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4 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Abandon two (2) monitoring wells in the median of rhode island avenue ne east of 4th street ne. Well locations will be finished with concrete.
Date:  November 3, 2010
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Eastern Petroleum Corporation | Permit type: Excavation; monitoring well (single), excavation; monitoring well (each addl) | Permit status: Cancel/withdrawn | Expiration date: January 15, 2011
2010/11/030844 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
4 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Excavation; monitoring well (single), excavation; monitoring well (each addl)
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Permit status: 3 | Expiration date: January 15, 2011 | Permit id: 0
0844 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
4 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Excavation; monitoring well (single), excavation; monitoring well (each addl)
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Permit status: 3 | Expiration date: January 15, 2011 | Permit id: 0
0844 Rhode Island Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
918 U Street Nw Washington Dc
Two (2) geotechnical soil borings will be drilled feet deep and 5 inches in diameter. The borings will be drilled using rotary drilling methods. Also, two (2) geotechnical test pits will be excavated to feet deep. All borings and test pits will be abandoned the same day of installation/excavation.
Date:  October 7, 2015
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Clair Wholean C O 918 U Street Llc, Sorg Architects | Permit type: Excavation; boring test pit (single), excavation; boring test pit (each addl) | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: March 25, 2016 | Permit id: Pa117194
2015/10/07084918 U Street Nw Washington DcSamuel Connelly
3707 New Hampshire Avenue Nw Washington Dc
Excavate two geotechnical borings to be drilled feet deep and 5 inches in diameter. The borings will be drilled using rotary drilling methods. The borings will be abandoned the same day of installation. Attached plan and conditions are part of this permit. All woprk shall be completed to dc standrads. Work hours are between 9: am to 3: pm monday through saturday.
Date:  September 16, 2015
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Lex Lefebvre Co Rooney Properties, Llc | Permit type: Excavation; bar & test boring | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: January 7, 2016 | Permit id: Pa116135
2015/09/160843707 New Hampshire Avenue Nw Washington DcSamuel Connelly
16 New York Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Work type: test borings (not test pits) the subject site is located on the westbound sidewalk of new york avenue ne, in washington, dc between the intersections of 4th street ne and fairview avenue ne. As part of the geotechnical investigation, we propose to drill a total of 4 soil borings to a depth of to 55 ft below the ground surface. The boring diameter will be 6. 25 inches, drilled by a hollow stem auger. The boring locations are shown in attachment figure 1 (indicated as b-1 through b-4). Soil boring drilling method: hollow stem augers the borings are advanced by turning an auger with a center opening of 3 inches. A plug device blocks off the center opening while augers are advanced. Cuttings are brought to the surface by the auger flights. Sampling is performed through the center opening in the hollow stem auger, by standard methods, after removal of the plug. Immediately upon completion, all of the borings will be grouted using a bentonite slurry (two pounds bentonite powder to
Date:  October 17, 2016
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Vhb Inc | Permit type: Excavation; bar & test boring | Permit status: Revise and resubmit | Expiration date: March 31, 2017
2016/10/1708416 New York Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
401 New York Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Installing 4 test borings 401 block of new york ave n. E. The subject site is located within the right hand lane of the westbound new york avenue ne, in washington, dc between the intersections of 9th street ne and new york avenue ne. As part of the geotechnical investigation, we propose to drill a total of 4 soil borings to a depth of to 55 ft below the ground surface. The boring diameter will be 6. 25 inches, drilled by a hollow stem auger. The boring locations are shown in attachment figure 1 (indicated as b-1 through b-4). Soil boring drilling method: hollow stem augers the borings are advanced by turning an auger with a center opening of 3 ¼ inches. A plug device blocks off the center opening while augers are advanced. Cuttings are brought to the surface by the auger flights. Sampling is performed through the center opening in the hollow stem auger, by standard methods, after removal of the plug. Immediately upon completion, all of the borings will be groute
Date:  October 17, 2016
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Vhb Inc | Permit type: Excavation; bar & test boring | Permit status: Assigned | Expiration date: March 30, 2017
2016/10/17084401 New York Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
401 New York Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Excavation; bar & test boring
Date:  January 17, 2017
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Permit status: 8 | Expiration date: March 23, 2017 | Permit id: Pa185273
2017/01/17084401 New York Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly
401 New York Avenue Ne Washington Dc
Installing 4 test borings 401 block of new york ave n. E. The subject site is located within the right hand lane of the westbound new york avenue ne, in washington, dc between the intersections of 9th street ne and new york avenue ne. As part of the geotechnical investigation, we propose to drill a total of 4 soil borings to a depth of to 55 ft below the ground surface. The boring diameter will be 6. 25 inches, drilled by a hollow stem auger. The boring locations are shown in attachment figure 1 (indicated as b-1 through b-4). Soil boring drilling method: hollow stem augers the borings are advanced by turning an auger with a center opening of 3 ¼ inches. A plug device blocks off the center opening while augers are advanced. Cuttings are brought to the surface by the auger flights. Sampling is performed through the center opening in the hollow stem auger, by standard methods, after removal of the plug. Immediately upon completion, all of the borings will be groute
Date:  March 21, 2017
Contractor: Samuel Connelly

Client: Vhb Inc | Permit type: Excavation; bar & test boring | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: May 22, 2017 | Permit id: Pa185273-R1
2017/03/21084401 New York Avenue Ne Washington DcSamuel Connelly

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