work as indicated on the plans, no change in use, egress, or occupancy Client: Santo Zito | Client Address: 323 323 7th Avenue Brooklyn Ny 11215 | Client Phone: (718) 788-2137 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 310030141 | |||||
SCORE 100 13 West 13 Street Manhattan Ny Remove and replace exist bath fixtures with new fixtures in exist locations, replace exist tub with new shower unit, add 1 addittional sink, remove and replace exist kitchen cabinets with new cabs and fixtures in exist locations, minor demo of exist non load bearing partitions and construct new partitions as indicated, no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units Client: Stephanie Sweda | Client Address: 13 13 West 13th Street New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 634-8900 | Client Company: 13 W 13 Street Apts. Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104326230 | |||||
SCORE 100 455 East 86 Street Manhattan Ny Remove existing kitchen cabinets and fixtures and replace with new in existing adjusted loactions,new wall and floor finishes , no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units. Client: Steven Zagoria | Client Address: 455 455 East 86th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 396-8269 | Client Company: Channel Club Condominium | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104667969 | |||||
SCORE 100 71 1 Street Queens Ny Minor demo of existing non-load bearing partitions, renovate existing kitchen and two existing bathrooms, replace all fixturesx with new fixtures in new adjusted locations, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use, egress, occuppancy, or rooming units. Client: Gail Katz | Client Address: 71 71 1 Street Fresh Medows Ny 11365 | Client Phone: (718) 969-2930 | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 402622202 | |||||
SCORE 100 111 West 67 Street Manhattan Ny Replace 3 existing bathroom fixtures with new fixtures in existing loactaions, replace existing tub w shower remove existing kitchen cabinets and fixtures and replace with new in existing adjusted loactions, no change in use, egress, occupancy, or rooming units. Client: David Weild | Client Address: 6 6 East 43rd Street New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 634-8900 | Client Company: The Lincoln Square Comdominium | Permit type: Gen cons | Permit id: 104597189 | |||||
SCORE 100 6 West End Avenue Manhattan Ny Replace existing bathroom plumbing fixt with new in new locations, replace existing kitchen cabinets appliaces and plumbing fixtures with new in existing loactions, new wall and floor finishes, replace (1) one existing window in bathroom, no change in use, egress, occupancy or rooming units. Client: Doug Harmon | Client Address: West 57th Street New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 315-7243 | Client Company: V6 West End Avenue Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110051693 | |||||
SCORE 100 47 White Street Manhattan Ny Remove existing aluminum entrance storefront and replace with new aluminum storefront to match existing, enlarge entry vestabule approx. 4-0" x 16-0" for a total of 66 s. F. Of additional floor area, no change in use, egress, or occuppancy. Client: Fabian Freidland | Client Address: 47-49 47-49 White Street New York Ny 10013 | Client Phone: (212) 431-4448 | Client Company: Synagogue For The Arts | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104794590 | |||||
SCORE 100 77 Bleeker Street Manhattan Ny Replace existing plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing adjusted locations, replace 1 tub with stall shower, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress, occuppancy, or rooming units. Client: James Flaherty | Client Address: 7 7 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10001 | Client Phone: (212) 560-6423 | Client Company: 77 Bleeker Street Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110036345 | |||||
SCORE 100 7 Madison Avenue Manhattan Ny Installation of 3 awnings 49. 5 each as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy filed under this application. Client: Ralph Della Cava | Client Address: East 42nd Street, Ste 8 New York Ny 10165 | Client Phone: (212) 972-5900 | Client Company: R.A. Cohen | Permit type: Awing | Permit id: 110430926 | |||||
SCORE 100 989 3 Ave Manhattan Ny New floor,ceiling and wall finishes in conjunction with small retail store remodeling. No change of use,egress or occupancy. Client: James Kyrimes | Client Address: 645 645 Fifth Avenue New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 201-7100 | Client Company: 989 Properties Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120436545 | |||||
SCORE 100 155 Varick Street Manhattan Ny Install outdoor non-illuminated accessory sign structure not within 2 of at erial highway. No change to use, occupancy or egress filed under this applicat ion. Client: Ivor Hall | Client Address: 74 74 Trinity Place New York Ny 10006 | Client Phone: (212) 602-0728 | Client Company: Trinity Real Estate | Permit type: Sign structure | Permit id: 120285075 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Anthony Saytanides | Client Address: 441 441 Lexington Ave Ny Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 530-0919 | Client Company: Meyers Parking Inc | Permit id: 120228672 | |||||
SCORE 100 62 Greene Street Manhattan Ny Removal and installation of non-load bearing partitions and related finishes, plumbing modifications all as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egre ss or occupancy filed under this application. Client: Alick Aycock | Client Address: 666 666 Broadway Ny Ny 10012 | Client Phone: (212) 583-5688 | Client Company: 62 Greene Owners Corp. | Permit type: G. C. | Permit id: 120428340 | |||||
SCORE 100 2 Astor Place Manhattan Ny Interior demolition of small retail establishment. No change of use, egress or occupancy. Client: James Coffey | Client Address: 125 125 Park Avenue Ny Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 372-2000 | Client Company: Newmark Knight Frank | Permit type: Constr | Permit id: 120412614 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alexander Sirota | Client Address: 1318 1318 Gravesend Neck Road Brooklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (917) 837-7444 | Client Company: Ford Street Llc | Permit id: 301945509 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alex Sirota | Client Address: 5 5 Turtle Hollow Drive Freehold Nj 07728 | Client Phone: (917) 837-7444 | Client Company: New Century Partners, Llc | Permit id: 301835931 | |||||
SCORE 100 115 Wooster Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation to cellar and 1st floor, removal and installation of non bearing partitions with related finishes, installation of new plumbing fixtures with related finishes. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: William Schur | Client Address: 2432` 2432` Grand Concourse Bronx Ny 10458 | Client Phone: (000) 000-0000 | Client Company: Jordan Wooster Street Associates | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 120917703 | |||||
SCORE 100 333 East 79th Street Manhattan Ny Interior alteration:rep exist kitchen cabs w new cabs,relocate gas stove as indocated,minor demo of interior non-load bearing partintions,reno of exist bath,replace exist tub w new shower at exist location,exist toilet to remain, new sinks in adjusted location, no change in use, egress occupancy or rooming units Client: Alan Jaffe | Client Address: 333 333 East 79th Street New York Ny 10075 | Client Phone: (917) 991-4331 | Client Company: Owner | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120009622 | |||||
SCORE 100 2109 Broadway Manhattan Ny Interior alteration to replace existiong kitchen cabinets and plumbing fixtures, replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures in existing locations, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress occuppancy or rooming units. Client: Marc Lippman | Client Address: 2109 2109 Broadway New York Ny 10023 | Client Phone: (212) 799-6671 | Client Company: Ansonia Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110485671 | |||||
SCORE 100 309 West 93rd Street Manhattan Ny Interior alteration of unit 7c: add new washer & electric dryer at kitchen location, renovation of bathroom - replace existing plub fixt w new in exist locations, replace exist tub w shower in exist location, no change in use, egress, occuppancy or rooming units Client: Eric Greenberg | Client Address: 2 2 Park Ave South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 813-3063 | Client Company: 309-317 West 93rd St Owners Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120009613 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Shael Shapiro | Client Address: 83 83 Wooster Street, Sf New York Ny 10012 | Client Phone: (212) 431-5477 | Client Company: Old Gowanus Road, Llc | Permit id: 302077598 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Seth Tapper | Client Address: 15 15 Allen St Ny Ny 10002 | Client Phone: (914) 535-6571 | Client Company: Flower | Permit id: 104291892 | |||||
SCORE 100 137 Duane Street Manhattan Ny Filing worktype for 2 gas fired boilersall gas work already filed under 103163489 Client: Paul Khakshouri | Client Address: 435 435 5th Ave N.Y. Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 779-1600 | Client Company: Duane Thomas Llc | Permit id: 104251408 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Uri Amari | Client Address: 2 2 1st Avenue #1b Ny Ny 10009 | Client Phone: (212) 387-0914 | Client Company: Cumberland Company Inc | Permit id: 301925852 | |||||
SCORE 100 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny Adjust location of 6 sprinkler heads. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Frank Ring | Client Address: 24 24 West 47th Street New York Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 765-1655 | Client Company: Fm Ring | Permit id: 104007281 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Seth Tapper | Client Address: 297 297 E St N.Y. Ny 10009 | Client Phone: (212) 656-1567 | Client Company: Flower Box Llc | Permit id: 104099495 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Seth Tapper | Client Address: 115 115 Allen St Ny Ny 10002 | Client Phone: (212) 661-5671 | Client Company: Flower Box Llc | Permit id: 104192696 | |||||
SCORE 100 172 Sterling Place Brooklyn Ny Renovate existing apartments,new kitchens,bathrooms. Install new conveni ence stairs to cellar,new elevator shaft. Addition of mezzanine,plumbing & mecha nical as per plans filed herewith. Proposed additional floor area- 968 sq. F t. Client: Fabian Friedland | Client Address: 457 457 Washington Street,1st Floor New York Ny 10013 | Client Phone: (212) 000-0000 | Client Company: Sterling Slope Development Llc | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301991478 | |||||
SCORE 100 317 South 4th Street Brooklyn Ny Condominium subdivision of nb #302320922_into 4 tax lots 1001, 1002, 1003 & 1004, first floor through 4th floor ![]() ![]() Client: Mark Jeffery | Client Address: 293 293 Grand Street Brooklyn Ny 11221 | Client Phone: (718) 388-1047 | Client Company: Chi Builders, Llc | Permit id: 320092467 | |||||
SCORE 100 796 9th Ave Manhattan Ny Alt 2 - interior alteration, new plumbing fixtures & new wall & floor finishes; no change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Soloman Gottlieb | Client Address: 798 798 Ninth Ave New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (718) 435-5360 | Client Company: 796-798 Re | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120181114 | |||||
SCORE 100 433 West Broadway Manhattan Ny Construct new interior partitions as indicated on plans no change in use, egress, occupancy Client: William Schur | Client Address: 2432 2432 Grand Concourse Bronx Ny 10458 | Client Phone: (718) 733-6300 | Client Company: Jordan Wooster St Assoc | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110485662 | |||||
SCORE 100 1 Jane Street Manhattan Ny Interior alt of unit 4hj: renovation of exist kitchen & bath: replace & relocate exist kit sink & dishwasher on new rough connected to exist plumb riser; new wall & floor finishes; replace exist bathroom tub with new in exist location. Replace & relocate exist bath toilet & sink on new rough connected to exist plub riser Client: Drew Moschella | Client Address: 2 2 Park Ave South New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 554-3600 | Client Company: Harbor House Owners Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120066766 | |||||
SCORE 100 625 Madison Avenue Manhattan Ny Removal of interior non bearing partitions and related finishes as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Roger Merriman | Client Address: 4 4 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10170 | Client Phone: (212) 216-1664 | Client Company: Sl Green Realty Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120271838 | |||||
SCORE 100 625 Madison Avenue Manhattan Ny Removal and installation of interior non bearing partitions and related finishes as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy under this application. Client: Roger Merriman | Client Address: 4 4 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10170 | Client Phone: (212) 216-1664 | Client Company: Sl Green Realty Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120309353 | |||||
SCORE 100 599 Avenue Manhattan Ny Filing for the installation of new sprinklers as shown on drawings filed herewith. No chaange in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Richard Simon | Client Address: 1549 1549 Lincoln Avenue Holbrook Ny 11741 | Client Phone: (631) 467-8688 | Client Company: Richard Simon | Permit id: 104411762 | |||||
SCORE 100 132 Wilson Terrace Staten Island Ny Horizontal and vertical enlargment of single family residence interior demolition of first floor, new bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, no change in use or occupancy Client: Micheal Radunski | Client Address: 132 132 Wilson Terrace Staten Island Ny 10304 | Client Phone: (718) 816-8029 | Client Company: Individual | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 520017035 | |||||
SCORE 100 2 5th Avenue Brooklyn Ny Interior alteration of existing retail store, new wall and floor finishes and new hvac equipment; no change in use, egress, or occupancy Client: Luis Barreto | Client Address: 150-15 150-15 128th Street Ozone Park Ny 11420 | Client Phone: (917) 971-4627 | Client Company: . | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 310228278 | |||||
SCORE 100 55 Central Park West Manhattan Ny Replace existing bathroom plumbing fixtures at both bathrooms with new fixtures in existing adjusted locations, replace existing tub with stall shower at both locations. Minor demo of interior non-load bearing partitions and construction of new partitions, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress occuppancy or rooming units. Client: Jane Ajeski | Client Address: 55 55 Central Park West New York Ny 10023 | Client Phone: (212) 779-6000 | Client Company: Fifty Five Corperation | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110141588 | |||||
SCORE 100 259 East 7 Street Manhattan Ny Filing curb cut as per plans filed herewith in conjunction with the new building #104099495. ![]() ![]() Client: Seth Tapper | Client Address: 297 297 E St N.Y. Ny 10009 | Client Phone: (212) 656-1567 | Client Company: Flower Box Llc | Permit id: 104099495 | |||||
SCORE 100 105 East 16th Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of apt 2n - minor demo of non-load bearing partitions, new partitions, floor & wall finishes,platform, plumbing fixtures, kitchen appliances & cabinets as per plans. No change in use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Jennifer Scribner | Client Address: 105 105 East 16th Street New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 674-4207 | Client Company: 105 East 16th Street Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120525841 | |||||
SCORE 100 9 West 190th Street Manhattan Ny Interior alteration of existing kitchen, minor partition work, floor and wall finishes, no change in use egress occupancy or rooming units. Client: Jim Dwyer | Client Address: 45 45 West 45th Stret New York Ny 10040 | Client Phone: (212) 302-5544 | Client Company: Cabrini Terrace Owners Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120453963 | |||||
SCORE 100 3 East 30th Street Manhattan Ny Interior alteration of unit 2s: new interior partitions. No change in use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Ken Ryan | Client Address: 1133 1133 Broadway New York Ny 10010 | Client Phone: (212) 807-6969 | Client Company: Gerard J. Picaso Inc. | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120564816 | |||||
SCORE 100 317 South 4 Street Brooklyn Ny Filing herewith builders pavement plan inconjunction with nb filing #302320922. ![]() ![]() Client: Mark Jeffery | Client Address: 293 293 Grand Street Brooklyn Ny 11221 | Client Phone: (718) 388-1047 | Client Company: Chi Builders, Llc | Permit type: Bpp | Permit id: 302393648 | |||||
SCORE 100 337 East 81 Street Manhattan Ny Minor partitions in cellar storage area. Ni change in use egress or occ upancy Client: Norman Delman | Client Address: Po Box Po Box 220373 Great Neck Ny 11022 | Client Phone: (516) 487-4454 | Client Company: Norstan Associates | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 110011549 | |||||
SCORE 100 254 West Street Manhattan Ny Convert medical office to residentialdwelling unit. Install shower and electric range. Client: Barbara Cavanaugh | Client Address: 129 129 Charles St Ny Ny 10014 | Client Phone: (212) 633-6500 | Client Company: Clairmont South Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104738278 | |||||
SCORE 100 345 Grand Street Brooklyn Ny Install new sprinkler service and branch piping at existing cellar and first floor,no change in use, egress, occuppancy, or rooming units. Client: Carlo Vutera | Client Address: 345 345 Grand Street Brooklyn Ny 11211 | Client Phone: (917) 495-7733 | Client Company: Rose Resturant | Permit id: 310196445 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Uri Amari | Client Address: 2 2 1st Avenue New York Ny 10009 | Client Phone: (917) 217-2984 | Client Company: Cumberland Company Inc. | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 310239621 | |||||
SCORE 100 86 Prospect Park West Brooklyn Ny Renovation of exisiting kitchen and minor demolition of non load bearing partitions. Also to relocate exisiting kitchen plumbing fixtures, new dishwasher, new wall and floor finishes, and replace exisiting toilet plumbing fixtures with new in existing locations. No change in use, egress or occupancy or rooming units. Client: Dennis Milbauer | Client Address: 86-88 86-88 Prospect Park West Brooklyn Ny 11215 | Client Phone: (718) 788-3084 | Client Company: 86-88 Owners Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 310155738 | |||||
SCORE 100 222 Park Avenue South Manhattan Ny Interior alteration renovate existing bathrooms and kitchen, rfeplace existing plumbing fixtures with new fixtures in existing locations, change 1 tub to shower, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress, occuppancy, or rooming units. Client: Steven Muller | Client Address: 8 8 Second Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 490-5000 | Client Company: Gramercy 222 Residents Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110200880 | |||||
SCORE 100 301 East 79th Street Manhattan Ny Interior alteration to combine 2 apartments, remove 1 of the two kitchens, renovate existing bathrooms and remaining kitchen, new wall and floor finishes, no change in use egress, occuppancy, or rooming units. Client: Ivan Steinberg | Client Address: 301 301 East 79th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 717-4379 | Client Company: Continental Towers Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110150158 | |||||
SCORE 100 105 East 16th Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of apt 6n- minor demo of non-load bearing partitions & kitchen renovation, new partitions, floor & wall finishes, plumbing fixtures, kitchen appliances & cabinets as per plans. No change in use, egress, occupancy or rooming units Client: Jennifer Scribner | Client Address: 105 105 East 16th Street New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 674-4207 | Client Company: 105 East 16th Street Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120627704 | |||||
SCORE 100 1 Riverside Blvd Manhattan Ny Interior alteration of unit 21d: replace existing kitchen & bath fixtures with new in exitsting & adjusted locations, new interior partitions as per plans, floor & wall finishes. No change in use, egress, occupancy or rooming units. Client: Joe Montano | Client Address: 423 423 West 69th Street New York Ny 10069 | Client Phone: (212) 769-2897 | Client Company: Extell Development Company | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120627697 | |||||
SCORE 100 48 Mercer Street Manhattan Ny Interior alt of unit 7: minor demo of non-load bearing partitions, reno of exist kitchen: replace exist kit sink & dw w new in adj loc; new wall & floor finishes; reno of existing bathrooms, new fixtures, floor & wall finishes, install new lavs on new rough & connected to exist risers; no change in use, egress, occuppancy or rooming unit Client: Campion Platt | Client Address: 2 2 East 23rd Street New York Ny 10010 | Client Phone: (212) 674-6123 | Client Company: New Bedford Management Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120279304 | |||||
SCORE 100 592 5 Avenue Manhattan Ny Construct new gyp. Wall partitions, new gyp. Boardhung ceiling & new aco ustical tile hung ceiling. New plumbing fixtures as per plans filed herewith. No change in egress, use or occupancy. Client: John Mancini | Client Address: 55 55 East 59th St New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 326-4710 | Client Company: Uob Realty (usa) Ltd C/o Grubb & | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 102740973 | |||||
SCORE 100 15 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny No work to be done. All work filed approved completed under alt# 516 84 & alt#102338864 for the renovatio of cellar,1st and mezzanine floors to stores offices & jewelry shop. Amended certificate of occupancy to be obtained application filed to comply with tpn#4 2000 Client: V Shafferman | Client Address: 22 22 West 48th Street New York Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 757-4500 | Client Company: Carmania Co. N.Y. Lp Part | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 102746021 | |||||
SCORE 100 15 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny Install new hung ceiling, duct work and air-conditioning units as per plans filed herewith. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: V Shafferman | Client Address: 22 22 West 48th Street Ny Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 757-4500 | Client Company: Carmania Coy | Permit type: Hung ceiling | Permit id: 102767944 | |||||
SCORE 100 15 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny Construct minor partition changes to room # 1602. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: V Shafferman | Client Address: 22 22 West 48th Street Ny Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 757-4500 | Client Company: Carmania Coy Ny | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 102638736 | |||||
SCORE 100 15 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny Legalize the installation of hung ceilin g and duct work and air conditi ning unit as per plans filed herewith. No change in egress use or occupancy. Condenser located on 2nd floor rear setback. Client: V. Shafferman | Client Address: 22 22 West 48th Street Ny Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 757-4500 | Client Company: Carmania Coy | Permit type: Gen constr | Permit id: 102733302 | |||||
SCORE 100 19 East 21 Street Manhattan Ny Remove existing non load bearing partitions and erect new partitions in existing 1st floor store. Install new air conditioning. No change to egress, use or occupancy. Client: Stuart Rubinfeld | Client Address: 303 303 East 6th Street New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 674-0950 | Client Company: Tres Two Llc | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103471280 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Abramovich Alexander | Client Address: 2001 2001 Emmons Ave Bklyn Ny 11235 | Client Phone: (718) 615-4700 | Client Company: Msr Baku International | Permit id: 301091761 | |||||
SCORE 100 579 5 Avenue Manhattan Ny Propose to demo interior partitions, ceiling and doors. Install minor partitions, doors & patch ceiling. Propose to install new plumbing fixtures along with related piping on the 15th floor as indicated on plans. No change to use,egress or occupancy. Client: Axel Stawski | Client Address: 9 9 Third Avenue New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 980-9031 | Client Company: 579 5th Avenue Co. | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 103270096 | |||||
SCORE 100 1208 St Nicholas Avenue Manhattan Ny Demolition of interior finishes, non load bearing partitions, toilets, and storefront. Provide sidewalk fence. Install new storefront, toilets, hvac system, interior partitions, including storage platform. Also install new kitchen equiptment and interior finishes. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: R Salman | Client Address: 238 238 Sherman Avenue New York Ny 10034 | Client Phone: (212) 942-9484 | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 103059814 | |||||
SCORE 100 1095 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Install non load bearing partitions and install new plumbing fixtures as per plans. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Micki Smith | Client Address: 1095 1095 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 371-2525 | Client Company: 1095 Park Avenue Corporation | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103449136 | |||||
SCORE 100 14 West 87 Street Manhattan Ny Cellar apartment rear - construct new powder room at loft area , relocate existing toilet & sink at existing bathroom, new wall finishes , construct new partitions for powder room, replace existing kitchen cabinets with new cabinets in existing location, first floor apartment rear - construct new bathroom at bedroom, no change in use, occupancy , egress, or rooming units Client: David Frey | Client Address: 14 14 West 87th Street New York Ny 10024 | Client Phone: (212) 579-6719 | Client Company: Begonia Realty Inc. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103994590 | |||||
SCORE 100 303 East Houston Street Manhattan Ny Demolition of interior partitions, tin ceilings. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Mark Fischler | Client Address: 12 12 Broadway Hewlett Ny 11557 | Client Phone: (516) 569-1414 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103982825 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Paul Gumbinner | Client Address: 414 414 E 52nd Street Nwe York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 759-2900 | Client Company: Southgate Owners Corp. | Permit type: Replace windows | Permit id: 102287561 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Alex Sirota | Client Address: 5 5 Turtle Hollow Drive Freehold Nj 07728 | Client Phone: (917) 837-7444 | Client Company: New Century Partners, Llc | Permit id: 301835931 | |||||
SCORE 100 2701 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn Ny This application is to file for the boiler worktype for individual residential gas boilers. The gas for pl was filed under nb#301292786 document 03. No change in use egress or occupancy. Client: Mario Nezeri | Client Address: 355 355 Avenue X Brooklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (718) 646-2517 | Client Company: Brooklyn Skyline Llc | Permit id: 301859184 | |||||
SCORE 100 West 47 Street Manhattan Ny Partial demolition of existing interior partitions. Also install new interior partitions and new 5 ton hvac system. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Frank Ring | Client Address: West 47th Street New York Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 765-1655 | Client Company: F.M. Ring | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 102150146 | |||||
SCORE 100 4 East 52 Street Manhattan Ny Renovate existing apartment, re-finish floors & wall. Replace existing plumbing fixtures. Install new mill work. Also construct new powder room Client: Paul Gumbinner | Client Address: 414 414 East 52nd Street New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 759-2900 | Client Company: Southgate Owners Corp. | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 102939386 | |||||
SCORE 100 142 Hendricks Avenue Staten Island Ny Alteration filed horizontally enlarge ex isting basement,first floor, a second floor of existing 2 family wood frame residential structure. 22 feet int o rear yard. Also convert 2 family dwell ing to 4 family dwelling including leg ization of existing basement dwelling un it. Install new bathrooms,stairs,etc f Client: Vito Difalco | Client Address: 53 53 Dexter Avenue Staten Island Ny 10309 | Client Phone: (718) 227-1517 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 500656328 | |||||
SCORE 100 1115 Avenue Z Brooklyn Ny Horizontally enlarge existing 1st and 2nd fl. Of existing 1 fam. Wood frame res. By 2-0" on side yard and 4- 3" on the rear yard, vertically enlarge existing 2 story wood frame res. Adding new 3rd fl., install new bathrooms on 2nd & 3rd fl., new stairs fl. 1 thru 3 new finishes, etc. Client: Mario Neziri | Client Address: 1115 1115 Avenue Z Brooklyn Ny 11235 | Client Phone: (718) 646-2517 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301657008 | |||||
SCORE 100 333 East 79 Street Manhattan Ny Combine two existing apartments into one unit , remove one kitchen, refinish floors, walls, replace existing plumbing fixtures, no change in egress, use, or occupancy. Client: Anthony Bongiorno | Client Address: 333 333 East 79th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 753-3381 | Client Company: First Avenue Owners Inc. | Permit type: Const. | Permit id: 102154188 | |||||
SCORE 100 1324 Forest Hill Road Staten Island Ny Minor demolition, extend existing living room exterior wall aprox. 10- adding an additional 2 s. F. Of f. A. Ne w footing for extension, and new exterior stucco finish on existing mason ry walls. No change in use, egress, or occupancy Client: Joseph Cohen | Client Address: 1324 1324 Forest Hill Road Staten Island Ny 10314 | Client Phone: (718) 983-1862 | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 500553028 | |||||
SCORE 100 2701 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn Ny Install two curb cuts total lenght 27-o including splays curbcut #is loc ated on the west side of cropsey avenue 16- from the corner and is 1 long i ncluding splay. Curb cut #is located on the south side of 27 avenue 1219 from the corner and is 1 long including sp lay. ![]() ![]() Client: Mario Nezeri | Client Address: 355 355 Ave.X Bklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (718) 646-2517 | Client Company: Bklyn Skylilne Llc | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301292786 |